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DataCrons, Jumping and Platforming...why its terrible...


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my connections fine and i don't lag anywhere else in game save occasional area on fleet when is a mass of players bunched around a vender. Seriously takes several seconds for my character to respond to a jump, seems much longer when doing a running jump. Is just the game always been that way, since beta when compare it to other mmos, like Aion, CoH/V, WoW, Age of Conan, and many more even on release! other mmo's were very responsive and seems like TOR has some kind of input lag going on, happens when using attacks as well, but what ever the case... putting STATS on an item then saying " use our cruddy reaction time jumping and get to them" is a terrible idea...


said from start that datacrons having stats would be bad... now i see i was right not only are we FORCED to find them all, we now have to deal with bad platforming to boot.


No, you are not forced. No, if you are having a five second response from the time you hit spacebar to the time you jump, you are lagging and it's not the game. I seriously doubt it's anywhere near five seconds, nor even anywhere near one full second. I believe you just haven't gotten used to the timing of jumping in this game, and are exaggerating.

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No, you are not forced. No, if you are having a five second response from the time you hit spacebar to the time you jump, you are lagging and it's not the game. I seriously doubt it's anywhere near five seconds, nor even anywhere near one full second. I believe you just haven't gotten used to the timing of jumping in this game, and are exaggerating.


its not so much timing as jumping is terrible... don't excuse a game for having slow laggy jumping just because you need to " learn the timing" shouldn't be a timing issue...when i hit spacebar i should jump shouldn't be a delay between when i hit bar and character jumps. The jumping in this feels heavy, and sluggish when we are talking about starwars you don't see obiwan hunkering down wiggling his bum then jumping 2 feet... and thats issue for me...is a starwars game and jumping feels horrible when think of starwars and certainly breaks flow of the game.


love to get all datacrons but not spending 4 hours fighting jumping just to get 1 datacron its not worth my time when are much more fun things to be done... and sorry but not my PC... not my connection... i can put pretty much any game on this rig and play it fine, and never had connection issues aside from needing to open ports and if its a port issue not even be able to see servers...

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its not so much timing as jumping is terrible... don't excuse a game for having slow laggy jumping just because you need to " learn the timing" shouldn't be a timing issue...when i hit spacebar i should jump shouldn't be a delay between when i hit bar and character jumps. The jumping in this feels heavy, and sluggish when we are talking about starwars you don't see obiwan hunkering down wiggling his bum then jumping 2 feet... and thats issue for me...is a starwars game and jumping feels horrible when think of starwars and certainly breaks flow of the game.


love to get all datacrons but not spending 4 hours fighting jumping just to get 1 datacron its not worth my time when are much more fun things to be done... and sorry but not my PC... not my connection... i can put pretty much any game on this rig and play it fine, and never had connection issues aside from needing to open ports and if its a port issue not even be able to see servers...


Except you can't blame the game when many people are not having problems with the jumping.

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I come from DDO, where there are a lot of platform game aspects, so I'm glad to see some of that incorporated here. Well, except waiting 5 minutes for a roving platform to come around, although by the time it did come around my palms were sweaty lol.


Sadly, platforming will always remain optional due to varying degrees of skill, network connection speed and gaming rigs. And yes, these are optional.

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Except you can't blame the game when many people are not having problems with the jumping.


yea always a good excuse x3 cause sure pushing 1 and hitting spacebar is completely differant mechanical function... just opened my ports see if was issue, but i am betting just engine they are using again... love the game but seriously are huge issues when comes to devs wanting platforming with terrible controls.


Edit: if port opening doesn't fix laggy responsiveness to jumping then i can be fairly sure not my connection and not my rig...which means something on there end of things. We'll see when i get back into game.

Edited by Lokai
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oh please, I've got the ones behind the balloon ride on Tat and the team required one on Taris where you have to get shot into the air and land on a pipe. It's fine. If I can manage it, so can you. Edited by britane
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oh please, I've got the ones behind the balloon ride on Tat and the team required one on Taris where you have to get shot into the air and land on a pipe. It's fine. If I can manage it, so can you.


just because one person can deal with horrible controls and beat a game doesn't mean game should get a 10 for its control scheme... is pretty basic stuff i mean i play all sorts of platformers from old school castlevania, ninja gaiden, and megaman to more recent stuff like tomb raider series, god of war(had some minor areas) assassins creed and many more... i love platforming and entire concept BUT way jumping feels in this is terrible in general slow, laggy and basically doesn't feel like a jedi at all.


Edit: lemme rephrase it then... basically jump in this is terrible SLOW in how its executed, can easily run off an edge or, jump far to soon, and fact that is a delay t time between when i hit button and character jumps is what throws one off. Further almost no control of jump really, and feels very sluggish weighted, like i'm wearing 200 tons of armor when i'm in light armor... is not how jumping should feel in a good game, should be fluent, controlable and quick when i hit key i expect to jump not be forced to weight 2-3 seconds for animation to start up and then another 2 for it to execute.


Edit 2: so yes i just counter time from when i hit key to actual jump its 3 seconds...when should be 1-1.5 seconds. this is not good sorry but terrible even WoW had much more responsive jumping.

Edited by Lokai
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Taris bugging out and needing 8 tries to get one datacron followed by needing to wait on a 40 minuet balloon ride on Tatooine pretty much turned me off on trying to find them.


They don't reward exploration they reward going to google and typing in "SWTOR datacron guide" and being able to second guess the games jump/clipping engine.


I swear the one on Taris there was an invisible clipping ledge that you had to not hit to make the jump other wise you bunny hopped off the ledge instead of making your usual robust jump.

