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Galactic Season 6 Blueprint Fragments seem to have a very low drop rate

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we are coming to the end of the fourth week and I am realizing few players are going to complete this achievement.

Outside of the 130 Blueprint Fragments on the subscribers reward track players need 1370 Blueprint Fragments.

If a player does all 5 of the 12 point GS conquests, 2 of the 8 point GS conquests, and 7 dailies every week for the full 20 weeks they will only earn 1160 of the 1370 Blueprint Fragments they need.

It doesn't seem feasible to expect players to do the highest rewarding GS conquests and 7 dailies every week for 20 weeks straight and still come up short especially with the low drop rates we currently have.

Outside of random drops which are low, current drops are...

  • No Fragments from PvP
  • No Fragments from GSF
  • No Fragments from Heroics
  • Two Fragments but only from the last boss in a Flashpoint
  • Operations I haven't tested yet

Update: used the [Brrazz's Gift: Blueprint Fragments Intel] and spent an hour farming Renegade Evocii on Hutta and was able to find 42 Blueprint Fragments. Same hour without the buff and found 3.


Edited by Darkestmonty
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Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

And the grind continues 🤷🏻‍♀️

at about 60 per week so far it will take 25 weeks of doing 7 weekly GS conquests every week + random drops to get 1500 if we don't count the 130 we subscribers get from Galactic Season, if we count the 130 fragments from the reward track this is reduced to 22.8 weeks.

GS lasts only lasts 20 weeks. I'm not sure it's possible to get 1500 with the current drop rate.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, FrontLineFodder said:

I'm at 282 so far



just did a quick poll on SV, another player is at 379

if I add the 70 from the GS reward track I would be at to 295 Blueprint Fragments. There are only 130 fragments in the reward track unless I miscounted.

1500 - 130 = 1370

1370 / 20 weeks = 68.5

We currently need to earn 68.5 fragments a week outside of the reward track every week for the full 20 weeks of Galactic Season.

I'm not sure if you claimed any fragments from the reward track, but if you did you are also behind but not by much.

Is the person at 379 has been doing an activity that drops more fragments? Maybe operations? Or did they transfer from an old server bringing their achievement with them getting a jump on fragment count on SV?

Are we suppose to do 7 weeklies every week for the full 20 weeks of Galactic Season just to keep up to the weekly goal of 68.5 Blueprint Fragments a week?

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I don't expect to get this achievement this season personally, or any others of this type in following seasons if they keep having them, i don't grind nearly enough as they expect you to to get them

It'll be the first season where I don't get basically every achievement which sucks, but what are you going to do lol

Nerfing the overall gains from objectives plus the insane number for the achievement itself and the already low drop rate of them is, imo, dumb

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6 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

Are we suppose to do 7 weeklies every week for the full 20 weeks of Galactic Season just to keep up to the weekly goal of 68.5 Blueprint Fragments a week?

That won't even do it. 7 dailies will give 7 fragments per week and the best that you can get from weeklies would be 50 if you did 5 of the 12 pointers, which is the most that I've seen, and 2 of the others. Still 11-12 per week short, so you'll need to grind those out. 

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You will need to use the 8 Jawa intel items from seasons rewards and farm mobs for an hour per to make up for the fact Broadsword didn't put in enough blueprints in the weeklies. 


It's foolish we need to go out of our way to complete that 1500 achievement in such a manner. Farming mobs or doing other activities we may not enjoy just for those. We should get enough just by doing the 7 weeklies alone.


I know this has driven me to spend a lot less time doing season 6 then in previous seasons. A lot less time in Swtor in general. 

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I’d be more willing to use tokens to buy additional Jawa intel items if they didn’t run on a continuous timer.  I think they should run 60 minutes of game time, not clock time.

That said, I’m in the 400s now.  While the drop rate is low, the Jawa intel seems to about double my rate.  I’ve used three, I think, while doing some long flashpoints.

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12 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:


we are coming to the end of the fourth week and I am realizing players are not going to complete this achievement unless they finish 7 weeklies every week for the full 20 weeks of Galactic Season or they cheat by transferring characters around to other servers and collecting the 130 Blueprint Fragments from the reward track.

