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Progression Changes coming in 7.5.1

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8 hours ago, megawarz said:

There are 4 types of raids that NiM raiders do, progression (team), pug (go for clear/timer, depending on group, experience preferred), lockouts (know fights up to where the lockout run ends), and learning runs to get some people some experience in the raid. There are also typically 1-2 extra mechs in NiM vs HM, on thrasher, at 50% boss does 2 sets of snipers with a 360 knockback, warlords has cleanses from horic grenade and tu'chuk, styrak has 2x sets of knockbacks per chain, brontes burn tanks have to deal with hands, DP council, all 4 are out at once (applies to NiM trandos), and its much different in NiM gods vs HM. Some NiM raiders are very elitist, but the majority of those that do NiM Dxun and NiM gods want more people to do NiM so we can do more raids. The toxic spurgs you might have experienced sound like clownville (star forge) raiders

I noticed how hard it is for nim op groups to even form since there are so few people doing those raids. From what i experienced this doesnt suprise me. I did want to do them and i know i have the numbers needed but i think ill just stop after clearing Gods and R4 hm. The only hm ops i still need to do, though i might try a 16m ckear for them all too. Going up another level of difficulty sadly just isnt worth it anymore with these gear upgrade changes.

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Continue to spend your limited resources fixing "bugs" that are 10+ years old that nobody cared or needed fixed.

Last time you got rid of the "glitch" to jump up on the edge in Athiss, allowing groups to skip 2 trash mobs.

Now you are removing the ability to run through the cannons towards the end of Hammer Station.

Just spitballing here, but instead of wasting efforts here, HOW ABOUT YOU MAKE SOME NEW CONTENT????????? 

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56 minutes ago, DarthNillard said:

Continue to spend your limited resources fixing "bugs" that are 10+ years old that nobody cared or needed fixed.

Last time you got rid of the "glitch" to jump up on the edge in Athiss, allowing groups to skip 2 trash mobs.

Now you are removing the ability to run through the cannons towards the end of Hammer Station.

Just spitballing here, but instead of wasting efforts here, HOW ABOUT YOU MAKE SOME NEW CONTENT????????? 

I just finished reading the patch notes and I had to giggle about the bridge skip they patched. I mean, I understand them fixing it but if I had it my way, I'd just patch the game to make the entire instance pull as soon as you zone into the instance and the objective is to defeat them all at once. No more boss fights, no dialogues, nothing. If you manage to do that without deaths, you get a "Hammered!" achievement and the flashpoint is permanently removed from your list. Also, whenever you are que'd up to hammer station after getting the "Hammered!" achievement, instead of being teleported to the instance, you are replaced automatically by a robot companion in the party and you just get all the rewards as if you completed the run.


TL;DR: We're sick of running HS. That's why people want to skip it all. At least add an odometer on top of each character's head when we zone in so we all can be aware how sick everyone is of running that shyte 😂

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After reading some of this thread and having taken a long hiatus, I've taken a few but now returning after a 7 month hiatus to see what's become of my favorite MMO. One of my reasons besides burnout was that being a PvPer mainly or anything to do with Solo play, that the premade limit was bumped from 4 to 8 and that was enough for me to say PvP was not worth it. I can see from other forum posts that it has turned some people off. Also reading up on the gearing changes, I was at ilvl 337 or 338 when I had quit. I know in 6.0 we spammed Hammer Station because it was faster to get tech frags and get our gear, then if I remember correctly. Then in 7.0, it was to spam R-4 and get the tokens to get the gear.

Coming back and seeing these new gear changes, I thought it would take me awhile to get to ilvl 344. It actually didn't. I was nervous in doing OPs as I hadn't been an OPs player unless it was to help provide DPS with a friend otherwise I just didn't want to screw up and get kicked. I overcame that by using Merlyn's OP guides for both HM and SM and now I regularly just join the OPs and I've gotten ilvl 344 in like 2 weeks for me with regular play. For those that don't want to run OPs, the path to ilvl 344 is still viable albeit a longer one. Turning in all your conquest/fp-1 stabilizers into OP-1 Catalysts helped me half the journey into getting gear.

