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Level 11-50 bracket needs to go...ASAP


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Cross-realm warzones please, and divide up the levels more. Because I don't think people who are level 11 like playing agaisnt premades much.


anyone can get to level 13 under 4-5h.

if they don't want to fight against 50s then just spend a little more hours and level up.



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anyone can get to level 13 under 4-5h.

if they don't want to fight against 50s then just spend a little more hours and level up.




I don't think level 13s like fighting 50s, either, and I supremely doubt two more levels is going to sway the fight in the 13s favour.


Anyways, yes, brackets -- I hope they'll be added in time. Even at 41, I am a force to be reckoned with. At 50, I'm pretty sure all I'll need to do is roll my face across my keyboard to win versus a group of lowbies. Unfortunate because I love a challenging fight.

Edited by Sugarpill
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anyone can get to level 13 under 4-5h.

if they don't want to fight against 50s then just spend a little more hours and level up.




Yes, being level 13 makes you ready to fight 50's.. *facepalm*


PvP is impossible to play if you are under 40, You die extremly fast and there is no way to counter it. PvP is a waste of time if you aren't 50.

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Considering a well geared 20-30 can crit me harder than a level 50... Even on my level 50 with a moderate amount of PvP gear can get hit well over 3000 by level 20's but I rarely see it breach 2300 against level 50's :-p


I seriously think they should stop this whole system of pushing player stats up.. because it is so horrid at this time that I seriously can not blame many for just afk'ing

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Things simply cannot go on how they are right now. It is absolutely no fun to pvp against a premade of 50s. And for those of you who say go level up? That is taking an entire aspect from the game away from us. That would be like me telling you that you cannot do flashpoints or raids. Brackets need to be included asap, before Star Wars loses some valuable pvp lovers.
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Level 50s are not that overly powerful. Last night played several WZ where they had level 50s and our highest was 34, I am 29 myself. Through good healing, teamwork and focus we mange to beat several Imperial groups with 50's in it.


Being level 50 should have some benefit or why be 50 ? Cross server WZ are a joke since it breaks up a community. I like being able to not group with the people that act up on WZ, some pay back and accountability for bad behavior.


If you dont like how PvP just stay out of the zones til 50. I personally enjoy a challenge, this is why I play games. If you want to do well with WZ, make sure your gear is almost the same level you are, it makes a big difference. Know you place in battle and stick together in groups. It is not hard guys, you are making a mountain of a mole hill. PvP WZ are not about who can kill the other guy the quickest, its about accomplishing the objectives. I have seen many of a team get too focused on killing each other only to fall prey to being beat in the WZ.


I think PvP is good as it is. It is balanced. There are benefits with spending you time gear wise in PvP, I like this. I have spent level 11-29 just pretty much in WZ. Most my xp has come from the WZs. If you dont know, thats alot of hours in PvP. I tested this over and over and over and over and over....It is balanced, it is fair. I am a commando, I outheal most the higher levels because I focus on doing this. I know how to mitigate my dmg, not get too close up front and run when I need to. I am not going to say I win games for my team, but I do certainly help. PvP is balanced, test it yourself. 50s should be rewarded for being 50, lets not try to trivilize something because your getting pounded from lack of intelligence or skill.



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Yes, being level 13 makes you ready to fight 50's.. *facepalm*


PvP is impossible to play if you are under 40, You die extremly fast and there is no way to counter it. PvP is a waste of time if you aren't 50.


I disagree. Guild premade-levels 42, 31, 19 and 17. Won 6 in a row last night against teams that had multiple 50's. Vent is your friend.

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if you don't want to face 50s in wz then level up.

i have a bh alt level 15. i don't mind being against 50s.


ppl play. their level doesn't play for themselves.

if u r good, there's always options.


I'm willing to wager this guy has 50 and PvP allies at 50 who enjoys face rolling lowbies. Correct me if I'm wrong.


In my opinion the brackets should have already been in place since launch because it's absurd facing level 50 premades in random pugs of 10 - 30 with the odd PuG 50. What a bunch of cowardice people having the nerve to actually come on these threads and defend it so they can keep on face rolling lowbies.

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Level 50s are not that overly powerful. Last night played several WZ where they had level 50s and our highest was 34, I am 29 myself. Through good healing, teamwork and focus we mange to beat several Imperial groups with 50's in it.


Being level 50 should have some benefit or why be 50 ? Cross server WZ are a joke since it breaks up a community. I like being able to not group with the people that act up on WZ, some pay back and accountability for bad behavior.


If you dont like how PvP just stay out of the zones til 50. I personally enjoy a challenge, this is why I play games. If you want to do well with WZ, make sure your gear is almost the same level you are, it makes a big difference. Know you place in battle and stick together in groups. It is not hard guys, you are making a mountain of a mole hill. PvP WZ are not about who can kill the other guy the quickest, its about accomplishing the objectives. I have seen many of a team get too focused on killing each other only to fall prey to being beat in the WZ.


I think PvP is good as it is. It is balanced. There are benefits with spending you time gear wise in PvP, I like this. I have spent level 11-29 just pretty much in WZ. Most my xp has come from the WZs. If you dont know, thats alot of hours in PvP. I tested this over and over and over and over and over....It is balanced, it is fair. I am a commando, I outheal most the higher levels because I focus on doing this. I know how to mitigate my dmg, not get too close up front and run when I need to. I am not going to say I win games for my team, but I do certainly help. PvP is balanced, test it yourself. 50s should be rewarded for being 50, lets not try to trivilize something because your getting pounded from lack of intelligence or skill.




*I know how to mitigate my dmg, not get too close up front and run when I need to.*


That's all well and good. You play a commando well. You clearly don't need to get too close. You seem to have shown great ability. Healing, heavy protective armors and range, it takes time to master no one can deny it. I'm sure you are able to hold your own by now, yes.


Its a shame Knights / Sentinels / Marauders / Juggernauts / Shadows / Assassin seem to not be able to keep distance and mitigate damage as well as you. They charge in and get killed. As you rightly point out, showing a lack of intelligence and skill, yes.


I think it is good for them to play against level 50 Commandos and other ranged classes so they can learn their class. How to play under heavy fire against ranged healers. its good training for those melees.


[Yes this post is sarcasm]

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I'm willing to wager this guy has 50 and PvP allies at 50 who enjoys face rolling lowbies. Correct me if I'm wrong.


In my opinion the brackets should have already been in place since launch because it's absurd facing level 50 premades in random pugs of 10 - 30 with the odd PuG 50. What a bunch of cowardice people having the nerve to actually come on these threads and defend it so they can keep on face rolling lowbies.


My main is Qahlel. My alt is Sarp. Currently, my alt is level 41. I pvp'd with my alt. He's atm V28 and full L40 set.

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Cross-realm warzones please, and divide up the levels more. Because I don't think people who are level 11 like playing agaisnt premades much.


If they can do crossrealm warzones, fine. Put them all together in one big pool. But do we have any indication it's even possible without major performance issues?

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I don't know how anybody would like the system as it is currently except level 50's that don't want any competition. Really this is the most shoddy pvp in any game i've ever played right now when you consider all the things wrong with it: tons of pvp bugs, CC broke, no incentive to kill other players just complete objectives, bad bracket system to just name some of the things. Really its horrible. Edited by Kwll
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