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Everything posted by Krusedullfaen

  1. I was about to make a thread for this as well. Simply put, they take up a lot of space and while I likely won't be using any of them on the character I mostly play these days, I don't feel comfortable throwing them away. Adding them to Collections would be perfect. They'd still be bound to me anyway, so I see no reason not to.
  2. How is shocking Vette sexual abuse? How is it sexual in any way? You are giving her an electric shock for mouthing off, you could just as easily slap her and that would not be constued as sexual abuse, just abuse. She is a slave, I personally treat her rather well but dominating and abusing people is what Sith do, that should not be unexpected. I also do not think this game should have an M rating, any teen is capable of handling this content, I played worse games when I was 8-10 years old and I see no problems with that for one simple reason, I can separate fantasy from reality.
  3. I took the collar off the first time she asked, I am mostly a dark side Sith (A few light points have come my way when the dark options have been utterly stupid) just for reference. Why? She earned it on Korriban, I wouldn't have been able to finish the last trial without her, plain and simple. In addition, Vette has balls, mouthing off to a Sith who chokes people with his mind is gutsy and my warrior respects that. So yeah, I took it off and she's served me well. I'll probably end up romancing my newest female accomplice, but I like having Vette around.
  4. The Zabrak is there as a last minute addition, just as the Pureblood when it comes to inquisitors. Originally, Warriors could not play Zabrak nor could inquisitors play Purebloods (As far as I've heard) which is why the story doesn't really make sense for those two races.
  5. It works out real well for my Sith Juggernaut, you Jedi are so uptight about genocide...
  6. Yeah, and? If you murder children I don't care if you did it to save your family, you still murdered children.
  7. Of course not, the Jedi vs Sith conflict is at the heart of Star Wars. There can't be light without darkness.
  8. He is a Knight, normally you can not become a Master untill you have trained a Padawan, if memory serves. It's been a while since I read up on that part of lore so if someone ends up correcting me I won't be surprised. And speaking of Ahsoka. I absolutely hated her at first, I thought she was most of what was wrong with the movie, but over time she grew on me and has come more into her own as a character. I'm also glad the changed her model/outfit, as the old one was a bit too jailbaity for my tastes.
  9. The Clone Wars are to me what the prequels should have been. The show does have it's childish moments, it is a show aimed at kids of course so that is to be expected, but because I am able to put myself in the mental state I had 10 years ago, I am able to enjoy this show. At first I thought it was stupid when I saw the movie (Actually the show's pilot, but whatever) but over time the show's quality improved and I started enjoying it. Is it my favourite show? Not by a long shot, but between Boardwalk Empire and House it's nice to have something to just watch just because it's kinda fun, I mostly watch rather dark and serious shows, so having something to lighten the mood is a good balancing act. And objectively speaking, the show improved by a lot around late season 2 and season 3, becoming much more adult friendly for lack of a better term, it got darker but didn't go overboard and I think that strengthened the show. So I'm taking off my cynical old school Star Wars fan pants (I may only be 21 but I grew up during the late 70's and 80's in spirit) and I am saying: I like the Clone Wars for what it is, a mostly lighthhearted and fun show.
  10. Without going into great detail on your post (The ideas have potential, though most aren't what I'd personally like to see.) I'll list a few things I would like to see added at some point. -More racial diversity. The arguments have been made about relatability and romance and so on, but I can't swallow that, to me the current race selection is bland. In a galaxy that offers so many interesting species it's a real shame that we as players can not choose how relatable or romancable our characters should be. Giving players the option of playing a Weequay, Kel-Dor, Togruta or Cathar (Just to name a few) would allow a much wider variety in characters and allow players to truly play who they want to play. -Less flamboyant optional armor/clothing. Now I know this was a stylistic decision to bring variety to a gear based MMO and I am not suggesting that should be changed. I would however like to see some more plain apparel similar to the Jedi/Sith robes worn in KotOR or even the Star Wars movies. These items could be orange (Moddable) items introduced to simply add some flavour and allow players to look the way they want. The main problem with a gear based system to me is that everyone eventually ends up looking exactly the same, something which severely detracts from at least my enjoyment, when my character is in no way unique or interesting, but simply a carbon copy of everyone around him. -More character customisation options. Mainly Hairstyles but also things like scars, tattoos, eye colours (Perhaps one blind eye for example, to match a scar) and maybe a body shape (Ideally something between male shape 2 and 3). This would tie in with an expanded race selection but would also be extremely welcome with the races we currently have. The hair selection for female character is quite honestly abysmal in my opinion and male characters do not fare much better. This would again allow players to create something much more personal and allow more varied characters for group play. As it stands, most people choose very similar options simply because of the quality disparage in what we currently have to work with. These are just a handfull of things I would like to see, obviously there are many more pressing concerns to adress, but at some point in the future I would love to be able to really create a character that feels mine and be able to choose wether my character is ugly or pretty, alien or human, battle hardened or not etc.
  11. Thanks for the tip, I will do exactly that. A friend of mine actually has the very first VHS release of Empire (My favourite movie of all time) but refuses to let me buy it, which is understandable honestly, I sure wouldn't sell it if I had it.