Though I will say this and I'm not sure who will agree or disagree. Being max ilvl is a crutch. Sure everyone wants it but the gear is like what, I'm not a mathematician but its a 5 to 10% dps increase I believe? I was outdoing most dps with lesser gear with a better rotation. Some people get the max ilvl just to get it and still can't do higher dps then those that have lesser gear/stats/augments. I know my old guild at the time wanted people with starparse and on the occasion I flip it on while doing an SM op or HM op and I see some that can't get over 10k whether its flavor of the month or not. I don't mind the gear changes as it gave me something to grind for but I, like a few others wouldn't mind NIM Raiding but I can see its limited. I know a friend had told me to join these different discords and be on the look out for replacements. The problem I have with NIM Raiding is really the times in which it happens if I were to ever join one that or there's just few groups running it.

Then there is some of these silly fixes I have seen like when I ran the Athiss FPS and the jump to skip trash to the 1st boss was patched and now this new one about Hammer Station having to kill turrets, like there is more important things to fix then doing these 2. I'm surprised they haven't just stated that they are going to make all enemies have stealth detection to make it more of a grind so you can't skip the whole entire FPS. Anyways Happy Farming.

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These changes - both rounds - make absolutely no sense considering all these upgrade boxes are bound.  Let's look at it from a practicality standpoint for just regular players (who don't do Vet/NiM raids):

  • PVP'ers looking to upgrade: You need NINE (9) Thyrisian cases to get 3 columi cases to turn into 1 rakata case
  • Story Mode raiders: You need NINE (9) Tionese cases to get 3 columi cases to turn into 1 rakata case

Do you know how much playing that is on ONE character?  Also consider how you have all taken the approach going back to at least 7.0 that all gear would become legacy bound, why on Vitiate's green earth would these cases be bound?  Somebody make it make sense.....

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3 hours ago, crayzpanda said:

One of my reasons besides burnout was that being a PvPer mainly or anything to do with Solo play, that the premade limit was bumped from 4 to 8 and that was enough for me to say PvP was not worth it.

Yep, that is a major problem and it still has not been addressed. Devs: Pretty please just go back to 4 man max for premades when it comes to warzones please. This alone will make so many people happy.

1 hour ago, DarthNillard said:

These changes - both rounds - make absolutely no sense considering all these upgrade boxes are bound.  Let's look at it from a practicality standpoint for just regular players (who don't do Vet/NiM raids):

  • PVP'ers looking to upgrade: You need NINE (9) Thyrisian cases to get 3 columi cases to turn into 1 rakata case
  • Story Mode raiders: You need NINE (9) Tionese cases to get 3 columi cases to turn into 1 rakata case

Do you know how much playing that is on ONE character?  Also consider how you have all taken the approach going back to at least 7.0 that all gear would become legacy bound, why on Vitiate's green earth would these cases be bound?  Somebody make it make sense.....

I am relatively indifferent on this gearing change. On one hand, I feel like it's a decent thing, because more people can get better gear. On the other hand, I feel that this change now makes it so that there is zero incentive to do harder form content. I am not in favor of gear being gate kept, but I feel that it's just too easy nowadays. I also miss set bonuses... Implants are just not doing it for me anymore. 

Some classes implant choices are pretty weak too, like sorcerer/sage, while some classes have very useful and arguably OP implants like juggernaut.

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22 hours ago, WaffleQwop said:

I am relatively indifferent on this gearing change. On one hand, I feel like it's a decent thing, because more people can get better gear. On the other hand, I feel that this change now makes it so that there is zero incentive to do harder form content. I am not in favor of gear being gate kept, but I feel that it's just too easy nowadays. I also miss set bonuses... Implants are just not doing it for me anymore. 

At this point most of us are numb to it since they have changed how gearing works 2754010 times in 10+ years.  It's hilarious to me though that after all that, we are back to the original names from launch (tionese/columi/rakata).

That said though, changes like this should be to make things better/easier.  That's what they pitched it as, but not how it actually came to pass.  And to my earlier point, the communication on these changes has been a disgrace.  Wrong details provided first, and minimal instructions on the actual "how" things work.  90% of people who play this game are not on the forums or reading patch notes, they just want to play the game. Video games should be fun, not work, not a job.  It's sad tbh :(

Meanwhile though, dev resources being spent to ensure we kill the 2 Turrets in Hammer Station MORE THAN A DECADE LATER.  Why? Because people grinding FP's for the gear are just running hammer station x infinity since it's so fast and easy.  How about instead, Broadsword takes a look internally at how messed up their systems are where players are actively running the same garbage low level FP over and over and over to get END GAME GEAR.  Something ain't right.....

