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Shae Vizla Launch Updates


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14 minutes ago, kinhoandrei said:

Look, I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of those making the decisions; it must be really difficult trying to please everyone.

If they allow the transfer of large credit flows, people complain that inflation will ruin the gaming experience. If they limit credit transfers to accommodate Legacy transfer requests, people also complain that the lack of credit will ruin the server.

If they charge for character transfers, complaints arise. If they offer FREE transfers, even if some criteria are required, complaints still come. Even those who don't meet the criteria will pay half the normal price, but complaints persist.

It's just too complicated!

No, it really isn't, its being MADE that way, we could just have the same rules as all of the other servers, we are literally the only server in the world with stupid rules over transfers, BS own rules are being circumvented to what purpose, to appease the "fresh server" rather than for the benefit of the server or its regional players, this will do more harm than good you will see.

Even if I had to pay for my toons I wouldn't care if they stuck by their own server transfer rules, but they have not, the rules they made are ridiculous. 

And it seems since the announcement there is far more against them than the two of you that are trying to stick up for them.
Same is to be said on the discord, I haven't been in game to see there, but I imagine it's a similar story.

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10 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

And it seems since the announcement there is far more against them than the two of you that are trying to stick up for them.
Same is to be said on the discord, I haven't been in game to see there, but I imagine it's a similar story.

Most people are actually agreeing on the T&C for character transfer on the SWTOR subreddit, and I reckon those are the "fresh start server" players.

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2 hours ago, Nommaz said:

No they did not, they said it was an APAC regional server they were also keeping A close eye on the economy, they never once said it was a fresh start server.

Here is the announcement. I must be missing where they said fresh start in that email?

Greetings from Keith Kanneg,
Executive Producer of Star Wars™: The Old Republic
I am pleased to announce that we have returned to the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region and opened a new server called Shae Vizla!

I know they didn't use those words specifically but it was nevertheless implied or at least that's how I interpreted it. We all see things differently so I do agree with posters who said they should have been more specific in their wording.

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44 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

No, it really isn't, its being MADE that way, we could just have the same rules as all of the other servers, we are literally the only server in the world with stupid rules over transfers, BS own rules are being circumvented to what purpose, to appease the "fresh server" rather than for the benefit of the server or its regional players, this will do more harm than good you will see.

Even if I had to pay for my toons I wouldn't care if they stuck by their own server transfer rules, but they have not, the rules they made are ridiculous. 

And it seems since the announcement there is far more against them than the two of you that are trying to stick up for them.
Same is to be said on the discord, I haven't been in game to see there, but I imagine it's a similar story.

No, the poster you quoted is correct, and I know it may be hard for you to accept the idea since I doubt that given the reverse situation many of you voicing your displeasure wouldn't be, but those of us who agree with the situation more than likely have chosen to be magnanimous given that we understand that these decisions will always upset someone, no matter what.

I do disagree with the subscriber restriction though, honestly.  They have tracked who is from which region, so the 90 day subscription requirement should only apply to those outside of the APAC.  For those players the only requirement for the free transfer should be a current sub.

One positive in this announcement though, I've noticed the fleet population did see a small bump, hopefully that trend continues.

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8 hours ago, SoraRaida said:

Most people are actually agreeing on the T&C for character transfer on the SWTOR subreddit, and I reckon those are the "fresh start server" players.

If we are reading the same subreddit there is 2 1/2 people that don't have an issue with it, and a lot of general questions, and a few that do, is about 60/40 against, which is better than here but still not "most"
But yes it seems they are likely fresh start players rather than regional.

7 hours ago, Keegus said:

No, the poster you quoted is correct, and I know it may be hard for you to accept the idea since I doubt that given the reverse situation many of you voicing your displeasure wouldn't be, but those of us who agree with the situation more than likely have chosen to be magnanimous given that we understand that these decisions will always upset someone, no matter what.

Not really as I said we are the only region in the world of SWTOR being treated this way, there is one rule for APAC and one for everyone else, so of course it's being made hard.
If they stuck to their own T&C regarding server transfers literally none of us would be complaining, because we all know that's how it is, the ones that are accepting this are not magnanimous, they are "fresh start" players, no one in their right mind likes being told that the last 12 years of their work/time/money in building up characters strongholds/credits don't matter if they want to play on SV.
Regardless we were all (mostly) open to a fair tradeoff, this isn't, and not just the credits the free transfer window and conditions are also unfair.

3 hours ago, kinhoandrei said:

Bro, is all this hatred just because of a credit limit?

