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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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Bioware had a plan and they stuck to it. Good for them. This is early access. Something they did not need to do. Game launches 20th of December last time i checked. They even added a few extra days of early access. And got flamed for that. Its amazing.


Keep up the good work Bioware.

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The only problem I had was that BW failed to communicate with us as their future clientele...until Stephen Reids statement (see pg 9 of this thread) I saw nothing conclusive from a dev as to what we should expect. Admittedly, I didnt comb through each post on each thread so maybe I just missed it before.


With that said, it seemed strange that the final beta weekend included all the pre-order folks along with a significant number of free beta key givaways from gaming websites and yet they were afraid to let us all in at once...as if the servers might not handle it. Now we know that its in an effort to spread out the population so servers dont have to be closed/merged later. And this "wave" system doesnt resemble the last beta weekend either where they added more ppl each day so we had no point of reference from the past. With no communication it was very frustrating.


Many ppl have said that BW doesn't "owe" us this or that...or ppl are wrong for expecting too much...and maybe thats true to a point. But if they want to keep us as customers they owe us some clear communication and some level of common courtesy. This wouldn't have been avoided completely but much of this could've been resolved with a bit of upfront information.


I am now patiently waiting...as long as I'm first wave tomorrow morn. HeHe.

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I didn't expect to get in first day, but I expected them to keep going past 2pm. I expected them to let more than 5 waves of people in. I expected them to at least get into the start of August's preorders.


I thought I was being conservative. Obviously my expectations were way too high. That's my bad, but it's also a mark against the company.

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I'm just getting irritated at the possibility that people will be level 50 and have enough money to control the markets before I even get in the game.


Talk about 1% of the population controlling 99% of the money...


Same, the people that are in now have a huge advantage to those who get in a couple days from now. It's going to be fun trying to leveling on PVP servers...


They should have just had the game come out on the 20th. Early access is a load of crap. Preorder incentives should be a vanity pet or 10% off or something. Early access just pissed everyone off.

Edited by SuberBaird
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Same, the people that are in now have a huge advantage to those who get in a couple days from now. It's going to be fun trying to leveling on PVP servers...


They should have just had the game come out one the 20th. Early access is a load of crap. Preorder incentives should be a vanity pet or 10% off or something. Early access just pissed everyone off.


Another example of bending over a 'giving' players what they want and it backfires because its not done the way they want it.

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I didn't expect to get in first day, but I expected them to keep going past 2pm. I expected them to let more than 5 waves of people in. I expected them to at least get into the start of August's preorders.


I thought I was being conservative. Obviously my expectations were way too high. That's my bad, but it's also a mark against the company.


This would have probably solved alot of issues because people would still be sitting at computers hoping rather then stewing


Who ever suggested the invites stop at 3:30 pm est needs to be demoted or out right fired.




If they had invited the exact same amount of people today but spread it over 8 am est to 11:59 pm est, I kid you not, there would be 75% less complaint threads today.


But because someone wanted to be home for dinner, they majorly screwed up this launch.


Simple as that.


Wouldnt have mattered for me as I explained, seeing all the complaints and everything it strikes me as so blatantly unfair and unproffessional to charge everyone the same price and then give some more access then others to your product. Thats just bad bussiness 101 and baffles me how smarter bussiness men then me (hopefully) allowed this to go forward.


But there you have it, perception is everything and Bioware made their preception crystal clear that there is a skelton shift watching servers while everyone else at home sound asleep until tommorrows 8-4 working day hours.

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Same, the people that are in now have a huge advantage to those who get in a couple days from now. It's going to be fun trying to leveling on PVP servers...


They should have just had the game come out on the 20th. Early access is a load of crap. Preorder incentives should be a vanity pet or 10% off or something. Early access just pissed everyone off.


If you knew the population numbers you would know that pvp servers are going to be imbalanced either way. I am sincerely sorry that people didn't pre-order the game the first or second day but you had 3 years man. Three whole years of knowing this was coming.

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If you knew the population numbers you would know that pvp servers are going to be imbalanced either way. I am sincerely sorry that people didn't pre-order the game the first or second day but you had 3 years man. Three whole years of knowing this was coming.


Not everyone knew...........

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This would have probably solved alot of issues because people would still be sitting at computers hoping rather then stewing


Who ever suggested the invites stop at 3:30 pm est needs to be demoted or out right fired.




If they had invited the exact same amount of people today but spread it over 8 am est to 11:59 pm est, I kid you not, there would be 75% less complaint threads today.


But because someone wanted to be home for dinner, they majorly screwed up this launch.


Simple as that.


Wouldnt have mattered for me as I explained, seeing all the complaints and everything it strikes me as so blatantly unfair and unproffessional to charge everyone the same price and then give some more access then others to your product. Thats just bad bussiness 101 and baffles me how smarter bussiness men then me (hopefully) allowed this to go forward.


