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Server Transfers to Shae Vizla


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2 hours ago, Jarcen said:

At least with how things are now, new players would be able to catch up, that's why they're letting the server grow at its own pace. Of course eventually veteran players would be geared up again--but by then hopefully newbies would be as well. If vets were to have their gear now, that is a big advantage already for them. Again I think that Broadsword is trying to get new players into the game with a new, clean server. Why APAC though and not in NA I have no idea, though it might be to get the Japanese market since that has always been a big market for SW. 

Can I ask, are you actually in the APAC region the server is designed to service? Because it sounds like your in America &  not in Australia where the server is located.

If they wanted to target another large, mostly non English speaking country, then sure, a Japan or Korea or Chinese language server would be needed in those languages. But that’s not the idea here. It’s to target the Australian, NZ & English speakers in the APAC region. Otherwise, why put the server in Sydney?

You are also completely missing the whole point of the new server. It’s not to give the current players of the game in the US a fresh new server to play on. It’s to open up a regional server for players located closer to the Sydney server region. Most of us APAC players had our original legacy accounts moved against our will to the US. We just want them back on the APAC server so we don’t have to start all over again. 

And many of the current APAC players aren’t playing on the APAC server until they can transfer their characters & legacy over. Many have just created characters to act as place holders for names. They aren’t actively playing them. 

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11 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Can I ask, are you actually in the APAC region the server is designed to service? Because it sounds like your in America &  not in Australia where the server is located.

If they wanted to target another large, mostly non English speaking country, then sure, a Japan or Korea or Chinese language server would be needed in those languages. But that’s not the idea here. It’s to target the Australian, NZ & English speakers in the APAC region. Otherwise, why put the server in Sydney?

You are also completely missing the whole point of the new server. It’s not to give the current players of the game in the US a fresh new server to play on. It’s to open up a regional server for players located closer to the Sydney server region. Most of us APAC players had our original legacy accounts moved against our will to the US. We just want them back on the APAC server so we don’t have to start all over again. 

And many of the current APAC players aren’t playing on the APAC server until they can transfer their characters & legacy over. Many have just created characters to act as place holders for names. They aren’t actively playing them. 

I'm from the Philippines so that's as Asian as you can get. 

No, let me make it clear: the point of the new server is for the Asia-Pacific region, but I feel that it's actually more than that. I think that Broadsword made the server to be newbie-friendly, that's why we can't transfer from other servers and have to create new characters. This is to level the playing field and get everyone to start equally, veteran and newbie alike. I think the object here is to see the server grow on its own without players transferring their highly geared and equipped characters. Again it is to level the playing field and make the server accessible to newbies. I merely added my speculation why it's on APAC and not in NA, but that's really beside my point.

Now I'm not sure if transfer would be allowed, but I think it won't be anytime soon. Again this is to have the server grow organically on its own, with all players leveling on an equal basis. That is of course rather loosely as leveling would depend on the amount of time one spends on the game--the more time spent, the faster one moves up barring the use of exp boosters.

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20 minutes ago, Jarcen said:

I think that Broadsword made the server to be newbie-friendly

I think that’s just wishful thinking on your part. And will likely cause the server to fail if that’s their actual goal.

It’s more likely they want to test if their economy changes are balanced enough before releasing 7.4.

I will not be surprised if they start transfers soon after they announce an actual date for 7.4

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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33 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I think that’s just wishful thinking on your part. And will likely cause the server to fail if that’s their actual goal.

It’s more likely they want to test if their economy changes are balanced enough before releasing 7.4.

I will not be surprised if they start transfers soon after they announce an actual date for 7.4

It is going to happen either next week or the following week after, or most likely when 7.4 is launched. 

The data already shows that the economy changes even on a fresh economy aren't hurtful. You have guilds that are already in full 336 gear, and are now beginning to craft augments. 

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14 minutes ago, Cayerala said:

It is going to happen either next week or the following week after, or most likely when 7.4 is launched. 

The data already shows that the economy changes even on a fresh economy aren't hurtful. You have guilds that are already in full 336 gear, and are now beginning to craft augments. 

Yeah, agreed. I’m already close to a million credits combined across several characters & my highest is only lvl 34

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This thread is turning into a dumpster fire already.


Look, it sucks starting legacy from scratch.

But hey it's actually been fun restarting fresh on a clean slate.


The server is not dead or dying. The game was never gonna pull numbers like WoW does, the marketing isn't there, accept it.


If you're that upset or not having fun, play something else or go back to high latency.



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45 minutes ago, AIRCONGO said:

This thread is turning into a dumpster fire already.


Look, it sucks starting legacy from scratch.

But hey it's actually been fun restarting fresh on a clean slate.


The server is not dead or dying. The game was never gonna pull numbers like WoW does, the marketing isn't there, accept it.


