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Why does everyone hate the prequals????


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In before "Darth Maul wasn't a master of Soresu!" reply. :D


Or something that was covered in the novels, but we had to guess by watching the movie. ;)


He also wasn't a master of Force Push, Saber Throw, or "Why is this Jedi dude looking over at his master's saber? And why do I sense him drawing on the Force? Could he be grabbing that saber? Is he force jumping now? Oh look he's over my head and flipping, I wonder what...oh snap."


No wait, I guess he did master that last bit.

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Episode 1: Take out Midiclorians and Jar Jar and the entire gungan section in general..concentrate a little more on darth maul to fill in from what you lose and it would have been good.


episode 2: how about no close ups of people uselessly swinging lightsabers infront of their face. take out the majority of of that "love story" and as mention before just more jedi stories showing how powerfull anakin realy was.


Episode 3: take out the stupid...stupid..love story parts all together, yeah the bit where shes all like oh anakin your ma babehs daddeh! fine..i like that but all that crap on the balcony..*** was that!? pointless..anakin should of turned earlier in the movie..not too much earlier but atleast earlier enough to show us more Vader.


the main point about the new trilogy..the reason i hate it most..is that they turned a "great and power jedi" into whiney little idiot

Edited by CrymzenSith
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Total destruction of the myths and cannon todo with the force instead they are these little alien symbiots... kinda curious how they forgot it was so easy to test for force sensitives, I mean abit like taking blood sugar readings.

Jar jar

Whiney *** Anakin

Child in pod racing, child kills droids blaah blaah blahh


Most of the fans of the originals who are now adults, you know those once who followed sw before it became "cool" were given a kidified politically correct piece of generic toddle.

Edited by calranthe
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the main point about the new trilogy..the reason i hate it most..is that they turned a "great and power jedi" into whiney little idiot


Indeed. We know Anakin will become Darth Vader. So why make him so unlikeable? :(

We should've seen him as the hero he was supposed to be and showing hints of the dark side. But damn, the way he was written, you'd expect him to turn mid-Episode II.

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Indeed. We know Anakin will become Darth Vader. So why make him so unlikeable? :(

We should've seen him as the hero he was supposed to be and showing hints of the dark side. But damn, the way he was written, you'd expect him to turn mid-Episode II.


I thought he did turn. What with the whole slaughtering women and children thing.


Oh wait, doesn't count. Cuz they're Sandpeople. You sure know how to pick 'em, Padme. :rolleyes:

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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I am so glad I still have the OT on VHS, sadly it's not the very first VHS release of the movies, I believe it is the second one, which does have some edits, but nothing from the prequels. Only problem is, I'm afraid to watch them, the tapes are already worn from me watching them over and over throughout my life, if they were finally worn out now I'd be crushed. But oh well, at least I have them.
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I am so glad I still have the OT on VHS, sadly it's not the very first VHS release of the movies, I believe it is the second one, which does have some edits, but nothing from the prequels. Only problem is, I'm afraid to watch them, the tapes are already worn from me watching them over and over throughout my life, if they were finally worn out now I'd be crushed. But oh well, at least I have them.


Look for these. The bonus DVDs are a direct rip from the Laserdisc masters. It's as close as your gonna get to the unedited originals on durable media.

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Anakin’s turning point was completely lame in the prequels. It should have been ROTJ all over again in my opinion. Anakin should have had a long battle with Mace with the Emperor egging him on the whole time. Finally as he gains the upper hand he should have struck Mace down – unlike Luke years later that spared his father’s life. That would have made Vader’s turning point all the more full circle when he grabs the emperor and tosses him.
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the prequels had awesome graphics and epic fighting scenes plus they explain SOME things, but ultimitely leave u confused in some areas, thats about it nothing special from the average movie. while the original series had awesome graphics(at there time) and a story that kept u on the edge of your seat, oh and it was also funny with han
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Look for these. The bonus DVDs are a direct rip from the Laserdisc masters. It's as close as your gonna get to the unedited originals on durable media.


Thanks for the tip, I will do exactly that. A friend of mine actually has the very first VHS release of Empire (My favourite movie of all time) but refuses to let me buy it, which is understandable honestly, I sure wouldn't sell it if I had it.

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Thanks for the tip, I will do exactly that. A friend of mine actually has the very first VHS release of Empire (My favourite movie of all time) but refuses to let me buy it, which is understandable honestly, I sure wouldn't sell it if I had it.


PeepsMcJuggs is awesome. You ought to see his guide on using controllers for SWTOR! :D

Edited by reaperkeepet
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Episode 1: Take out Midiclorians and Jar Jar and the entire gungan section in general..concentrate a little more on darth maul to fill in from what you lose and it would have been good.


episode 2: how about no close ups of people uselessly swinging lightsabers infront of their face. take out the majority of of that "love story" and as mention before just more jedi stories showing how powerfull anakin realy was.


Episode 3: take out the stupid...stupid..love story parts all together, yeah the bit where shes all like oh anakin your ma babehs daddeh! fine..i like that but all that crap on the balcony..*** was that!? pointless..anakin should of turned earlier in the movie..not too much earlier but atleast earlier enough to show us more Vader.


the main point about the new trilogy..the reason i hate it most..is that they turned a "great and power jedi" into whiney little idiot


For Episode one, take out all the "little kid is awesome" stuff like the pod race, and Anakin blowing up a ship. Its just as stupid as Short Round beating up multiple grown men at the same time in Indianna Jones & the Temple of Doom. Oh, and the nickname "Annie" for Anakin completely destroyed any monster tough guy that he would morph into later on. I could never get one thought out of my mind... "Darth Annie".

