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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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PVP is so disappointing. Was hoping for a lot better after all the hype the company did up to launch.


Some company will come along in the next bit (couple of years) and will have an instant success on their hands...because they did pvp right enough to get our blood pumping. I hope it to be soon.


Ohh and you angry carebears snapping at those leaving may end up wishing we who do spend a lot on our games stayed. Or maybe not, who cares. Go look back on the Rift forums...same thing happened. Enjoy your PVE ladies.


Nice choose your adventure video game. PVP disaster.




Rift and TOR's pvp are worlds apart, trust me. I'm an L50 Sentinel who is enjoying Ilum and Outlaw's Den for non-instanced open-world PVP, and the Warzones are much better designed than Rift's were. We'll see more refinement as time goes on, the devs have already said PVP systems are on their plate unlike Rift where it was radio silence forever followed by "no pvp zone in the works, we don't want it to take away from instanced stuff!".

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Yeah I cancelled a few days back. None of the beta issues were addressed and none of the extremely urgent fps retail issues have been addressed so there's no reason to have any faith in a quick fix at all.


If they do fix up a lot of the problems I'll come back and give it another shot, 'til then I've got better games to play.

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I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you want to own at PvP, then just get to level 50. If you don't want to rush your way to level 50, then just don't PvP right now, it's not like it's the only way to level.


Sure they could improve it and put in a bracket system or something like that, but it's not even 2 weeks after launch and they have to fix all the bugs that actually affect gameplay, instead of catering to whiny little girls that cry if they don't get exactly what they want.



So, your point is if you like competitive pvp, then don't bother with the warzones until

you are lvl 50.. meaning forget enjoying what you like to do and the reason you selected a pvp server. Not to mention that you HAVE to do them for the later gear credits. How shortsighted can you be. There needs to be brackets so that everyone can have fun with the warzones.. not just those with no life outside of SWTOR.

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i have to agree, for a company as bioware i expected a lot more serious profesional act.

especialy with the resources they supoce to have.


gonna give them 3 month's for some balance around PvP, especialy the damn knockback is a getting very anoying for all people.

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Bunch of QQ'ers that wont earn their tier 1-2 set which takes absolutely NO TIME AT ALL to get. 1 week of losses and doing dailys and you'll start getting pieces. If you're not 50 yet... then GET TO 50. Otherwise do what you can. Better yet:


LEAVE THE GAME ALREADY KIDS! PLEASE. Obviously its not for you. Everyone wants easy kills without earning. I know in your heads you must all think you're the greatest gamer out there without putting forth any effort at all.

Edited by Detcelfer
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Sad to say it but they've got one month left to make some big changes or I'm outa here too, and I was so hyped for this game, got into beta weekends many times and had a blast. Been waiting for over a year in anticipation...


But I'm a PvPer. I'll PvE, sure, especially because the rest of my guild does it, but that's not my priority. I like killing players. What options do I get for that in this game?


- Open world PvP is a joke. It almost never happens before Illum, and Illum is even more of a joke. You're *encouraged* not to kill the opposing faction there because current daily/weekly quest mechanics promote cooperation between the factions rather than war.


- Huttball. Need I say more? This is so old I just leave every time I get into a match now. I queue up for PvP because I want to kill enemy players, not micromanage a damn ball.


- Voidstar and Alderaan are fun...so that leaves 2 interesting Warzones which pop far less frequently than forsaken Huttball. How many times can I do these 2 small WZs before they start to get boring?


Probably about a month, which is how long I'll wait for changes to be made, as I said earlier.

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What a failure at life, do you lack reading comprehension? This has nothing to do with easy kills or getting a PvP set, it's about the retarded 4 second ability delay and 1-10 FPS drop on TOP OF THE LINE COMPUTERS and NO BRACKETS and NOTHING FROM DEVELOPERS. People that encourage unsubbing will regret it very soon because you don't understand basic business. No subs= no monthly income = Less content and expansions/fixs for you that STAY IN THE GAME.
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Bunch of QQ'ers that wont earn their tier 1-2 set which takes absolutely NO TIME AT ALL to get. 1 week of losses and doing dailys and you'll start getting pieces. If you're not 50 yet... then GET TO 50. Otherwise do what you can. Better yet:


LEAVE THE GAME ALREADY KIDS! PLEASE. Obviously its not for you. Everyone wants easy kills without earning. I know in your heads you must all think you're the greatest gamer out there without putting forth any effort at all.


lol, I love it when people get defensive and cry over someone saying something they like has shortcomings.


That said, while amusing, you should learn to read.

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What a failure at life, do you lack reading comprehension? This has nothing to do with easy kills or getting a PvP set, it's about the retarded 4 second ability delay and 1-10 FPS drop on TOP OF THE LINE COMPUTERS and NO BRACKETS and NOTHING FROM DEVELOPERS. People that encourage unsubbing will regret it very soon because you don't understand basic business. No subs= no monthly income = Less content and expansions/fixs for you that STAY IN THE GAME.


