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Okay, Okay... So everyone DOES want Looking for Dungeon.


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LFD is a tossup. Its not needed but imo would be fine if it wasn't cross-server.


What the game does need is better looking for group tools though. If LFD isn't the answer then there needs to be some more global chat channels or the "LFG" flag needs to have some real LFG settings like what you're looking for and what your role or spec is...


As it is right now the system is incredibly dumb since most groups are forming on the Fleet and you have to sit around doing nothing while you look for a group because if you leave for another planet you likely will not find one.


I'm also getting rather tired of the dozens of tells I receive each day asking me to group (sometimes when I'm already mid Flashpoint) and if I am a healer and then sometimes followed by begging. The fact that people are just spamming the who list shows you how worthless the LFG tools in the game are.

Edited by Lightmgl
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Excuse me, but I sure as heck DO NOT want a dungeon finder. It does not improve the game, it makes it worse.



Please stop trying to speak for the entire game populous. Not everyone is eager for games to make the same mistakes of WoW just because people got used to playing it.

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You are listening to all the BS they are feeding you and not paying attention to the real results. Cross Server LFD is NOT wanted by ANY PLAYERBASE AT ALL


The Reaction has been entirely negative.


To combat this is to combat your paying customers.


Did you even read what I wrote or are you just trolling? Because I said it would be a waste of resources and not needed anytime soon (maybe not even 6 months down the line)...


FYI, in MMOs, 6 months can be an eternity.

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Cross server LFD does not destroy a community, in all reality it can help save a server and is generally a last resort option for when there is a lack of influx of new players to find groups for the lower out of date type stuff. It helps when the subscription base is falling and server merges are imminent, so we don't need this ASAP as it would be wasted resources even 3 months down the line.




You clearly didn't play wow before LFD. Giving haven to greifers and ninjas obliterated the community.

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Excuse me, but I sure as heck DO NOT want a dungeon finder. It does not improve the game, it makes it worse.



Please stop trying to speak for the entire game populous. Not everyone is eager for games to make the same mistakes of WoW just because people got used to playing it.


Your suppose to read a post before you reply... not just the topic.

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It needs to happen, and it needs to happen fast. Possibly even more important than having a 50s only bracket and cross server for warzones.


Those things are at the top of my (and loads of people) list of deciding factors when it will be time to resub past the 1-2 months deadline.

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It needs to happen, and it needs to happen fast. Possibly even more important than having a 50s only bracket and cross server for warzones.


Those things are at the top of my (and loads of people) list of deciding factors when it will be time to resub past the 1-2 months deadline.


You are all free to go back to playing WoW where the game has that for you in abundance. Those who actually want a community in their game will continue to play this game. As far as I have been able to tell thus far more people DONT want it in then do.


At the end of the day those who want an LFF tool are just unwilling to make the effort to find a group or make one from within their guild or something along those lines.

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I don't want it. So statement is false.




LFD, and particularly cross server LFD, promotes arse-hattery in the server population. Sure, responsible people will use it responsibly, but it opens up the flood gates for the social malcontents to negatively impact the communiy as a whole.

Edited by Andryah
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How about a looking for no more LFD/LFF threads tool? Im sure those of us who are sick and tired of seeing threads like this appear every day or so would LOVE a tool like this.


Any chance of that happening?


Not everyone reads the forums so often... especially hard when threads fall off the pages in less than 5 minutes.

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You are all free to go back to playing WoW where the game has that for you in abundance. Those who actually want a community in their game will continue to play this game. As far as I have been able to tell thus far more people DONT want it in then do.


At the end of the day those who want an LFF tool are just unwilling to make the effort to find a group or make one from within their guild or something along those lines.


Yes because spamming chat for 30 minutes to an hours is sooooo much fun right? Which hole do you people crawl out of?

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Cross server LFG and BGS.

cause you know, shorter queues are shorter.


stop whining with your hate for cross server groups. Not every server is full, why punish people that play on low pop servers? And dont come with this community nonsense. You can still have one, just dont use the tool and group the old way ?!?!


seriously stop whining.

Edited by Sollon
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I will HATE Bioware if they make a Cross-faction Looking for Flashpoint. If its server-specific, sure. But I don't want an ingrate-creating, jackarse-advocating cross-server system put in place.