No, it's more than that, Yes the credit limit is the issue, but well, just read the rest of the forum, its simply not enough, there is various reasons for that and most of them have zero to do with inflating the server and all to do with the in game credit sinks, this will be chewed up in a week for raiders repairs, it's about 98 million short of getting strongholds back, heck you can't even fill out a legacy perk set for a new character on it, and crafting will chew up 2 million in a matter of hours just to learn new ranks.

Plus on top of that you are being forced to transfer more than possibly you had planned if you want more credits, effectively stopping levelling through and making the game feel alive for new players, I myself had planned on just transferring two and continuing on the rest I have started (this changed from my original plan of not levelling any), and a lot of raiders just either went back to their old servers or quit, and that's not good for the health of the server.

As the person you quoted said, if this server doesn't survive it's on BS and the decisions they are making in regard to it.
they needed to be much more transparent with the main focus of this server, which now seems to be fresh start instead of Regional.

If you doubt that simply look at the post since then, both here, on discord and I daresay in game, I can't prove the last as I am not logging in at the moment, maybe someone can let me know. 

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8 hours ago, Keegus said:

I do disagree with the subscriber restriction though, honestly.  They have tracked who is from which region, so the 90 day subscription requirement should only apply to those outside of the APAC.  For those players the only requirement for the free transfer should be a current sub.

Thank you 

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19 hours ago, Skyzin said:

So because I didn't receive the email about the APAC server re-opening until December and didn't subscribe until then, I am not eligible for free character transfers? This really is just a Fresh Start server that happens to be located in APAC.

I'm in the same boat I was a subscriber for eight years consecutively I was forced to transfer off Australian service to servers where I had 350 pin on a good day. I paid for a subscription for two years after I stopped playing But stopped paying for my subscription in 2018 If I had heard about the Aussie server Before it launched I would be there with to secure all my names Unfortunately I only found out in January And instantly became a subscriber again. I don't care about the credits. I just want to play with my characters and legacy. I know I can make a million Credits a day in Heroics I believe all APAC Players who are of preferred status should be offered free transfers Regardless of current subscriber status I unlocked so much that the only reason I need to subscribe is the credit limit. I have thousands of dollars invested in my account and find it insulting that they would not offer free transfers to newly re-subscribed and preferred accounts.  

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10 hours ago, Keegus said:

I do disagree with the subscriber restriction though, honestly.  They have tracked who is from which region, so the 90 day subscription requirement should only apply to those outside of the APAC.  For those players the only requirement for the free transfer should be a current sub.

This is my only issue. APAC Preferred players who are currently subscribed should not have these restrictions. Preferred player status means you've been a subscriber for at least 90 days. In my case, it was about eight years. 

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41 minutes ago, JohnnyGatt said:

This is my only issue. APAC Preferred players who are currently subscribed should not have these restrictions. Preferred player status means you've been a subscriber for at least 90 days. In my case, it was about eight years. 

I agree i just wanted to move my NA characters to an Aussie server but no players had to ruin everything..

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44 minutes ago, JohnnyGatt said:

Preferred player status means you've been a subscriber for at least 90 days.

If my memory is correct, all it means is they spent at least $5 on Cartel Coins at some point in the past. You drop to Preferred when your sub expires as well.

As to the restrictions, I also believe that 2 million is too little for high end raiders to play the game. For story, PVP, starfighter, and the rest, 2 million is more than enough. I also would have preferred if it was a Legacy limit (somewhere in the 100-200 million range) rather than a per character limit so people didn't have to bring every character they had to the server.


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37 minutes ago, DWho said:

For story, PVP, starfighter, and the rest, 2 million is more than enough

Let not divide the player base anymore, BS has done that enough for all of us, I will say it is not nearly enough for all content, even story, unless you don't count having perks covered and buying strong holds and gear etc. 

The costs for all content are high in this pre inflation setting. I can burn through 2 million just learning professions very easily, not to even mention levelling companions to 50 at 250K a "gift" there is so much people can spend credits on, sometimes it easy to forget that when a player doesn't play as you do, they don't really need them.

42 minutes ago, DWho said:

I also would have preferred if it was a Legacy limit (somewhere in the 100-200 million range) rather than a per character limit so people didn't have to bring every character they had to the server.

Yes, I hinted at this the other day as well, but you put it far better than I. the amount should definitely be tied to legacy not character. And I believe most of us agree that its nowhere near enough, at least the APAC players that have been here longer than 5 minutes and are not "fresh start"

The economy is not as important as a healthy server and I don't see this making it any healthier, for our region, in fact the opposite.


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4 hours ago, heeeysa said:

Thanks guys. Whilst I would have preferred 0 credits instead I understand you had to appeal to the players that wanted it too. Glad you found a middle ground.

