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I aint angry, I pre-order mine On Oct 14th and I don't care I got in first time round. I got other things to do such as Skyrim, Dungeon Defenders, WoW, AoC, APB. Never a dull moment in my free time throughout the weekday! Just don't mine coming at weekend, would be a huge waste since I dont even think about games at weekends.
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Maybe, instead of whining about how you paid your $5 months after everyone else did, you should have just pre-ordered on the first day. They you would be in the game and not throwing a tantrum.


There is a saying on my homeworld - First come, First served.


I had the email offer pre-order in July but I wasnt sure if the game would be worth it so I didn't pre-order, after getting into the beta weekend I bought 2 copies (for me and the wife), I dont expect Bioware to give me 7 days EGA or even 5, I expected one day based on the pre-orders and reading what was offered. Nowhere did it say *I* would get 5 days EGA, all it said was that you could get UP TO 5 days and they didnt even spell out how they'd select the EGA waves.


I can find zero sympathy for the arguments put forward here and the waves of entitlement going around here, frankly, I'm seriously worried what having these people in the game will result in.

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I can find zero sympathy for the arguments put forward here and the waves of entitlement going around here, frankly, I'm seriously worried what having these people in the game will result in.


I completely agree with the above statement. The amount of self entitlement evident in these threads is staggering. I really hope all these *********** whiners put their money where their mouth is and cancel their orders. The positive effect on the community would be immense and benefit the game as a whole in the long run.


I really cannot understand the mindset where you have no obligations whatsover to take information in and it is always someones elses fault if you don't get everything you want, regardless of what you have agreed too.

Edited by sofuse
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You didn't get in on the first day of 7 bonus days, out of a possible 5, and you are mad.


Christmas morning is going to suck when you don't get your Ken doll.


Fantastic commentary! :D


Seriously, I think it's great what Bioware has done. And let me underline again:

UP TO 5 days.


That means not 5 days, but if you've ordered early you could be lucky and get 5 days of early access.


*Note to self: Stop looking at the forums, I just get angry with all the whiners."

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I really don't understand what the problem is. You all agreed to pay the extra sum of £5(ish) to play the game before the 20th. Encase you had not noticed, its the 15th today.


You agreed to their terms and conditions which do state that you shall play the game before the 20th, and that there is no specific time as to when you shall be accepted. So shut up, stop your crying. If everyone logged in at the same time, servers would crash, people would get fired and the game would be delayed. All the haters are just being greedy.

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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


You are truly a "99%er". It doesn't matter to you what you actually deserve/have coming but you are mad as hell that you aren't getting it.


Time to grow up.

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I don't think all that many people are angry. I think a few players out there have been confused about the pre-order/product registration-code mix up though (me being one of those people).

But I must say that the dev tracker hhave been very helpful with clearing that up for me.

And I'd like to give big ups to the devs and forum mods that keep pushing out the same messages all the time, so that people understand the difference between the codes and don't have to be so confused any more.

I don't think I've ever seen a mmo-forum get so many developer answers a day as this one.


Been playing WoW for the past 5 or so years (since WoW patch 1.1) and getting hold of a blue on those forums is a nasty business. You'd have better luck getting in to a conversation with a GM in game.

[Ticket status - Open. Estimated wait time to talk to GM - 4days 12hours 36minutes]



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LOL how DARE bioware only give you the amount of free early acces days that they promised!

dude if they give you any free extra days on top of the 30 free trial with purchase thats a win right there.


You gona be able to play in a few bloody days but by all means waste that time crying about it and acting like bioware will suffer thy wrath! geez some of you are impatient and for your information they didnt promise you 7 days sooo next time you might wana read the fine print before going holy war flag raiser on the forums threatening bioware.


you act like its the end of the world of TOR lol;p play outside...finish that novel youve been workin on...you know been workin on it bout 3 years now? makin some good character? some friends become enemies some enemies become friends? Those friends unite to kill bioware for this horrid injustice that will be remembered as a day of imfamy? lol sorry for lame jokes but im tired


And thanks to whoever put that robot chicken youtube link...that was really funny lol :) "What the hell is an aluminum falcon!?"

Edited by KillerJak
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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.



all i can say is bioware should ask to see your id, and put people through a psych evaluation before they can play tor, this way we can play only with emotionally stable adults.


Edited by infernus_uk
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I humbly request Bioware to add a "Whiny B*tch" subforum for threads like this. Then, we could all get the satisfaction of knowing that your stupid 'entitlement' posts will be seen by less people than a Mel Gibson movie. Edited by KyrusValo
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I agree with the majority by looks of it.


They are getting it right.


Too many gamers are just kids, even if the are 30 year old. They don't live in the real world and fail to spend time thinking about the fact that this is controlled by professionals who know better than them.


It is a process and with a little understand we can all see it through with the end result being that everyone probably gets in very early.


Instead these idiots want to bother customer services, waste their time and make them deal with an issue that is not really an issue. That enrages me, customer service gets tied up by babies with no faith.

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all i can say is bioware should ask to see your id, and put people through a psych evaluation before they can play tor, this way we can play only with emotionally stable adults.





Fact is a lot of gamers play because they are actually ill, phyisically or mentally. However most of these little baby girls here on the forum are probably just greed spoiled brats.


To talk like this, the demise of a game that is not even officially released shows serious lack of self control. Another reason why MMO's need a social rating that can go into the minus when other players rate them negatively. Then restrict some areas from play, even restrict chat if it reaches serious minus numbers.


Had enough of the days when these people think they can say what they want. It is damaging because it has no factual ground most of the time and they often write things in a way that comes across as a common feeling within the game.


Let us rate them, boot them out and they can name shame themselves with a social scoreboard showing them in the bottom half.

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You misstyped the line in bold. You meant to say "Hundreds of emotional teenagers are jacked up on mountain dew and wasted a sick day from home period when they misunderstood how early access was going to be."


this =)


I imagine all the QQ'ers standing in the supermarket with a couple of ppl in front of them, raging because they have to wait a bit, at the same time i imagine them as the all-so-famous german raging kid ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dKWQmBM49I )

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This way of releasing a softwareproduct is by far the best way I have ever vitnessed and I work with software each day.


U can whine as much as u want but they did say that it will be up to 5 days early access and if anyone thought that meant "I CAN PLAY THE 15th" they were just stupid.


I rather have this (and still have 20th as the day I know that I can play) then to have all join the game at the same time and kill all the servers.


Great work to you at BioWare!!!

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I give Bioware an A+ for their project management score.


Keep up the good work Bioware! The majority of us are behind you, just ignore the small few screamers like a triage system, they may be loud, but it's only a minority and it's certainly not any real issue!

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People complaining about Bioware on this are totally ignorant.


I was stupid enough to not preorder the first day it was possible. I waited untill 13th of October.


I knew all the time it was supposed to be UP TO 5 days or early access. So I was hoping for 2 or 3 days when I found out it was gonna be released in waves according to dates codes were redeemed.


I got in yesterday. So that means even as late as October I get 6 days of early access when I was trying to be realistic and imagined 2-3.


I log on, no queues, no crashes, no lag, very nice latency and everything is working as it should.


Ye... very bad "launch" Bioware. Very bad.


Noooo... its the best "launch" for a MMO Ive experienced. Other mmo launches been queues for days and you finally get in and its lag and no quest items or mobs left and its all a big mess.


Good job Bioware.


PS: To Bioware, dont listen to the kids crying boo boo bee boo...

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