Edited by DarthNillard
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What is the relevance of holding everyone HOSTAGE to kill the 2 turrets in Hammer Station? Did this impact game play of the flashpoint in any way? NO it didnt! Was it a key component to the flashpoint? No! Why are resources spent putting up walls everywhere to make a flashpoints longer than it should be? Never mind the bugs and issues in a game over 10+ years old...nah we aint gonna fix nothing lol. Oh you saying have an issue with the game where you cant progress....send a bug report. BTW look at this new armor set or look at this new dye.......$$$$$$$ Spend your money but nah.... we not fixing bug issues. What wall can we expect next?

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2 hours ago, Aira said:

What is the relevance of holding everyone HOSTAGE to kill the 2 turrets in Hammer Station? Did this impact game play of the flashpoint in any way? NO it didnt! Was it a key component to the flashpoint? No! Why are resources spent putting up walls everywhere to make a flashpoints longer than it should be? Never mind the bugs and issues in a game over 10+ years old...nah we aint gonna fix nothing lol. Oh you saying have an issue with the game where you cant progress....send a bug report. BTW look at this new armor set or look at this new dye.......$$$$$$$ Spend your money but nah.... we not fixing bug issues. What wall can we expect next?

I guess the relevance is to reduce HS farming, but for that it's too late. Should have been implemented in 6.0 when the spammer station farming started. 
Before 6.0 everyone killed the turrets and everyone was happy. When the farming started half of the group ran through, half of the group stayed to kill the turrets. When group is split both boss and turrets die slower. Sometimes the group manages to wipe just because a few stupid people don't bother to check classes and what level everyone in the group is. When there are lowbies in the group they are often left behind to die and they never get their last boss loot because they can't get past the turrets without self heals and/or defensive cooldowns. Some people don't even care if everyone makes it across the bridge or not. They are just using the lowbies as their personal NPC to fill the group. Since being a selfish jerk isn't against the ToS, the devs have to implement other solutions to prevent unwanted behaviour.

As I said, it should have been fixed at the beginning of 6.0 and we might still have a decent, functioning group finder instead of a Hammer Station Finder which made a lot of people stop using GF at all. 

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I think the turret thing was to help new players. I've seen quite a few posts on Steam by new players not understanding the turrets can be skipped. They attack the turrets and die, the group doesn't help them, then when the group kills the boss, the spawn goes back to the beginning of the flashpoint and the new player doesn't get to loot the boss. An alternative fix could have been moving the spawn after killing the boss to be near the exit (allowing players that died to have access to the boss to get their loot), but Broadsword decided to prevent skipping the turrets.

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12 hours ago, Aira said:

What is the relevance of holding everyone HOSTAGE to kill the 2 turrets in Hammer Station? Did this impact game play of the flashpoint in any way? NO it didnt! Was it a key component to the flashpoint? No! Why are resources spent putting up walls everywhere to make a flashpoints longer than it should be? Never mind the bugs and issues in a game over 10+ years old...nah we aint gonna fix nothing lol. Oh you saying have an issue with the game where you cant progress....send a bug report. BTW look at this new armor set or look at this new dye.......$$$$$$$ Spend your money but nah.... we not fixing bug issues. What wall can we expect next?

Coming from someone that levels alts, I can see 1 good reason for this. Those turrets actually give solid Experience points for low level players when doing Vet mode HS. 99% of groups skip these (which doesn't take long to kill), and wastes potential experience points for new players or people leveling alts.


I personally don't have an issue with this change. It only takes a minute at most to kill them. 

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I mentioned it briefly in a post above, but want to double down on this point re: Hammer Station.

The biggest problem in this game IMO is after 12 years, the most viable way for a new or returning player to get END GAME GEAR is to spam quick and easy flashpoints that have existed since the game launched.  This makes absolutely no logical sense in any way, shape, or form.  Why are these conversations not being had at Broadsword?