If you're that upset or not having fun, play something else or go back to high latency.



Wouldn't use that kind of language, it's just people who had their 3 oceanic servers migrated, when people lobbied to merge them and pay more to keep an oceanic server, then the US servers got merged anyway taking away playstyle specific servers which Bioware underpinned as a reason they had to migrate us, then we got migrated again to a west coast server.

At each step in that farce more oceanic players disenfranchised with Bioware's handling dropped off and now we have a chance to bring them back and we want it better handled to give us the best chance of luring back what we had.

Edited by Aignox
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49 minutes ago, AIRCONGO said:

This thread is turning into a dumpster fire already.


Look, it sucks starting legacy from scratch.

But hey it's actually been fun restarting fresh on a clean slate.


The server is not dead or dying. The game was never gonna pull numbers like WoW does, the marketing isn't there, accept it.


If you're that upset or not having fun, play something else or go back to high latency.



At least they’ve started to send out emails to old accounts per my suggestion. 



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I just don't think I should have to pay for transfers, or pay again for things i've already purchased, when I was forced away from APAC in the first place. If I'd chosen to transfer, then no problem. But I didn't. So why should I have to pay more money again?


No free transfers? ok, then just refund the CC for all the unlocks i've paid for, so I can rebuy on the new server.

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1 hour ago, ThA_ReV said:

I just don't think I should have to pay for transfers, or pay again for things i've already purchased, when I was forced away from APAC in the first place. If I'd chosen to transfer, then no problem. But I didn't. So why should I have to pay more money again?


No free transfers? ok, then just refund the CC for all the unlocks i've paid for, so I can rebuy on the new server.

It will most likely be 90ccs, if it will be free for geopolitical players in the APAC region, that would be great (but very doubtful). 

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No one has worked hard for billions of credits content came out slow you had nothing to spend them on ... they should have always had a credit transfer cap most games have them. I don't understand why ppl think its ok to handicap new players having to spend so many credits for current augs. I agree some what you should be able to bring your legacy over just not a bunch of credits.

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1 hour ago, shierkhan said:

No one has worked hard for billions of credits content came out slow you had nothing to spend them on ... they should have always had a credit transfer cap most games have them. I don't understand why ppl think its ok to handicap new players having to spend so many credits for current augs. I agree some what you should be able to bring your legacy over just not a bunch of credits.

Majority of my credits came from items purchased with CC gained through the old referral program and security key allotment.  If you consider the credits I gained when I purchased CC it makes my argument even more valid. There was effort, time, and money involved. Pretty much the same debate for getting "your" legacy.

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I will add that people who spent time, energy, and money on their legacy still have the things they unlocked, unless there was an error or account deletion, its just not were they want it to be. I still have my credits they're just not where I want them to be.

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6 hours ago, ThA_ReV said:

I just don't think I should have to pay for transfers, or pay again for things i've already purchased, when I was forced away from APAC in the first place. If I'd chosen to transfer, then no problem. But I didn't. So why should I have to pay more money again?


No free transfers? ok, then just refund the CC for all the unlocks i've paid for, so I can rebuy on the new server.

100% this 👆

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6 hours ago, ThA_ReV said:

I just don't think I should have to pay for transfers, or pay again for things i've already purchased, when I was forced away from APAC in the first place. If I'd chosen to transfer, then no problem. But I didn't. So why should I have to pay more money again?


No free transfers? ok, then just refund the CC for all the unlocks i've paid for, so I can rebuy on the new server.

Personally, I don't want the economy destroyed by incoming credits. However I think it is inappropriate and unfair to put a credit limit on transfers. Therefore I suggest allowing full/Current level of transfers once the server has been open for 90 days. Whither it is free or at a cost is an interesting debate.  Arguments can be made for both options. I will just express my opinions on the paths I believe are the most realistic

1. Broadsword decides to allow transfers before 90 days, but puts a limit on credits

In this situation I feel that the credit hoarders, myself included, are at a loss. the Transfer for them is no longer as valuable as it is now. To mediate this I would suggest that transfers cost the current price of CC until the server has been open for 90 days, then after 90 day everyone should get 1 free transfer after that.

2. Broadsword decides to allow full transfer after 90 days

At this point  many veteran players will have completed many of the things they wanted the transfer for, thus the Transfer for them is no longer as valuable as it is now. credit hoarders won't typically mind because they will just add more the there hoard. To Mediate this I suggest everyone get 1 free Transfer or at the very least heavily discounted say 300 cc instead of 1000 cc. F2P peeps can get that in 90 days just by having a SK, though Free would be the most logical for player count and PR

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One would hope they do it sooner rather than later, and it had better be free, we were forced to move off our original servers, twice in fact.
I logged on and played for a bit, and probably will again, but re-earning the legacy doesn't enthuse me one bit. I can see it being an issue for a lot of people if it isn't already. 

