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Broadsword, what are you going to do about PVP?


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I feel like this is a question everyone who PVP's is asking right now and has been asking. PVP is a tire fire (Go read Vulkks articleand people like them, Cease, Ivano, etc all have stated the problems with PVP. 

I took a break from SWTOR and got in the mood tonight to try and PVP again, it was an abysmal experience. 

First round was Alderaan, half our team was PVE AFK throwers, so we lost that match by default. Honestly add vote to kick back, i'm sick of these throwers just joining and going in stealth and hiding in a corner somewhere while the rest of the team does all the work. Even if you are a terrible PVP'er I would rather have someone who is trying versus someone who is afk in the corner in stealth.

I play on star forge just as a by the by, and I had to deal with a premade that comes on every night. In short they had a full mit tank, a skank tank jug, a healer, and three DPS. 

How is that completely fair to a bunch of random solo players? 

This is not even bringing up the fact that tanks are literally unkillable in the current meta with how much they can mitigate. Guard is wayy to strong, and makes essentially whoever it is thrown on unkillable. 

Broadsword needs to address the elephant in the room, being PVP. They can't just sit on it and pretend it doesn't exist. They need to address the PVP playerbase. 

I get they are putting more time into story because that is what a vast majority of the "casuals" come for, but ignoring their group content is going to lead to further and further decline of the playerbase.

I'll state imo what they need to do for PVP. 

-Limit premades back down to 4.

-Nerf tank DMG and survivability. 

-Buff healers (Especially operative/scoundrel)

-Reduce Guard DMG reduction from 50% down to 25%. 

-Remove the dot/nuke explosion tacticals (UV blast, Ionic, sorc DOT detonate, etc) 

-Remove or heavily nerf Second wind implant. 

-Better team matchmaking 

-Punish AFK playstyle, and or add vote to kick back 

-Rework Quesh huttball 

-Rework or remove Proving grounds 

-Balance the Sniper/Slinger meta 

-Rebalance Whitebar and who gets stuns 


Finally they need to add some form of "ranked" back into the game, there are plenty of ways to do it. I think using PVP seasons and opting into a leaderboard like system and getting rewards at the end of a PVP season would actually help incentivize more veteran players to come back and PVP again. Handing out player rewards at different tiers (bronze, silver, gold, maybe plat) alongside flairs based on what tier your performance fell under. 

For those who don't want to opt in and just want the PVP seasons stuff, they can just not opt in and get the regular rewards. The leaderboard system would be more for those who want to really go the extra mile. 





Edited by SentinalMasterWW
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7 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

I feel like this is a question everyone who PVP's is asking right now and has been asking. PVP is a tire fire (Go read Vulkks articleand people like them, Cease, Ivano, etc all have stated the problems with PVP. 

I took a break from SWTOR and got in the mood tonight to try and PVP again, it was an abysmal experience. 

First round was Alderaan, half our team was PVE AFK throwers, so we lost that match by default. Honestly add vote to kick back, i'm sick of these throwers just joining and going in stealth and hiding in a corner somewhere while the rest of the team does all the work. Even if you are a terrible PVP'er I would rather have someone who is trying versus someone who is afk in the corner in stealth.

I play on star forge just as a by the by, and I had to deal with a premade that comes on every night. In short they had a full mit tank, a skank tank jug, a healer, and three DPS. 

How is that completely fair to a bunch of random solo players? 

This is not even bringing up the fact that tanks are literally unkillable in the current meta with how much they can mitigate. Guard is wayy to strong, and makes essentially whoever it is thrown on unkillable. 

Broadsword needs to address the elephant in the room, being PVP. They can't just sit on it and pretend it doesn't exist. They need to address the PVP playerbase. 

I get they are putting more time into story because that is what a vast majority of the "casuals" come for, but ignoring their group content is going to lead to further and further decline of the playerbase.

I'll state imo what they need to do for PVP. 

-Limit premades back down to 4.

-Nerf tank DMG and survivability. 

-Buff healers (Especially operative/scoundrel)

-Reduce Guard DMG reduction from 50% down to 25%. 

-Remove the dot/nuke explosion tacticals (UV blast, Ionic, sorc DOT detonate, etc) 

-Remove or heavily nerf Second wind implant. 

