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Still no AA or high res pacs?


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Read the patch information, they already mentioned about the graphic will function correctly now in this current patch that will come !!!


This doesn't mean they added AA. They will say "Added AA to graphic options."


Also everyone is reporting that the textures haven't change one bit, so gee it sure would be nice to hear from a dev about this?

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Read the patch information, they already mentioned about the graphic will function correctly now in this current patch that will come !!!


The patch note is meaningless, which is why they purposefully made it so ambiguous. Check out the test server if you don't believe me the game looks the exact same, which is sub par and ugly.

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You can manually turn on AA and it does work fine however Bioware should put the AA setting back in so gamers do not have to fish around in their files. It is a 10 to 15 second thing but convience is king now-a-days lol.


i could... but i expect a game in 2012 to have decent textures and AA

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i could... but i expect a game in 2012 to have decent textures and AA


Oh i'm sorry i didn't know graphics were everything that mattered in a game especially an rpg? Any good company that creates an mmo will cater the graphics to people who have more sub par computers to get as many subs as possible, if you want better graphics than the majority of people that play set your settings to high(possibly ultra some day).


Not sure if you're just trying to troll or what but going by that post you must not play many rpgs at all, for the last 10 years or so it has become very clear for rpgs that the better the graphics the worse the overall game, story which is the main focus in the first place has been taking the back seat to graphics since FF12 came out. It's bad when i can go back and play an rpg 20 years old and be more into the story than i am with any current day rpg that has far superior graphics.

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Oh i'm sorry i didn't know graphics were everything that mattered in a game especially an rpg? Any good company that creates an mmo will cater the graphics to people who have more sub par computers to get as many subs as possible, if you want better graphics than the majority of people that play set your settings to high(possibly ultra some day).


Not sure if you're just trying to troll or what but going by that post you must not play many rpgs at all, for the last 10 years or so it has become very clear for rpgs that the better the graphics the worse the overall game, story which is the main focus in the first place has been taking the back seat to graphics since FF12 came out. It's bad when i can go back and play an rpg 20 years old and be more into the story than i am with any current day rpg that has far superior graphics.

Firstly, setting graphics to "high" doesn't fix the problem these folks are talking about. Anti-aliasing has been a gaming staple for years and setting the textures to high doesn't actually DO anything. The high-res textures aren't there. The game simply loads the mid-range textures if you set the textures to high. Including better graphics *options* doesn't impact performance on lower-end machines because people with those lower-end machines can simply turn them off. For those of us who paid a lot of money for higher-end machines, we don't like seeing our investment go to waste because we're seeing the same textures someone on a $400 system is seeing on a $1,200 system.


Also, developers are structured into teams. There's a sound team, a coding team, a QA team, a design team, an art team, etc. etc. There's no reason why a game can't have acceptable graphics and an acceptable story. It's a totally separate set of people working on each. The design team works the story and the quests etc. etc. while the animation/art team create the game assets (models, textures, lighting, rigs, animation, particles, physics, etc.). It's not one set of people dividing their time between graphics and design. There's never a decision made to "focus" on graphics over story because that decision is wholly unnecessary due to division of labor.


I'm sorry you don't like the newer Square-Enix titles (for the record, I can't stand them, either), but you really can't say that *all* RPGs decline in story quality as they increase in graphical quality. Squeenix just happened to start hemorrhaging money and talent while graphics hardware evolved as it always has. The two things are completely unrelated.


If you don't have a problem with the graphics, that's great. I'm glad you're enjoying the game. But we have a legitimate issue that needs to be addressed, and I'm sorry your self-esteem is so low that you feel it's necessary to lecture us on how what we think is important is completely irrelevant compared to your opinion. We must be retarded for not realizing that all these new-fangled arepeegee vidya-games are terrible because they're built to run on hardware invented after the 1980's. Thank you so much, sir, for enlightening us. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have someone to tell me how shallow and inferior I am (over the internet, no less) for expecting models that don't look like a bucket of vomit smeared over a sheet of polygons with serrated edges.

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Since over 30% of their customers can't even enter bg because of their crappy engine, I'm sure making it worse is not what they're gonna do first.


I'd love to know where that statistic came from. Though I'm not going to touch it, because I'm sure I know what you pulled it out of.

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Firstly, setting graphics to "high" doesn't fix the problem these folks are talking about. Anti-aliasing has been a gaming staple for years and setting the textures to high doesn't actually DO anything. The high-res textures aren't there. The game simply loads the mid-range textures if you set the textures to high. Including better graphics *options* doesn't impact performance on lower-end machines because people with those lower-end machines can simply turn them off. For those of us who paid a lot of money for higher-end machines, we don't like seeing our investment go to waste because we're seeing the same textures someone on a $400 system is seeing on a $1,200 system.


