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Why was Hammer Station change a priority?


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13 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

They are not difficult for people who already have all their abilities and know what they are doing, but they are difficult for people who have never heard about LOS, stun abilities, self heals or defensive cooldowns. When they have to kill the turrets they will learn to use those abilities. If understanding their abilities and some basic tactics makes them rather quit the game than learn what to do, it's probably for the best. Both to them and the rest of us.

Got HS with a few lowbies. I had turrets on me all the time, barely taking any damage, all they had to do was to hit one turret (they succeeded) and not hit the other turret I put to sleep (they failed). With at least one high level, somewhat competent player in the group both the challenge and learning experience are gone.

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1 hour ago, juliushorst said:

Got HS with a few lowbies. I had turrets on me all the time, barely taking any damage, all they had to do was to hit one turret (they succeeded) and not hit the other turret I put to sleep (they failed). With at least one high level, somewhat competent player in the group both the challenge and learning experience are gone.

Part of the issue is how easy they made veteran flashpoints this expansion. I remember during Onslaught a well-geared level 75 could solo one turret but would struggle to handle two.  There were other flashpoints and trash mob encounters that were challenging without crowd control. There was less margin for error, so players had to learn the basics of crowd control while leveling. Now it's so easy I just AoE everything. Even those turrets, I just use my single target rotation with Chain Lightning and don't care if it hits the second turret. They aren't going to kill my level 80 character.

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On 9/12/2024 at 7:36 PM, LD_Little_Dragon said:

The changes were to cater to newer players.   Basically the max level speed runners ruined it for themselves by being incredibly newbie/low level unfriendly.  Veteran flashpoints are for all players and for all levels that can queue for them.

That turret skipping wasn't even a thing until Malgus started doing it sometime mid 6.0 expansion.   Learn how to dps properly and those turrets won't take anytime at all to kill.

And honestly I agree, Hammer Station was unfair to lower level Players...  ...speed runner's sometimes take to extremes, trying to skip everything!

  • More often I'd see 1 person die, cause they'd not get across bridge in time, or get stuck back with turrets alone.
  • If they didn't have defensive, healing buff, or get behind the Wall fast they'd not be able to rejoin until final boss defeated.
  • Then many would leave before they could even get back to 3rd Boss to pickup drop, and then be exited out...

Besides I'm enjoying it far more now with the shield there, I never liked being forced to jump off platform to sacrifice myself after a Victory

Who does that intentionally, now I can walk out Proudly...  :classic_ohmy:

On 9/15/2024 at 9:16 AM, WaffleQwop said:

Anyways, I don't really care that they changed the turrets. As Liarraaa said, they don't take but 30 seconds to defeat anyways. I think I would just rather the Devs spend more time on additional story, PvP, or Operation content.

It probably took minimal effort to put up a shield, though granted a few days to test sure... 

Still I'm fine with it and actually prefer it.  Yet like you would love a bit more Story, new Flashpoint / Operation, PvP updates... or yes Bugs!

  • PvP in Warzone, Arena, or GSF could just use a new Domination Map, perhaps rather than 2, or 3 capture points; one with 4?  :classic_smile:

It's been some time... 

Edited by Strathkin
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15 hours ago, juliushorst said:

Got HS with a few lowbies. I had turrets on me all the time, barely taking any damage, all they had to do was to hit one turret (they succeeded) and not hit the other turret I put to sleep (they failed). With at least one high level, somewhat competent player in the group both the challenge and learning experience are gone.

You said they failed to not hit the sleeping turret, and that learning experience is gone. You're contradicting yourself and proving my point at the same time. 

If you read my previous message again, I specifically said that "they are not difficult for people who already have all their abilities and know what they are doing, but they are difficult for people who have never heard about LOS, stun abilities, self heals or defensive cooldowns". I know you tried to argue with me, but you pretty much agreed with everything I already said. 


13 hours ago, ThanderSnB said:

Part of the issue is how easy they made veteran flashpoints this expansion. I remember during Onslaught a well-geared level 75 could solo one turret but would struggle to handle two.  There were other flashpoints and trash mob encounters that were challenging without crowd control. There was less margin for error, so players had to learn the basics of crowd control while leveling. Now it's so easy I just AoE everything. Even those turrets, I just use my single target rotation with Chain Lightning and don't care if it hits the second turret. They aren't going to kill my level 80 character.