-Better team matchmaking 

-Punish AFK playstyle, and or add vote to kick back 

-Rework Quesh huttball 

-Rework or remove Proving grounds 

-Balance the Sniper/Slinger meta 

-Rebalance Whitebar and who gets stuns 


Finally they need to add some form of "ranked" back into the game, there are plenty of ways to do it. I think using PVP seasons and opting into a leaderboard like system and getting rewards at the end of a PVP season would actually help incentivize more veteran players to come back and PVP again. Handing out player rewards at different tiers (bronze, silver, gold, maybe plat) alongside flairs based on what tier your performance fell under. 

For those who don't want to opt in and just want the PVP seasons stuff, they can just not opt in and get the regular rewards. The leaderboard system would be more for those who want to really go the extra mile. 





There's a few suggestions listed that will affect pve as well, and not in a good way:

- Nerfing tank DMG and survivability 
- Nerfing Second Wind implant

Heavily against. There's no need to break pve because pvp has issues.
Everything else: agreed.

I would also suggest to reduce pvp conquest points and tech frags drastically to be on par with pve objectives (or heavily buff pve objectives to make them balanced). That would reduce the amount of afk players who are there for the practically free rewards.

Let us convert GS tokens to PVP season tokens. This would reduce the amount of players who afk in the match for pvp seasons, because they would have another way to get the pvp seasons items. Reducing the cost of unlocking the reward track with credits would help with that.

It's three different problems:

- premades vs solo players
- afk players who are only there for the rewards
- balance issues

I would like to see the first two solved first before doing anything that negatively affects pve.

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This thread, unfortunately,  is a waste of time.  They will never...repeat...NEVER update PvP again.  You will not see any changes ever again. It will forever remain exactly as it is today.  If you're ok with that, keep playing.  

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Posted (edited)
On 6/30/2024 at 7:30 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

- Nerfing tank DMG and survivability 

I want to state I don't want tanks nerfed into unplayability where they are made of paper, but here is my counter argument on why they need these two things to be nerfed. 

1. In the current state of PVP tanks can eat so much DMG while outputting a ton of control, for example juggernaut gets two stuns by default on top of force push; regarding defensives if spec'd into saber reflect they have 5 layers of defensives players have to deal with. On top of this is how much innate DMG absorption and reduction they get from just their shield alone. This is not mentioning that skank tank juggernaut can easily hit those 100K crits while getting all the bonuses of being a tank. Powertech's while their skank tank playstyle may not be the greatest they bring a ton of innate DMG mitigation. They also have the most annoying utility ability you can spam out, that being stealth scan for the 20% accuracy debuff with only a 5 sec cooldown uptime on it. Going into Sins they are extremely annoying to deal with and friend of the force is obnoxious as hell when they have a pocket healer they are guarding essentially making both parties unkillable. Not to mention some sin tanks will take two cloaks and that becomes a game of where's waldo. 

It shouldn't take 6-8 people tunneling a tank just to kill one person. My philosophy is that tanks should be strong at soaking up DMG for sure and keeping their allies alive, but they should NOT be these unkillable solo classes. 

To me the nerf would basically play out where 1-2 players fighting a tank? No problem, the tank can deal with it. 3-4 players? Now the tank is going to be in a bit of trouble and needs to be cautious otherwise they are going to die very fast. 5-6 players? Now that tank is going to be struggling. And if the whole team focuses a tank? That tank is going to die very fast especially if they are skank tank. 

2. Regarding DMG, Tanks shouldn't be focusing on DMG, that is not their role. If they want DPS than they should play a DPS spec. In the current meta especially juggernaut you can hit up to 100K crits while being able to guard and have tank defensives. That should not be a thing and is massively imbalanced. If players want to skank tank my nerf's would mean that they typical skank tank playstyle would only be able to hit up to a 60-70K crit. Additonaly if they decide to go skank tank they will have Massively reduced survivability for the tradeoff of that extra DMG. It also solves the problem of tanks not being tanks and guarding and rather they just go DPS because skank tank meta is broken currently. 

My overall changes to tank wouldn't make it obsolete in PVE or PVP. Tanks would still be very strong and DMG spongey, they just would not be the state where they are now where playing as a full mit tank is basically the equivalent of playing a bethesda game, opening up the console window and typing tgm (toggle god mode) and being nigh unkilllable. It also means tanks need to stick with their team in order to survive instead of running to the other teams point like say in hypergate and surviving a 5v1 for an extended period of time. 

