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another 8 hour maintenance day ????


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You know what I did? I canceld my supscription, and you should do so too if you are not satisfied. I'm simply not going to pay a monthly fee until those, to use a German term, "Kinderkrankheiten" are eliminated. Vote with your money. The only way thay will read your complaints, and for that matter change anything, is when it starts to hurt their wallets.



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The problem I think is when the maintenance goes overtime. Having a maintenance period last 'up until Primetime' is silly imo.


5pm may not be Primetime but 6pm+ sure is:p


Many such maintenance periods go over their allocated timeframes and for us Europeans that means slap bang into our Primetime.


Example was the previous patch had EU servers offline until 10pm.


I won't moan too much until the next 'extended maintenance' means my server is down until 10pm...then i'll get serious :)


EU servers are in Dublin, EUROPE. Split up the patching/maintenance!...please :p

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I will be patient still for a little.

I love SWTOR but if the maintenance will continue in EU prime time, I will cancel my sub.


I pay the same money that any other US guy and I demand the same consideration as customer.


Is not QQ, is asking the same consideration.

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How is the maintenance hitting you while you're at work/school such a big problem?


Typical arrogance again....some of us are not back at work, others like me had an operation and until the cast comes off, swtor is keeping me sane and busy forgetting about the pain.

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and i repeat you don't know my situation i think your find that there is a lot of people who feel the same again pls troll less why your even commenting god only knows



I don't need to know what your situation is, nor do I care. Maintenance comes with the territory with MMO's, and no matter what BW does SOMEONE will ALWAYS be "inconvenienced." It's not the end of the world if you can't play the game for a few hours.


Also, again, I am not trolling, I am just telling you idiots to get over it and quit whining about it as there is nothing that can be done about it. If they move the maintenance to a different time someone else will complain about that time frame. The servers can't run non-stop, they need to be taken down eventually for maintenance, and fact is, the time frame it goes down for GMT most "normal" people are either working or in school. It's affecting the least amount of people possible.


-I love how US players come here defending bioware's maintance times.


-Fine you like it how about we switch them and you get the day maintance's and we get night. How's that?


-Yeah, can I have my extra day refund?


- I love how (I don't give a damn what country you are from) is complaining about maintenance in a MMO.


-Fine by me, considering I sleep during the day and will be awake during the maintenance. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to play a different game *gasp!* I know logic makes no sense right?


-You are not going to get a refund, and its both laughable and pathetic that you even ask for one. MMO's are not for you, go play something else please.



Typical arrogance again....some of us are not back at work, others like me had an operation and until the cast comes off, swtor is keeping me sane and busy forgetting about the pain.


So go play something else? BW can't please everyone. Servers need to go down, and like I said before, no matter what BW does someone will always be inconvenienced and will cry about it because they don't have a damn clue about the IT field and how servers work.


And btw, no one is being arrogant, we are just telling you to **** and deal with it like everyone else. The servers go down for everyone.

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I don't need to know what your situation is, nor do I care. Maintenance comes with the territory with MMO's, and no matter what BW does SOMEONE will ALWAYS be "inconvenienced." It's not the end of the world if you can't play the game for a few hours.


Also, again, I am not trolling, I am just telling you idiots to get over it and quit whining about it as there is nothing that can be done about it. If they move the maintenance to a different time someone else will complain about that time frame. The servers can't run non-stop, they need to be taken down eventually for maintenance, and fact is, the time frame it goes down for GMT most "normal" people are either working or in school. It's affecting the least amount of people possible.




- I love how (I don't give a damn what country you are from) is complaining about maintenance in a MMO.


-Fine by me, considering I sleep during the day and will be awake during the maintenance. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to play a different game *gasp!* I know logic makes no sense right?


-You are not going to get a refund, and its both laughable and pathetic that you even ask for one. MMO's are not for you, go play something else please.





So go play something else? BW can't please everyone. Servers need to go down, and like I said before, no matter what BW does someone will always be inconvenienced and will cry about it because they don't have a damn clue about the IT field and how servers work.


And btw, no one is being arrogant, we are just telling you to **** and deal with it like everyone else. The servers go down for everyone.


so cause we have a opinion as a paying customer we are idiots you sir are making yourself look rather foolish


if you bother to read the original post you will see i asked for the down time to be split but being as your on your soap box pls feel free to stay there im sure it makes you feel better

Edited by DarthSerparic
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The 30 day subscription entitles you to an active account for said time period, which isn't the same as being able to play 24/7 for those 30 days.


