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When will this game be playable? (not a troll)


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First of all, this isn't a troll question or thread... I think this game has a great deal of potential, I think it could be a very good game, but it seems to me there are a lot of things that BW haven't addressed that they really should have implemented/fixed on release. I'm not going to name them all, because they are varying and great in number.


But certain things to me are more important than others, and will depend on whether I will play the game, they are...


1) Arena - Warzones; will they implement some sort of ranked ladder arena or WZ system? Will they add new WZ's and get rid of that ridiculous bolstering system.


2) Will they allow mods soon? This is absolutely essential to me. I wouldn't have played WoW for 7 years if I couldn't tweak the UI/make the game my own in all sorts of ways.


3) The little things; like adding a targets target, a combat log, less city instancing, etc.



I know in due time some of these things will be fixed or implemented (I hope for the games sake), but it's really a matter of how soon for me... Guild Wars 2 is due out in late Q1 2012 and to be honest, I'll be on that SO fu*cking hard... I actually think a lot of people will, and that if a lot of things aren't changed TOR (and WoW) is going to lose a Hell of a lot of subs to GW...


so basically... When will this game be a finished product?

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Hmm, none of the things you listed appear to be game-breaking bugs.


And, all the servers appear to be online and functioning at the moment



Good news! The game is playable RIGHT NOW! :D

Edited by Taelin
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Why do people feel the need to say things like "this isn't a troll post" or "this isn't a troll thread"? guilty conscience?...it's kinda like saying things like no offence, then what follows is usually offensive, or no disrespect, and what follows is generally disrepectful.


This game is "playable" right now...just because the feature you want isn't here yet doesn't change that.


P.S. MMOs are never "finished products" until they shut down forever. SWG is a finished MMO...you can bet there will never be any more changes made to it.

Edited by LeComte
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First of all, this isn't a troll reply.


You're a PvPer. That is fine, but it's impossible to appeal to you. As with all PvPers, you will always jump to the next big thing. That is what you want to do, I'm not critisizing you for that, but you need to realize what you are before you make unrealistic demands.


I usually play MMO's for 2 years before I jump to what's next. I really don't like it when changes are made for the sake of PvP, and knock the PvE game out of balance.

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1) Arena - Warzones; will they implement some sort of ranked ladder arena or WZ system? Will they add new WZ's and get rid of that ridiculous bolstering system.


2) Will they allow mods soon? This is absolutely essential to me. I wouldn't have played WoW for 7 years if I couldn't tweak the UI/make the game my own in all sorts of ways.


3) The little things; like adding a targets target, a combat log, less city instancing, etc.


They said that they never say never but...


1) They want to add ranked wz, but not arenas.


2) No. But they are working ona customisable UI.


3) Those come down to personal preference. I for example dont need any of that.



In fact none of your issures have anything to do with the game being playable, now that I think about it.

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Just a few quick notes. The game has been out little more than a week (not including the early access) which means they are still fixing things that could not be forseen in beta and things they just didn't have an opportunity to work out completely. Will things change as the game moves on from its initial launching point? Yes. They might allow mods sometime down the road, but I don't see how its a game-breaking issue. I played WoW Vanilla when there were no mods, and continued to play WoW without mods for years afterwards so its not a big issue for me to not have them.


Secondly, they don't need a leader board for PvP. Its not a huge thing that needs to be implemented.



Overall your complaints are little more than you QQing because the game doesn't have everything you want it to have. Best suggestion I have. Get over it and move on, or go back to WoW.

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Game works fine for me, pvp is fun, pve is fun, I can chat to my guild, graphics are great, ui is usable. Dont need macros, if you need macros in this game with max 16 players you need help. Most the time I stare at thebars over players heads instead of ui, aamzing whatadifference that makes not having to whack a mole the UI.


Good luck in your next mmo

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First of all, this isn't a troll question or thread... I think this game has a great deal of potential, I think it could be a very good game, but it seems to me there are a lot of things that BW haven't addressed that they really should have implemented/fixed on release. I'm not going to name them all, because they are varying and great in number.


But certain things to me are more important than others, and will depend on whether I will play the game, they are...


