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another 8 hour maintenance day ????


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At the risk of starting to sound like a broken record here, but no we didn't. A lot of people come from Rift and mmo with no downtime except 30 min on a weeknight once in a while for a patch. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a newer game to be able to match the stability and efficiency of a game that was released almost a year ago.


That's the problem with most people nowadays. They expect it to beat every MMO in every aspect just because it is the latest. It won't. Swtor shines in its own aspects. Maybe a shortcoming for the game is longer maintenance times. Bioware/EA probably don't care that people came from Rift and WoW, and they shouldn't. Swtor is its own game, and doesn't have to do everything better to be great.

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Most people in Europe are in the GMT +1 and GMT +2 time zones.


I thought it was common sense that a down time up to 19:00-20:00 (or longer) is inconvenient compared to having a down time at 2:00.

Is this really so hard to understand?


Besides if the maintenance takes longer it will just cut off a day for people.

It isn't world news but you can't argue that they cannot do this more customer friendly.



Just guessing but if they split the EU and the US shouldn't the maintenances be shorter for both?

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Hang on im in UK and work all day. I usually get to log on around 7.30 in the evening so downtime in the day suits me perfectly...


Its fine as it is imo....


See the problem now?


Daytime maint affects the least no of people therefore its the sensible thing to do. Needs of the few versus the needs of the many im afraid...


I do empathise tho...even though its only a day here and there so u could always do something else on that one day?


I highlighted a bit for ya. See it?

In what sensible universe is the middle of the late morning, noon, afternoon and part of early evening the time when the least amount of people are affected. How about, oh I don't know, the middle of the night? And don't bother with the whole but it's the whole world BS. If this company is capable of running two separate clients (live and PTS), it's perfectly capable of running three.


European players are not to be treated as second class customers!

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May I suggest then that you find an MMO that is maintained in European offices on European time?


Boy, to keep it simple: BW has raised a cutomer service center in Galway, Ireland (that's in the EU for you Americans) specifically to service the EU community of SWTOR.


To quote their website:


The BioWare Ireland studio is a Customer Center of Excellence and Network Operations Center in the west Ireland city of Galway. ... With the addition of a dedicated BioWare team located in Ireland working to support BioWare’s online games, we look forward to continuing BioWare’s tradition of building world class games with world class people!




"The new Irish location for BioWare will help us get closer to our fans in Europe,” said Dr. Ray Muzyka, Senior Vice President, EA and Group General Manager, BioWare. “Galway gives us the right mix of solid technology infrastructure and international recruitment opportunities as we continue to focus on bringing the highest quality gaming experiences to market.”


Is is BW just pretending to care about the Europeans?


And further: if you actually checked the server selection screen you'll see that SWTOR is separated into North American and Europe...


even if both server system are located in the same place, shouldn't it be possible ne reasonable to actually split any maintenance according to region?


But hey, I guess you Americans are always right...


oh, wait, I'll be moving to Hawaii in a few months, guess what: that is GMT -10... or PST -2... don't tell me that for an American living in Hawaii not being able to play SWTOR past 10 PM just because BW is incapable of doing regional maintenance is perfectly acceptable as obviously he can just go out and catch a wave?

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Wow one day a week and people STILL complain LOL! They even moved the patch times out of prime time for NA/EU... that's about the best they can do for now. Quit whining over downtime once a week. We are all LUCKY? Why? Eq2, Wow, Aion, Eq2.. shall I go on?? All had MASSIVE downtimes and maint periods their first few months... seriously.. get over it


how is that post whining pmsl

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Wow one day a week and people STILL complain LOL! They even moved the patch times out of prime time for NA/EU... that's about the best they can do for now. Quit whining over downtime once a week. We are all LUCKY? Why? Eq2, Wow, Aion, Eq2.. shall I go on?? All had MASSIVE downtimes and maint periods their first few months... seriously.. get over it


What you don't get (apparently) is that it is NOT out of the EU primetime!


Europe has (just like the US) a number of timezones ranging from GMT+4 (Moscow) to GMT (UK, Ireland).


I'm sure you'll understand that a lot of West coast US gamers would not be happy if their gaming time was cut at 10 PM if 1AM EST was acceptable to BW as no longer being prime time... and should I mention Alaska and Hawaii again who are 1 and 2 hrs further up?




Which suggests (and has been said here ad nauseam) to split the maintenance as per region i.e. EU servers down early morning EU, EST servers down early morning EST, etc.


As to you comparing SWTOR with other games like EQ2, WoW, etc., fine, I'll play that game with you: DAoC


A game which is now in the BioWare stable, which had a rather flawless release in the US way back, which did and does comprehensive testing of patches on their PST.