But, in order to keep your customers happy, a gaming company should try its best to, well, either keep 'em happy or if that can't be achieved try to find a way to make them happy again.


I remember companies giving bonus days if the server's were down for extended periods (we are not talking 24 or even 12 hrs here!), so, with the current extensive maintenance and very likely extensions of downtime BW should start thinking of handing out a little nice something to the complaining masses... or just try to be reasonable about when and how to do the maintenance!


Let's go with a fair question: let's assume we (the EU gamers) were to get 1 bonus day from BW due to the maintenance downtime interfering with our happiness of their product would you Americans be happy to trade? Or would you rather have your game available when it is most likely that you will actually use it?


Because think about it: 1 bonus day is like nothing to BW as you still need to buy a 30 day subscription!


But is being able to play at a convenient time more important to you than having to buy that subscription one day later?

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I don't need to know what your situation is, nor do I care. Maintenance comes with the territory with MMO's, and no matter what BW does SOMEONE will ALWAYS be "inconvenienced." It's not the end of the world if you can't play the game for a few hours.


Also, again, I am not trolling, I am just telling you idiots to get over it and quit whining about it as there is nothing that can be done about it. If they move the maintenance to a different time someone else will complain about that time frame. The servers can't run non-stop, they need to be taken down eventually for maintenance, and fact is, the time frame it goes down for GMT most "normal" people are either working or in school. It's affecting the least amount of people possible.




- I love how (I don't give a damn what country you are from) is complaining about maintenance in a MMO.


-Fine by me, considering I sleep during the day and will be awake during the maintenance. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to play a different game *gasp!* I know logic makes no sense right?


-You are not going to get a refund, and its both laughable and pathetic that you even ask for one. MMO's are not for you, go play something else please.





So go play something else? BW can't please everyone. Servers need to go down, and like I said before, no matter what BW does someone will always be inconvenienced and will cry about it because they don't have a damn clue about the IT field and how servers work.


And btw, no one is being arrogant, we are just telling you to **** and deal with it like everyone else. The servers go down for everyone.


Thanks for calling us Europeans idiots...


well, this idiot will point out something which has been said over and over again in this here thread: shut down the servers suited for the region they are catering to!


Are you playing on an EU server? Nope? Well, then you shouldn't really notice if those servers are gone even in US primetime!


It is a very simple thing... and if it were true that the EU servers are located in Galway, it would even be a physical separation with somebody throwing a switch in Ireland and his US counterpart not doing so... I don't think this is asking a lot, is it?


And guess what, complains make BW actually wake up and see their mistake, potentially resulting in a better handling of their maintenance, something every server-supported company is try to get done...

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being a European player im going to throw a few numbers out there 8 hour maintenance 8AM TILL 4PM once a week is 4x8 hours a month that's 32 hours a month


And Australians lose an entire night of prime time play. I am sure they would just love maintenance to be done during our day time when we are all at work.


Pro tip: Suck it up, get used to it and move on.

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I feel for you guys, if they could skip maintenance I'm sure they would. This is the time they've chosen and judging from past games I don't think it will change.


I'm not saying it isn't lame, just probably a reality. It's gotta happen sometime and someone will be inconvenienced when a game is world wide. I don't see them separating maintenance for different regions anytime soon. I could be wrong, it's just that no game ever has.

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How is the maintenance hitting you while you're at work/school such a big problem?


Glad you see it that way since it is no big deal the players in America certainly don't mind alternating the Maintenance time it will just be bad luck for you if cant login till 10pm

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And Australians lose an entire night of prime time play. I am sure they would just love maintenance to be done during our day time when we are all at work.


Pro tip: Suck it up, get used to it and move on.

When we finally get maintenance times sorted for Europe then we should hopefully also see separate times in Aus/NZ when the game officially launches there.

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I feel for you guys, if they could skip maintenance I'm sure they would. This is the time they've chosen and judging from past games I don't think it will change.


I'm not saying it isn't lame, just probably a reality. It's gotta happen sometime and someone will be inconvenienced when a game is world wide. I don't see them separating maintenance for different regions anytime soon. I could be wrong, it's just that no game ever has.

They could if they chose proper server hardware and were capable of coding efficient systems.