Yeah, I wish they weren't nerfed so badly. They are a bit boring now for high level characters.

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On 9/13/2024 at 6:25 PM, The-Kaitou-Kid said:


It was definitely my experience that people were toxic about it. The amount of times I saw people melt down in group chat because somebody couldn't make that jump was waaaaay too high considering how little time it actually saved. It got to the point where I hated rolling Athiss specifically because of that jump, and I could actually usually make it after a couple tries, I just got sick of the toxicity over it.


Honestly, your example of spending 15 minutes teaching it to somebody is a great example of why it needed to be fixed. Did it make runs faster? If everybody knew how to do it and got it quickly, sure. But if you ever spent 15 minutes teaching somebody how to make the jump, you wasted so much time and I would have been very annoyed if I was part of that group. Like, genuinely, I'd get it if this skip bypassed a decent portion of the map or something, but it didn't. You skipped a whopping two packs of mobs by that doing that jump. Yes, the droids were a bit tougher, but not by enough to warrant spending that much time to skip them. It saved maybe a minute total if the group was competent, and if they weren't, they probably weren't making the jump either, certainly not in enough time to justify trying it.


This was made worse by the common situation of the person "teaching" the trick (and I don't mean to imply this applies to you, but I saw it a lot) refusing to move on when the rest of the group just wants to fight the mobs normally and get it over with. Those people would then stand on the ledge and watch while the rest of the group fights the two packs of mobs, making them take longer (especially the droids), and then drop down to fight the boss afterward. That kind of behavior sucks and this skip prompted it so often, because some people just couldn't accept the possibility of fighting those two packs of mobs. They had to skip them, even if it made the entire run screech to a halt.


I can't speak on the Hammer Station thing, I don't remember it, but the Athiss skip was stupid and should have been fixed years ago. I would wager that random Athiss runs are probably faster on average now that it's gone, and the more structured group runs with players that know what they're doing aren't having much added to their time, because those groups can easily handle the two packs of mobs that were skipped.

they weren't toxic in mine, maybe its a server thing, and the reason i don't think "toxicity" is a good example is becuse a toxic person will find a way to be toxic soonr or later, for example i too did feel toxicity myself on athiss once but that was becuse i accidentally triggered a mob (after the jumping part) and the guy called me an idiot for that simple mistake even after i apologized, so really, athiss or anywhere else someone will be a jackass no matter how much patching up you do. 

yeah i figured that my example might be taken the wrong way, having to teach people the jump wasn't a frequent thing, and if you spent those 15 (usually less, the 15+ example was an extreme) minutes teaching someone something they will have that knowledge for future, it feels nice at least for me to actually teach someone something they will know now and maybe teach others, keep in mind that again 15+ minutes was an extreme usually people would learn quick and in my case it was very rare that people get stuck, you also often had sorcs who could simply pull, and these are vet fps im talking about in which in most cases most of the group or majority aren't new so there were no issues way more than there were and jump was usually done by four people very quickly and swiftly, i will agree on you about some people refusing to fight though i don't think it was always malicious but its always annoying when someone doesn't want to help you in vet fps but again i had bad experiences like this before so i blame this on person being incompetent or toxic not the jump itself, again im not even saying you're wrong, fighting the mobs might've been quicker in some cases but the jump didn't hurt anyone and patching it up wasn't some grand toxicity fixer like some people like to think becuse again if someone is gonna be toxic and incompetent they'll find other ways to be so.

they're not quicker, i did athiss several times after the "patch" and they're slower becuse 1. not everyone hears about the patch so people would try to jump or just wait for others to do the jump not knowing its patched and 2. i had at least one situation of person doing fighting the mobs. in general considering it was vet fps (where most people were experienced) the jumps were quicker way 90% of the time, a structured group of players hardly even matters now that theres no jump it mattered before becuse you knew an experienced player knew the jump and it was fast, now its just good old boring lets kill these mobs that (most) can do.

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On 9/13/2024 at 9:25 AM, The-Kaitou-Kid said:


It was definitely my experience that people were toxic about it. The amount of times I saw people melt down in group chat because somebody couldn't make that jump was waaaaay too high considering how little time it actually saved. It got to the point where I hated rolling Athiss specifically because of that jump, and I could actually usually make it after a couple tries, I just got sick of the toxicity over it.