I volunteer to work for your company, for free.  The only thing that needs to happen is that you throw every idea at me that gets thumbs upped before you waste time and resources.  I guarantee that 75% of the time (and that's rounding down to be friendly) my answer will be "yeah that makes no sense, don't do it".  Because that's how most of us hardcore players who been rocking with you since beta/launch have felt about most decisions in this game.  You internals are too deep, and too invested in the way you do things.  You need a new voice to help.

Edited by DarthNillard
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On 9/13/2024 at 2:26 AM, DarthNillard said:

The biggest problem in this game IMO is after 12 years, the most viable way for a new or returning player to get END GAME GEAR is to spam quick and easy flashpoints that have existed since the game launched.  This makes absolutely no logical sense in any way, shape, or form. 

One new or returning player spamming one, boring FP over and over again by using group finder forces everyone else in the queue to participate the mindless grindfest. One new or returning player deciding what the rest of the playerbase gets to play makes no logical sense in any way, shape or form. 

Besides, spamming one flashpoint is hardly the most viable way to get end game gear. Might have been in 6.x but not anymore. If someone really wants to get end game gear they spam sm ops. If someone really wants to get their gear in slower pace by playing fps, they will select all fps and get the rewards from weekly too. That would also prevent those people from ruining the group finder from the rest of the playerbase.

Fixing the turret skip still doesn't prevent anyone to spam HS, but hopefully some will realize there are better ways to get gear now. It is a step into right direction.

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11 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

One new or returning player spamming one, boring FP over and over again by using group finder forces everyone else in the queue to participate the mindless grindfest. One new or returning player deciding what the rest of the playerbase gets to play makes no logical sense in any way, shape or form. 

Besides, spamming one flashpoint is hardly the most viable way to get end game gear. Might have been in 6.x but not anymore. If someone really wants to get end game gear they spam sm ops. If someone really wants to get their gear in slower pace by playing fps, they will select all fps and get the rewards from weekly too. That would also prevent those people from ruining the group finder from the rest of the playerbase.

Fixing the turret skip still doesn't prevent anyone to spam HS, but hopefully some will realize there are better ways to get gear now. It is a step into right direction.

Everything you said here misses all my points completely.  I'm only referencing new/returning players specifically because gear ratings haven't gone up in a while so longstanding players who haven't left and come back have already had their full gear sets for a long time now.  But even when the last of the changes rolled out, the immediate to-do for players was to unlock the 340 mods vendors so you could buy and make 340 gear and weapon sets (and before that 336, and even before that 330).  The fastest way to do that each time? Grind FP's to get a 340 blue that you can destroy quickly to complete the Hyde & Zeek quests.

So to my larger point, what equates to Easy mode 4 player group content - and relevant to the Hammer Station talk, the fastest and easiest which is essentially the lower level ones (HS and Athiss).  So again essentially making us repurpose the oldest of the old content for the one millionth time as part of getting the highest level gear, which is counterintuitive to how acquiring the best gear works in most MMO's, and then the added kick in the butt with silly patches like this 10 years later that make doing it take just an extra bit longer.

I'm actually someone who kills the turrets anyway. They aren't hard and I don't like jumping off the edge after I beat the boss.  But my point remains.  Either way Broadsword doesn't listen to anything we say so we're all in here arguing for no reason, so I digress 🤷‍♂️

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4 hours ago, DarthNillard said:


 Either way Broadsword doesn't listen to anything we say so we're all in here arguing for no reason, so I digress 🤷‍♂️

I think broadsword doing things like removing the athiss jump and the turret skip shows they do listen to what players are saying.  They just don't always have the same viewpoint as the posters do.

There's also a reason to argue.  If the only thing posted is players complaining about the changes, then it gives the false impression that everyone is against the changes, when there's obviously multiple viewpoints and some players (like me) are in favour of the changes.

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12 hours ago, DarthNillard said:

Everything you said here misses all my points completely.  I'm only referencing new/returning players specifically because gear ratings haven't gone up in a while so longstanding players who haven't left and come back have already had their full gear sets for a long time now.  But even when the last of the changes rolled out, the immediate to-do for players was to unlock the 340 mods vendors so you could buy and make 340 gear and weapon sets (and before that 336, and even before that 330).  The fastest way to do that each time? Grind FP's to get a 340 blue that you can destroy quickly to complete the Hyde & Zeek quests.