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agreed but some people dont and we are talking about losing DAYS not nights so all these people keep posting oh you should have jobs etc yes some dont some work nights some are incapacitated in some form and enjoy playing


why cant this work be done at night that is all we ask paying for 30 DAYS not nights game time


Your life should not revolve around a game this much. During the 8 hrs you can not play, go have a life outside. Enjoy the nice Winter days, clean the house or walk the Dog. Perhaps take in a movie or do some laundry.


I work from 1pm-10pm EST U.S. time. I am effected by the maintenance. I do not mind they have maintenance during a time I could be playing. It is all about making a better, smoother game.


Most new MMOs will have periods of maintenance like SWTOR does. WoW just until 2yrs ago did it every week for all their customers at the same time. I think they did just fine.

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How is your life as a top video game manager going? All your systems running smooth? Please let me know what MMO it is so I can enjoy it.


It's going quite well actually as a Master student of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, if you would like to see a game that manages no weekly maintenance and patches in the 20-30 min range and 3-4 hours for major content I invite you to try Rift.

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I'm an American and that's just somewhat unreasonable. For everyone telling them to take it easy, we would be complaining just the same if this happened to us. My only hope is that they add a lot of stuff in the patches.



finally a american with a sense of comunity

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Geez so you all are saying that because you miss 8 hrs, you should be charged less? That's like saying you slept for 10 hrs and couldn't play so you want to be refunded 10 hrs worth....


I know maintenance is forced, but you all know it's going to happen when you subscribe.

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Sorry, but this maintenance lasts until 5PM and for some it even lasts to 6 or 7 PM depending on the time zone.


That's not school/work times anymore.


Not to mention (and this really is the biggest thing) it could be extended. And let's face it, that chance is very reasonable. And once the maintenance is even extended by a small amount of time, it cuts right into EU prime time.


Edit: Forgot, also: there's a big topic in this regards already http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=78385&page=75


Easier to consolidate and spam that tbh. ;)


It's once a week. You'll get over it.

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agreed but some people dont and we are talking about losing DAYS not nights so all these people keep posting oh you should have jobs etc yes some dont some work nights some are incapacitated in some form and enjoy playing


why cant this work be done at night that is all we ask paying for 30 DAYS not nights game time


Hang on im in UK and work all day. I usually get to log on around 7.30 in the evening so downtime in the day suits me perfectly...


Its fine as it is imo....


See the problem now?


Daytime maint affects the least no of people therefore its the sensible thing to do. Needs of the few versus the needs of the many im afraid...


I do empathise tho...even though its only a day here and there so u could always do something else on that one day?

Edited by ImperialSun
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Yes 8 hours over a tiny patch we in the EU have to pay for with our gaming time while the players in the US is asleep and can wake up to servers ready to play.


May I suggest then that you find an MMO that is maintained in European offices on European time?

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Hang on im in UK and work all day. I usually get to log on around 7.30 in the evening so downtime in the day suits me perfectly...


Its fine as it is imo....


See the problem now?


Daytime maint affects the least no of people therefore its the sensible thing to do. Needs of the few versus the needs of the many im afraid...


I do empathise tho...even though its only a day here and there so u could always do something else on that one day?


Hey look a rational person making sense, better run dude.

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before i get flamed BIOWARE this has to be addressed


being a European player im going to throw a few numbers out there 8 hour maintenance 8AM TILL 4PM once a week is 4x8 hours a month that's 32 hours a month


over the year that's 16 days we lose out on not accounting for any other maintenance you will do ....and you decide to do this during the day will we get them 16 days refunded no i think not


i understand this work has to be done but pls pls pls split American and European down times so at least everyone gets a fair crack at the whip :)


Wow one day a week and people STILL complain LOL! They even moved the patch times out of prime time for NA/EU... that's about the best they can do for now. Quit whining over downtime once a week. We are all LUCKY? Why? Eq2, Wow, Aion, Eq2.. shall I go on?? All had MASSIVE downtimes and maint periods their first few months... seriously.. get over it

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Wow one day a week and people STILL complain LOL! They even moved the patch times out of prime time for NA/EU... that's about the best they can do for now. Quit whining over downtime once a week. We are all LUCKY? Why? Eq2, Wow, Aion, Eq2.. shall I go on?? All had MASSIVE downtimes and maint periods their first few months... seriously.. get over it


So we should feel lucky that BW haven't been able to improve on games that were released half a decade or more ago? I guess you should feel lucky that we even have graphics, after all early games were purely text based.

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