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When will this game be playable? (not a troll)


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I hope they never add a macro system to the game. After playing Rift and see how abusive it can be I don't want to see them in another MMO again.


People only want combat logs for e-peens and so they run "DPS meters" which isn't needed.


They should focus on adding content and not the trivial things like macros.


Macro's can be introduced without any problem, they can limit macro's, like no really they can limit macro's....... rift didnt, and they allowed someone to put an entire roation into a macro to bind to one key, it doesnt have to be done this way so please learn more about macro's before sitting there saying NO MACROS BAD!


DPS meter's are fine, they remove all the scrubs or make them l2play properly, i for one dont wanna carry scrubs in operations at 50, thanks but no thanks.

Edited by Ishikur
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First of all, this isn't a troll question or thread... I think this game has a great deal of potential, I think it could be a very good game, but it seems to me there are a lot of things that BW haven't addressed that they really should have implemented/fixed on release. I'm not going to name them all, because they are varying and great in number.


But certain things to me are more important than others, and will depend on whether I will play the game, they are...


1) Arena - Warzones; will they implement some sort of ranked ladder arena or WZ system? Will they add new WZ's and get rid of that ridiculous bolstering system.


2) Will they allow mods soon? This is absolutely essential to me. I wouldn't have played WoW for 7 years if I couldn't tweak the UI/make the game my own in all sorts of ways.


3) The little things; like adding a targets target, a combat log, less city instancing, etc.



I know in due time some of these things will be fixed or implemented (I hope for the games sake), but it's really a matter of how soon for me... Guild Wars 2 is due out in late Q1 2012 and to be honest, I'll be on that SO fu*cking hard... I actually think a lot of people will, and that if a lot of things aren't changed TOR (and WoW) is going to lose a Hell of a lot of subs to GW...


so basically... When will this game be a finished product?


1) yes this is a troll thread. Your title implies the game is not playable, when in fact it is very playable


2) you state your personal "preferences" for a few specific features as proof of "unplayability". And just because some others may agree with you, that does not define "unplayable"


3) you admit your list of preferences, which are currently shortfalls in the game feature set WILL be fixed in time.


So, maybe you would like to rephrase your title and thread a bit to make it more a more realistic portrayal of what you are trying to express? :)

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1) yes this is a troll thread. Your title implies the game is not playable, when in fact it is very playable


2) you state your personal "preferences" for a few specific features as proof of "unplayability". And just because some others may agree with you, that does not define "unplayable"


3) you admit your list of preferences, which are currently shortfalls in the game feature set WILL be fixed in time.


So, maybe you would like to rephrase your title and thread a bit to make it more a more realistic portrayal of what you are trying to express? :)


1) perhaps I worded the thread wrongly, but ignoring the title if people had read and understood my paragraph they would have know I meant playable to ME. "When will tor be playable to ME" is the new thread title.


2) These lack of features make the game unplayable to me. See 1).


3) I 'admit' (why are you assuming I'm on the offensive here?) that issues may be fixed, but I have no idea when or what issues will be fixed, and the time-scale is important to me, because of the last paragraph of my post, indicating that when GW2 comes out I will most likely leave. I would like a game I can play before GW2 and if these things aren't fixed before it, then there's no point in playing, and BW won't be getting my sub.

Edited by Qishari
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I wanted to know if and when certain features important to me are going to be implemented. I can live with certain things not be addressed instantly, because that's the nature of a new game, especially an MMO, but certain things are hindering my ability to play the game. I wasn't asking for your opinion on the features I find important, I don't care what you think, and that's not what this thread was for. Go be a massive fanboy somewhere else, better yet, think before you post and read the damn thread post. You need a lesson in reading comprehension.


You indicated that this game was unplayable, because it lacked certain elements. Then you turn and say that most MMOs are never finished, anyway... If that's true, then what would be the point in even bringing up these points? A huge chunk of threads on this forum are already discussing the points you've made...


You need to educate yourself on logic.

Edited by Qishari
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You indicated that this game was unplayable, because it lacked certain elements. Then you turn and say that most MMOs are never finished, anyway... If that's true, then what would be the point in even bringing up these points? A huge chunk of threads on this forum are already discussing the points you've made...


You need to educate yourself on logic.


Yes, I indicated that this game was unplayable to me because of certain features I felt were missing. I did indeed say that most MMOs are never finished on release, but this is sort of besides the point, because I also said that I can live with a game not being 100% finished, as long as certain key elements are implemented. I acknowledged that the game was not finished, and that a lot of varying things were missing, but that only certain key things were preventing me from playing. I didn't expect a finished product when I bought the game, I merely expected certain features to already be implemented. Bringing up these points, and I can't quite believe I'm saying this again to you.. was for me to find out when or if these things that were stopping me playing were going to be implemented, if at all. I honestly cannot see how by now you haven't understood this. You are really, really dumb.

