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When does the 7.X era end?

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Point blank, will there ever be decent level patches or updates to the game matching the level of effort of virtually every other MMO?

Most of us have come to terms with the game being put on maintenance mode & accept we're never gonna get respectful honest discourse about the games future.

But as the entire 7.X series has been awful or just miniscule in depth, is there anything hopeful or bright in the future at all? Things people actually want, like more Flashpoints or returning some of the fun you guys removed at LotS. 

Just want to know if anyone on the Swtor Dev Team has any understanding of how to bring back the joy the game used to have, instead of making more meaningless changes to the UI again and again. There's hundreds of various posts about what people want:

- Flashpoints

- Operations

- Class Story related content

- Undo the blandness of 7.X era combat/return counterplay/build diversity

- Actually Balance the classes so high intensity is rewarding vs. low intensity 5 button builds dominating even at ideal performance.

I'm not holding my breath, but feel like its obligatory for someone to try again to get thru to you guys. 

This used to be a game with high replay value just as little as a couple years ago, just hoping someday you guys focus on bringing back joy vs. whatever you've been doing these past couple years.

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If I remember correctly, it seems to me that some time ago (about 1 year ago), Keith had announced that content was planned up to update 7.6.

With EA having transferred management of the game to Broadsword at that time, I don't think it was to leave the game in maintenance mode. If that was the case, why did they switch the game to 64-bit, cloud servers recently and plan for dx12?

Update 7.0 probably did not have the expected success and above all, it came out much later than expected with the problems we know...

For me, there will be an expansion 8.0. Broadsword will surely take their time and only communicate about it when they are sure of the content they want to put in it, how they are going about it, have enough staff, and the release date.

7.0 had been announced too early and the developers surely had the pressure to release it in December 2021 and finally the release was pushed back to February 2022.

Let's just be patient... we might have some surprises 'new combat styles, cross-server group finder / server merge.. there are so many possibilities and without Bioware maybe more budget...

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Posted (edited)

If you're just eager to see the big 8.0, keep in mind:

  • 5.x made it all the way to 5.10.4.
  • 4.x made it to 4.7.3a
  • 2.x made it to 2.10.3a


However, we don't need to be in 8.x to receive new Flashpoints and Operations. 7.x brought us 1 new operation and 2 new flashpoints. And might I mention, maybe less than 10% of the playerbase can even beat the new operation, and practically no one enjoys the new flashpoint, especially the first one to drop in 7.0 (Ruins of Nul).

When get to 8.0 and it will be much of the same thing. They will continue drip feeding content around whatever story they're telling. Broadsword is still telling the same story that started on Ossus with the raid on the Jedi Temple. That began in 5.10. It's likely 8.0 will continue the story of Nul.



Edited by Traceguy
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People just wishful thinking and whistling through the graveyard. 

This is just my prediction (and, in no way, represents any facts)....

There will be NO 8.0

The writing has been on the wall a while.

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we havent gotten more than 1 raid a expansion outside of maybe 1 boss raid addition with Ossus and Iokath that much since shadow of revan what makes you think we are going to get more than 1 raid a expansion nowadays? i am still of the mindset swtor has never been a true mmo its a rpg with some mmo aspects but its greatest focus has always been on solo content at that. people are expecting things that havent happened since before kotfe if even then. We have never actually truly got a real expansion for swtor each expansion has always been more a glorified patch with gear upgrades to another level from the previous tiers. Before you say rise of the hutt cartel and shadow of revan were expansions they werent even fully released Rise only had Makeb early on then CZ-198 came to fill the gaps of missions until Oricon came out. We did get TFB, SnV, DF, DP during Rise though so there is that was more of a raiding expansion. Shadow of Revan launched prelude basically taking up what 2-3 months before release and then Rishi was released with Ravagers, if i am not mistaken Yavin didnt even come out with Rishi it came out months later. Kotfe actually had monthly releases for chapters but no raids were introduced instead they scaled the previous raids all up for people to do. Kotet released all 10 chapters then went into start of the traitor arc with return to Iokath which gave us Gods of the Machines and then concluded with the prelude to Onslaught aka Ossus and  Hive Queen. So really what you are all asking for we never truly have had from the very start it has always been this way and always will be this way until they finally shut the servers down. Not saying i am happy about it i would love for them to have a WoW and FF (either XI or XIV) sized expansion for Swtor but it aint happening no matter how much people beg and shout at the top of their lungs for it.