So far my count is only 225 Blueprint Fragments, 295 if you count the 70 I have not yet claimed from the reward track.

Are players suppose to grind 140 weeklies just for the chance to finish this achievement or is the drop rate obscenely low?

Remember, this is a monetized system. Like all monetized grinds, most of us are intended to frustrated, to incentivize cash purchases.

This is a feature, not a bug, from the Emperor's perspective.

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4 minutes ago, FlatTax said:

Remember, this is a monetized system. Like all monetized grinds, most of us are intended to frustrated, to incentivize cash purchases.

This is a feature, not a bug, from the Emperor's perspective.

lol. This is not monetized for what this discussion is about. You can't buy Blueprints whatsoever.

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14 minutes ago, Toraak said:

lol. This is not monetized for what this discussion is about. You can't buy Blueprints whatsoever.

Blueprints are absolutely for sale.

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22 minutes ago, FlatTax said:

Blueprints are absolutely for sale.

This is 100% factually incorrect. Blueprint Fragments are BoP and considered Junk. You cannot purchase them. You can only sell them. They auto advance the Achievement and in select weeks advance a GS objective. 

From @JoeStramaglia on March 12th. 

Reputation Track
Galactic Seasons 6 does not have a Reputation track like previous seasons. There is still an item to collect the same way you collected Reputation currency in the past. However, it is for Achievement tracking only and progress is granted when you collect it - you're safe to sell them for credits! It’s worth noting that these will cease to drop when you’ve unlocked the achievement.


Once again, you are demonstrably and easily proven wrong.



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Just now, Jdast said:

This is 100% factually incorrect. Blueprint Fragments are BoP and considered Junk. You cannot purchase them. You can only sell them. They auto advance the Achievement and in select weeks advance a GS objective. 

From @JoeStramaglia on March 12th. 

Reputation Track
Galactic Seasons 6 does not have a Reputation track like previous seasons. There is still an item to collect the same way you collected Reputation currency in the past. However, it is for Achievement tracking only and progress is granted when you collect it - you're safe to sell them for credits! It’s worth noting that these will cease to drop when you’ve unlocked the achievement.


Once again, you are demonstrably and easily proven wrong.



Blueprints are for sale on the Subscriber GS Track.

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4 minutes ago, FlatTax said:

Blueprints are for sale on the Subscriber GS Track.

Stop acting like a broken record, stop putting the word monetized in every post that has nothing to do with monetization.

A lot of us are unhappy about a lot of things BS did, but we don't spread lies and make false accusation.

Back on topic, I didn't even notice this chievo is a thing and I'm going to continue this way lmao

But seriously, the math makes it looks like too much of a grind for me to bother.

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5 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Stop acting like a broken record, stop putting the word monetized in every post that has nothing to do with monetization.

A lot of us are unhappy about a lot of things BS did, but we don't spread lies and make false accusation.

Back on topic, I didn't even notice this chievo is a thing and I'm going to continue this way lmao

But seriously, the math makes it looks like too much of a grind for me to bother.

It's a fact; Blueprints are for sale on the subscriber GS track.

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On 4/6/2024 at 11:03 AM, FlatTax said:

It's a fact; Blueprints are for sale on the subscriber GS track.

There are a whopping total of 130 Blueprint Fragments on the GS Rewards Track for the entire season.

You easily obtain those and surpass that amount by leaps and bounds simply by logging in and doing Companion Influencer, nerfed Advancement Reputation, and Stronghold Decorator 4 times / week. Minimal gameplay is required to achieve the fragments later on in the track.

If you're smart and don't claim them and save them for week when it's an objective, you can actually achieve that GS objective 4 times doing absolutely nothing but hitting the "Claim" button. Regardless, even if you purchase the entire Season of the Rewards track, that puts you at less than 10% of the 1500 needed for the Achievement.

Your +41 Crystals for weapons being P2W argument is actually stronger. 🙄



Edited by Jdast
Stupid Typos!
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10 minutes ago, eabevella said:

Stop acting like a broken record, stop putting the word monetized in every post that has nothing to do with monetization.

A lot of us are unhappy about a lot of things BS did, but we don't spread lies and make false accusation.

Back on topic, I didn't even notice this chievo is a thing and I'm going to continue this way lmao

But seriously, the math makes it looks like too much of a grind for me to bother.

