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  1. You walk across dangerous terrain, expect to fall in a hole lol Every game will have issues like that, a place where you can get stuck! Do you honestly think during BETA every area is covered and even if it is reported do you expect it to be fixed so soon? We're in early play people, go play the game already! For a new game it is amazing. Every developer who plays the game, I being one, will probably agree it is a nice piece of work for the early days. The babies who know how nothing at all works in the world expect everything to go smooth, shame on their mothers for wiping their rear end for them.
  2. Too many people think everyone needs a gaming computer, half of them probably bullied their poor mummy into getting it for them too. Let me tell you this and tell you clearly. I have a laptop that runs great on STO is only 2 years old. In the most in-sane battles I have no performance issues with graphics up high. Come on SWTOR and inside buildings I got major lag it was crazy. Outside I was fine. NOT a computer issue. Problem is now fixed however since the last patch.
  3. To be clear. Updated graphics, very slight improve, not much. Downtime on SWTOR, after which I could play far better. That patch was a good fix for my issue couple days back.
  4. Some people really lack any common sense. This thread clearly indicates that the issue is not specs yet people still post things like "Get a better PC"! As a developer I can tell you now that the fault is with the game, the customer is always right and if a game does not allow a PC bought in a retail store to run on it and that PC was purchased within the last year then that is a major fault of the game plus developers. Credit however, they improved this problem and I can now play properly so thanks a lot there. Seems many still have the issue but they need to individually state their specs because obviously there are always going to be players who do have bad computers. Not the case with most of the people I've spoken to though.
  5. Exactly it was Boo Hoo I want early access NOW or I'm really kicking up a stink. Clueless or what. I think the devs said, let em have it. Last waves had to have been much bigger right? Yes bring it on. Make these people wait just like starving children in Africa need to wait a long long long long long long long long time... for a drink of fresh water, same stuff some gamers use to keep their rig cool ?!
  6. It's early play, if there are any babies in the game I recommend that you go get your blanky and tell mummy all about it while you wait. It's not easy to get this right, spend too much money, time and effort on servers that quickly become unused, empty... not good for the game. Queues indicate a game is booming, we need queues so it is all over the web that SWTOR is busy. See the positive side to it. If you truly like the game you'll stop thinking about yourself all the time. Boo hoooo
  7. What are you doing exactly to find such glitches?! From what your saying it does sound like minor glitches, not bugs. As a developer, I hate the term "bugs" but it is an easy one for people to understand. Glitches are also easy to understand that term has been around for a long time in gaming right? So how about talking about specifics, how serious the glitch is, or if you do find a bug how badly did it effect your gameplay. Are you talking about minor glitches and just come in here out of bordome to spread negativity or are you in a strange way trying to support the game by just mentioning something we could probably all have guessed anyway?! As someone said, massive software, massive maps. For 100% bug and glitch free MMO your looking at 10 years development because the devs would need to play their own game for an accumulated period of well years really! So instead we come in after 4 years and in 4-6 years time this game will be polished... WoW will be dirt on my shoe.
  8. He is totally right. Easy peasy to make a gaming keyboard keep me online.
  9. I would love to just find such a place! Not found it during beta, played yesterday and today still not found it. I'm a Bounty Hunter and I've been in the Sith Academy to the top level lol I'm sure I will find it, when I do I'll be happy with it. Changes will come. Lets just play.
  10. Buildings! Never played a game that causes lag, for sure, when entering buildings. I guess it is something to do with how buildings are zones for specific career, there must be a lot going on we don't see when we walk through the green field of magic. I got the game working just a touch better than it was in beta. Updated ATI graphics card, helped very slightly but still not enough, can't move around in buildings with hitting walls and pointing my pistol at myself which is terrifying when your trigger happy!!! Get outside and all is, well ok really. I ended up running around shooting the same groups of nastiest for an hour rather than going into buildings. If that is my SWTOR experience forever more, oh no. I hope the devs have caught on to this issue. It is real, I don't think it should be happening and I want a patch before 20th that fixes it so early play is worth it. I can't decided which susbcription to keep running until I know what the situation is, STO or SWTOR. Come on DEVS work your magic you can do it
  11. lol Fact is a lot of gamers play because they are actually ill, phyisically or mentally. However most of these little baby girls here on the forum are probably just greed spoiled brats. To talk like this, the demise of a game that is not even officially released shows serious lack of self control. Another reason why MMO's need a social rating that can go into the minus when other players rate them negatively. Then restrict some areas from play, even restrict chat if it reaches serious minus numbers. Had enough of the days when these people think they can say what they want. It is damaging because it has no factual ground most of the time and they often write things in a way that comes across as a common feeling within the game. Let us rate them, boot them out and they can name shame themselves with a social scoreboard showing them in the bottom half.
  12. I agree with the majority by looks of it. They are getting it right. Too many gamers are just kids, even if the are 30 year old. They don't live in the real world and fail to spend time thinking about the fact that this is controlled by professionals who know better than them. It is a process and with a little understand we can all see it through with the end result being that everyone probably gets in very early. Instead these idiots want to bother customer services, waste their time and make them deal with an issue that is not really an issue. That enrages me, customer service gets tied up by babies with no faith.
  13. You know what, if you are correct I will not be impressed. I will ask, why there was no a message telling us to do this 3-4 days ago. But thank you for the information. I think no one wants to really try it because its not the smallest of downloads, I mean it is the first thing normally done with any software if problems are experienced lol
  14. Tried everything mentioned, been playing games and developing on Windows for years now. Exact same issue. Beta was alright even on a low spec machine for the home bought one year ago beta was fine. Now I cannot play. I was about to chuck it in but was pointed here by forum mod, well done to the moderators hard work. Now I suppose we give them until 20th before we start uninstalling and spreading the word that Tripple Phenom 2ghz 4GB and ATI Radeon just won't cut it. Do I play feeling like I'm on something to get something out of early access or what? lol Anyone else on those exact same specs especially ATI Radeon??? I ask because since this issue, I suspect a problem with an ATI Radeon driver update, yet to confirm.
  15. Tripple Phenom, 2ghz, 4gb, 30mb broaband I'm on right now. This laptop is just a year old, ATI Radeon graphics. Not an Alienware but like said I play STO good and this played good in beta. Anyway, I'm scrapping the idea of playing this. Been a long long time I seen a game behave like this and I really don't waste anytime. I put a lot of money into a game once settled in it so I don't force myself in, the game has to invite me. SWTOR booted me out the door. Thanks for your reply.
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