On 6/30/2024 at 7:30 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

- Nerfing Second Wind implant

I barely if ever see second wind used in PVE endgame content. If you need to use second wind than that means your healer is not doing a good job. Getting a 20% heal and speed boost every 8 secs is broken. Given the current fast TTK and the way the game calculates kills, it means some classes are basically nigh immortal. A skank tank juggernaut running second wind is basically actually unkillable. 

They either need to;

A. Increase how often Second wind can proc; my suggestion was to increase it to around 30 secs. 

B. Reduce the amount of healing Second wind gives out, reducing it to 10% would be a start. 

C. Go to the old set based system from 6.0, I even made a post saying how it could work 


My last wishpoint idea is a gearing revamp, mainly in regards to implants. I would like to see it changed to be more akin to 6.0 set system. Basically the implant vendor would now sell a crate or set of implants. These sets would be based off sets from 6.0 rather than parts of them. The concentrated fire set would be the actual full conc. fire set from 6.0 with all its bonuses. Basically all the implants would be combined into a two piece set that offers the full set bonus of its 6.0 predecessor rather than a single bonus. However in order to get the set bonus you would need to equip both implants, this means you can no longer run Second wind and one of your class ones for example, if you wish to run 2nd wind you would have to give up your class implant set and run both 2nd wind implants and run the full set to get the bonus.

From here it literally works the same way it does currently, upgrade your pieces and once you hit the cap, it becomes half off for buying and upgrading for you legacy. I think this is nice in between ground of adding back the old set bonuses from 6.0, but keeping in line with the implant system. 

But first let me state something regarding this, First off I'd get rid off a lot of the junk 6.0 sets and not have them come back to this 8.0 idea. 2nd, Yes I am aware that some sets from 6.0 like force bound were claimed to be OP, if those sets were to be brought back they would be Reworked massively to be more balanced and in line. 


On 6/30/2024 at 4:23 PM, Wilsu_Addar said:

This thread, unfortunately,  is a waste of time.  They will never...repeat...NEVER update PvP again.  You will not see any changes ever again. It will forever remain exactly as it is today.  If you're ok with that, keep playing.  

Regarding this, even if they never update PVP again. They need to say something even if its "Hey we are not updating PVP for the foreseeable future as we are shifting our focus towards story and Cartel Market content." 

Its a bit brutal to say to players but at least they would be honest and tell us how it is, rather than saying nothing and pretending they care somewhat. 


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Posted (edited)
On 6/30/2024 at 12:11 AM, SentinalMasterWW said:


I'll state imo what they need to do for PVP. 

-Limit premades back down to 4.

-Nerf tank DMG and survivability. 

-Buff healers (Especially operative/scoundrel)

-Reduce Guard DMG reduction from 50% down to 25%. 

-Remove the dot/nuke explosion tacticals (UV blast, Ionic, sorc DOT detonate, etc) 

-Remove or heavily nerf Second wind implant. 

-Better team matchmaking 

-Punish AFK playstyle, and or add vote to kick back 

-Rework Quesh huttball 

-Rework or remove Proving grounds 

-Balance the Sniper/Slinger meta 

-Rebalance Whitebar and who gets stuns 


I agree with most of what you've posted. The exception being that healers need to be buffed. Healing seems to be in a good place. I can think of about six healers off the top of my head on Star Forge whose presence in a match is game changing. If heals were buffed any further they, quite literally, may never die when a tank is present.

Buffing healers (in PvP) seems like a band-aid. A request designed to make up for the differences in player skill. With damage, healing, and guarding the way they are right now, it's possible for evenly matched teams to outplay one another through the intelligent use of the limited number of crowd control abilities remaining in the game, while simultaneously maximizing their DPS. Variations in total DPS and situational awareness can make or break a fight (and a game). I much prefer this style of PvP rather than the outcome revolving heavily around compounding CC. We've already been there in 5.X and 6.X with matches that never end.

It was a snooze fest.

You can experience something similar now by simply having two healers on each team. It throws the game balance off and quickly becomes a situation where people rarely die. Similar tactics still apply, but the additional healer slows the pace of the game down considerably. As the game is now, people have to actually think about what they're doing in addition to using their supportive abilities to ensure their healer survives. Even the DPS players.

The devs have already stripped the complexity out of the individual classes. The variation in DPS output, healing, and situational awareness is one of the last forms of skill expression remaining in the game. I say leave it.