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2 hours ago, Traceguy said:

 and practically no one enjoys the new flashpoint, especially the first one to drop in 7.0 (Ruins of Nul).




I like those FP's.

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17 hours ago, TheVoyant said:

Just want to know if anyone on the Swtor Dev Team has any understanding of how to bring back the joy the game used to have, instead of making more meaningless changes to the UI again and again. There's hundreds of various posts about what people want:

Do you really have to ask?  I'm just hoping they've run out of meaningless crap to change by this point.

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Like a couple others have said, if the game was going into maintenance mode anytime soon, they wouldn't be investing so many resources into revitalizing older areas.

I think 7.x will go to 7.8 or 7.9. Seems likely with the pace of the story. And I doubt it'll be the last expansion. An 8.0 will happen, I'm sure.

Beyond that? Who knows. But EA works in 5 year contracts, and we're 3 years into the current one. I'd expect at least one more of those before maintenance mode given the move to Broadsword and current development.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/29/2024 at 8:15 PM, NicoleMay said:

Like a couple others have said, if the game was going into maintenance mode anytime soon, they wouldn't be investing so many resources into revitalizing older areas.

I think 7.x will go to 7.8 or 7.9. Seems likely with the pace of the story. And I doubt it'll be the last expansion. An 8.0 will happen, I'm sure.

Beyond that? Who knows. But EA works in 5 year contracts, and we're 3 years into the current one. I'd expect at least one more of those before maintenance mode given the move to Broadsword and current development.

I have my doubts. Sure they can slap 8.0 number on any patch they feel like and call it an expasnion, regardless if it has any new content or not and it WILL initially generate additional headlines and interest but it's a double-edged sword.

Players and media have expectations when it comes to expansions and if they fail to meet them (just like with 7.0 in particular not meeting even the lowest expansion criterias) it will too generate additional undesirable headlines and negative conversation about state of the game.

So yeah, unless they can actually pull off an EXPANSION, with a lot of content, then I say don't bother, or it will do more harm than good. Optics and reputation matters for an MMO, the last thing this game needs is word-of-mouth about another disappointing expansion spreading

Edited by Pietrastor
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Posted (edited)

I hope they go back to the drawing board and scrap 7.0's combat system.  I hated the changes that much.  And I've hated the changes made every time since 2.0.  But the total dissolution of "base class powers" and class trainers was the last straw.  So in that way, I always hoped that 7.x would be a very short cycle.


But now?  6.0 had so little story that I'm struggling to remember it.   There was the beginning (6.0 launch) and then there was Echoes of Oblivion?  Felt like a big waste of money.  But at least it had some stuff in it that made saboteur inquisitor feel interesting.


7.0 has been even slower in the story department.  And they botched classes & combat, and the controversial UI changes.  The biggest insult of 7.0: Combat styles are subscriber-only, and your secondary combat style choice is PERMANENT, for no apparent reason other than to be aggravate the players.  At this rate I'm not prepared to subscribe again for 8.0.  I don't feel it would be worth the money.


My biggest issue of all: Why do we still have Jedi Under Siege story beats that were never addressed?  And where's the excitement for saboteurs?

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, BelorfinSiana said:

I hope they go back to the drawing board and scrap 7.0's combat system.  I hated the changes that much.  And I've hated the changes made every time since 2.0.  

Which is why they need to not to try and reinvente the wheel again for 8.0. Small tweaks but don't redo the entire system yet again, it always ends up in a distaster before slowly getting fixed later on throughout subsequent expansion era patches. Same for gearing. When they finally got the command/renown right and everyone was enjoying gearing in late 6.0 they focked it up once again for 7.0 for no reason. Wasted resources.