Honestly, your example of spending 15 minutes teaching it to somebody is a great example of why it needed to be fixed. Did it make runs faster? If everybody knew how to do it and got it quickly, sure. But if you ever spent 15 minutes teaching somebody how to make the jump, you wasted so much time and I would have been very annoyed if I was part of that group. Like, genuinely, I'd get it if this skip bypassed a decent portion of the map or something, but it didn't. You skipped a whopping two packs of mobs by that doing that jump. Yes, the droids were a bit tougher, but not by enough to warrant spending that much time to skip them. It saved maybe a minute total if the group was competent, and if they weren't, they probably weren't making the jump either, certainly not in enough time to justify trying it.


This was made worse by the common situation of the person "teaching" the trick (and I don't mean to imply this applies to you, but I saw it a lot) refusing to move on when the rest of the group just wants to fight the mobs normally and get it over with. Those people would then stand on the ledge and watch while the rest of the group fights the two packs of mobs, making them take longer (especially the droids), and then drop down to fight the boss afterward. That kind of behavior sucks and this skip prompted it so often, because some people just couldn't accept the possibility of fighting those two packs of mobs. They had to skip them, even if it made the entire run screech to a halt.


I can't speak on the Hammer Station thing, I don't remember it, but the Athiss skip was stupid and should have been fixed years ago. I would wager that random Athiss runs are probably faster on average now that it's gone, and the more structured group runs with players that know what they're doing aren't having much added to their time, because those groups can easily handle the two packs of mobs that were skipped.

Mostly I agree.  I hated even needing to try the jump to the ledge.  9 out of 10 times I couldn't do it and it took longer to try to get everyone up than just killing the mobs.  Eventually I just stopped trying and put it in group chat that I can't make the jump.  If someone wanted to pull me up, great, if not, I started combat and they joined in, or the didn't.  The mobs can be dragged over so the healing stations can be used.  Not a big deal.

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7 hours ago, BulbulusTheGreat said:

they weren't toxic in mine, maybe its a server thing, and the reason i don't think "toxicity" is a good example is becuse a toxic person will find a way to be toxic soonr or later, for example i too did feel toxicity myself on athiss once but that was becuse i accidentally triggered a mob (after the jumping part) and the guy called me an idiot for that simple mistake even after i apologized, so really, athiss or anywhere else someone will be a jackass no matter how much patching up you do. 

yeah i figured that my example might be taken the wrong way, having to teach people the jump wasn't a frequent thing, and if you spent those 15 (usually less, the 15+ example was an extreme) minutes teaching someone something they will have that knowledge for future, it feels nice at least for me to actually teach someone something they will know now and maybe teach others, keep in mind that again 15+ minutes was an extreme usually people would learn quick and in my case it was very rare that people get stuck, you also often had sorcs who could simply pull, and these are vet fps im talking about in which in most cases most of the group or majority aren't new so there were no issues way more than there were and jump was usually done by four people very quickly and swiftly, i will agree on you about some people refusing to fight though i don't think it was always malicious but its always annoying when someone doesn't want to help you in vet fps but again i had bad experiences like this before so i blame this on person being incompetent or toxic not the jump itself, again im not even saying you're wrong, fighting the mobs might've been quicker in some cases but the jump didn't hurt anyone and patching it up wasn't some grand toxicity fixer like some people like to think becuse again if someone is gonna be toxic and incompetent they'll find other ways to be so.

they're not quicker, i did athiss several times after the "patch" and they're slower becuse 1. not everyone hears about the patch so people would try to jump or just wait for others to do the jump not knowing its patched and 2. i had at least one situation of person doing fighting the mobs. in general considering it was vet fps (where most people were experienced) the jumps were quicker way 90% of the time, a structured group of players hardly even matters now that theres no jump it mattered before becuse you knew an experienced player knew the jump and it was fast, now its just good old boring lets kill these mobs that (most) can do.

Toxic is probably less accurate than impatient, rude...which is what I saw fairly often.

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Perhaps there is another reason.

