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    Washington, DC
  1. This is exactly what I need it for. It is hardly worth doing Golden Fury repeatedly just to get the vials I require to build my HK-51 parts. First I had to get to Champion level on Czerka, then spend 150,000 credits per schematic, then find 1 vial of isotope 5 per schematic (not to mention all of the other rare/expensive crafting materials) and the gear is not much better than the parts I bought using basic comms (168 vs 174). Wish I hadn't wasted the creds on the schematics now.
  2. I agree with the OP. Give Pyrotechs Jump Charge and I won't be as pissed about all the range nerfs. It is a totally different class now that we have become straight melee and I'm not happy about it. Thanks Bioware for ruining PVP for our class with your brain dead patch.
  3. I agree completely about the electro dart/grapple comment. I pvped yesterday before reading the patch notes but the changes to my Pyrotech were obvious and infuriating. Having three major skills ranges reduced by 66% is total BS. Now Snipers and Smugglers in cover can just shred us because we can't stun them from range and lose two other good attacks that were great while closing the distance. Once we finally get in range we get knocked back out immediately and have to work back in. Grapple is the only way to bring them closer. They could have at least given us Rocket Jump but only the tanks get that still. It completely screws up my pvp play style and rotation. Feel like I should just quit my BH now. Bioware really screwed us on this one.
  4. No I meant I crit for 4500 usually and I have a fairly high crit rating plus the bonus crit for WH gear. I want to know what kind of damage people using high aim/power ratings are getting on their railshots typically. I'm trying to decide if I need to lower my crit in favor of power basically.
  5. I am curious about this too. So if you are low in crit and surge but high in power how much damage does your railshot do? I have a high crit and medium surge with average power and my railshots vary wildly in damage. Usually I hit for about 3300 but sometimes its less than 1000 and other times 4500. I am trying to find the perfect balance for a Pyro PT like everyone else. Any suggestions on expertise level, aim, endurance, crits, surge , power, and tech power? Basically I'm in generic WH Eliminator gear now with a few exceptions to increase crit and all my augments are aim or power.
  6. I play a Pyro PT and I find Sentinels are by far my hardest competition in a 1v1 fight. Although PT can dish out damage it usually is not as fast as the Sentinel can and if you do happen to beat him up he turns invisible and runs away. Very frustrating. Considering we have no ranged interrupt, no leap to close the distance, and despite heavy armor melt fairly quickly I don't see why peple say we are OP. Saying we routinely do 500k of damage is kind of misleading too. Sure, if there is a great healer keeping you alive a PT can rack up great numbers but there are so many less healers on the Imp side than the Pub side that it evens out in the end especially since I'll spend half the WZ cc'ed. If you want to complain about something complain about the broken resolve system.
  7. I came onto the forums today for the sole reason of complaining about interrupts but the OP beat me to it although I play as a Powertech and feel this thread should be moved into the BH General Forum. I know PT's get Quell but Quell has a range of about 1 meter and sucks. My alt is a Sorcerer and her ranged interrupt is awesome. I have been PVP'ing with my PT a lot and get so frustrated everytime my Death From Above gets interrupted but I cannot counter-interrupt my enemy's best attacks. We deserve a ranged interrupt too.
  8. I doubt they would do Ewoks, Jawas, Wookiees, Huts or any other sentient that is not comparable to a humanoid in height and shape because it would be very difficult to make them look good in combat. Right now the lightsabers line up pretty well with every race because the height-to-girth ratio is pretty standard across the board. That being said here are the new classes and new playable races I would like to see included: Classes: Pilot (Republic and Imperial) Spy (Republic) Races: Arconan (Pilot, Bounty Hunter, or Smuggler) Bothan (Spy) Cathar (Jedi or Sith) Devaronian (Pilot, Bounty Hunter, Operative or Smuggler) Droid (Bounty Hunter) Duros (Pilot, Bounty Hunter, or Operative) Gand (Pilot, Bounty Hunter, or Sith Gran (Trooper or Jedi) Falleen (Sith, Bounty Hunter, or Operative) Iktotchi (any class) Kel-Dor (Pilot or Jedi) Kubaz (Operative or Spy) Mon Cal (Jedi or Smuggler) Nautolan (Jedi or Smuggler) Nikto (Bounty Hunter or Sith) Noghri (Bounty Hunter or Sith) Rodian (Bounty Hunter or Smuggler) Togruta (Jedi) Trandoshan (Bounty Hunter or Smuggler) Weequay (Bounty Hunter) Well that was fun!
  9. I love the bounty idea especially since I roll a BH. Let's do it BW!
  10. I have heard a lot of complaints about AP's. I rolled a Shieldtech and love my toon so that is what I recommend.
  11. I'm close to lvl37 shieldtech. Don't know my stats offhand but always use Mako with as much customized gear as possible. I usually use the offensive gear in my offhand but I always carry my damage reduction shield in my inventory so I can swap them if it is necessary. At level 36 I finally feel like I've figured out how to properly use my BH in combat. Have a nice rhythm going with my attack pattern. I run around with my headslot hidden too because I still don't have a helmet I love yet.
  12. My Cyborg Shieldtech is named Warchild. I rp that it's an alias he adopted after he was "reborn" as a cyborg. He runs around with no helmet to show off his cybernetics, dread locks, and nasty scars. My legacy name is Atticus which I treat as his real name (it's the last name of my character on Star Wars Combine too).
  13. Personally I really like the Mantis but I agree that a customizable slot for different paint designs or interiors would be really cool.
  14. I can't even figure out how to turn on the thermal shield or use the ramjet. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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