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Obi Wan and Darth Vader


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I wonder what would have happened if Obi Wan actually fought Darth Vader in A New Hope. It would be interesting to see how things would have changed and who would have won that fight had it actually been a fair fight knowing that Obi Wan died on purpose so Luke could rise and the rest is history. What if he confronted Vader before Luke had come back to the hanger? Just a thought
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I wonder what would have happened if Obi Wan actually fought Darth Vader in A New Hope. It would be interesting to see how things would have changed and who would have won that fight had it actually been a fair fight knowing that Obi Wan died on purpose so Luke could rise and the rest is history. What if he confronted Vader before Luke had come back to the hanger? Just a thought


As much as I love Obi Wan and as much as he's my favorite Jedi.. Obi Wan would lose.

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Obi Wan in his prime was a force to reckon with. But, old hermit Obi Wan, I'd have to give it to Vader as well.


That'd be interesting, because Obi-Wan in his prime was the best Soresu Master. And Vader knows Djem and Makashi. Though he can't Djem as good as he could as Anakin.


I'd give it to Vader, only because Makashi, as per the Dooku vs Obi fight, seems to overwhelm Soresu.

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Obi. I'm convinced Ben could have held Vader there for as long as he wanted, even ending him at some point. The reason he sacrificed himself was because he knew Luke wouldn't run if he were still alive and fighting, and he wouldn't be able to finish off Vader fast enough.


Then again, I just like old Ben Kenobi, and Hayden Christensen ruined Vader for me.

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I wonder what would have happened if Obi Wan actually fought Darth Vader in A New Hope. It would be interesting to see how things would have changed and who would have won that fight had it actually been a fair fight knowing that Obi Wan died on purpose so Luke could rise and the rest is history. What if he confronted Vader before Luke had come back to the hanger? Just a thought


Vader. I am a massive obi fan, but you can't deny how powerful Vader had become. I think Obi-Wan could've lasted a while, probably a lot longer than most other jedi Vader killed, but i sill think he would ultimately lose

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Vader. I am a massive obi fan, but you can't deny how powerful Vader had become. I think Obi-Wan could've lasted a while, probably a lot longer than most other jedi Vader killed, but i sill think he would ultimately lose


Obi-Wan in his prime would've destroyed Vader in ANH...


and I love Darth Vader.

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Vader. I am a massive obi fan, but you can't deny how powerful Vader had become. I think Obi-Wan could've lasted a while, probably a lot longer than most other jedi Vader killed, but i sill think he would ultimately lose


Except the fact that Darth Vader was weak. He had the potential to be great (Especially with the midichlorian advantage), but he didn't stay within the Jedi order long enough, he had his arms and legs cut off, and the Emperor thought of him as useless besides his strategic battle abilities.

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Except the fact that Darth Vader was weak. He had the potential to be great (Especially with the midichlorian advantage), but he didn't stay within the Jedi order long enough, he had his arms and legs cut off, and the Emperor thought of him as useless besides his strategic battle abilities.


Vader and weak don't go in the same sentance. He was ambushed by 8 jedi in kessel. They used a cortosis blade to short out his lightsaber and he still turned around and killed 5-6 of them. He would've got the last but the 501st showed up and finished them off for him.


In fact the jedi master that used the cortosis blade was jedi master shadday porkin. When she shorted out his lightsaber he grabbed hold of her and physically broke her neck.

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Vader and weak don't go in the same sentance. He was ambushed by 8 jedi in kessel. They used a cortosis blade to short out his lightsaber and he still turned around and killed 5-6 of them. He would've got the last but the 501st showed up and finished them off for him.


In fact the jedi master that used the cortosis blade was jedi master shadday porkin. When she shorted out his lightsaber he grabbed hold of her and physically broke her neck.


Darth Vader wasn't weak, but he never was able to see his prime. Losing all his limbs, being set on fire, and sustaining severe lung damage made sure of that.


If none of that had happened, Imagine robot Vader except ten times more powerful, twenty times more mobile, and able to use force lightning. That's what the galaxy would have had to deal with.

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Darth Vader wasn't weak, but he never was able to see his prime. Losing all his limbs, being set on fire, and sustaining severe lung damage made sure of that.


If none of that had happened, Imagine robot Vader except ten times more powerful, twenty times more mobile, and able to use force lightning. That's what the galaxy would have had to deal with.


I agree if mustafar had never happened he would have been so much stronger, but that doesn't mean Vader is weak because he is in a suit.


It just frustrates me when people write off Vader as weak just because he is in a suit.