Edited by Dyne-
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5 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

It shouldn't take 6-8 people tunneling a tank just to kill one person. My philosophy is that tanks should be strong at soaking up DMG for sure and keeping their allies alive, but they should NOT be these unkillable solo classes. 

To me the nerf would basically play out where 1-2 players fighting a tank? No problem, the tank can deal with it. 3-4 players? Now the tank is going to be in a bit of trouble and needs to be cautious otherwise they are going to die very fast. 5-6 players? Now that tank is going to be struggling. And if the whole team focuses a tank? That tank is going to die very fast especially if they are skank tank. 

2. Regarding DMG, Tanks shouldn't be focusing on DMG, that is not their role. If they want DPS than they should play a DPS spec. In the current meta especially juggernaut you can hit up to 100K crits while being able to guard and have tank defensives. That should not be a thing and is massively imbalanced. If players want to skank tank my nerf's would mean that they typical skank tank playstyle would only be able to hit up to a 60-70K crit. Additonaly if they decide to go skank tank they will have Massively reduced survivability for the tradeoff of that extra DMG. It also solves the problem of tanks not being tanks and guarding and rather they just go DPS because skank tank meta is broken currently. 

Agreed that tanks take too long to kill for the average players. I will say though that 3 competent DPS can kill a tank quickly especially if that tank doesn't have heals. Sin tanks are extremely annoying but more than anything because of Two Cloaks. I think that the DMG output but skank tanks is ridiculous, and somehow their survivability and damage needs to be nerfed. I don't have the answers but I don't think you should be hitting 100K crits in damage gear if you are in tank spec it just seems silly. Some but not all DPS classes seem to lag behind skank tanks in PvP.


On 6/30/2024 at 3:11 AM, SentinalMasterWW said:

Finally they need to add some form of "ranked" back into the game, there are plenty of ways to do it. I think using PVP seasons and opting into a leaderboard like system and getting rewards at the end of a PVP season would actually help incentivize more veteran players to come back and PVP again. Handing out player rewards at different tiers (bronze, silver, gold, maybe plat) alongside flairs based on what tier your performance fell under. 

For those who don't want to opt in and just want the PVP seasons stuff, they can just not opt in and get the regular rewards. The leaderboard system would be more for those who want to really go the extra mile. 

I really love this idea. This is kind of what I talk about in a thread I made related to PvP Seasons Rewards. I think everyone would welcome a leaderboard like system that is possibly tiered. Flairs are something I have really wanted back (and the Pirate flair from last season doesn't count lol). Making this optional is a great route to go because it in a way incentivizes competition and caters to the hardcore PvP base while also still catering to the casual PvP base. If I had a genie in a bottle and could make broadsword do one thing for PvP it would probably be this.

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The answer to skank tanks is easy, on paper. Tank skill trees and cooldowns need to be nerfed, and tank gear needs to be buffed. I would recommend the nerf take the form of: tank mitigation being reliant on executing a delicate, complicated rotation on the same level as DPS specs. Get rid of powerful, TTK-extending cooldowns like kolto packs and invincible. These need to be nerfed to be as barely-influential as average DPS cooldowns. 

These changes would massively nerf tanks, and get rid of cancerous moments when 4 bad players struggle to kill a bad tank. The idea is designed to hit bad players with low APM worse than players who know what they are doing 

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I think that they need to start tackling the issue by providing separate queues for premade groups and solo players.  Then they need to make small changes until they get the balance right.

Maybe they start by thinking about how the second wind implant works in pvp,  of make adjustments to damage or healing output or tank survivability.  I'm not sure if any one thing will get lead to improvements, but through a careful and measured approach I think they could improve pvp so that people like me would return to playing matches and could help reinvigorate it.

In regard to the afk problem, I have to admit I have been tempted to join matches and just afk as a protest to the premade problem, and a way to piss off people to get more people to become frustrated with the devs for their inaction and lack of communication on the current state of pvp.  That said, I decided to just quit pvping instead.  I guess just couldn't justify being that guy in the match.  What it really comes down to for me is afking is wrong just like having premades playing in the same queue as solo players is wrong, and I do not want to do either.  Maybe they need to make a third queue for people who are just doing pvp for conquest points and are willing to afk to get them lol.

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11 hours ago, Exly said:

I think that they need to start tackling the issue by providing separate queues for premade groups and solo players.  Then they need to make small changes until they get the balance right.