Lately I've been catching up on some achievements and have repeatedly rushed the
the same Flashpoints. Depending on the Flashpoint, I'm through in far less
than 10 minutes and then get a lockout for every further run.
Maybe there is a system here that flags certain play styles as 
suspicious and must be tracked manually. Especially when
gearing to 340, many play this in a row and in far less than
10min. This results in a very high number of flagged accounts. 

So let's just put it out there as a hypothesis. 


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I can understand the developer team with this fixes. It's good for new players. 

But I'm, personally, don't think it's a good idea. Shortcuts make game more fun. Lets be real, group content in most cases are very silent. You just run through missions, say thanks in the end and thats it. With shortcuts there is a chance that some players will say that they new. And if the group are kind, this run will become a tutorial group content. 

Without shortcuts you just run from a to b etc. Less places to have a chance for communication. Yes, everything depends on the people (some are toxic, some are kind, some of them just silent all the time). 

And even without shortcuts there is a chance that someone from the group will pull every mob to the boss. 

So, imo, I think every game should have some shortcuts or secret paths. It makes game more fun. 

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3 hours ago, MFNproduction said:

I can understand the developer team with this fixes. It's good for new players. 

But I'm, personally, don't think it's a good idea. Shortcuts make game more fun. Lets be real, group content in most cases are very silent. You just run through missions, say thanks in the end and thats it. With shortcuts there is a chance that some players will say that they new. And if the group are kind, this run will become a tutorial group content. 

Without shortcuts you just run from a to b etc. Less places to have a chance for communication. Yes, everything depends on the people (some are toxic, some are kind, some of them just silent all the time). 

And even without shortcuts there is a chance that someone from the group will pull every mob to the boss. 

So, imo, I think every game should have some shortcuts or secret paths. It makes game more fun. 

Shortcuts are fine to a point. However just running past something (which aggro's your group) and just ignoring it after pulling 2 other groups and the boss was not a good thing. Combine that with new players never got the experience points in Vet Mode for them, and how toxic some people are on certain shortcuts (Athiss for one). I don't have an issue with them patching out these 2 particular things.

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33 minutes ago, Toraak said:

Shortcuts are fine to a point. However just running past something (which aggro's your group) and just ignoring it after pulling 2 other groups and the boss was not a good thing. Combine that with new players never got the experience points in Vet Mode for them, and how toxic some people are on certain shortcuts (Athiss for one). I don't have an issue with them patching out these 2 particular things.


Planned shortcuts are one thing but terrain "exploits" are another. Hammer Station already has a planned shortcut if you have the right crew skill, doesn't it? I find it very difficult to believe the "jumping" shortcut was planned. With Hammer Station, the turrets always seemed like they were in the wrong place anyway, like the devs entered the wrong x,y position for them. Having them on each side of the bridge would have made more sense.

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I have actually been calling out this nonsense waste of their utterly limited development resources since it happened across various threads, glad somebody made an official thread about it.

To the person with the 2nd or 3rd reply about how Speed Runner 80's ruined this for themselves.  No, Broadsword did. They made queueing for super easy but repetative flashpoints a viable way to get end game gear and a needed method to get 340 blue mods unlocked.  So new or returning end game players gear hunting are doing FP's we've done 2 trillion times over the years, again, because of this nonsense. 

Please stop wasting said limited resources on fixing things that don't need fixing, and make new content.  Please and thank you. 

Edited by DarthNillard
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And focus on fixing actual, existing bugs.

Like the DvL boss on Tat this week who will reset unless you kite them off the rock and to the sand. They are also very tricky to kite because of the bugged location/reset/whatever. And this will be an easy fix, just put the boss respawn point on the sand, so there's no excuse of not fixing it in a hot fix.

As far as I know, Kanoth is still having this bug reported here in 2022 and people have to literally Alt+F4 their game one by one after they enter his room. I haven't done R4 in at least 6 months so correct me if it got fixed recently but still appalling that this bug in a literal endgame raid exists more than a year.

53 minutes ago, DarthNillard said:

I have actually been calling out this nonsense waste of their utterly limited development resources since it happened across various threads, glad somebody made an official thread about it.