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Taris bugging out and needing 8 tries to get one datacron followed by needing to wait on a 40 minuet balloon ride on Tatooine pretty much turned me off on trying to find them.


They don't reward exploration they reward going to google and typing in "SWTOR datacron guide" and being able to second guess the games jump/clipping engine.


I swear the one on Taris there was an invisible clipping ledge that you had to not hit to make the jump other wise you bunny hopped off the ledge instead of making your usual robust jump.


sad thing is actually award stats which any min/maxer is going to want and i assure you come end game those stats will end up factoring into every guide you find and in pvp will be a big deal... i just don't like idea that not only are they giving stats made them absurdly diffcult to get...i sure as heck aint waiting 40 mins for some baloon lol what kind of moron does that? really thats not fun thats just stupid...


Datacrons could give visual appearances, more lore, and things of that nature and i'd be fine with it i just don't like idea that it awards PERMA stats for google...


Edit: diffcult do to laggy jumping... but yea diffcult none the less i dont see why expect us to fiddle around for an hour or more trying to get one item...seems excessive...

Edited by Lokai
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What the designers did not take into consideration is latency. How your character will respond is directly impacted by how far you are from the server, the quality of the network and how many people are in the loop. (not just in the game)


Watch the way the forums respond. Sometime the pages open instantly. Other times they open slowly. Does a slowly opening forum page mean you suck as a page number clicker?


Some of the datacron jumps simply can't be done consistently. I know, because I've gone back and rerun them to try and figure out better routes for my notes. There are a couple of jumps that I simply have not figured out how to do. If there is a trick, please share it with those of us who are apparently need help.


PS - I really feel for those who are playing the game from remote locations.

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oh i love me a good platformer but thats the issue isn't it, differance between a bad platformer and a good platformer comes down to responsive controls, and hitting spacebar and waiting 5 seconds for my avatar to respond is horrible controls... fix that and no problems but not fighting game to get to places.


Sounds like its on your end. I never have a 5 second delay on my jump or an ability.

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There are, in my opinion, three issues with datacrons (DC):


1. Some are hidden in hidden places. I follow a guide to get all the DC while leveling, so I won't have to go back and look for them later. How glad I am I did it.

One of the DC was hidden in a zone, with entrance not visible on map. There was an elevator that had button bringing you to another level. I would never guessed where this was, even if looking all over the planet, in every hole there was, running up to places that were not intended to be reachable. This was really stupid idea, I doubt anyone found this DC by themselves.


2. Some are reachable by jumping. The jumping mechanic in this game is not good if goes to precision, and there would be no problem with it at all, if not for the fact, that we are required to use to jump very precisely to get to some DC.


3. This is the most stupid thing I ever seen when searching for DC. You have to sometimes wait for some flying object to pass you, so you can reach the DC location. These wait times are 20-40 minutes! What the hell, Bioware? You want us to stand in one spot for 30 minutes, waiting for stupid balloon to pass? Seriously...


I found many, neatly placed DC while travelling. Some were visible from one spot, and you had to search for the entrance, some were just in some nicely hidden zones, that looked really climatic (especially the ones on Dromund Kass, i loved these in narrow passes), some were in some "jumpy" locations, but not involving too much skill, and the places were very clever.

Some are just in such stupid places, you want to kill everyone responsible for this.

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What the designers did not take into consideration is latency. How your character will respond is directly impacted by how far you are from the server, the quality of the network and how many people are in the loop. (not just in the game)


Watch the way the forums respond. Sometime the pages open instantly. Other times they open slowly. Does a slowly opening forum page mean you suck as a page number clicker?


Some of the datacron jumps simply can't be done consistently. I know, because I've gone back and rerun them to try and figure out better routes for my notes. There are a couple of jumps that I simply have not figured out how to do. If there is a trick, please share it with those of us who are apparently need help.


PS - I really feel for those who are playing the game from remote locations.


This part of the game really blows.

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This is one of the best features in this and other games.. can't believe someone is actually complaining about it.. seriously do you want to come to an obstacle and just have your character automatically perform some maneuver to avoid it?
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This is one of the best features in this and other games.. can't believe someone is actually complaining about it.. seriously do you want to come to an obstacle and just have your character automatically perform some maneuver to avoid it?


You misunderstand. I agree this is an excellent feature. I simply disagree that the jumping requirements are realistic. I am happy for those who can complete them, but there are a couple that I simply haven't figured out how to jump! I suspect it is latency, but can't confirm it. All I know is that "my" performance varies from day to day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Is this a MMO or a simple arcade game? Not sure anymore, remove this part from the game since it doesn't belong in this genre. If people wanted a arcade the game they would have bought one.:mad:


Every time you jump you should get a datacron token and then you get the datacrons just for trying.




MMOs have fallen so far.

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You hit on one of the biggest issues with getting to some datacrons. I am a jedi consular and i can only jump a lousy 2 ft. Apparently force jump is reserved specifically for knights. Who's brilliant idea was that? Every jedi i have ever seen on screen could do force jump, consular or knight. And i have one datacron left of coruscant cause i am not allowed to jump on the key pipe i need to start climbing up to get to it.
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You hit on one of the biggest issues with getting to some datacrons. I am a jedi consular and i can only jump a lousy 2 ft. Apparently force jump is reserved specifically for knights. Who's brilliant idea was that? Every jedi i have ever seen on screen could do force jump, consular or knight. And i have one datacron left of coruscant cause i am not allowed to jump on the key pipe i need to start climbing up to get to it.


You can only force leap to targets....

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