All these talks of separate queues sounds wonderful on paper. But you must understand that the population of the game that even PvPs at all is relatively small. Splitting up PvP into different queues will only make wait times worse, and without Broadsword re adding Ranked, I do not see any reason at all to just split queues. The simplest and quickest thing they could do is at the least make 4 player groups the maximum allowed amount to queue, down from 8. While that won't completely fix peoples issues with premades, it would certainly make a difference and even the playing field some.

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23 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

I want to state I don't want tanks nerfed into unplayability where they are made of paper, but here is my counter argument on why they need these two things to be nerfed. 

Your list looks fine on paper. Howeever my point was: you are suggesting nerfs that will affect pve negatively but would not fix pvp. Pvp has more severe issues that need to be dealt. Breaking pve won't fix pvp. 


23 hours ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

I barely if ever see second wind used in PVE endgame content.


Brontes, Dxun encounters 2 and 3, Apex (adds tank). Basically anything with lots of adds and need for speed. It's also very handy for anyone  when doing dailies and heroics so that you don't have to stop to heal up all the time.

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6 hours ago, WaffleQwop said:

All these talks of separate queues sounds wonderful on paper. But you must understand that the population of the game that even PvPs at all is relatively small. Splitting up PvP into different queues will only make wait times worse, and without Broadsword re adding Ranked, I do not see any reason at all to just split queues. The simplest and quickest thing they could do is at the least make 4 player groups the maximum allowed amount to queue, down from 8. While that won't completely fix peoples issues with premades, it would certainly make a difference and even the playing field some.

Yes, the population of the game is getting smaller, but people like me don't pvp because of the mixed queues.  So, if getting more people to want to play the game is something that people want, then I believe that separate queues are necessary.

Another way of putting it is having one queue sounded good on paper, but in practice it has driven people to stop playing, and that has led to lower a game population.

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Sorry mate but thetre is no Broadsword here. All broadsword move was a scam so EA didnt wanted a game in maintanence mode under their brand. Sadly same management and dev team from ea times minus actually talented ones and broadsword didnt add anything other than a name. It took 4-5 months to put swtor name on their site and almost a yer to actually make a statement. So dont think there is a real company and real dev team behind this game. When you look at keith's reign do you think he is the person who will make this game great? So there is no broadsword and there is no real dev team no real leader team. Just enjoy maintanence mode till it lasts.

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On 7/1/2024 at 1:23 AM, Wilsu_Addar said:

This thread, unfortunately,  is a waste of time.  They will never...repeat...NEVER update PvP again.  You will not see any changes ever again. It will forever remain exactly as it is today.  If you're ok with that, keep playing.  

^ This. And don't touch OPG, that is the best warzone. You should not remove/change stuff just because certain people don't understand it  - the world would be a strange place it things worked  that way.

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On 7/5/2024 at 10:06 PM, omeru said:

Sorry mate but thetre is no Broadsword here. All broadsword move was a scam so EA didnt wanted a game in maintanence mode under their brand. Sadly same management and dev team from ea times minus actually talented ones and broadsword didnt add anything other than a name. It took 4-5 months to put swtor name on their site and almost a yer to actually make a statement. So dont think there is a real company and real dev team behind this game. When you look at keith's reign do you think he is the person who will make this game great? So there is no broadsword and there is no real dev team no real leader team. Just enjoy maintanence mode till it lasts.

I wonder how long this post will last 😁

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On 7/6/2024 at 11:13 PM, varietasplus said:

I wonder how long this post will last 😁

They dont read pvp forum so it should last long enough

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On 7/4/2024 at 9:25 PM, WaffleQwop said:

All these talks of separate queues sounds wonderful on paper. But you must understand that the population of the game that even PvPs at all is relatively small. Splitting up PvP into different queues will only make wait times worse, and without Broadsword re adding Ranked, I do not see any reason at all to just split queues. The simplest and quickest thing they could do is at the least make 4 player groups the maximum allowed amount to queue, down from 8. While that won't completely fix peoples issues with premades, it would certainly make a difference and even the playing field some.

They could just modify the current system and add another layer to it.

I've heard a good suggestion of adding Valor into account when matchmaking. Perhaps 3 brackets it would take into account: 0-60, 60-80, 80-100. And if there are not enough players then it would first pull players from higher valor brackets into lower ones to fill up a game. Or, if there are only enough players to form one game total, then this additional layer shuts off and the game fills.