Well, now we know you're just tr--I mean, trying to incite people.

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I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you want to own at PvP, then just get to level 50. If you don't want to rush your way to level 50, then just don't PvP right now, it's not like it's the only way to level.


Sure they could improve it and put in a bracket system or something like that, but it's not even 2 weeks after launch and they have to fix all the bugs that actually affect gameplay, instead of catering to whiny little girls that cry if they don't get exactly what they want.

So there is no option to level up by having fun doing balanced PVP? Why is the only option to play unbalanced pvp or not play at all?

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This is, at best, a childish protest that won't really amount in anything but the "quitters" leaving the game for something that will - eventually - get fixed, like every other "annoying" thing in the game. I mean, come on. It's a recently released game, and for being so new SW:TOR is a very well made one on all aspects, even if it is, as most newly released games are, flawed.


I went into pvp at level 20 with a sage. Healer too. Getting a good team assured my survival, and getting a meatshield to protect me and to heal assured my survival even more, as well as victories. It's not about the levels. The only thing that is a difference between a level 20 and a level 50 in a warzone is the abilities. Other than that, it boils down to how good you are are PvP and how good your team is overall. Stop whining and l2pvp instead. ;)

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This is, at best, a childish protest that won't really amount in anything but the "quitters" leaving the game for something that will - eventually - get fixed, like every other "annoying" thing in the game. I mean, come on. It's a recently released game, and for being so new SW:TOR is a very well made one on all aspects, even if it is, as most newly released games are, flawed.


I went into pvp at level 20 with a sage. Healer too. Getting a good team assured my survival, and getting a meatshield to protect me and to heal assured my survival even more, as well as victories. It's not about the levels. The only thing that is a difference between a level 20 and a level 50 in a warzone is the abilities. Other than that, it boils down to how good you are are PvP and how good your team is overall. Stop whining and l2pvp instead. ;)


This. Also while you have fewer abilities the ones you do have hit/heal harder!

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What a failure at life, do you lack reading comprehension? This has nothing to do with easy kills or getting a PvP set, it's about the retarded 4 second ability delay and 1-10 FPS drop on TOP OF THE LINE COMPUTERS and NO BRACKETS and NOTHING FROM DEVELOPERS. People that encourage unsubbing will regret it very soon because you don't understand basic business. No subs= no monthly income = Less content and expansions/fixs for you that STAY IN THE GAME.


Bioware had over 100 million dollars and near on 6 years to get this game out, it should be more polished than this. They are the most tight lipped MMO devs I've ever seen and they hotfix stuff at a snail pace. Yes it's been the holiday, I'll give em some leniency for that, but please. No built in anti aliasing, piss poor performance on even high end rigs, the most obnoxious sharding system ever conceived, tons of crashing bugs/glitches for many people, a pathetic in-game market system. Atm, TOR is simply a mess from all standpoints.


Concerning PvP, its horrifically broken. It's like an alpha build of PvP for any other MMO. No brackets? seriously? Completely ridiculous abilities that make melee classes nearly obsolete entirely (20-30m knockbacks), terrible ability delay/non-responsiveness, terrible WZ bugs like the infiltrate in Voidstar exploit and lag warping.


It's a joke, and unsubbing IS the only way they will start to fix things at a faster than sloth like speed. If they have everyone's money anyway, why not just sit back and ride the gravy train. They aren't in it to please customers (Which is obvious from their ATROCIOUS customer service), they're in it for pure cash.


I'm sticking around for one month paid subbing. If MAJOR changes aren't made, Au revoir.

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Just bought 6 months. amidoingitright?


But seriously, ragequit over a optional part of the game? Realy?


Is this your first MMO?! srsly...for alot of people it is THE ONLY part of the game. Get a clue please. Some people just PVE, some people just PVP and some people do both. As it stands the PVP aspect of this game needs alot of work and alot of people are not waiting any longer for things that should have been taken care of in beta =)

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Bioware had over 100 million dollars and near on 6 years to get this game out, it should be more polished than this. They are the most tight lipped MMO devs I've ever seen and they hotfix stuff at a snail pace. Yes it's been the holiday, I'll give em some leniency for that, but please. No built in anti aliasing, piss poor performance on even high end rigs, the most obnoxious sharding system ever conceived, tons of crashing bugs/glitches for many people, a pathetic in-game market system. Atm, TOR is simply a mess from all standpoints.


Concerning PvP, its horrifically broken. It's like an alpha build of PvP for any other MMO. No brackets? seriously? Completely ridiculous abilities that make melee classes nearly obsolete entirely (20-30m knockbacks), terrible ability delay/non-responsiveness, terrible WZ bugs like the infiltrate in Voidstar exploit and lag warping.