1) Arena - Warzones; will they implement some sort of ranked ladder arena or WZ system? Will they add new WZ's and get rid of that ridiculous bolstering system.


2) Will they allow mods soon? This is absolutely essential to me. I wouldn't have played WoW for 7 years if I couldn't tweak the UI/make the game my own in all sorts of ways.


3) The little things; like adding a targets target, a combat log, less city instancing, etc.



I know in due time some of these things will be fixed or implemented (I hope for the games sake), but it's really a matter of how soon for me... Guild Wars 2 is due out in late Q1 2012 and to be honest, I'll be on that SO fu*cking hard... I actually think a lot of people will, and that if a lot of things aren't changed TOR (and WoW) is going to lose a Hell of a lot of subs to GW...


so basically... When will this game be a finished product?


As far as I'm concerned the game is completely playable with the things you mention in their current state.

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When will this game be a finished product?


Never. It's an MMOG. There will always be some feature that someone wants to see added.




It already is a finished project, but new features will still be added. Just like your car is a finished product even if you add features later.

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First of all, this isn't a troll question or thread... I think this game has a great deal of potential, I think it could be a very good game, but it seems to me there are a lot of things that BW haven't addressed that they really should have implemented/fixed on release. I'm not going to name them all, because they are varying and great in number.

No, I'd love to hear all of your "things that BW haven't addressed". Please.


1) Arena - Warzones; will they implement some sort of ranked ladder arena or WZ system? Will they add new WZ's and get rid of that ridiculous bolstering system.

Hasn't stopped me from logging on daily and enjoying myself.


2) Will they allow mods soon? This is absolutely essential to me. I wouldn't have played WoW for 7 years if I couldn't tweak the UI/make the game my own in all sorts of ways.

WoW wasn't always as "beautiful" as it is now. It was quite boring when it first started out, actually.


3) The little things; like adding a targets target, a combat log, less city instancing, etc.

... Again, this hasn't stopped me from enjoying myself. I have paid $150 on the CE, and subscribed with my credit card with no chance of unsubscribing because, personally, these points aren't game breaking for me. I've been getting along just fine. The only issue that has even been a sleight hindrance for my experience is that chat bug. I can type in general and in whisper, but I can't in guild or party. Weird.


Not game breaking by far, and I'm pretty hard to please.


Sad thing is, you can't please everybody. There will always be something that someone will claim is "game breaking".


Edited by Sinister-Sith
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OP, nothing you mentioned in any way detracts from a "finished product."


If you considering modding to be a standard all MMOs should have... well, I will point out that WoW is pretty much alone in this aspect right now. Is it good? Yes. Is it a standard? No. The majority of MMOs, be they subscription or free-to-play, on the market right now do not support modding.


Arenas or ranked battles are also not a requirement. WoW didn't have this at launch. In fact, WoW had less PVP options at launch than SWTOR has right now... so I think Bioware split the difference. Many, many PVE players have decried the Arena system in WoW and how it has led to PVE gaming being 'balanced' (read: changed) for PVP problems... and perhaps Bioware wants to avoid this. I wouldn't blame them. I personally don't want a situation where, say, my Full Auto ability is nerfed because it is "too good in PVP" when I do not PVP.


Still, I imagine these features will eventually make it into the game. It's not game-breaking that they're not in now. If you cannot wait for them to come... then go. Good riddance.

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First of all, these things might not be game breaking to you, but to ME they are.. They may not be important or needed to YOU but to me they are. My decision on whether to play this game is based off of those points, and if you don't like it then I don't care. The reason for me posting (not a troll) is because of all the posts I got saying things like "blah blah X isnt needed stop whining" etc. I don't give a **** what you think I just wanted to know if anybody helpful had any idea if and when these things would be implemented so I, personally, could play a game I deemed finished. (quite frankly this game was not a finished product on release, but MMO's never are. Deal with it.)
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First of all, these things might not be game breaking to you, but to ME they are.. They may not be important or needed to YOU but to me they are. My decision on whether to play this game is based off of those points, and if you don't like it then I don't care. The reason for me posting (not a troll) is because of all the posts I got saying things like "blah blah X isnt needed stop whining" etc. I don't give a **** what you think I just wanted to know if anybody helpful had any idea if and when these things would be implemented so I, personally, could play a game I deemed finished. (quite frankly this game was not a finished product on release, but MMO's never are. Deal with it.)