To the person with the 2nd or 3rd reply about how Speed Runner 80's ruined this for themselves.  No, Broadsword did. They made queueing for super easy but repetative flashpoints a viable way to get end game gear and a needed method to get 340 blue mods unlocked.  So new or returning end game players gear hunting are doing FP's we've done 2 trillion times over the years, again, because of this nonsense. 

Please stop wasting said limited resources on fixing things that don't need fixing, and make new content.  Please and thank you. 


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What exactly is changed in Athiss, haven't been in that one yet since changes.

But Hammer Station? Hasn't really affected my runs. Still just as quick as before as I didn't mind doing whatever group mates wanted to do before whether fighting the turrets or running away. It's a short FP to me, either way—fighting or running from turrets—it was quick, and now still quick.

But I guess it takes a while to get rid of old habits. Each run of HS I've done recently had one player jump off the ledge at the end.

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50 minutes ago, absolutetristan said:

What exactly is changed in Athiss, haven't been in that one yet since changes.

After you open the first door, turn the corner, and go down the steps to fight the 2 trash mobs (animals and then robots) in that big open room where you fight the first boss; you used to be able to rocket boots up the corner at the top of the stairs to get up on the ledge and could just run down it and skip the adds.  They patched it so you can't get up there anymore.

Again, not a big deal in theory, but 1) its been that way for a decade, 2) its one of the lowest level FP's so who cares, and 3) use that time/effort instead on any one of the millions of places that actually need it.  One example from today I ran into; my companion is STILL naked in the intro cutscene of Chapter 1 in Eternal Thrown (note: I still run that for easy conquest points when I'm bored).  How is patching the Hammer Station turrets or Athiss ledge trick more important than a weird flaw in the opening cinematics of an actual full on expansion to the game?  How about kids who are playing that see naked companions?  Priorities at BS are so out of whack....

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On 9/17/2024 at 9:43 AM, Toraak said:

Shortcuts are fine to a point. However just running past something (which aggro's your group) and just ignoring it after pulling 2 other groups and the boss was not a good thing. Combine that with new players never got the experience points in Vet Mode for them, and how toxic some people are on certain shortcuts (Athiss for one). I don't have an issue with them patching out these 2 particular things.

:sy_star:Agreed, as stated before given the Goal is complete the Flashpoint, not Skip past the Flashpoint; like you shortcut's are fine to a point...  :sy_star:

In Athiss I used always remember 1, or 2 unable to make the Jump up, or having to sit there when one made it to avoid... and then most felt pressured to try and often you'd spend far more time waiting, than just having faught them anyways!  Some are tricky, you had to hit it just right and it's like it was never intended to be used that way, unlike some others jumps, or bypass with slicing, archaeology, scavenging, etc... that clearly were!

On 9/16/2024 at 12:09 PM, Darev said:

Mostly I agree.  I hated even needing to try the jump to the ledge.  9 out of 10 times I couldn't do it and it took longer to try to get everyone up than just killing the mobs.  Eventually I just stopped trying and put it in group chat that I can't make the jump.  If someone wanted to pull me up, great, if not, I started combat and they joined in, or the didn't...

Yea, so have no problems as well if they prevent it as this was Overdone in a few too many cases!  

On 9/19/2024 at 12:54 PM, absolutetristan said:

But Hammer Station? Hasn't really affected my runs. Still just as quick as before as I didn't mind doing whatever group mates wanted to do before whether fighting the turrets or running away. It's a short FP to me, either way—fighting or running from turrets—it was quick, and now still quick.

But I guess it takes a while to get rid of old habits. Each run of HS I've done recently had one player jump off the ledge at the end.

Let's have a moment of silience for those faithful beings who gave their life unknowingly!


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My rule is: you pull, you hold.

If you want to do the annoying "run to the 1st boss" trick, or pool 3 groups at every corner, at least has the decency of telling the group that you're gonna do it, and hold aggro.

Met a few well geared tanks who did it and it's actually very smooth because the tank can keep aggro of 3 or 4 groups and none of the low levels had to worry about anything. The randomly formed group actually grouped up for a few runs because everyone was cool with that.

Got the monkeys who think they are tough, pull multiple groups, die first, and blame the others. I always vote kick the monkeys or just let them die until they rage quit. And ignore list.

I think the key is communication, sadly, a lot of people don't even say hello nowadays.