SWTOR on the other side seems fond of releasing mini-patches as part of a weekly system check...


Which makes one wonder whether holding off on those mini-patches, giving them the time to actually be tested on the PTS until a (bigger) patch updating across a number of these mini-patches can be released, would actually make BW stop their weekly maintenance?


So, don't tell me to get over it!


Because frankly, if BW doesn't know about an issue they are not going to (at least look into) fix it.

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I don't get the "deal with it" / "get a job" responces. When you look at how many people are playing the game in Europe during maintanance-times on average ( weekdays 10:00 till 18:00 ) then you know how many people are negatively affected.


Negatively affected customers have a higher probability walking away. That's not what you want as a business. Clumzy...

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Unemployed / students (w t f study during the day!) from europe are the minority during a time when the least amount of players are on and they expect Bioware to cater to them. Talk about feeling entitled :o Edited by Kakaroaches
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You know what happens on the forums of all these games that do split maintenance.


1) When they do a bad patch and the servers are down for 12 hours instead of 8 the americans complain cause they are the test bed and Europe is only down for 8 cause they fixed the problem by the time they did the Europe maintenance and people demand comp time for the downtime.


2) European players complain because the americans get all the world firsts and get to experience all the new content before them.

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There seems to be two schools of thought and both have their issues. Keep things like things are now and you have Europe inconvenienced. Or ala WoW where the servers are split and Europe gets patches, releases, etc about 6 hrs earlier than NA. That creates its own storm of threads for world firsts, etc.


So I will just /popcorn. ;)

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What you don't get (apparently) is that it is NOT out of the EU primetime!


Europe has (just like the US) a number of timezones ranging from GMT+4 (Moscow) to GMT (UK, Ireland).


I'm sure you'll understand that a lot of West coast US gamers would not be happy if their gaming time was cut at 10 PM if 1AM EST was acceptable to BW as no longer being prime time... and should I mention Alaska and Hawaii again who are 1 and 2 hrs further up?




Which suggests (and has been said here ad nauseam) to split the maintenance as per region i.e. EU servers down early morning EU, EST servers down early morning EST, etc.


As to you comparing SWTOR with other games like EQ2, WoW, etc., fine, I'll play that game with you: DAoC


A game which is now in the BioWare stable, which had a rather flawless release in the US way back, which did and does comprehensive testing of patches on their PST.


SWTOR on the other side seems fond of releasing mini-patches as part of a weekly system check...


Which makes one wonder whether holding off on those mini-patches, giving them the time to actually be tested on the PTS until a (bigger) patch updating across a number of these mini-patches can be released, would actually make BW stop their weekly maintenance?


So, don't tell me to get over it!


Because frankly, if BW doesn't know about an issue they are not going to (at least look into) fix it.


oh I get it.. they just can't make EVERYONE happy.. right now they don't have split server maint periods.. eventually they might.. until then, they have to make the *most* amount of people happy.. and they have done so by moving the maint to 12AM PT, 3AM ET... 3AM ET is GMT-5.. so even if you are GMT+2... the downtime starts at 10am, and is over by 6PM.. eventually maint times won't be so long.... and 6pm is the START of prime time.. so quit whining even if you are gmt+2


and again.. LOL.. it's only ONE day out of the week.. so get over yourselfs....


"waaah! Out of 7 days, I can't play for a few hours during one day.. waahh waaah..."


That's all I, and most people hear

Edited by dduttonnc
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oh I get it.. they just can't make EVERYONE happy.. right now they don't have split server maint periods.. eventually they might.. until then, they have to make the *most* amount of people happy.. and they have done so by moving the maint to 12AM PT, 3AM ET... 3AM ET is GMT-5.. so even if you are GMT+2... the downtime starts at 10am, and is over by 6PM.. eventually maint times won't be so long.... and 6pm is the START of prime time.. so quit whining even if you are gmt+2


and again.. LOL.. it's only ONE day out of the.. so get over yourselfs....


"waaah! Out of 7 days, I can't play for a few hours during one day.. waahh waaah..."


That's all I, and most people hear


that's why you should just shut up.


arrogant ignorant son of a hutt

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oh I get it.. they just can't make EVERYONE happy.. right now they don't have split server maint periods.. eventually they might.. until then, they have to make the *most* amount of people happy.. and they have done so by moving the maint to 12AM PT, 3AM ET... 3AM ET is GMT-5.. so even if you are GMT+2... the downtime starts at 10am, and is over by 6PM.. eventually maint times won't be so long.... and 6pm is the START of prime time.. so quit whining even if you are gmt+2


and again.. LOL.. it's only ONE day out of the.. so get over yourselfs....