If you know MMOs are never finished, what was the point in making all of those points?


Another whine thread. We need more cheese in these parts.

Edited by Sinister-Sith
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First of all, these things might not be game breaking to you, but to ME they are.. They may not be important or needed to YOU but to me they are. My decision on whether to play this game is based off of those points, and if you don't like it then I don't care. The reason for me posting (not a troll) is because of all the posts I got saying things like "blah blah X isnt needed stop whining" etc. I don't give a **** what you think I just wanted to know if anybody helpful had any idea if and when these things would be implemented so I, personally, could play a game I deemed finished. (quite frankly this game was not a finished product on release, but MMO's never are. Deal with it.)


If that's how you feel, then I have to say: This isn't the game for you.


Try this one:




It has everything you want.



Note: I'm actually being completely serious here, nothing is making you play this game over WoW. WoW has the stuff you want, and if the reason you're not doing that stuff is because you're "bored of it" ... then obviously, it's NOT the stuff that you want.

Edited by Taelin
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If you know MMOs are never, finished, what was the point in making all of those points?


Another whine thread. We need more cheese in these parts.




I wanted to know if and when certain features important to me are going to be implemented. I can live with certain things not be addressed instantly, because that's the nature of a new game, especially an MMO, but certain things are hindering my ability to play the game. I wasn't asking for your opinion on the features I find important, I don't care what you think, and that's not what this thread was for. Go be a massive fanboy somewhere else, better yet, think before you post and read the damn thread post. You need a lesson in reading comprehension.

Edited by Qishari
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First of all, these things might not be game breaking to you, but to ME they are.. They may not be important or needed to YOU but to me they are. My decision on whether to play this game is based off of those points, and if you don't like it then I don't care. The reason for me posting (not a troll) is because of all the posts I got saying things like "blah blah X isnt needed stop whining" etc. I don't give a **** what you think I just wanted to know if anybody helpful had any idea if and when these things would be implemented so I, personally, could play a game I deemed finished. (quite frankly this game was not a finished product on release, but MMO's never are. Deal with it.)


The funny thing here is, yes these are serious issues to you, but are they to others? A recent Dev article from Blizzard had one of the WOW Devs come out and say one of their biggest mistakes is trying to cater to everyone and throw in a bunch of features. It is why after 7 years they still don't have true class balance and still have features that either don't work properly or are disregarded. An MMO is a almost a living thing and constantly evolves.


So while you may want these specifically, not many others may. They are in bug fix mode, much like any other company is after a full public release even those that have beta programs just as extensive. As far as your 3 main issues, they have all been addressed at some point in the last few weeks by BioWare.

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The funny thing here is, yes these are serious issues to you, but are they to others? A recent Dev article from Blizzard had one of the WOW Devs come out and say one of their biggest mistakes is trying to cater to everyone and throw in a bunch of features. It is why after 7 years they still don't have true class balance and still have features that either don't work properly or are disregarded. An MMO is a almost a living thing and constantly evolves.


So while you may want these specifically, not many others may. They are in bug fix mode, much like any other company is after a full public release even those that have beta programs just as extensive. As far as your 3 main issues, they have all been addressed at some point in the last few weeks by BioWare.


Hang on, are you seriously saying not many other people want;


A) Mods.


B) Competitive PvP.




Seriously?? Have you played a single MMO in the last 10 years? Do you have any idea how big the pvp subscriber base for WoW is these days? How vital addons are to the playability and enjoyment of a lot of players?

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It doesn't need a rated PvP system to be a finished product, really. It'd be nice, but for now I think they should focus on things like an addon and macro system and a combat log.


And target-of-target.


And raid frames properly updating health. T-T


I hope they never add a macro system to the game. After playing Rift and see how abusive it can be I don't want to see them in another MMO again.


People only want combat logs for e-peens and so they run "DPS meters" which isn't needed.


They should focus on adding content and not the trivial things like macros.

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