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Just a few quick notes. The game has been out little more than a week (not including the early access) which means they are still fixing things that could not be forseen in beta and things they just didn't have an opportunity to work out completely. Will things change as the game moves on from its initial launching point? Yes. They might allow mods sometime down the road, but I don't see how its a game-breaking issue. I played WoW Vanilla when there were no mods, and continued to play WoW without mods for years afterwards so its not a big issue for me to not have them.


Secondly, they don't need a leader board for PvP. Its not a huge thing that needs to be implemented.



Overall your complaints are little more than you QQing because the game doesn't have everything you want it to have. Best suggestion I have. Get over it and move on, or go back to WoW.


The problem for you is that this is what will happen.


If you want to play this game then you need it to succeed. In order for it to succeed, it needs to be profitable. In order for it to be profitable, it needs subscribers. In order for it to have subscribers, people like the OP need to have the features that they want.


In other words, you need need the game to have the features that the OP wants. Or, you can tell him (and everybody else who is asking for the same features) to go back to WoW...which is what you will have to do once they are all gone.

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OP if you don't want to troll don't use absurd hyperbole in your thread title.




It's cute you googled the same word some guy said a page earlier, but the thread title was not hyperbole to me, the game is unplayable, and I have already acknowledged that I perhaps worded it poorly, but that if you READ THE FIRST POST, you would have understood my meaning. "When will this game be playable to me" is the new thread title as I said earlier.

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If your that upset about the state of the game and how its "unplayable" to you, dont play go back to WoW and let others get on with it. PvP isnt the be all and end all. Personally i think you need a good mix of PvE and PvP but one will always kill the other if overdeveloped/nerfed too much.
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The problem for you is that this is what will happen.


If you want to play this game then you need it to succeed. In order for it to succeed, it needs to be profitable. In order for it to be profitable, it needs subscribers. In order for it to have subscribers, people like the OP need to have the features that they want.


In other words, you need need the game to have the features that the OP wants. Or, you can tell him (and everybody else who is asking for the same features) to go back to WoW...which is what you will have to do once they are all gone.


Partially true, but also partiallywrong. The problem for mmo developers is to work out which of the features asked for (or demanded by) the vocal minority on the forums are wanted by a significant number of players to make them worth looking into.


Then it's a a balance of what it will bring to the game, along with what effect it will have on other players and if a number will be set against that kind of feature.


Not an easy task. In some cases yes, it can be harmful to the game to encourage people to move on, but I think it can be just as harmful for features to be put into the game just because a vocal minority ask for them and consider them nessecary for the game to be "successful".

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The game is playable, you dont need addons etc. to play the game. If you really do then just because you are a very bad player, which is fine but then stop trying to make the game easier - as others dont struggle with its current difficulty.


Wow didnt had addons until LUA, so I dont know how you managed to survive the first 2 years there ^^


GW 2 isnt an MMO with subs, you just buy the game and after this use DLC etc.


It will be like buying Skyrim and playing an MMO at the same time.

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im all for ranked pvp in warzones. im sure BW will create some sort of arena based competition in the future.


but the game is very playable (except for the guild chat, party chat being broken, not happy!).


i do not exactly know what mods you need? all you have to do is click/tab a target and use the the desired ability. :confused: if its graphical mods, that could be a big job.


but if its just a post that you want it to be like wow so u can press one button that does everything then please go back to wow and you can enjoy its easy mode.:D

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i am playing the game through 6 different toons, and i dont give a flying fyscke about any of the 'important' crapola you list above.


go play wow if you want rated somethings and this and that.


First of all, this isn't a troll question or thread... I think this game has a great deal of potential, I think it could be a very good game, but it seems to me there are a lot of things that BW haven't addressed that they really should have implemented/fixed on release. I'm not going to name them all, because they are varying and great in number.


But certain things to me are more important than others, and will depend on whether I will play the game, they are...


1) Arena - Warzones; will they implement some sort of ranked ladder arena or WZ system? Will they add new WZ's and get rid of that ridiculous bolstering system.


2) Will they allow mods soon? This is absolutely essential to me. I wouldn't have played WoW for 7 years if I couldn't tweak the UI/make the game my own in all sorts of ways.


3) The little things; like adding a targets target, a combat log, less city instancing, etc.