But there you have it, perception is everything and Bioware made their preception crystal clear that there is a skelton shift watching servers while everyone else at home sound asleep until tommorrows 8-4 working day hours.


LOL Kalfear, so true... :rolleyes:

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Same, the people that are in now have a huge advantage to those who get in a couple days from now. It's going to be fun trying to leveling on PVP servers...


They should have just had the game come out on the 20th. Early access is a load of crap. Preorder incentives should be a vanity pet or 10% off or something. Early access just pissed everyone off.


Not to mention the fact that people have been exploiting the low populations to rake in EXP from super quick Warzones.... There are already people in the 30s+....

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This would have probably solved alot of issues because people would still be sitting at computers hoping rather then stewing


Who ever suggested the invites stop at 3:30 pm est needs to be demoted or out right fired.




If they had invited the exact same amount of people today but spread it over 8 am est to 11:59 pm est, I kid you not, there would be 75% less complaint threads today.


But because someone wanted to be home for dinner, they majorly screwed up this launch.


Simple as that.


Wouldnt have mattered for me as I explained, seeing all the complaints and everything it strikes me as so blatantly unfair and unproffessional to charge everyone the same price and then give some more access then others to your product. Thats just bad bussiness 101 and baffles me how smarter bussiness men then me (hopefully) allowed this to go forward.


But there you have it, perception is everything and Bioware made their preception crystal clear that there is a skelton shift watching servers while everyone else at home sound asleep until tommorrows 8-4 working day hours.


What baffles me is that you claim to have any business sense what so-ever, and are complaining about a feature that was completely optional on their part. They didn't have to let any of us in early, and they could have just kept the pre-order bonus to the color crystal. This is NOT a "Launch", I haven't even been charged for the "Game" yet. They just levied a 5 Dollar Pre-Order. No one is entitled to a damn thing, and it's butt hurting a lot of people on this forum that they have to be patient. But! That's your generation. All you ever want is instant gratification. Up to means that they aren't legally obligated to let you in earlier than the 19th. You are guaranteed at least one day of Early Access, and you'll like it damnit.

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For us, launch isn't just about stuffing our servers with as many people as possible. As anyone who's been through a large MMO launch can tell you, that experience can be painful. Our aim with this launch was to ramp things up gradually, to spread our player population out amongst a variety of servers, to maintain all server types, and to keep queuing to a minimum (although we expect that to happen as we head towards December 20th). So far, all that has been successful for us on Day One.


If any of you have played an MMO game at launch, or even when new expansion packs come out, it is extremely painful! I appreciate the fact that they are rolling this out at a smooth pace. I don't want to be doing my starting quests with 25 other people..do you?


Also, please remember that they didn't have to do Early Access, but they did. And, they did it in a way that was smart because now they can spread out entry to the game over a longer period to YOUR BENEFIT. I don't know of another company that has done this. I think it is awesome. Just saying..


Oh, and I haven't received my access yet either..so yah, I'm in the same position. Just different perspective. :)

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Entry into theme park involves everyone standing a dark room with blindfolds on while one person in charge organises people from tallest to shortest.


We will tell you we are sorting you all via hight.


But we won't let you take your blind folds off or tell you how you compare to other people.


Instead we will leave you wondering, if you are pretty sure you are a short person you will still stress because this doesn't help you stop wondering the hight of other people or how fast we are able to arrange you all. So you will still stress even if you are sure you are going to be one of the last..


But just to make sure you don't resign to giving in...


It could be any second, keep checking those emails :p




how about now?




To quote someone else

I can only speak for myself when I say that I will remeber them saying "you MAY play 7 days early, but we wont tell you when or if"... worst que in gaming history?
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Yeah im sorry.....look at RIFTs EARLY ACCESS launch.......


as the servers filled up they just kept rolling out new ones when all the servers hit Heavy


Rift did not have the ammount of pre-orders SWTOR does, by far even.

Also gotta keep in mind the login servers cluttering.


I think on a long-term people will appreciate how BioWare is handeling things.

You won't see the impact short-term.

But this is all being done thinking ahead.


Once you get in the EGA you surely won't be angry anymore and be a happy person finaly getting his play time.

Edited by XionoraSoulfire
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What baffles me is that you claim to have any business sense what so-ever, and are complaining about a feature that was completely optional on their part. They didn't have to let any of us in early, and they could have just kept the pre-order bonus to the color crystal. This is NOT a "Launch", I haven't even been charged for the "Game" yet. They just levied a 5 Dollar Pre-Order. No one is entitled to a damn thing, and it's butt hurting a lot of people on this forum that they have to be patient. But! That's your generation. All you ever want is instant gratification. Up to means that they aren't legally obligated to let you in earlier than the 19th. You are guaranteed at least one day of Early Access, and you'll like it damnit.

