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Players BANNED for going to Ilum? Suggestions to Customer Service


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He was most certainely banned for going there to cap nodes to feed his friends on the other faction. Slicing my as*!


Which is a design fault, not an exploit.


Hell, level 50s on my server do this. We don't bother PvPing because it reaps no rewards, we do the daily then we meet and do PvP in Warzones - where we can be rewarded for our performance.

Edited by Cranberries
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Which is a design fault, not an exploit.


Its an exploit of a design fault. The fact the game allows it doesn't mean that Bioware doesn't have the right to ask people to stop, and ban people who ignore them. OMG he can't log in for awhile. End of the world.


The alternative is:


A- Let people get away with rampant exploitation.


B- Upon finding an exploit, take down the server, make a patch, and implement it before bringing the servers back up. Interrupting thousands of people taking part in legitimate gameplay.


I would rather Bioware come down with the hammer on jerks like this. Its not as though they are stopping people from taking part in normal gameplay. Go do content around your level like you are supposed to. And everything is fine. Listen to the admins when they warn you (I get that from the message from the admins he posted, not his OP. He didn't admit he was warned but the truth came out when he posted the admin's message) and don't be an idiot.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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Its an exploit of a design fault. The fact the game allows it doesn't mean that Bioware doesn't have the right to ask people to stop, and ban people who ignore them. OMG he can't log in for awhile. End of the world.


The alternative is:


A- Let people get away with rampant exploitation.


B- Upon finding an exploit, take down the server, make a patch, and implement it before bringing the servers back up.


I would rather Bioware come down with the hammer on jerks like this. Its not as though they are stopping people from taking part in normal gameplay. Go do content around your level like you are supposed to. And everything is fine. Listen to the admins when they warn you (I get that from the message from the admins he posted, not his OP. He didn't admit he was warned but the truth came out when he posted the admin's message) and don't be an idiot.


Ilum isn't finished. It's not a player's fault the game isn't finished.

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Wow, this got to 37 pages without any pictures or proof of any sort backing up the OPs claim, and people still think it's true.


Society is doomed.

Reddit has a thread about it which posts the alleged email - http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/nx3i4/swtor_bans_from_going_to_ilum/.


Granted its not definite proof, but I doubt someone would jsut make this **** up.

Edited by Thelongroad
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Ilum isn't finished. It's not a player's fault the game isn't finished.


That player chose to be there despite being told he shouldn't be there. Like I said, they shouldn't have to take down the server and interrupt thousands of people not making problems just to fix something so a couple exploiters can't get away with it.


Obviously you use this exploit and are ticked off your fun got ruined. You'll find no sympathy here. This community would be better off if everyone like you found another game. You make up a minuscule and poisonous minority of the MMO community.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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first off the now deleted "copy pasta" text only email on reddit? has about as godo grammar as the wow phishing mails i get offering me cash shop mounts and free diablo 3 if i input all my log in and irl details into a lulzy link that vaguely resembles blizzard site from 3 years ago.



2ndly - he says he was leveling professions on 16 toons. guy in irc says maybe he was supporting the crafting of 16 toons within his guild, 2 toons each, but it reads more like he was some how operating 16 toons at once doing thing - now swtor is client app instance locked to a single instance of the app running... so even if he's doing this on two toons...


3rd: he says he's LEVELING *slicing* on these nodes. welllllll i was lower than 20 with 400 slicing in EGA doign questign then pure slciign every other day from teh fleet. i never needed to go to illum at all to begin with. so idk...



4th this SOUNDS like rmt farming all over every singel one of the 3-5 posters who seem to be associated with the OP. nevermind i've had people come in swtor chan in qnet and ask for client download to reverse engineer to make bots already. i'm speaking with years of experience with various ways of dealign iwth RMT farmers in previous games here and this looks and smells like RMT farming.


5th again notice how the OP and his friend continually state theyy can't provide any bette revidence because everyone will say how it's shooped. they could post the pics and let people call them shooped anyway, or simply rely on their wow phishing spamm grammar text only reddit link email instead.


6th the reddit link now 404s.


7th someone posted they were doing this and got a warning mail without ban. think about this for a moment.


8th there are threads on a certain swtor fansite which label this and similar spots/methods exploits out an dout on the front page of their general forums. people readin gthese threads and usign them are usign them on the basis they were already presented as an EXPLOIT.


if you don't understand what exploit meanign in gaming terminology it's not like


jack sparrow's exploits as a priate were well known and revered.


it's like, that awper found an exploit int eh map design and used it to become god mode while he sniped people through walls anywhere on the map.

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Originally Posted by Maniacal

It's because guilds / groups are creating low-level players of the opposite faction and using them to cap the points in Illum so they can flip control of it again.


If you see 5 or more Empire characters escorting a low-lvl Republic toon, or vice-versa, that's what they are doing. It's a big exploit, one that has already gotten some guilds disbanded / players deleted, and this is apparently their way of fixing it until they can patch in a level-lock.


Banning him might be jumping the gun if he is not guilty, but I'm willing to bet that's exactly what he was doing. Why else go to a lvl 50 pvp planet until you are appropriate level?


People always pushing the limits.

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Which is a design fault, not an exploit.


Hell, level 50s on my server do this. We don't bother PvPing because it reaps no rewards, we do the daily then we meet and do PvP in Warzones - where we can be rewarded for our performance.


So its not an exploit to get low lvl players from the opposite faction to cap nodes for u?? **** u freaking cheater..

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We're talking about the same parent company that banned a person from origin and stole all his games because someone on the forums who was swearing quoted him in that post.


...and restored his access days later because the forum ban was never intended to lock the game account as well. It was a mistake which was corrected.

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...and restored his access days later because the forum ban was never intended to lock the game account as well. It was a mistake which was corrected.


According to his email, that's not true. As the email stated the account had already been deleted as had his games. Do we know what deletion means?

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I apologize that I cannot offer citation. Providing information on players personal accounts and account issues will result in closure of the topic. I have specifically posted this without any specific players account information or the particular events of their banning to prevent it from being closed and to grow awareness to the issue.


Rubbish........lol people on these forums would believe that grass was blue and sky was green if someone posted it. The fact that gap toothed eleven year olds and malicious old trolls can post here doesn't seem to enter into peoples heads.

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2) If you level up your slicing and that's the best/only place to get slicing XP, what should you do? Stop slicing until your level catches up?


Right here is the biggest reason this is dumb and really puts me over the top.


My archeology skill is for me to level when I want. If I want to skill up as I level then great. If I want to just level my skill that's my choice.


I don't care that it's their game. This is complete non-sense. It's like if anyone legitimately has an advantage over another player he must be squashed.


This is the most communist game I've ever played. Seriously.

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after seeing this thread several friends and I took turns going to multiple planets well above the levels of alts, we looted chests/mobs etc.


none of us have been banned, or even warned for doing so.






Here's the screenshot with account, character, and email blanked out for privacy purposes.


Once again, the purpose of this is not to TROLL SWTOR. I like the game. But I want CS to treat it's players with the respect and fairness that we deserve.

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Here's the screenshot with account, character, and email blanked out for privacy purposes.


Once again, the purpose of this is not to TROLL SWTOR. I like the game. But I want CS to treat it's players with the respect and fairness that we deserve.


Doesn't matter. The post you replied to shows that the issue is NOT going to planets the character is too low level for.

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