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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The D5-Mantis Sucks


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I tought this was the most reasonable place to post this.


Im a powertech and I really love this class and want to have this class for my main, but one thing bothers me, the D5-Mantis! I hate it, its small compared to the Fury and other ships, the painting is horrible and it feels old and rusty, your ship should be your "home away from home" not a place you must go to because you most go to the next planet. They made every other ship cool and fresh exept this one, BioWare should had made it possible to choose your own ship or atleast the apparence, now its just a pile of junk with a engine.


This is my own oppinion and wanted to see if other bounty hunters shared same opinion.


I see no problem with the D5-Mantis it is compact lots of fire power, you stle the ship in the first place. And if you watch Boba's Fetts ship in movies it fits right in with the class.

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I tought this was the most reasonable place to post this.


Im a powertech and I really love this class and want to have this class for my main, but one thing bothers me, the D5-Mantis! I hate it, its small compared to the Fury and other ships, the painting is horrible and it feels old and rusty, your ship should be your "home away from home" not a place you must go to because you most go to the next planet. They made every other ship cool and fresh exept this one, BioWare should had made it possible to choose your own ship or atleast the apparence, now its just a pile of junk with a engine.


This is my own oppinion and wanted to see if other bounty hunters shared same opinion.


You just summed up why I love my Mantis.

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Makes you wonder why the Imps were so intent on guarding the thing.


I like the yellow lighting of the ship - and it strikes me as very cozy. Having played no other class, I don't mind it much. It's just a ship anyway, not like in SWG where you could actually live IN space, placing furniture all around the inside of your spaceship. So not a big deal - space in TOR is more arcade for me.

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I have ALL ships on the imperial side and the Mantis is the best one from a functional as well as cosy viewpoint...


- You have the shortest ways to run... Storage is literally less than a meter from the entrance.

- very cosy

- feels like home for a bountyhunter, more so than the other ships


You can pry it from my cold, dead fingers!

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is not some hip fresh sleek youngster who just graduated from the academy, combing through his hair seeking attention.


I see a grizzly, a veteran, a survivor. The big mean furry old cat in the back yard with scars and a half ripped off ear proudly patrolling it’s territory.


It says to me: I’m your Momma, I mean business.


Bring it on.


^---- FULL of Win.

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  • 1 year later...

as many others have said before me, I absolutely love the D5 Mantis. when i first got it my thoughts where "simply this looks tough" not much more, later i experienced all of the other ships, and though the BT-7 Thunderclap does have presence being a military issue ship, none felt like they were meant for combat like the D5-Mantis. heck the jedi ship felt like it should be carrying nobles that turn up their noise to the sight of a blaster.


but the D5..... if there was a ship in SWTOR that better fit the role of "Gun Ship" I've never seen it, each time i walk up to it in the hanger i cant help but envision a Black-hawk gunship sweeping a battle field. i believe I've seen just about every star ship in the Star wars universe, from Tantive 5, to present. and though there are many many prettier ships (but only people who fight with glowwy sticks like things to be pretty), you'd have a very difficult time convincing me that anything is better for heavy combat than the D5. Even Slave 1, the most notorious star ship in all the lore, is not built to take a hit like the D5 is, and even less likely would it survive a shot from a D5 (assuming you could hit it, Slave 1 was the most agile ship ever built, after Fett had it re-worked)


I am a Mandalorian :sy_bountyhunter: and the D5 is My Ship.

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