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On 5/29/2024 at 4:56 AM, Kazuone said:

If I remember correctly, it seems to me that some time ago (about 1 year ago), Keith had announced that content was planned up to update 7.6.

With EA having transferred management of the game to Broadsword at that time, I don't think it was to leave the game in maintenance mode. If that was the case, why did they switch the game to 64-bit, cloud servers recently and plan for dx12?

Update 7.0 probably did not have the expected success and above all, it came out much later than expected with the problems we know...

For me, there will be an expansion 8.0. Broadsword will surely take their time and only communicate about it when they are sure of the content they want to put in it, how they are going about it, have enough staff, and the release date.

7.0 had been announced too early and the developers surely had the pressure to release it in December 2021 and finally the release was pushed back to February 2022.

Let's just be patient... we might have some surprises 'new combat styles, cross-server group finder / server merge.. there are so many possibilities and without Bioware maybe more budget...

Because Broadsword is known to manage almost exclusively dying games

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On 5/28/2024 at 6:33 PM, TheVoyant said:

But as the entire 7.X series has been awful

Magical thinking to suffer under the belief that the next major version release would somehow solve all problems.

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My gut tells me that this is the last story content we will be getting.  The Malgus/Shae plot line will conclude in this year's Christmas holiday update.  From 2025 and on will be only seasonal stuff like GS, PVP, and events.

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Posted (edited)
42 minutes ago, TonyTricicolo said:

My gut tells me that this is the last story content we will be getting.  The Malgus/Shae plot line will conclude in this year's Christmas holiday update.  From 2025 and on will be only seasonal stuff like GS, PVP, and events.

Possible scenario. We always knew they plan and develop content for a year/year&half ahead and when the game moved to Broadsword a year ago that's exactly what was said about content that already started production while still at Bioware (7.4, 7.5 and 7.6)

2025 will be telling what's the future of the game and if the story is gonna be continued in any major way, by then developed exclusively under new studio

Edited by Pietrastor
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"Story" is a bit generous term for what we are getting for the whole 7.0 era...Incoherent, convoluted mess of a story...our character being nothing more than a peon and a figurehead in somebody else's story. Not to mention the ridiculous kotor cutscenes for most of the important moments....no immersion whatsoever...because our character...having stood toe to toe with Revan, Malgus, The Emperor...suddenly cant beat some random crazy twilek...This is incredible....Incredibly bad!

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Il y a 3 heures, GuigeekRhadamant a dit :

Because Broadsword is known to manage almost exclusively dying games

Mabye only dying games were given to them... That said, We would have loved to hear more from them about how they see the game, what direction they want to go with it .... that kind of things... but mabye they were told to let the swotr team continue to handle the game... the thing is... we are john snow we know nothing. We can only play swtor when we want to and when we're fedup with it, we can go elswehere... ff14 7.0, teso goldroad or anything else and.... come back to swtor after ;). We arge John Snow but we can make our choice instead of crying, whinning, waiting too much ;)

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47 minutes ago, Kazuone said:

Mabye only dying games were given to them... That said, We would have loved to hear more from them about how they see the game, what direction they want to go with it .... that kind of things... but mabye they were told to let the swotr team continue to handle the game... the thing is... we are john snow we know nothing. We can only play swtor when we want to and when we're fedup with it, we can go elswehere... ff14 7.0, teso goldroad or anything else and.... come back to swtor after ;). We arge John Snow but we can make our choice instead of crying, whinning, waiting too much ;)

I mean, it's been a year since the move and they're just as silent as ever. 10 words from Broadsword director and that's it. Doesn't exacrly sparks any confidence or, God forbid, hope for something more lol

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Il y a 20 heures, Pietrastor a dit :

I mean, it's been a year since the move and they're just as silent as ever. 10 words from Broadsword director and that's it. Doesn't exacrly sparks any confidence or, God forbid, hope for something more lol

I agree and still hope for news from BS but we should have in 1 or 2 month the Q2 producter'e letter Letter from Keith...

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We're in something worse than maintenance mode; we're receiving cash-in content that is actually degrading the game.

A true 8.0 would require a miracle.

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