Also, developers are structured into teams. There's a sound team, a coding team, a QA team, a design team, an art team, etc. etc. There's no reason why a game can't have acceptable graphics and an acceptable story. It's a totally separate set of people working on each. The design team works the story and the quests etc. etc. while the animation/art team create the game assets (models, textures, lighting, rigs, animation, particles, physics, etc.). It's not one set of people dividing their time between graphics and design. There's never a decision made to "focus" on graphics over story because that decision is wholly unnecessary due to division of labor.


I'm sorry you don't like the newer Square-Enix titles (for the record, I can't stand them, either), but you really can't say that *all* RPGs decline in story quality as they increase in graphical quality. Squeenix just happened to start hemorrhaging money and talent while graphics hardware evolved as it always has. The two things are completely unrelated.


If you don't have a problem with the graphics, that's great. I'm glad you're enjoying the game. But we have a legitimate issue that needs to be addressed, and I'm sorry your self-esteem is so low that you feel it's necessary to lecture us on how what we think is important is completely irrelevant compared to your opinion. We must be retarded for not realizing that all these new-fangled arepeegee vidya-games are terrible because they're built to run on hardware invented after the 1980's. Thank you so much, sir, for enlightening us. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have someone to tell me how shallow and inferior I am (over the internet, no less) for expecting models that don't look like a bucket of vomit smeared over a sheet of polygons with serrated edges.


The textures are as high-res as you're going to get. They are higher than WoW, not as high as AoC or others. But there is no high-rez texture pack.


That said, the game looks phenomenal. If you're seeing blurry textures that appear to be low rez, then there's a bug or setting on your end that's at fault. There were some of these bugs during testing which caused video cards to only display the lowest rez textures. despite what was selected.

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for those who can't read french, and those who dont want to wait for Bioware/EA to add the option, this brief article detals how to enable AA on nvidia cards:




that mehod has bugs with holgrams in convos.



go to nvcp.

mage 3d setting

select a program to customize


find swtor.exe in teh swtor folder(not the launcher.exe)

antialising mode to enhance the application setting

antialising setting - flavour to taste and performance.


please note nvidia cards before 400 series didn't do AA well at all.

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The textures are as high-res as you're going to get. They are higher than WoW, not as high as AoC or others. But there is no high-rez texture pack.


That said, the game looks phenomenal. If you're seeing blurry textures that appear to be low rez, then there's a bug or setting on your end that's at fault. There were some of these bugs during testing which caused video cards to only display the lowest rez textures. despite what was selected.

The high-res textures are, in fact, missing. There was a developer comment to that effect previously stating that they had been removed due to issues they were having with some cards (mainly ATI). Try going in-game and switching to low textures, then to medium and then to high. The textures don't change at all between medium and high. If you attempt to force high-res textures through the client settings ini then either you still end up with the medium textures or no textures at all (everything appears white).



Here's the exact dev post from Stephen Reid on December 23rd:


Edited by naardejood
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anyone who has ever played an mmo and has half a brain knwos not to beleive anything the devs say until its actually implimented, there wsas NO REASON to remove high rez textures, or draw distance, yet neither made it into launch, both which could dramatically help player experience and framerate..



so what if you have a crap laptop that cant run te game, why should i suffer and not be able to turn up my draw distance??? it makes no sense, its like they are punishing people with good computers just tomake the whiners feel like they have legit conceerns when they dont, if you cant run the game, dont try to run it on a peiceo f crap computer. if you like the game that much, get a job, mow some extra yards. but a new computer, but dont expect people with real jobs and real systems to suffer cause of your laziness.

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I was in the beta 4 months ago.. when the high res textures were in. The problem was that it was only going active during a conversation with a quest npc.. I can tell you the high res textures look amazing. It definately looks like it was made in 2011...


For the few people on here saying "OH CUZ GRAHIX MATTERS ON RPGS/MMOS"...


Well.. yeah kinda they do. Just like a good UI matters, like a good questline matters, like having multiple raids matters, like having an auction house matters. None of thsoe are necessity... they are things that make the game better. And for this being a game released in 2011 (almost 2012) and for having spent the most money on a MMORPG ever... they should have had this squared away.


You can say they don't matter all you want, but to some people they do, and the medium textures are fine, but this game looks like crap with medium textures. I am sorry, but it is a huge difference and makes the game much better if you have a quality sound and graphics to go along with your gameplay.. everyone knows that.

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