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Honestly I can see why they've done it, sure it might be annoying and slow us down but realistically its easier as groups that had people who knew how to skip it but there was one person who didnt know how to and they would have to teach them or people would dc mid flashpoint because they couldn't be bothered was hindering as well.

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On 9/13/2024 at 9:50 PM, ronin_chi_lao said:

It will surely blow up in the devs faces if they put walls up on maelstrom prison. Let's never see that one get that patch.

Not to derail the HS conversation but if it was me, I would make it so that you couldn't skip bosses.  There are several bosses in the original flash points that can be ignored.  Ilum, Directive 7, Teral V, and a number of other FPs all have bosses that can be skipped. I'd also make the bonus bosses drop rare specific loot to encourage more players to do bonus objectives instead of skipping 99% of the FP to make it go as quick as possible.  

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On 9/20/2024 at 6:58 AM, Setta said:

There are several bosses in the original flash points that can be ignored.  Ilum, Directive 7, Teral V, and a number of other FPs all have bosses that can be skipped. I'd also make the bonus bosses drop rare specific loot to encourage more players to do bonus objectives instead of skipping 99% of the FP to make it go as quick as possible.  

I'd also be alright with that, just easier to lead with the carrot approach, by stating the following limited bosses now offer Gear Drop's &/or 3 FP-1 now!

  -- Some achievements don't include said Bosses, and also require updating mission objectives to now include them for completion.

As that also take a bit more time to tweak, so easier to give said Bosses a drop, if people still ignore them... they loose out!  :classic_laugh:

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I'm extremely glad they fixed this. As other people have said, it doesn't take that long to destroy the turrets, and by defeating them everyone can heal up if they need to for the next enemies. It always used to annoy me when people would skip the turrets- if the group didn't have a healer, you might end up losing a player or more after the next mob, and with the aggro? (Sorry, I've been playing this game for a few years now but am still learning some of the lingo) you couldn't revive them to help with the final boss and the flashpoint becomes less of a team activity.

Hammer Station was and is still the quickest and easiest flashpoint to do- there's no need for people to get greedy and want even more time off from it. The point of the game is to have fun, and it can be difficult for people- especially new and inexperienced players- to do that when they're forced to speed-run through content.

Regarding Athiss, doing the jump and then running along the wall was fun, but it wasn't vital to the enjoyment of the mission- like the turrets in Hammer Station, the two mobs aren't diffcult at all to defeat. It isn't as if they've put several gold-level enemies in their place.

In general, I enjoy Hammer Station a lot more now that people can't skip the turrets. I've always enjoyed after defeating the final boss and completing the mission using the exit- it works better with the flashpoint's story, rather than jumping off the edge, reviving at the mission's beginning, and then using 'Exit Area'. Prior to the patch the majority of groups I've be in would skip the turrets and I wouldn't get to do that. So I'm real glad they fixed it so you couldn't skip them.

For people complaining about them wasting time fixing this when there more serious problems elsewhere, since they've done this fix already complaining about it is a moot point. I agree those things need to be fixed, but rather than complaining about the recent Hammer Station fix you should be focusing on the stated serious issues instead.

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I also prefer Hammer Station now that you have to kill the turrets.  I never minded skipping before if everyone wanted to, but you never knew what people were going to do, and sometimes there would be the awkward pause and literally having to ask in chat if we were gonna skip or kill them, whereas now everyone just kills them immediately and usually very quickly.  And before if people just bolted and you were low level and died because you couldn't get across the bridge (or some other poor soul had that happen) you were screwed and had to literally hope people come back to kill the turrets so you could finish the FP.

It is better now imo.  As is Athiss.  That platforming skip was so annoying and usually I couldn't get it, I'm glad no one expects me to do it anymore and you get more xp from killing the mobs anyway lol

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On 9/13/2024 at 1:13 PM, LJ_Gibbs said:

More like... people are doing content too fast.  Let's slow them down.

i've seen plenty of people complain in fleet chat "oh no why cant i do flashpoints now" and surprise surprise they've been speedrunning hammer station and they've hit the 5 instances per hour limit, which as far as i can tell has been around since launch

and like many people here have pointed it out, its only like 30 seconds to kill those turrets anyway, you're more likely to be losing time to the lockout than the minor change in "optimal" speedruns

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