"waaah! Out of 7 days, I can't play for a few hours during one day.. waahh waaah..."


That's all I, and most people hear


no you choose to hear that on a valid paying customer opinion this thread is about splitting server down times that is all no crying whining just fact it doesn't cater for Europeans as it stands be it England Germany etc etc

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oh I get it.. they just can't make EVERYONE happy.. right now they don't have split server maint periods.. eventually they might.. until then, they have to make the *most* amount of people happy.. and they have done so by moving the maint to 12AM PT, 3AM ET... 3AM ET is GMT-5.. so even if you are GMT+2... the downtime starts at 10am, and is over by 6PM.. eventually maint times won't be so long.... and 6pm is the START of prime time.. so quit whining even if you are gmt+2


and again.. LOL.. it's only ONE day out of the week.. so get over yourselfs....


"waaah! Out of 7 days, I can't play for a few hours during one day.. waahh waaah..."


That's all I, and most people hear


well since we all pay the same amount we all should be abel to play the same amount of time...

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oh I get it.. they just can't make EVERYONE happy.. right now they don't have split server maint periods.. eventually they might.. until then, they have to make the *most* amount of people happy.. and they have done so by moving the maint to 12AM PT, 3AM ET... 3AM ET is GMT-5.. so even if you are GMT+2... the downtime starts at 10am, and is over by 6PM.. eventually maint times won't be so long.... and 6pm is the START of prime time.. so quit whining even if you are gmt+2


and again.. LOL.. it's only ONE day out of the week.. so get over yourselfs....


"waaah! Out of 7 days, I can't play for a few hours during one day.. waahh waaah..."


That's all I, and most people hear


And what makes you think that the US has the *most* amount of people.... source?

Population Of Europe 2011: 857 million

The current U.S.A. population is over 311 million people (311,800,000 in mid-2011)

by those figures alone the EU has the *most* amout of people.

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Unemployed / students (w t f study during the day!) from europe are the minority during a time when the least amount of players are on and they expect Bioware to cater to them. Talk about feeling entitled :o


Right, so by that logic it is perfectly fine to have (local) server downtime from 8AM to 4PM PST as all those frigging students on the West coast as well as all the out-of-work wannabe actors/actresses in Hollywood are really just a minority? I wonder if there were any complaints from the Eastern seaboard if that meant all the US servers are down until 7PM EST?


Kakaroaches, what you don't seem to get is BW is playing at being a service provider for both Europe and North America but apparently can't be arsed to even consider splitting the maintenance service based on regions while at the same time even setting up a local base of operations for customer service in the EU!


Frankly, it feels more and more like there's just one guy who's got the key to shutting down the servers so it needs to be done all in one...


You know what happens on the forums of all these games that do split maintenance.


1) When they do a bad patch and the servers are down for 12 hours instead of 8 the americans complain cause they are the test bed and Europe is only down for 8 cause they fixed the problem by the time they did the Europe maintenance and people demand comp time for the downtime.


2) European players complain because the americans get all the world firsts and get to experience all the new content before them.




You said the wrong word there my friend! This ain't about patching, this is about system maintenance!


Frankly, if a patch is tested well enough (guess a PTS would help... wow, they got one!) there shouldn't really be any issue with implementing it.


At least not on English language servers.


So, it is much more likely that the Europeans playing on non-English language servers may end up experiencing the problems than the Americans.


Plus, well, this is really rather basic but who comes first in the day: Europe or the Americas?


Unless the world has started spinning the other way round it would be the early maintenance on the EU server that would serve as a 'testbed' for the US servers...


which I think would then mean that the Americans would complain as the Europeans 'get all the world firsts and get to experience all the new content before them'... tough luck? :p

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I don't get the "deal with it" / "get a job" responces. When you look at how many people are playing the game in Europe during maintanance-times on average ( weekdays 10:00 till 18:00 ) then you know how many people are negatively affected.


Negatively affected customers have a higher probability walking away. That's not what you want as a business. Clumzy...


well said mate

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Anyone wanna bet on extended maintenance..


Lets see 1-2 hours would be my bet...


Meh im already moving on to other games.


And this is coming from a die hard fan by the way.


Was here hour 1 got in the game hour 1 (literally minute 1).


But yeh im walking away and my money goes with me.



disclaimer for the diehard fanboys : not just because of this though.

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There seems to be two schools of thought and both have their issues. Keep things like things are now and you have Europe inconvenienced. Or ala WoW where the servers are split and Europe gets patches, releases, etc about 6 hrs earlier than NA. That creates its own storm of threads for world firsts, etc.


So I will just /popcorn. ;)


If people are getting world firsts after 6 hours of content going live, then that says more about the quality of content being released than anything else.

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