So to my larger point, what equates to Easy mode 4 player group content - and relevant to the Hammer Station talk, the fastest and easiest which is essentially the lower level ones (HS and Athiss).  So again essentially making us repurpose the oldest of the old content for the one millionth time as part of getting the highest level gear, which is counterintuitive to how acquiring the best gear works in most MMO's, and then the added kick in the butt with silly patches like this 10 years later that make doing it take just an extra bit longer.

I'm actually someone who kills the turrets anyway. They aren't hard and I don't like jumping off the edge after I beat the boss.  But my point remains.  Either way Broadsword doesn't listen to anything we say so we're all in here arguing for no reason, so I digress 🤷‍♂️

Nope. It seems you are missing my points completely.

You can unlock mods by doing sm ops, which are a lot faster than flashpoints and it only involves people who want to do the same thing, instead of selfishly forcing everyone else in the gf queue to join the HS farm. Returning players who want to bore themselves to death with nothing but HS could also just walk in to their precious flashpoint with a companion or two instead of forcing everyone in queue for fps to join that insanity.

If people hadn't been so selfish in the first place, this would have never become an issue that needs to be fixed. 


8 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

I think broadsword doing things like removing the athiss jump and the turret skip shows they do listen to what players are saying.  They just don't always have the same viewpoint as the posters do.

There's also a reason to argue.  If the only thing posted is players complaining about the changes, then it gives the false impression that everyone is against the changes, when there's obviously multiple viewpoints and some players (like me) are in favour of the changes.


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18 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

I think broadsword doing things like removing the athiss jump and the turret skip shows they do listen to what players are saying.  They just don't always have the same viewpoint as the posters do.

If you say so. I really disagree with you here but I see where you're coming from.

Listen, the Hammer Station turrets has been a thing for years. Why didn't they fix it then? On one hand I'm glad that they did it, so that people might stop spamming only Hammer Station, which is absolutely annoying sometimes. 

On the other hand, I and many others think that we all would be better off if Devs didn't worry about little things like Hammer Station turrets and instead focused on additional Story Content, Operations, PvP revamp, etc, the list goes on. I am happy that they made the change about the turrets, but quite frankly I think it's a few years too late. 

10 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

You can unlock mods by doing sm ops, which are a lot faster than flashpoints and it only involves people who want to do the same thing, instead of selfishly forcing everyone else in the gf queue to join the HS farm. Returning players who want to bore themselves to death with nothing but HS could also just walk in to their precious flashpoint with a companion or two instead of forcing everyone in queue for fps to join that insanity.

If people hadn't been so selfish in the first place, this would have never become an issue that needs to be fixed. 

This also is true, and I agree that if someone is trying to go for end game gear, you may as well just do story mode operations, they get ran all day every day and are by far the quickest way to gear. In fact it is significantly quicker than if you were to try gearing solely through flashpoints. But, I suppose some people don't like doing Operations or PvP and as a result needed a way to get better gear, hence the Progression Changes. 

But I ask, if everyone can get the gear, no matter what content is ran (story mode flashpoints vs Veteran/NiM Operations or PvP), does that not take away from the incentive to do harder content? I understand that there is a sizeable Solo population in this game, but if they are Solo players and don't really do group content anyways, why do they need the max end game gear? Genuinely asking, because 324 item rating gear is totally legit to run through any story content in the game.

TL;DR: I think gear shouldn't be *this* easy to get. But that's just my opinion, and I am glad that the Devs are at the least trying stuff out.

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2 hours ago, WaffleQwop said:

If you say so. I really disagree with you here but I see where you're coming from.

Listen, the Hammer Station turrets has been a thing for years. Why didn't they fix it then? On one hand I'm glad that they did it, so that people might stop spamming only Hammer Station, which is absolutely annoying sometimes. 

On the other hand, I and many others think that we all would be better off if Devs didn't worry about little things like Hammer Station turrets and instead focused on additional Story Content, Operations, PvP revamp, etc, the list goes on. I am happy that they made the change about the turrets, but quite frankly I think it's a few years too late. 

This also is true, and I agree that if someone is trying to go for end game gear, you may as well just do story mode operations, they get ran all day every day and are by far the quickest way to gear. In fact it is significantly quicker than if you were to try gearing solely through flashpoints. But, I suppose some people don't like doing Operations or PvP and as a result needed a way to get better gear, hence the Progression Changes. 