So you're definitely wrong, OP. Not everyone wants what WoW killed its community with.

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Nope, not everyone DOES want LFD. I just don't care.

If they'll throw in automatic LFD tool from WoW - won't use it. If they'll implement inteface to check where you want to go so lfm grp leaders can get a list of available faces to invite - that would be nice. And not even hard to do, just tweak current LFM option in Social.

No LFD tool? Not that bad, after all it's not that hard to shout a little or search by level and ask if anyone want to join.

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Not that I completely disagree with the fact that its annoying. But "hours on end" ?! ... It is not that hard to find groups for current content. Not that I'm 50 yet, but I've found a group for a flashpoint within 10-15 minutes every time I've tried, except once. And that one time, I found something else to do. I'm sure it's harder as you get toward max level right now, just because everyone doesn't level at the same speed.


Ya sorry guy im sure every one wants to spend 10 minutes of there life multiple times spamming 36 merc LFG boarding party!!! sounds like a waste of time to me but remember it builds the community for everyone to be pissed they cant get a group.

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Ya sorry guy im sure every one wants to spend 10 minutes of there life multiple times spamming 36 merc LFG boarding party!!! sounds like a waste of time to me but remember it builds the community for everyone to be pissed they cant get a group.


I'm going to tell my grandpa story now, but I promise it won't involve snow or hills.



Back in my day before one game in a sea of others added in a tool that happens to have been put in game just before it began hemorrhaging members (another rant), those shouts served a very important purpose. They got you to form groups with people who you otherwise would not have interacted with and (this is the important part) HAD THE CHANCE TO INTERACT WITH AGAIN.


You see, you would form a group and while you did your dungeon you would chat. You would get to know the person and their play style. You would learn a bit about them and if they were cool you would add them to your friend list, or possibly even your guild. This way, when you wanted to group up later you had a list of people who you could ask first, before resorting to shouting in trade/Jeuno/1/whatever. When this list was exhausted you started this process again.


Having these people ON YOUR SERVER and having a system where you could not just roll the dice meant that you actually had to build a reputation as the kind of person people WANT to play with. If you were a good DPS, when that tank from 2 weeks ago went to form a group he would send you a whisper to see if you wanted in. If you were a good healer you could expect that people would often ask if you wanted to run again. If you were generally just a joy to group with you could expect your pleas for assistance would not go unheeded.


But then ONE GAME put in a system to circumvent this process. ONE GAME decided it was more important to get people into the dungeons NOWNOWNOW than to make sure that they enjoyed being in them in the first place. And for some reason, even though they have lose 20% of their user base since making that decision, this is still considered the right move by some.

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I DEFINITELY don't want one if it's cross-server. I am absolutely, 100% opposed to it.


If it's server-specific I'm fine with it.....but I definitely don't want something that auto-magically teleports everyone to the flashpoint.


Why do you enjoy making people wait for someone to get to a flashpoint?


This is a serious question.


What enjoyment do you get out of it? If I am not mistaken, the reason for playing the game is to get enjoyment. So, if you want something in the game or not in the game, you must get enjoyment out of it.



As for it ruining the community, that is pure insanity. LFD had no effect on the WoW community, I ran a guild of ~400 people, and i didn't notice any difference in the community, other than people were getting into and running dungeons faster and more often. I had no problem meeting new people and grouping and doing thigns with them.


Maybe you can argue that people had less time to chat in trade chat, because they were spending more time playing the game.

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But then ONE GAME put in a system to circumvent this process. ONE GAME decided it was more important to get people into the dungeons NOWNOWNOW than to make sure that they enjoyed being in them in the first place. And for some reason, even though they have lose 20% of their user base since making that decision, this is still considered the right move by some.




are you crazy, losing players has nothing to do with LFD, and everything to do with a myriad of other decsions, and the simple fact that games get old.

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I ran a guild of ~400 people, and i didn't notice any difference in the community.


There's your answer. Outside of guilds, PuGs advocated nothing but the WORST behavior.


And that's my big statement other than the question: "Did you hear a whooshing noise as you hit post?"

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