Yes this is true but give some people who are upset some credit. Don't offer an awesome service and do it in a way that ends up just pissing off a lot of people. Thats like doing a favor for someone and half doing it, in your mind its ok if its half assed because im doing them a favor. If you're going to do something, such as an Early Access you have to be careful to try to balance the issue out. (to their credit there is no 'right' way youll always have someone pissed off) My point is they put themselves out there for criticism for doing the EGA to begin with. I highly doubt they're sweating the issue though.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. This potentially bodes that the whole head-start process is going to be extremely slow-going, with the possibility of not even having everyone in by release. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should




Sorry I have said this many times and would be attacked immediately by a blind fanboy who can't see a valid reason to be annoyed over there own need to defend a company at all costs.

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I honestly don't believe the "early access" is for stress testing. I am pretty sure they accomplished that during the beta. I could be wrong but that's just my .02. Anyways, good luck to everyone on receiving their early access invite within the next few days :)
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If you knew the population numbers you would know that pvp servers are going to be imbalanced either way. I am sincerely sorry that people didn't pre-order the game the first or second day but you had 3 years man. Three whole years of knowing this was coming.


really where are the billboards going down the roads, or the ads on tv or even ads anywhere at all for the game... I found out about it in 09 by accident but until this month I didnt check the web page regularly...


I actually preorderd like January 15thish because I knew I would get the game at my local gamestop, no perks mentioned or anything like that. I only checked the site like once a month to see what updates were going on (pre nda info was pretty scarce and I am not one to just post on forums when I have no clue or speculate on stuff) August 20th is when I actually found out about the EGA and how they were doing it so went back and got my code.


They managed to get 5 or 6 days of orders in today... that was it and then had the audacity to say that those days amounted to more than other games total populations when we can see that the servers are low to mid population across the board.


They closed out all invites at 1:30 and even if all the servers pops went to light they are not going to invite anyone else till 8am... WHAT ARE THEY SMOKING... they have people sitting at the office right now that could be sending out additional waves because obviously from what people are saying the game can handle more people right now but instead they just get us more and more pissed off and tell us thats just how it is and we should like it.


I know this is a QQ but what else can I do? My main gripe is they stopped at 1:30 and from the few casts I have seen servers have been pretty empty all along. I would have rather them have not said anything about when waves were sent at all than to be told at 1:30 you have no chance today or overnight tonight even.


And I would still take lag queues and disconnects over this 1 to 6 day long queue to even play at all.

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Please stop saying this early access thing is a gift, it is a marketing ploy.


They servers are released when they felt they where ready too. The date afterwards is just a date they could draw on to go "hey look early access" but you can't sell something that doesn't exist. This is release... right now! we aren't paying for it because they are doing it in the style of stress test not because they are kind and want to ease the transition. This is evident in the removal of grace period.


If the game wasn't ready to the 28the of December they would of had the official release date some time next year in January. Then pulled the same "here have some early access"


There is a word for this kind of thing but I can't remember what it is. Pseudo? No that isn't it.



Things like this is done all the time in retail, like raising prices so they can have a sale.

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I'm seeing a lot of medium servers.


Certainly more medium than light anyways, and take into account that today is the FIRST day they're letting people in. It's going to get heavier.


What your argument amounts to as I see it is this: I didn't get in to early access today, that's not fair! Wah wah wah... grow up, man.


This ^^


Occupy Bioware Forums movement going on in here. lol

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The OP's statement was nothing of the sort.


To many of you sabotaging and defending the developer in posts. You just twisted it into that because you've been white knighting and holding up the over zealous fanboi shield for far too long.


This was a horribly executed first day on Bioware's part and they should be recoiling massively tomorrow, because we don't need any more Bethesda's or Blizzard's. You are here for your customer for you are nothing without them!


Even a base schedule for the invites would have been nice, I know many that took a day off work today to play thinking that because they preordered day 3 they would get in. Do they get in tomorrow? Or the next? Many people work retail and many people do not have this time of the year off to play all day, everyday. A day requested off for a "suggested" (because it wasn't bloody stated otherwise on who would get invited!!!) LAUNCH is like gold for many.


Have some common sense to realize with who the fault lies, and contribute to and assist, rather than put down a now rampaging community.


The EXTREME lack of communication right now, smoke and mirror and under-promise tactics are not how you communicate to a community that is near litteraly enraged with your company.





Stephen Reid said he did a database "pull" earlier on the invite list - well - COMMUNICATE it to the community so people will know when they can expect to play, rather than keep it a guessing game. At this stage in the launch process - you deliver. Hype period ended at 7am EST this morning.


100% correct

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