But I ask, if everyone can get the gear, no matter what content is ran (story mode flashpoints vs Veteran/NiM Operations or PvP), does that not take away from the incentive to do harder content? I understand that there is a sizeable Solo population in this game, but if they are Solo players and don't really do group content anyways, why do they need the max end game gear? Genuinely asking, because 324 item rating gear is totally legit to run through any story content in the game.

TL;DR: I think gear shouldn't be *this* easy to get. But that's just my opinion, and I am glad that the Devs are at the least trying stuff out.

I don't personally care how people get their gear as long as it doesn't affect me negatively (like HS farm has). Gear has never been my incentive to do harder content. I've done it because story mode has felt too easy and I like challenge. But I'm sure there are also people who go for harder content only to get better gear which is something I don't understand. Their thing is gear progression, I guess. I'm just glad mine isn't.

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On 9/14/2024 at 1:47 PM, DarthNillard said:

Everything you said here misses all my points completely.  I'm only referencing new/returning players specifically because gear ratings haven't gone up in a while so longstanding players who haven't left and come back have already had their full gear sets for a long time now.  But even when the last of the changes rolled out, the immediate to-do for players was to unlock the 340 mods vendors so you could buy and make 340 gear and weapon sets (and before that 336, and even before that 330).  The fastest way to do that each time? Grind FP's to get a 340 blue that you can destroy quickly to complete the Hyde & Zeek quests.

So to my larger point, what equates to Easy mode 4 player group content - and relevant to the Hammer Station talk, the fastest and easiest which is essentially the lower level ones (HS and Athiss).  So again essentially making us repurpose the oldest of the old content for the one millionth time as part of getting the highest level gear, which is counterintuitive to how acquiring the best gear works in most MMO's, and then the added kick in the butt with silly patches like this 10 years later that make doing it take just an extra bit longer.

I'm actually someone who kills the turrets anyway. They aren't hard and I don't like jumping off the edge after I beat the boss.  But my point remains.  Either way Broadsword doesn't listen to anything we say so we're all in here arguing for no reason, so I digress 🤷‍♂️

The person your referring to is correct. It's far easier to spam SM Operations and get gear that way for new players. Especially with the new changes to how many Op-1 mats you get. If all you care about is opening up the 340 Hyde/Zeek quests, doing Ops will get those unlocked a lot faster then spamming FP's. Upgrade 2 items to 340 and your done with Ops. FP's will take a much longer time.

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2 hours ago, WaffleQwop said:

If you say so. I really disagree with you here but I see where you're coming from.

Listen, the Hammer Station turrets has been a thing for years. Why didn't they fix it then? On one hand I'm glad that they did it, so that people might stop spamming only Hammer Station, which is absolutely annoying sometimes. 

On the other hand, I and many others think that we all would be better off if Devs didn't worry about little things like Hammer Station turrets and instead focused on additional Story Content, Operations, PvP revamp, etc, the list goes on. I am happy that they made the change about the turrets, but quite frankly I think it's a few years too late. 

This also is true, and I agree that if someone is trying to go for end game gear, you may as well just do story mode operations, they get ran all day every day and are by far the quickest way to gear. In fact it is significantly quicker than if you were to try gearing solely through flashpoints. But, I suppose some people don't like doing Operations or PvP and as a result needed a way to get better gear, hence the Progression Changes. 

But I ask, if everyone can get the gear, no matter what content is ran (story mode flashpoints vs Veteran/NiM Operations or PvP), does that not take away from the incentive to do harder content? I understand that there is a sizeable Solo population in this game, but if they are Solo players and don't really do group content anyways, why do they need the max end game gear? Genuinely asking, because 324 item rating gear is totally legit to run through any story content in the game.

TL;DR: I think gear shouldn't be *this* easy to get. But that's just my opinion, and I am glad that the Devs are at the least trying stuff out.

While it does discourage why people would do Harder content in my view, I also realize that when 7.0 first came out so many people on these very forums were up in arms because they could not get BiS gear doing the activities they liked. They wanted the 6.0 gearing system back (which was basically HS spam back then). I do not personally think Spamming FP's is worth it, and have no issues with harder content giving out better gear, but that isn't a common thought process in this game.

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