What middle ground? Majority of end game players on SV quitting is no middle ground. You talk about the economy, how exactly does that look without a healthy end game community such that people are crafting and selling items?

Edited by TormentAU
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On 2/11/2024 at 11:55 AM, DWho said:

If my memory is correct, all it means is they spent at least $5 on Cartel Coins at some point in the past. You drop to Preferred when your sub expires as well.

You're correct Looking at the old email it's specified preferred players with a history of at least three months subscription. 

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@JackieKo @EricMusco 

Im happy you’re doing free transfers. Thank you for listening in regards to that aspect of the transfers. 🙏

But I believe you are making a huge mistake by limiting credits to 2 million per character. I’ve already seen quite a few APAC people on other Social Media posting about unsubscribing over this 2 million imposed limit. 

Personally, I’m not happy about it being so low because of how much it will cost to reopen strong holds, guild banks, guild ships & reconstitute my outfits per character after the transfer process removes them all. But I can live with it grudgingly because I don’t play end game content that requires spending lots of credits on repairs. Sadly, you are alienating a lot of the end game APAC players by imposing a 2 million credit limit.

I really hope you guys have been following some of the other social media channels, the swtor forums, your own influencers & looking at players unsubscribing over this last weekend. The feed back I’m seeing is 2 million is too low for the majority. 

Please, Please reconsider & increase this amount 20-25 million per character or 320-400 million per legacy. if you don’t, I believe you will see more subscriber players stop subbing now or as soon as people have transferred. This will ultimately affect the server in a negative way & may cause it to fail. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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7 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

@JackieKo @EricMusco 

Im happy you’re doing free transfers. Thank you for listening in regards to that aspect of the transfers. 🙏

But I believe you are making a huge mistake by limiting credits to 2 million per character. I’ve already seen quite a few APAC people on other Social Media posting about unsubscribing over this 2 million imposed limit. 

Personally, I’m not happy about it being so low because of how much it will cost to reopen strong holds, guild banks, guild ships & reconstitute my outfits per character after the transfer process removes them all. But I can live with it grudgingly because I don’t play end game content that requires spending lots of credits on repairs. Sadly, you are alienating a lot of the end game APAC players by imposing a 2 million credit limit.

I really hope you guys have been following some of the other social media channels, the swtor forums, your own influencers & looking at players unsubscribing over this last weekend. The feed back I’m seeing is 2 million is too low for the majority. 

Please, Please reconsider & increase this amount 20-25 million per character or 320-400 million per legacy. if you don’t, I believe you will see more subscriber players stop subbing now or as soon as people have transferred. This will ultimately affect the server in a negative way & may cause it to fail. 

Unfortunately I don't think they are going to listen, nor care if people continually unsub (I am one of them). Realistically, sub cost is stuff all. The people that make BS their money are those people that buy CC to control the GTN. That's probably why they have such ludicrous credit restrictions. They don't care about alienating the APAC community, only want to appease the CC buying community. 

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Dear Broadsword et all,

I suggest you use something you already have in play ESCROW!!   Impose a 2m a week escrow on all transfer characters so they have access to their money metered out over time instead of a locked in single amount.

Suggestion 2: REMOVE THE TAXATIONS ON SHAE VISLA. Since you're attempting to maintain a stable economy on that server then remove the loadstone that is causing painfully costly repair bills while our players run operations and the like.

Suggestion 3: HURRY and get this right before you pay to have this server decommissioned due to lack of player base because their tired of being tossed around like excess baggage. APAC has a solid following and this is souring the milk. FIX IT!!

Thank you for your time. If you read this at all.....

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1 hour ago, frizzydude said:

Unfortunately I don't think they are going to listen, nor care if people continually unsub (I am one of them). Realistically, sub cost is stuff all. The people that make BS their money are those people that buy CC to control the GTN. That's probably why they have such ludicrous credit restrictions. They don't care about alienating the APAC community, only want to appease the CC buying community. 

Well I was wrong. BS actually listening to the player base 👏

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8 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Im happy you’re doing free transfers. Thank you for listening in regards to that aspect of the transfers.

As an Aussie Speaking to the other Australians I play with none of us were subscribed at the time of this server launch and I haven't spoken to anyone fortunate enough to find out about the APAC server before it launched. I Notified most of them about the new server when I received the Executive Producer's email on the 23rd of December. From what I can see the only people getting free transfers are the non-APAC players who have had lag-free Servers to play on for 12 years without Being forced to move and change names multiple times. I am happy to leave millions behind because I'm making this server my home server not a tourist destination. I do think protecting the economy is important although concerned about the over-inflated repair costs and other features That were put in place to battle the obviously broken economy on most old servers. I spent 1.5 mil Trying to unlock Bowdaar (Freedom Fight Quest) On one of my level 65 With Level 65 (216) purple gear I can't do this quest on US Servers due to lag and now I realise that swapping my purple gear out for greens saves a fortune on repair costs and can't understand why repair costs aren't based on item levels. 