Flattax is incapable of understanding that he is simply wrong, and refuses to believe those of us that tell him when he (or she) is wrong.

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13 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

we are coming to the end of the fourth week and I am realizing players are not going to complete this achievement unless they finish 7 weeklies every week for the full 20 weeks of Galactic Season

Yeah, the math doesn't work out. Something is wrong. @EricMusco @JackieKo I'm at 300 on my main server. Level 40 on reward track. About 20% done of the number of days of the Season.  1500 needed by the end of the season. There is about 60 left for subscriber rewards left for me to level 100 rewards.

If I need 1200 blueprint fragments and there are 16 weeks left I would need 75 per week.
8 point objectives give 5 fragments
12 point objectives give 8 fragments
daily objective gives 1 fragment

7 x 8 point objs per week is 35 fragments
realistically people probably do 2 x 12 point objs + 5 x 8 point objs = 16+25=41 fragments

Even if I did the dailies every day for another 1x7 that would be 48 fragments per week.

Not counting some from doing FPs, Ops, Daily/Weeklies etc.

no, Brazz token doesn't help enough and they are char bound.

We need some help here from devs. Don't think I can reach 1500 by the end of the season playing everyday and capping 100k conquest on 5-10 toons.

Edited by Saeten
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Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, Saeten said:

Yeah, the math doesn't work out. Something is wrong. @EricMusco @JackieKo I'm at 300 on my main server. Level 40 on reward track. About 20% done of the number of days of the Season.  1500 needed by the end of the season. There is about 60 left for subscriber rewards left for me to level 100 rewards.

If I need 1200 blueprint fragments and there are 16 weeks left I would need 75 per week.
8 point objectives give 5 fragments
12 point objectives give 8 fragments
daily objective gives 1 fragment

7 x 8 point objs per week is 35 fragments
realistically people probably do 2 x 12 point objs + 5 x 8 point objs = 16+25=41 fragments

Even if I did the dailies every day for another 1x7 that would be 48 fragments per week.

Not counting some from doing FPs, Ops, Daily/Weeklies etc.

no, Brazz token doesn't help enough and they are char bound.

We need some help here from devs. Don't think I can reach 1500 by the end of the season playing everyday and capping 100k conquest on 5-10 toons.

I updated my original post but even if you did all 5 of the 12 point conquests, 2 of the 8 point conquest, and 7 dailies every week for 20 weeks straight that's only 1160 of the 1370 blueprints we need.

I don't see many people willing to do that and still farm 11 more fragments each week as world drops considering you would be done with Galactic Season a good month before.

I'm going to test the consumables but I'm not holding my breath for those to be too effective considering they only last 1 hour real time and are bound.

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In case it helps anyone:

  • You can buy additional  Brrazz's Gift: Blueprint Fragments Intel from Ki'at Thavo season vendor for 1 Galactic Season Token each.
  • You can buy Jawa Intel: Blueprint Fragments from Brazz in Cartel Market on fleet for 500 purple jawa scrap each.

The Brazz's Gift can be shared with others. If you have guildmates or friends, you could coordinate with each other. Meet on stronghold or guildship and give up to 8 players the buff. Everyone goes out farming (anywhere they choose, doesn't have to be together). Then come back an hour later and do it again.

Edited by ThanderSnB
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You shouldn't have to use Braz gift to make the 1500 achievement during the season. It should be achievable by natural play time. Unfortunately, it is not. They didn't do the math and it's noticeable and verified that the drop rate is too low.

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3 minutes ago, Saeten said:

You shouldn't have to use Braz gift to make the 1500 achievement during the season. It should be achievable by natural play time. Unfortunately, it is not. They didn't do the math and it's noticeable and verified that the drop rate is too low.

Why would they create those items and give Subscribers 8 of them if they didn't intend them to be used? The developers aren't stupid. They can do the math like everyone here. They wanted it to be more grindy this season. It's the same with the reduced conquest points for reputation tokens. It used to be players just logged in, right-clicked a token, and they finished their daily 25k conquest objective. Now it generally requires finishing at least one mission. This is all by design to get people to play more daily, especially after their weeklies are done.

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