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vader had been defeated by obi-wan once before, and obi-wan was the reason vader had to wear a big stupid helmet to survive. just saying


Vader had far more potential than Obi Wan ever did and I'm saying this as an Obi Wan fan. He's by far my favorite Jedi. However, even crippled, Vader's power in the force far surpasses Kenobi's strength in the force. Not to mention that was when Kenobi was in his prime. Vader's mastery of lightsaber combat only improved after his defeat. He also stopped being as reckless as he was in his youth. He became more careful and would test out what his opponent can do before making the final strikes.


He was a better duelist as his time as Vader and stronger than he was on Mustafar. Would he have been far stronger if he didn't get injured? Yes but he was no push over. He was a monster.

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Obi in his prime vs New Hope Vader? Stalemate. That's right. The difference would be that when Vader's Sith hatred and anger made him lose patience, there were thousands of storm troopers and droidekas and everything else in a Sith Lord's wet dreams to throw at Obi instead. On Mustafar the only thing he could do in losing his temper is jump, and we know where that got him.
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Obi in his prime vs New Hope Vader? Stalemate. That's right. The difference would be that when Vader's Sith hatred and anger made him lose patience, there were thousands of storm troopers and droidekas and everything else in a Sith Lord's wet dreams to throw at Obi instead. On Mustafar the only thing he could do in losing his temper is jump, and we know where that got him.


Sorry. No. As much as I love obi Wan read my above. Vader learned patience after his defeat from Obi Wan Kenobi before. Even in his battle against Obi Wan in new hope. He sounded much calmer. Wasn't reacting so quickly on his emotions. It's been said in the EU he'd attack someone just to get them to press the advantage. Then watch to see what they do. He'd let them "vent" while gaining insight on how they attack, what their moves are, etc. When he's done accessing the opponent he strikes them down.

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Darth Vader wasn't weak, but he never was able to see his prime. Losing all his limbs, being set on fire, and sustaining severe lung damage made sure of that.


If none of that had happened, Imagine robot Vader except ten times more powerful, twenty times more mobile, and able to use force lightning. That's what the galaxy would have had to deal with.


Now that's taking under the assumption that cybernetic replacements are somehow subpar to natural human organs/limbs. For all we know, those replacements could have preserved Darth Vader in his prime, potentially even improve his attainable standard.

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Now that's taking under the assumption that cybernetic replacements are somehow subpar to natural human organs/limbs. For all we know, those replacements could have preserved Darth Vader in his prime, potentially even improve his attainable standard.


No. We do know. Lucas stated after he became Darth Vader he became 80% of Sidious. He told us that if it wasn't for the damage he had potential to become 200% of Sidious.

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I have to agree that Vader in suit would beat Obi-Wan in his prime. Anakin Vader was reckless and too sure of his "new power". He underestimated Obi-Wan and it cost him dearly. Twenty years of training under the Emperor and the experience of purging the rest of the Order smoothed Vader's "rough edges".


Think about this: Vader sensed Kenobi on the Death Star. Now, Anakin Vader would have charged into the Falcon and ordered the ship torn to pieces until he found Obi-Wan. Post-suit Vader was content to wait and let the Force guide them to their destiny. Anakin matured.

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You cannot possible think vader was in his prime during his adventures in the suit! He was limited, half robot.. so slow. so bulky.

Obi would have defeated any time of the day, any year.

On that note id like to contradict myself and go with the vader win IF and only IF Ben was the sage he died at.

Anakin was strong, but not strong enough.

If he had enough training in the darkside before being burned i think he would have been unkillable.

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You cannot possible think vader was in his prime during his adventures in the suit! He was limited, half robot.. so slow. so bulky.

Obi would have defeated any time of the day, any year.

On that note id like to contradict myself and go with the vader win IF and only IF Ben was the sage he died at.

Anakin was strong, but not strong enough.

If he had enough training in the darkside before being burned i think he would have been unkillable.



Obi only won the battle because he was a master of Soresu. The form of defense. If you watch the fight he is constantly on the defensive. He forces anakins lightsaber into hitting the switch on the wall to open the door so he has further to retreat.


Also they both threw a force push at each other and couldn't overpower each other. Force push was obi-wans best and most powerful force technique, and anakin could match it with sheer power, he had nowhere near as much skill with the move as kenobi.


Obiwan won through tactics, he took the high ground, begged anakin to admit defeat and then used the high ground to his advantage when anakin attacked.


Also as said above Vader improved in his suit, he took on 8 jedi at once, and walked away from it in his suit.


He never stopped learning, he was slower in the suit but he adapted his fighting technique to compensate. And being half machine is not a complete disadvantage, it also drastically increased his physical strength, to the point he grabbed hold of a jedi master and used his physical power alone to break her neck.


I think the only reason he is seen as being so bulky and restricted by the suit is because the movies were made in the 1970s they didn't have the technology they do now.

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