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You have not given enough thought to this suggestion. Let's say I am Elite Warlord sentinel and I create a new character, hence I get into the "noob" bracket, though I am probably better than anyone on the battlefield. Then let's go the other way around: being an Elite Warlord does not make anyone an outstanding player, all it means that a given player has played a lot and probably has reached their personal limit a long time ago, that is, they might actually be pretty mediocre.

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7 hours ago, RaithHarth said:

I always preferred having premades matchmaking in 4 on 4 arenas, while 8 on 8 single queue remain in Regs.

Even two or three man premades destroy mm balance, the only real solution is to make pvp solo q only.

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On 7/4/2024 at 9:41 PM, DeannaVoyager said:

Brontes, Dxun encounters 2 and 3, Apex (adds tank). Basically anything with lots of adds and need for speed. It's also very handy for anyone  when doing dailies and heroics so that you don't have to stop to heal up all the time.

Perhaps if people are worried about second wind being "useless in PVE content" than the dev's could make a change that second wind will not work in PVP Areas. 

Implants are something in general I'm not a fan of, letting people off run something like tank tactical (Supercommando) or in this case free healing just breaks the meta even more. 6.0 Sets had problems sure, but it was easier to balance as you needed to wear the full set gear to get the bonus. 

On 7/4/2024 at 1:22 AM, Dyne- said:

I agree with most of what you've posted. The exception being that healers need to be buffed. Healing seems to be in a good place. I can think of about six healers off the top of my head on Star Forge whose presence in a match is game changing. If heals were buffed any further they, quite literally, may never die when a tank is present.

Buffing healers (in PvP) seems like a band-aid. A request designed to make up for the differences in player skill. With damage, healing, and guarding the way they are right now, it's possible for evenly matched teams to outplay one another through the intelligent use of the limited number of crowd control abilities remaining in the game, while simultaneously maximizing their DPS. Variations in total DPS and situational awareness can make or break a fight (and a game). I much prefer this style of PvP rather than the outcome revolving heavily around compounding CC. We've already been there in 5.X and 6.X with matches that never end.

It was a snooze fest.

You can experience something similar now by simply having two healers on each team. It throws the game balance off and quickly becomes a situation where people rarely die. Similar tactics still apply, but the additional healer slows the pace of the game down considerably. As the game is now, people have to actually think about what they're doing in addition to using their supportive abilities to ensure their healer survives. Even the DPS players.

The devs have already stripped the complexity out of the individual classes. The variation in DPS output, healing, and situational awareness is one of the last forms of skill expression remaining in the game. I say leave it.

I do agree and see the points you have made, I think healers just become this massive pain when they have a pocket tank guarding them 24/7. It basically makes both parties unkillable. Trust me, I played a hypergate as full mit VG tank and was guarding a sorc healer. I was focused by 5-6 players and they could not take me or the sorc healer down. But again, that is more so a tank issue rather than healers.

Even if they don't buff Sorc or Merc healing, I do think Operative is due for some buffs. Don't get me wrong I don't want 7.0 launch operative back where they had insane group healing but I do think it could get some buffs here and there. 

Regarding that "brick wall" situation you've described, I do agree on that. I loathe those games as its just two walls hitting each other and no one dies. It's extremely boring and just becomes a # farming simulator at that point. 

On 6/30/2024 at 7:30 AM, DeannaVoyager said:

Let us convert GS tokens to PVP season tokens. This would reduce the amount of players who afk in the match for pvp seasons, because they would have another way to get the pvp seasons items. Reducing the cost of unlocking the reward track with credits would help with that.

I'm not a fan of this, and in general I don't like that they made all the old ranked gear basically rewards for particiapting in PVP rather than something you work towards. This is just basically more participation rewards and its basically giving people who don't even PVP rewards. 

The better option imo is to like the Dev's "tried" and increase the track and offer more PVP tokens. Alongside a leaderboard system as I stated earlier. 

On 7/4/2024 at 9:25 PM, WaffleQwop said:

All these talks of separate queues sounds wonderful on paper. But you must understand that the population of the game that even PvPs at all is relatively small. Splitting up PvP into different queues will only make wait times worse, and without Broadsword re adding Ranked, I do not see any reason at all to just split queues. The simplest and quickest thing they could do is at the least make 4 player groups the maximum allowed amount to queue, down from 8. While that won't completely fix peoples issues with premades, it would certainly make a difference and even the playing field some.