  12. I am so glad I still have the OT on VHS, sadly it's not the very first VHS release of the movies, I believe it is the second one, which does have some edits, but nothing from the prequels. Only problem is, I'm afraid to watch them, the tapes are already worn from me watching them over and over throughout my life, if they were finally worn out now I'd be crushed. But oh well, at least I have them.
  13. After reading that, I'll concede that doing a whole new story for, as an example a wookie character (Which would then probably be used as both a race and class) would work well, but that does not change my opinion regarding races like Kel-Dor, Togruta, Weequay (I would love a Weequay BH for example) and more. The main thing that bothers me is that all the races look basically the same, a green human isn't any more interesting than a normal human, they are both equally dull.
  14. I don't hate them, I think they are bad movies virtually devoid of craftsmanship, but I don't hate them, I just don't really care about them. That being said, I do have a fair amount of problems with them. -Jar Jar is annoying, stupid, childish, and most importantly incredibly racist. On top of that, he serves absolutely no purpose, the Phantom Menace would be a stronger movie without the Gungans as a whole. One of it's main issues was that so much was crammed into it at once, making the movie feel like an incoherent mess full of meaningless plots that never went anywhere. -The Lightsaber duels look coreographed. Obviously they are, but it never looks like people are trying to kill each other, they look like they are deliberately trying to hit the opponents blade instead of hitting the opponent. The fights turn out not being convincing in the slightest. -The writing in all three is terrible, the acting is a mixed bag but it goes from passable to downright atrocious with a few solid performances severely hampered by the stilted and wooden acting all around them. This can be blamed on the script but also on the actors themselves, Hayden Christensen does look like he's trying, but he's not trying hard enough. Natalie Portman is normally a fantastic actress, but because there is zero chemistry between her and Hayden, every love scene ends up awkward and forced. I could go on forever, but I can't be bothered writing any more about it right now, the movies aren't worth the effort.
  15. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Hutt Wookiepedia disagrees with you.
  16. That can only mean one thing, there is a certain demand for this. At any rate, I refuse to believe anyone is stupid enough to actively object to having more options. I understand there are far more pressing concerns right now, but it would be nice to know if alien races are ever going to be available to us, I am bored to tears with the current selection honestly.
  17. First off, Kel-Dor. Not Kel Dorian. Second, the gear issues are already there, if it's okay for Twi'Lek characters then it's okay for these as well. Not to mention that the gear issue is easily solvable, at least in the case of hoods. We all know Twi'Lek wear their Lekku forward over their shoulders or wrapped around their necks, the same method that removes human hair when a hood is on can just as easily switch the Lekku model with one of the models I mentioned, the forward over the shoulders one would fit nicely. The problem still persists on Kel-Dor and Togruta as their heads aren't as flexible, but honestly, would anyone playing those races really care? People already play Twi'Lek characters so my guess is going to be "No". When it comes to the storytelling, I'd much rather have the option of making diverse characters than having a small number of races that conform easily to the storytelling and romances. The romances are optional and the level of immersion is entirely up to the player. If I choose to play for example a Kel-Dor, then I can live with nobody on my crew having the hots for me. My point is mainly that players should not be kept from choosing to play the character they want, if they miss out on something they have only themselves to blame. Could not agree more with this. I get where BioWare is coming from, but if they want us to play our own stories, why not let us choose how to play it? How relatable or romancable my character is should be entirely up to me as a player. I don't need to relate to my character, my character is not me. I am not a Bounty Hunter or a Sith Lord. When I roleplay I don't aim to play as myself, why would I possibly do that when I can instead create an entirely new person and put myself in a completely different pair of shoes than my own?
  18. This is not that hard to figure out. Sith purebloods are the exception to the rule. Of course they are not human, the name pureblood doesn't even begin to make sense if you consider their origins. But that's how it is, the Pureblods are the exception, they are the best because they have the blood of True Sith, that's all there is to it. Is it really that surprising to find hypocrisy in the Empire?
  19. You're right, obviously real Jedi invented the styles so Lucas could film them.
  20. I wouldn't be unhappy if one came out, but I'd rather see the ToR team focus on making this game as good as it can be. The game has barely come out and already people are throwing fits, what happened to patience and basic reasoning skills? I refuse to believe everyone playing is five years old, but that is what it seems like if the forums are any indication. I will be patient, I believe this game has enormous potential given time and I am willing to show my support and give it the time it needs as long as I keep enjoying the game. I have 8 class stories to get through before the game really runs out of content, I'm willing to wait and see where this goes, rather than throwing a hissy fit and quitting because a new game isn't perfect.
  21. You are correct. At first I figured they were mutated Rakata, seeing as I first came across them on Nar Shaddaa, but a quick glimpse at that article confirms that what I was was in fact a group of Ongree. For reference, here is the article on Rakata: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rakata Aside from both species having their eyes situated on stalks protruding from the sides of their heads, they're really not all that similar.
  22. Because they are unnecessary. The Force doesn't need to be explained, doing so only takes away the sense of mystery and power to it. Instead, the Force is basically just germs. It didn't need to be explained and the explanation was poorly executed.
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