I know in due time some of these things will be fixed or implemented (I hope for the games sake), but it's really a matter of how soon for me... Guild Wars 2 is due out in late Q1 2012 and to be honest, I'll be on that SO fu*cking hard... I actually think a lot of people will, and that if a lot of things aren't changed TOR (and WoW) is going to lose a Hell of a lot of subs to GW...


so basically... When will this game be a finished product?

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First of all, this isn't a troll question or thread... I think this game has a great deal of potential, I think it could be a very good game, but it seems to me there are a lot of things that BW haven't addressed that they really should have implemented/fixed on release. I'm not going to name them all, because they are varying and great in number.


But certain things to me are more important than others, and will depend on whether I will play the game, they are...


1) Arena - Warzones; will they implement some sort of ranked ladder arena or WZ system? Will they add new WZ's and get rid of that ridiculous bolstering system.


2) Will they allow mods soon? This is absolutely essential to me. I wouldn't have played WoW for 7 years if I couldn't tweak the UI/make the game my own in all sorts of ways.


3) The little things; like adding a targets target, a combat log, less city instancing, etc.



I know in due time some of these things will be fixed or implemented (I hope for the games sake), but it's really a matter of how soon for me... Guild Wars 2 is due out in late Q1 2012 and to be honest, I'll be on that SO fu*cking hard... I actually think a lot of people will, and that if a lot of things aren't changed TOR (and WoW) is going to lose a Hell of a lot of subs to GW...


so basically... When will this game be a finished product?


If you don’t want to be regarded as a Troll then don’t start off your post with “When will this game be playable?” don’t assume the features your looking for mean anything to everyone else.


With a bit of logic you can figure out why things are the way they are.


1) Ranking is not in Warzones because the game is new and its attracting a lot of new players to the genre. Ranking at this point would put a lot of pressure on players to perform in PvP. The first step is to get players hooked on PvP and feeling comfortable in the PvP environments, then add in ranking in 6 to 8 months.


2) Mods add there own set of bugs and imbalances, at this point the Dev team needs to focuses on why some hardware is having issues running the game on a plain client install before a million add-on F-up their client (WoW had horrendous problems with this early on, do a 2004 Google search on WoW mod issues)


3) City instancing / world instancing is a load mechanic being used at launch. James Ohlen explained some months ago at the last E3 that they would use world instancing at launch but it would go away as load on the zones subsided. Keep in mind WoW launch with 250 thousand subs this game had to deal with over a million people playing 28 million hours over the holidays and try to keep Queues to a minimum. If you had 25 thousand players standing on your shoulders all competing for the same resources (quest mobs, harvesting nodes) you’d be on here QQ’ing about that.


I personal think Bioware made some very intelligent decisions in regards to the features implemented. Understand they are building a game for more then just you the seasoned MMO player. This game is also going to bring in it’s share of new players to the MMO genre and things like leader boards and UI mods can just add to the confusion. Try to step back for a second and imagine what it would be like for you stepping into an MMO for the first time today …. Try to really ponder that!

Edited by LogunOne
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First of all, this isn't a troll question or thread... I think this game has a great deal of potential, I think it could be a very good game, but it seems to me there are a lot of things that BW haven't addressed that they really should have implemented/fixed on release. I'm not going to name them all, because they are varying and great in number.


But certain things to me are more important than others, and will depend on whether I will play the game, they are...


1) Arena - Warzones; will they implement some sort of ranked ladder arena or WZ system? Will they add new WZ's and get rid of that ridiculous bolstering system.


2) Will they allow mods soon? This is absolutely essential to me. I wouldn't have played WoW for 7 years if I couldn't tweak the UI/make the game my own in all sorts of ways.


3) The little things; like adding a targets target, a combat log, less city instancing, etc.



I know in due time some of these things will be fixed or implemented (I hope for the games sake), but it's really a matter of how soon for me... Guild Wars 2 is due out in late Q1 2012 and to be honest, I'll be on that SO fu*cking hard... I actually think a lot of people will, and that if a lot of things aren't changed TOR (and WoW) is going to lose a Hell of a lot of subs to GW...


so basically... When will this game be a finished product?


And ofc at release GW2 will be a PERFECT game with no bugs, no problems, you can use mods when released.. etc etc

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I wanted to know if and when certain features important to me are going to be implemented.


Then that should have been your thread title, not the attention seeking, exaggerated crud you went with instead.


Implying the game is not playable because of your petty gripes is why your thread is getting negative responses.

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Ignore the haters OP. I wouldn't use the word "unplayable" but I would gladly use the words "not ready."