This, Go back to 4 limit max. We barely had premade issues before they raised it to 8. Sure dedicated group and solo Q's sound nice but all it does is cause longer Q times, Look at group ranked and how quickly that died out. 

On 7/6/2024 at 1:09 PM, varietasplus said:

^ This. And don't touch OPG, that is the best warzone. You should not remove/change stuff just because certain people don't understand it  - the world would be a strange place it things worked  that way.

I dislike it and so do many of my PVP buddies. Why? 

-The game does not explain its mechanics very well. 

-If you pick up an upgrade or someone passes it to you, you are stuck with it until you use it 

-The spawns are atrocious and depending how sweaty players are they can farm you literally out of spawn and trap you. 

-Everyone is funneled down hallways which leads to easy kills for a premade. 

-A majority of the time it feels like RNG whether you win or loose. One minute you are in the lead, and the next you are lagging behind. 

On 7/8/2024 at 11:12 PM, Monterone said:

They could just modify the current system and add another layer to it.

I've heard a good suggestion of adding Valor into account when matchmaking. Perhaps 3 brackets it would take into account: 0-60, 60-80, 80-100. And if there are not enough players then it would first pull players from higher valor brackets into lower ones to fill up a game. Or, if there are only enough players to form one game total, then this additional layer shuts off and the game fills.

The general problem is the lack of experienced players and the poor matchamking system. Often times it even isn't one big premade its just that the matchmaker was terrible at balancing both teams, I've been on teams with vet players while the other is all newbies. Just the other day we cleaned out an Alderaan because we made the entire other team quit because we had a bunch of ranked players on our team. 

1 hour ago, sithBracer said:


So he's complaining about second wind now? I guess he got tired of complaining about low slash and telling us he can easily carry any team by low slashing his way to victory. So glad I blocked him.

Appreciate the sarcasm, Deception and infiltration is honestly a terrible PVP spec can't dish out any meaningful DMG to save its own life (Spoilers: it can't). Spec Hatred a certain way and it can pump out the DPS, the only caveat being that you are a glass cannon. 

And uh if you don't care about my opinion why are you on this forum post? 🙄

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On 7/15/2024 at 6:22 PM, SentinalMasterWW said:

I dislike it and so do many of my PVP buddies. Why? 

-The game does not explain its mechanics very well. 

-If you pick up an upgrade or someone passes it to you, you are stuck with it until you use it 

-The spawns are atrocious and depending how sweaty players are they can farm you literally out of spawn and trap you. 

-Everyone is funneled down hallways which leads to easy kills for a premade. 

-A majority of the time it feels like RNG whether you win or loose. One minute you are in the lead, and the next you are lagging behind. 


Appreciate the sarcasm, Deception and infiltration is honestly a terrible PVP spec can't dish out any meaningful DMG to save its own life (Spoilers: it can't). Spec Hatred a certain way and it can pump out the DPS, the only caveat being that you are a glass cannon.

1. Erm, the game does not explain skill rotations, flashpoints and operation boss fights either, so you don't play those content either? How about looking up a guide on the Internet?

2. You are not stuck with it, you can exchange it for a different one, pass it or jump off the bridge to lose it. But I don't really understand how is this a problem, getting the mods is crucial to winning, so how about going to the node where that mod is needed most? If you want to fight all the time, queue arenas.

3. Damage farmers/spawn campers ignorant of objectives in not a warzone specific problem but a part of a greater issue, so this is not valid reasoning.

4-5. You can minimize RNG effect by covering all nodes and mod locations, which should be trivial to be honest. You are going to lose some if the enemy is moving in groups, but if they do so, they are going to lose the game ultimately.

6. That can only happen to a clueless team, that is, you can hardly find a random matchmaking with proper players, but I fail to see how the skill level of the current playerbase is a fundamental warzone design problem. At the end of the day warzones got ruined when ranked had been removed and 7.0 ability prunning happened. BTW I like the minor class balances made with each 7.x as promised when they tried to justify the ability prunning.


+1. If Deception sucks so bad, then how do I end up on top in arenas?  Yes, it is inferior in tank + healer fights (as opposed to PT/Jugg), but it shines in 4-4 dps scenarios (as opposed to PT/Jugg) and very good at achieving objectives in warzones.

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