Edited by DarylMusashi
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Anakin’s turning point was completely lame in the prequels. It should have been ROTJ all over again in my opinion. Anakin should have had a long battle with Mace with the Emperor egging him on the whole time. Finally as he gains the upper hand he should have struck Mace down – unlike Luke years later that spared his father’s life. That would have made Vader’s turning point all the more full circle when he grabs the emperor and tosses him.


Samuel Jackson was too egotistical to allow himself beaten fair and square in the movie. It had to be a special circumstance and a special purple lightsaber for him to do it. The movie would have been better off with a different actor playing Wendu so that a better story could have been developed. Jackson just doesn't fit the atmosphere of a SW film, and also the previously mentioned ego conditions he placed on being in the film.

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For the most part, I actually enjoy Episodes 1-3. With several exceptions:


1) Hayden Christiansen is a horrible actor and should never have been cast for the part.


2) In ep 1, it's ridiculous how Anakin accidentally starts flying a starship, accidentally survives the battle around the Droid command ship, accidentally lands in the center of it, and accidentally blows up the core with missiles. They took the "guided by the Force" crap WAAAAAY too far.


3) The bad introduction of Midichlorians. Lucas only introduces them in the style that you would a child, instead of clarifying what they were. Midichlorians as a concept isn't bad (biological evidence of the ability to use the Force). But the movie should have contained the scientific explanation as well as the "children's storybook" explanation which he gave Anakin.

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If you want the unaltered originals, just be patient. As soon as Lucas feels the need for another cash influx, he'll release another version of the movies. Eventually one of those versions will be the originals.


hopefully soon because I'm sure Red Tails will bomb.

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I love the prequels.


My favorite is the Phantom menace...the feeling of some unpalpable evil manipulating things in the background mixed with we all know who the Senator is and what he will do makes that movie very enjoyable.


Many say Anakin was a whiney little man......well duh......he is a teenager and if any of you have kids they act like this and if they had force powers would act like him to an extent.....


Jar Jar was comic relief in a flood of more serious ideas being conveyed. Why people hated him soo much? No idea.....I hear a lot of drivel and pseudo intellectual reasons but it boils down to, IMO, personal preference.


I enjoyed the development of Anakin but felt the relationship between he and Padme was not realistic in PM and AotC.


Itis quite funny that many claim Anakin was a whiney beatch but fail to forget Luke was just as bad if not worse....far worse in a New Hope and Empire Strike back. Luke annoyed the hell out of me.


The character of HAN Solo was not believable to me either. I guess that walking carpet convinced him to be a good guy.



My favorite characters in the old series were Tarkin and the Lando,,,,


I far more enjoyed the radio dramas put on by PBS over the 3 original movies.


Maybe it is because they are more fleshed out but I think it is because they are more properly portrayed.

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Many say Anakin was a whiney little man......well duh......he is a teenager and if any of you have kids they act like this and if they had force powers would act like him to an extent.....


Yeah, but he was trained by Obi-Wan and he was supposed to be likeable most of the time. Which he wasn't.


Jar Jar was comic relief in a flood of more serious ideas being conveyed. Why people hated him soo much? No idea.....I hear a lot of drivel and pseudo intellectual reasons but it boils down to, IMO, personal preference.


Indeed. I found C-3PO annoying at times in the OT, but at least he wasn't annoying 24/7. Jar Jar was. Not to mention that he helped create the Empire. He's a walking disaster! C-3PO at least didn't screw things up here and there. :p


I enjoyed the development of Anakin but felt the relationship between he and Padme was not realistic in PM and AotC.


Agreed. But I loved the music. :D


Itis quite funny that many claim Anakin was a whiney beatch but fail to forget Luke was just as bad if not worse....far worse in a New Hope and Empire Strike back. Luke annoyed the hell out of me.


Must be in the blood. :p And until ROTJ, he wasn't even properly trained. But he was likeable, he wasn't "the chosen one / highest midichlorian count" guy that destroys command ships while going "Oops! Uh-oh! Woohoo!".


And even when he complained, he didn't whine as much as Anakin who was almost to the point of crying (which can be considered kind of overacting, but I'm 50-50 on it).


Luke in ROTJ after being properly trained was far calmer, except from the Emperor's throne scene where he was actively provoked and seeing him fall was becoming a "will he?", instead of the "still not there yet?" of Anakin's.


The character of HAN Solo was not believable to me either. I guess that walking carpet convinced him to be a good guy.

Jerk with a heart of gold as TVTropes would say it. ;)



My favorite characters in the old series were Tarkin and the Lando,,,,

"The" Lando? :p He was fun, especially when he was being throttled by Chewie. Quite fast to make amends. ;) Tarkin was nice too, had that cold style that I associate the Empire's officers with.


My answers in cyan. :p

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And I'm going to stop you right there, because this is where your entire speculative argument on why you think other people dislike these movies falls apart, and highlights how much of your ranting about why people think what they think is based purely on unfounded assumptions.


Unfortunately my assumptions are not unfounded, even if you are not in denial about the prequels and special editions and your childhood, there are many Star Wars fans who still are and my opinion still holds an enormous amount of validity. And my opinion about the respect George Lucas deserves stands regardless. As for you yourself, since you are so bothered by my words and are adamant to defend yourself, I will concede that perhaps you are not one of them. Even if I have no idea why you felt it necessary to defend yourself to me as no matter how this discussion goes it is in fact merely opinion on both sides of the coin anyway.


I feel I should apologize to you in mentioning your daughter in that way, it was not my intent to be malicious. As I said, I am sure your daughter is very smart and bright. It was mean to me to be speculative in that manner.

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