It's a joke, and unsubbing IS the only way they will start to fix things at a faster than sloth like speed. If they have everyone's money anyway, why not just sit back and ride the gravy train. They aren't in it to please customers (Which is obvious from their ATROCIOUS customer service), they're in it for pure cash.


I'm sticking around for one month paid subbing. If MAJOR changes aren't made, Au revoir.


Wrong on every count basically.... sorry. I'll rebut your points if you want.

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Enjoy your WoW sub ...

or sitting on your hands til GW2 ...

or playing anything else.


Nobody cares if you were in beta. Nobody cares about how this game is not a sandbox, you were not promised anything that wasn't delivered. They promised you story as THE major game element, you got it.


They promised you an MMO - you assumed it would be WoW 6 years in.

They promised you instanced PvP - you assumed all of the bugs and balance issues would be worked out day 1.

They promised you they would fix the issues - you assumed it would be on your schedule.


Your entitlement / daddy issues are not needed here. We have our own problems and you not being able to wear the crown of ePeen after 4 days of "hardcore" spacebarring because you exploited some win trading in a high arena bracket is the absolute least of them.


Enjoy the wait for whatever you intend to play. We'll be here playing SWTOR and enjoying it, because we didn't come here for bugfree software. We came to play an MMO from launch onwards. Two years from now you'll be saying you were in beta for TOR and how the game sucked on launch. I'll be clearing content and having a ball while finding time to play GW2 and all those other games you'll flee to on my down time.


Suck it.


P.S. This is the exact same bollocks we saw at Rift launch and that game's still going strong. Your words mean nothing, your leaving means nothing, your money won't be missed and no one will be tracking your progress. None of us are important. Enjoy your thread while it lasts. Can't wait for the free month to end so I can play without all the whiney nabs.

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Enjoy your WoW sub ...

or sitting on your hands til GW2 ...

or playing anything else.


Nobody cares if you were in beta. Nobody cares about how this game is not a sandbox, you were not promised anything that wasn't delivered. They promised you story as THE major game element, you got it.


They promised you an MMO - you assumed it would be WoW 6 years in.

They promised you instanced PvP - you assumed all of the bugs and balance issues would be worked out day 1.

They promised you they would fix the issues - you assumed it would be on your schedule.


Your entitlement / daddy issues are not needed here. We have our own problems and you not being able to wear the crown of ePeen after 4 days of "hardcore" spacebarring because you exploited some win trading in a high arena bracket is the absolute least of them.


Enjoy the wait for whatever you intend to play. We'll be here playing SWTOR and enjoying it, because we didn't come here for bugfree software. We came to play an MMO from launch onwards. Two years from now you'll be saying you were in beta for TOR and how the game sucked on launch. I'll be clearing content and having a ball while finding time to play GW2 and all those other games you'll flee to on my down time.


Suck it.


P.S. This is the exact same bollocks we saw at Rift launch and that game's still going strong. Your words mean nothing, your leaving means nothing, your money won't be missed and no one will be tracking your progress. None of us are important. Enjoy your thread while it lasts. Can't wait for the free month to end so I can play without all the whiney nabs.


People who defend the game with all of it's faults as if it was perfect attempting to belittle the community angered by things that they have every right be be angered by is what really kills MMO's.


Look at Rift and the Trion defense force coming in to troll anyone who said anything negative about the game...the game suffered greatly.

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Good. Keep cancelling guys, would love if you guys keep filtering yourself out so that all the bad awful unskilled whiners are gone ;) "waah 50s kill me icant level in bgs" ever tried wow before cataclysm? There was no bolster buff there, u literally got 1shot by twinks and you didn't even get XP. Took WoW 6 years to fix that. If you've waited 2weeks and already wanna quit because of a minor issue that only occurs while you're leveling, go quit. You're the kind of person that shouldn't be in the game to begin with.
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I started plaing wow back in Vanila and I enjoyed it back then. Haven't plaied in years since they nerfed the entire game to easy mode.


I enjoy alot fo this game, I want to enjoy it all. Including the odd PVP match. I currently rerolled on Imperial joined a warzone at level 10 and won 5 in a row and I was a solo pug. Why because we have 4-50's and they were face rolling everyone on the other team. I didn't even pick an advanced class was pretty much useless but we still won match after match because of the 50's carrying.


I don't know how anyone can see this as "Fair" This is a very flawed system always has been and still not fixed. Known problem since before Beta but still no change.


I don't want to rush to 50 I enjoy the progression to 50 not the engame. Why should I have to rush to 50 just to have a fair PVP match. From everything I have seen Imperial out number republic on all servers(at least west, PVP)


So I uess I will just play that toon and at least be on the winning team 85%-90% of the time and let those poor Republic get destroyed.


Only way to get Bioware to fix the problem is to affect the bottom line. All they care about is profit. Vote with your wallet and let them know your not gonna pay for this crap PVP system.

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