And that's the general impression I get. I remember telling my friend that the game doesn't have a combat log. He was flabbergasted that a MMO would LAUNCH without a COMBAT LOG. You can like this game all you want, but it wasn't ready to launch and they did it anyways. Now prepare for people to say they feel the game isn't ready (as they have been).


That the forums feel the need to jump on the case of the people who make this complaint suggests there's more truth to the statement than I wish. Too bad someone in the command chain thought it would be a better idea to release by Christmas and get a piece of the holiday season action rather than be completely prepared for launch.

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Ignore the haters OP. I wouldn't use the word "unplayable" but I would gladly use the words "not ready."


And that's the general impression I get. I remember telling my friend that the game doesn't have a combat log. He was flabbergasted that a MMO would LAUNCH without a COMBAT LOG. You can like this game all you want, but it wasn't ready to launch and they did it anyways. Now prepare for people to say they feel the game isn't ready (as they have been).


That the forums feel the need to jump on the case of the people who make this complaint suggests there's more truth to the statement than I wish. Too bad someone in the command chain thought it would be a better idea to release by Christmas and get a piece of the holiday season action rather than be completely prepared for launch.


I don't jump on this complaint, I jump on the fact that the forum thread was titled "when will this game be playable?" the answer being it's playable now. Are there things that could have been implemented better. Well yes. I have yet to see a single MMO launch with this answer being no, and I challenge you to find me one.


My thoughts of Swtor as an RPG are it is maybe the best RPG of the year. In terms of it being an MMO, like any it needs work. A combat log being a make or break it moment, I don't know, it's just math. Personally I don't use it in any of the other mmo's to really care and I do fine. If I die, I usually already know why without the need for a log, while nice to have, not a game breaker, and if it is to you, then your just being an ******e.


As it stands I have to admit this has been one of the smoother mmo launches and I've been there for a few. WOW, Guild Wars, Fallen Earth, Earthrise, Star Trek, APB, EQ.


The launch you want and expect along with everyone else is unrealistic, regardless of the company making the game. Blizzard still has it's problems when they roll out an expansion, and they are not a small game company, owned by vivendi universal, one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world, and no one, is as harsh on them as the people on this board.

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Well, I guess me wanting a working combat log and the ability to put together a UI that isn't some stock trash means I have unrealistic expectations.


Get over yourself please. I have every right to complain, it is not my fault I have a problem, and if they cant put in an industry standard like a combat log then they messed up in a serious way. That you and fanboys like you come out to defend Bioware on something that they CLEARLY screwed up from any objective observer's point of view doesn't help the case nearly as well as you think.


But that's fine, I'm sure Bioware is desperately slaving away because they know this while fanboys scream and cry about how everyone doesn't like what they see as a masterpiece. Too bad for Bioware, because they probably won't be able to do it in time to save their MMO from going the way of so many previous MMOs. I don't expect it to die, just get ready for ghost town servers and an eventual but slow move to F2P.


PS: I have not, in the 2k+ posts I've made on this forum, called ANYONE a fanboy in a serious manner. However, you and the people in this thread are deserving of the title. Congratulations.

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When will this game be playable? (not a troll)


Since the game is currently playable and the issues you list are "the little things" ... I think your intentions are to troll, or at least invite flaming and trolling.


That's just lazy posting on your part. If you made half an attempt to engage in discussion about the things you feel need to improved, you could claim this wasn't a troll. Instead you make an outlandish claim based on hyperbole designed to incite argument.

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Well, I guess me wanting a working combat log and the ability to put together a UI that isn't some stock trash means I have unrealistic expectations.


Get over yourself please. I have every right to complain, it is not my fault I have a problem, and if they cant put in an industry standard like a combat log then they messed up in a serious way. That you and fanboys like you come out to defend Bioware on something that they CLEARLY screwed up from any objective observer's point of view doesn't help the case nearly as well as you think.


But that's fine, I'm sure Bioware is desperately slaving away because they know this while fanboys scream and cry about how everyone doesn't like what they see as a masterpiece. Too bad for Bioware, because they probably won't be able to do it in time to save their MMO from going the way of so many previous MMOs. I don't expect it to die, just get ready for ghost town servers and an eventual but slow move to F2P.


PS: I have not, in the 2k+ posts I've made on this forum, called ANYONE a fanboy in a serious manner. However, you and the people in this thread are deserving of the title. Congratulations.


What happened to the days when players adjusted to the rules and features of a game, choosing to play the ones they liked and not play the ones they didn't, instead of demanding that a game be changed for their own needs and wants?

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