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Away From Keyboard Flagging.... You FAIL BW!


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As for your further comment... It's not only the flag, but the boot as well that annoys me. I have repeatedly been sent to the login screen, while crafting or talking to guild members, because I missed the "you are now away from keyboard" flag.


Nope. The game only gives you a nice, "Hey, we're going to boot you." window that pops up and has a 20 second(?) timer to react to. There's no way you're just sitting there talking or crafting and just get kicked out of the blue from inactivity. That never happened, sorry.

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OK, I spent most of yesterday on the Fleet crafting and chatting in Guild Chat, and the only time I got hit with AFK was when there was a long pause in chat and I did nothing but have my companions going to do stuff. Everytime I was talking in Guild or General I had no issues with it going afk on me.


I am willing to bet there is more to this little story than our OP is telling. However, what game doesn't kick you afk if you stand in one place for an extended period of time doing nothing, which is exactly what you are doing in TOR if you are Crafting, because you aren't crafting your companion characters are, you're just standing there telling them what to do every so often.


Like someone else said, I would rather have Bioware err on the side of caution in this and boot someone who appears to be afk than to let people be afk and stay in game.


I understand that OP is upset over this, while many of us think it's a silly thing to be upset over, however, insults are never the way to get something solved. Also giving the mods on the forums crap probably not a good choice, that's just my opinion.

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However, what game doesn't kick you afk if you stand in one place for an extended period of time doing nothing, which is exactly what you are doing in TOR if you are Crafting


FFXI, you can stay logged on 24/7 (unless servers close for maint) due to enable bazaar selling


just thought I'd throw that in there :p

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I've noticed this same problem, and it's annoying. Annoying enough to take the time to write a forum rant? Nope, not for me, but annoying enough to stop and offer my agreement to one someone else wrote.


Just because there's an easy workaround doesn't mean the underlying problem shouldn't be fixed. I'm not going to be screaming and hollering at the devs until they fix it, and it should be low priority, but it should eventually be fixed.

Edited by Fulminata
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I've noticed this same problem, and it's annoying. Annoying enough to take the time to write a forum rant? Nope, not for me, but annoying enough to stop and offer my agreement to one someone else wrote.


Just because there's an easy workaround doesn't mean the underlying problem shouldn't be fixed. I'm not going to be screaming and hollering at the devs until they fix it, and it should be low priority, but it should eventually be fixed.


totally agree with you

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People have to wait in queues to login.

The Galactic market Interface is terrible and time consuming to navigate.

I can't add my character to my mules friends list.

I have to change my show Sith corruption every time I log in or change zones and reset the UI to update the portrait.



But no, no, no..... the having to press a movement key once every 20 minutes or so to keep from being sent to the character select screen is cause for yelling Fail.... :rolleyes:





nuff said

Edited by Kourage
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So yeah, I'm standing on Taris doing some crafting, sending my companions out to get stuff etc, and talking to Guild members in guild chat.. when out of nowhere I get this message...


You are now away from keyboard


Yeah um... except.. I am NOT away from my keyboard, I am actually AT my keyboard, talking to guild members and doing crafting... Which entails clicking stuff in the game, and TYPING IN CHAT!


by definition.. NOT away from my KEYBOARD!


Apparently, BW has decided that UNLESS YOUR CHARACTER IS MOVING.. you MUST be afk.


Doesn't matter if your typing in the chat window, doesn't matter if you are crafting... nope.. unless your character is MOVING, you MUST be afk.


I've seen some ridiculous things in MMO's, but honestly this has to take the cake for stupidity in design.


I'm not even going to suggest that you fix it.. as fixing that is...... obvious, and you miss the obvious way to much.






Wow some people need to chillout rofl who the hell cares if it says your afk? really? You never stoped to think there might be a reason they did it that way O wise one?


There are BIGGER issues at hand in this game than '' It says I'm afk when I do nothing but craft and type''

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Someone needs to step away from the keyboard for real. The game could sense that.


so did the mods lol, i can only imagine how the OP is feeling right now...


forced boot from afk does not compare to force boot from forums right now

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you may not be AFK.


but say a gold seller just stands there with an automated script posting every 5mins "BUY GOLD FROM HERE"


the player doesnt move at all, but isnt flagged as AFK....so he can continue to spam and not get kicked because he is chatting.


perhaps BW they actually thought ahead :rolleyes:

Edited by Harpic
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Do you know what the REALLY annoying thing is?


I get /afk'ed and booted for crafting, yet those AFK scum who infest Warzones can run itno the warzone, do fk all and NOT get booted.


Its another kick in the nads for PvP that scum like that are allowed to get away with it.


Even when you REPORT them nothing happens.


The same guy (who is well known) on my server is now Valor Rank 31 for doing NOTHING except screw his teammates over.

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Game breaking? No, stupid, inept, moronic design? yes.


This feature obviously causes you to rage.


Go play a different game.


This thing has happened to me as well. I tapped my forward key and the flag went away.


Did you submit a bug report or just come here to be a drama queen?

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This feature obviously causes you to rage.


Go play a different game.


This thing has happened to me as well. I tapped my forward key and the flag went away.


Did you submit a bug report or just come here to be a drama queen?


I'll take Drama Queens for 200, Alex.

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I get kicked out of game from Warzones to the character selection screen. If I Q up for another warzone when the Q pops up and i click enter it sends me straight back to the character selection screen.


It is annoying me

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So much hostility over a small coding error. I am sure it'll gt fixed but something like this wil be way down the list on priorities. :rolleyes: Its no biggie.


Really..very few are concerned about this and true...it should be waaaay down the list of things to fix...in fact....its not broken in my book.

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