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Anybody else almost NOT buy but happy they did?


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Let me start by saying I'm still early in the game on multiple characters/factions so I can't speak for late game play. However...


I'm one that almost didn't buy because 1. these forums complaints, 2. WoW burnout. Started WoW in closed beta, my first MMORPG, LOVED it, played until lvl 83 and just couldn't bring myself to log in anymore (the grind, dead world, dead community, on and on... a lot of reasons), 3. Skyrim, which is a great game too.


I've been having a GREAT time with SWTOR and I'm happy I gave it a shot. Are there issues? Of course! I'll be sticking around for awhile to see some of the kinks worked out though. It's certainly good enough to deserve that, and my measly $15/month. It's great to see people talking to each other again, and I'm filling up my "friends" list like back in the old days of WoW.


A few quick observations; I'm actually interested in the quests/stories, this doesn't feel like a treadmill grind (yet), I suprisingly don't really notice what level I'm at, don't seem to care, the game world opens up as I play, talking to other players again besides my guild. Every class feels different to me so far, not a copy of another. Some of this is just cosmetic, but some is real and will lend itself to different play styles. I don't care if one will be considered OP a bit. Just keep some variety please!


Issues so far? As a healer I'm noticing the delayed response. It's odd and can be difficult. I hope they smooth that out. I don't like how crafting can come in secondary to badges. I despised badge rewards in WoW and don't like them here. I want to be forced to get drops or buy my gear from crafters. The economy is young however, and this may work itself out as time passes and endgame gearing begins. Which leads me to crafting. I just want it to be needed and not something tacked on. I haven't played enough to see where this will end up, but early game crafting seems pretty weak and as I said earlier, easily overtaken by damn badges.


If you, like me, were suffering from WoW burnout, you really should give this a try!


Will I stick around for 6-7 years like WoW? It'll be hard for any game to capture my attention like that again... but in the mean time, back to the game!

Edited by Wintor
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No one who didn't buy it will reply since you need a sub to post.


But I for one cancelled wow to play this but my wife still plays wow. I occasionally get the urge to play when I'm watching her because I played for so long. But I find when I play TOR I'm really enjoying it and I don't even think about wow. I mean if something in game reminds me of wow then I do.

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Almost didn't buy it because never tried the betas, some friends talked me into it, and already bored of it. Wish I had the option of my 60 bucks back. The pvp is terrible and the world is bland and lacks that MMO feel. I absolutely hate the sharding.


This game is probably going to hemmorhage players quickly so wouldn't be surprised if it went free2play.

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I almost didn't buy it, and I wish I didn't


It's not that SWTOR isn't worth 60 dollars; it is. But SWTOR is not worth 15 dollars a month, I wish I had waited to see if the game went free to play, and bought it if it had, and passed on it, if it never does


I wish you didn't buy the game as well since all you do on these forums is cry like a toddler in every single post you respond to or create. Hopefully you still decide to quit so we can all clap in excitement.

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I wish you didn't buy the game as well since all you do on these forums is cry like a toddler in every single post you respond to or create. Hopefully you still decide to quit so we can all clap in excitement.


Hey SWGVet, I see you've changed your Avatar


Anyway, you've been following SWTOR for a long time, and as such, you know as well as I do that it could've been a lot better; and that it probably should've been released later

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like you I was burned out on WoW and more or less swore to myself that I'd never again play another subscription MMO. I followed SWTOR development on and off, at one point even preordered it on amazon based on excitement or others, but canceled that prerorder soon after. I wasn't going to buy it. and then, because I signed up for the forums at one point and on a whim (and to satisfy a curiosity) applied for Beta? I got a Beta weekend invite. after that weekend I redid my preorder and am still glad that I did. the game is worth it for me on many different levels. and that's coming from someone who wasn't going to play another subscription based MMO ever again. best made plans and all that :)


I'm having fun. I'm having a blast. and I barely scratched the surface of everything I want to do in this game

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Hey SWGVet, I see you've changed your Avatar


Anyway, you've been following SWTOR for a long time, and as such, you know as well as I do that it could've been a lot better; and that it probably should've been released later


I agree with that but you have a sour attitude on these forums, all you do is whine. Some things are creditable but most of your rants are just meh.

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I almost didn't buy it; in fact, I was dead-set against buying it. My cousin had it pre-ordered for a while and kept suggesting I try it out. After playing WoW for so many years and then quitting due to burnout, I just didn't think I could do another MMO again. I tried Rift and it really didn't hold my attention at all. The raids are what typically held my attention in the past and Rift just didn't do it for me.


About 2 weeks before the early access was opened, I finally caved in and purchased it. My cousin swore to me if I didn't like it that he would refund my $80.00, so I figured it'd be a wash either way. After a little over 2 weeks of gameplay so far, I'm really enjoying the game as a whole. Some bugs are more annoying than others (sith corruption, camera distance resetting just to name a couple), but the overall game is keeping me entertained. For once, I'm not thinking of the end-game while playing an MMO. I'm just enjoying the ride.

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I almost didn't, the beta made me change my mind on the open weekend. So I was on day 3 of the waves, I am glad I did still and enjoying still with over 50+ hours in the game I got my $60 worth already. However the management at Bioware has left me on the fence on whether or not to resub, if I don't see improvement with customer service, and communication by the end of the month I probably wont resub.
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When I first heard rumors back years ago, well before Bioware announced the game, I actually pestered my local gamestop to see if they had gotten word of a pre-order option. I am glade I bought this game. Coming from many different MMOs' over the years, I think I found one that fits.
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ShadySketchy, I swear I have seen you post in every thread I read. Do you just sit there all day and hit the refresh button looking for a thread you haven't yet posted your thinly disguised utter hatred of the game? Just wondering champ.


I can understand someone not liking a game. I can understand someone not subscribing to a monthly fee because they dislike the game. I can understand someone who feels disappointed about the state of a game in which they were looking forward to and offering their reasons and solutions. I can't understand someone sitting on a forum all day and trying to dissuade people from playing a game. Maybe your a emo kid who gets his rocks off by doing this, I don't know.


I don't like WOW. I have a big ol' collector's edition box sitting on my shelf from the original launch. I created an account and logged in and played until level 12 until I could not stand the little immature kids anymore. I logged out and canceled my sub. I didn't feel the need to post on forums all day long about how the bugs and problems on top of the immaturity of the player base I had dealings with was going to kill the game. I knew WOW would be successful, I just knew I could not be a part of it.


I am loving the game and I hope that others playing are enjoying themselves and if they are not then so be it, I also hope you find something else to occupy your time.


Sorry for the extended post.


TLDR = Starting to think ShadySketchy has to bundle up when he goes to work under the bridge. That's clever. ^^

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This posts crack me up. Why are you guys trying so hard to hide the complaints?


I agree with that but you have a sour attitude on these forums, all you do is whine. Some things are creditable but most of your rants are just meh.


Edited by WarTornPanda
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