There is a lot of perks within the earnt legacy that provide a great QOL not to mention achievements etc, we should have to choose between a legacy and a good ping, be different if there was never OCE servers and they just added one, but there was, and we were forced to move, seems only fair they offer to move us back.

Actually re-thinking, I believe one free transfer would alleviate a lot of the issues, even if they put a cap on the credits, bet nothing too stupid like less than the amount t costs to fill your legacy.

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If they don’t allow transfers this week, we will see a massive reduction in player numbers on the server because people will be forced to go back to other servers to play 7.4 content.

This will undoubtedly be bad for the new or returning players when their friends, guild mates & guild masters aren’t available to answer questions or help them out.

Player numbers on the server will drop once 7.4 is released if we don’t get transfers this week. With less players, the server will seem dead. Which discourages new or returned players from sticking around.

Sadly, the devs don’t seem to understand what simple player reactions/actions will be to this decision (critical thinking is hard). So they will probably let the server die leading up to & over the Xmas holidays. Then they’ll come back from holidays when it’s too late & do transfers. Then wonder why it doesn’t help grow the server. Which they’ll then close by Mid year & say there weren’t enough people interested in APAC 🤦‍♀️

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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13 hours ago, Lord_Malganus said:

Just logged out on SV. Fleet was a ghost town.

Like Trixx said, when 7.4 is released tomorrow, most will be returning to their established legacy servers to play it.

Not to disagree.. but fleet there is dead because people are leveling. I played 6 hours last night, logged out 3 hours after your post.   Balmorra had over 50 players leveling. Guild had well over 100 active players, 99% of which were across multiple leveling planets.  Mid tier warzones and arenas popped fast enough to do both weeklies. Then starfighter was popping fast as well. I got 4 matches in under an hour.  


It takes a while to see an active amount of endgame activity. A deadish fleet on a new server is not the same as a dead fleet on established servers where most have multiple level 80 tools.


People are leveling. Grinding dailies. Doing datacrons. 

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3 hours ago, taxidermis said:

Not to disagree.. but fleet there is dead because people are leveling. I played 6 hours last night, logged out 3 hours after your post.   Balmorra had over 50 players leveling. Guild had well over 100 active players, 99% of which were across multiple leveling planets.  Mid tier warzones and arenas popped fast enough to do both weeklies. Then starfighter was popping fast as well. I got 4 matches in under an hour.  


It takes a while to see an active amount of endgame activity. A deadish fleet on a new server is not the same as a dead fleet on established servers where most have multiple level 80 tools.


People are leveling. Grinding dailies. Doing datacrons. 

And yet, most areas are up to 50% less players than the same time yesterday 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Of course that might also be because some people can’t get the game to play after the current patch. 

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17 hours ago, Lord_Malganus said:

Just logged out on SV. Fleet was a ghost town.

Like Trixx said, when 7.4 is released tomorrow, most will be returning to their established legacy servers to play it.

To be fair, the fleet has mostly been a ghost town since the server opened because people are lvling & only stopping at the fleet briefly.

You can really tell how healthy it is by using the search feature for each planet/zone name & seeing how many people are there & how many instances. 

Sadly, as predicted, there has been a big drop in numbers compared to same time yesterday. I expect this will get worse as the day goes on. But might come back a little this evening (APAC time).


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17 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

To be fair, the fleet has mostly been a ghost town since the server opened because people are lvling & only stopping at the fleet briefly.

You can really tell how healthy it is by using the search feature for each planet/zone name & seeing how many people are there & how many instances. 

Sadly, as predicted, there has been a big drop in numbers compared to same time yesterday. I expect this will get worse as the day goes on. But might come back a little this evening (APAC time).


I don't see the big drop. I visit mostly the home worlds to see how things are going. As of now Tython as of this time of posting is quite active, and has the normal numbers for this time. Numbers usually pick up daytime where I live (+8 UTC), so in a couple of hours more population there will get busy again.

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A more accurate metric would be prime time for the server... its currently early morning APAC time.. I'd suspect a lot of folks havnt even patched yet.  And some people will spend an hour or so on their home servers playing the new story. But aside from 45 minutes of story and a new WB... there isn't anything to keep them there. 

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6 minutes ago, taxidermis said:

A more accurate metric would be prime time for the server... its currently early morning APAC time.. I'd suspect a lot of folks havnt even patched yet.  And some people will spend an hour or so on their home servers playing the new story. But aside from 45 minutes of story and a new WB... there isn't anything to keep them there. 

Or you can just do a like on like time. So if you usually play at 6am local APAC or 11am or 6pm, just compare it to the same time as the day before or the same day as the week before. You don’t need to wait till a specific time of day to compare as long as you are comparing the same time of day.

And yes, I’ll concede people might still be patching or can’t get into the game due to the launcher bug affecting some people, 

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