I And truly disappointed in the lack of communication about the true focus of this server listening to head developers in interviews,  personally it sounds like the Broadsword development team has made the APAC server their personal fresh start server. And the decisions being made seem like they are only concerned about getting as many tourists playing on this Fresh start server as possible and not supporting returning APAC Players. 

I have years and thousands of dollars invested in this game I only stopped because it was not playable end for me game due to lag I unlocked Everything I could to ensure even when I'm not a subscriber I could still play storyline content. . I find it truly insulting to the APAC community that Broadsword is doing nothing to compensate returning APAC players for forcing us off Australian servers in the first place. 

It's depressing how many players won't even bother to come back due to these decisions and I know that a lot of them would not only resubscribe but be committed to this game again if they were given the opportunity to go back to playable servers without having to fork out the equivalent of a brand new triple-A title game ($60 for 5500 coins + $45 for 3 months sub).  I know if Complementary transfers were offered to APAC players who were forcibly removed from APAC servers as soon as they reinstalled the game to move their characters they would subscribe to this amazing game without a question. Most of the people I've spoken to in StarWalking (The Australian Star Wars fan club) laughed at the $105 price tag for moving back to an Australian server.

I am truly disappointed in this whole process with Broadsword and have little confidence in the future of the APAC community. 

It truly looks like they used launching an APAC server as a way to test out a fresh start server for this game and it had absolutely nothing with actually providing a viable playing option for our APAC community.


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  • The credit limit will now be 15 million per character. 

This is certainly better than 2 million still not enough I daresay, but better, it still does nothing to even cover the costs of moving and re-setting up though, I could almost live with it, and to be fair if you are still trying to keep inflation low this is not going to do it, secondly tie the credits to legacy not per character, you are forcing people to transfer more then they want to in some cases and hurting the lower end of your game with no one levelling.

To qualify for the 16 free transfers to Shae Vizla, players must be a current Subscriber and have been an active Subscriber since January 2, 2024. 

This STILL, this is a to be perfectly blunt with you, a stupid and unnecessary condition, it literally server no purpose other than to punish players who have not been subbed in a period of time that you gave no indication it would be an issue for, regardless of how many years and thousands of dollars they have spent with you, if you must put a condition there it should be limited to region or current subscribers, regardless of when. 

I feel personally singled out with this condition because I unsubbed with your other extremely poor communication and constant changing of the goal posts, I know there is many others that did the same, it was for a week at most! I would hate to think that you simply don't care about my past patronage since the closed beta, because that's how it feels.

If you were going to put a stupid condition on the subs then it should have been clearly spelt out from the date you applied the condition to, not sprung on later.
If you don't want my money, you only have to ask, instead of making stupid rules after the fact that cause angst.
Thinking about it now it just feels like a way to stop people getting free transfers and ensure you get money out of them.

Do you want the server to survive or not? Who are you trying to appease, a server without players because of stupid restrictions put in place is not going to flourish.

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7 minutes ago, JohnnyGatt said:

I have years and thousands of dollars invested in this game I only stopped because it was not playable end for me game due to lag I unlocked Everything I could to ensure even when I'm not a subscriber I could still play storyline content. . I find it truly insulting to the APAC community that Broadsword is doing nothing to compensate returning APAC players for forcing us off Australian servers in the first place. 

This, the removal of Aussie servers caused me to quit, when I came back the end game was all but gone, so I didn't stay long, as I got older I found myself more heavily invested in the story, and so I subbed periodically to play, but always left due to ping and constant disconnects which kills the fun, regardless I am a founder and have spent way too much money here, thousands over the years.

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  • To qualify for the 16 free transfers to Shae Vizla, players must be a current Subscriber and have been an active Subscriber since January 2, 2024. 

Appreciate all of your comments. We’ll continue to keep an eye on feedback that comes in. 

you know all those players that left because of bad communication during the server launch, through January to the 20th when @JackieKo dropped her bombshell, through another 3 weeks before you @KeithKanneg utterly gutted the APAC community.

yeah those players are not posting here because you do not allow Preferred players on the forum.

enforce a sub requirement sure, but make it in the future. Allow yourself to wipe the slate clean.

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