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10 Good
  1. Played for around 2 months when the game came out in Dec 2011. I will maybe be subbed again for a month or two ( i subbed about 2 weeks ago) just to play through some of the class stories. So have not played this game for 5 years. As a single RPG it has some great stories to tell and have enjoyed that immensely. Other than than that, as an MMO its not good. so many QoL issues that have been around since launch plus a few other things that when compared to other MMOs puts it in a poor light. And the cartel market is just a money grabber. But i will enjoy the stories and they are really fun, and after that move on.
  2. Lol. I thought it was just me but yeah it's a royal pain. Never had this issue before.
  3. Did I miss something? Thought this was supposed to be in 1.1
  4. Story lines - best pat IMO in the game Companion system Using companions for crafting Space combat is a nice break Light sabers. Enjoyed the coruscant Visuals. Reminded me a lot of the movies. Orange gear. Because of some of the above, nothing feels like grinding to me and I am enjoying the leveling process a lot.
  5. especially number 3. That is so irritating. Was typing out a ticket and had to retype everything.
  6. Where do I get one? Always liked that music and was wondering why never heard it in a cantina.
  7. Is that the famed ability delay in action? That's why the Jedi's get killed in two of them.
  8. This. Totally agree. I even close my eyes when I heal.
  9. About the only place I was disappointed was on tatooine in the main town with the static nature. there are many cool things in the game that you can link directly back to the movies. Unfortunately the vibrancy and exotic nature of mos eisley in the movies was not there. That was a real pity.
  10. Focus target is bugged. It resets every time you get on and off your bike. Any cut scene or when a loading screen appears. When it resets sometimes iit wont reactivate. Have to first focus target myself then my companion again. Also i now find that when healing half the heals seem to land on me and not my companion even tho I have the focus target key pressed. Bloody frustrating.
  11. Typical arrogance again....some of us are not back at work, others like me had an operation and until the cast comes off, swtor is keeping me sane and busy forgetting about the pain.
  12. This. According to sources on the net and not sure how true it is the game cost over a 100 million dollars. At some point they need to start recouping that so that they can fund more development etc. There are some things that irritate the hell out of me in the game. But I understand why they released when they did. The stuf will be fixed patience is required. If you don't like it come back later. Then u have the product you bought finished to ur Liking. .
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