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44 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I’ve got more than 100 characters across the 2 US servers & another 20 spread across the EU servers. Obviously I can’t transfer them all because it would exceed the server character cap. But I would like to transfer about 50. Especially those I paid extra character slots for. I think I’m up to 57 max characters per server. I’m not sure what the current free character slot limits are for subscribers now. But I’m pretty sure I’ve roughly paid to open around 20-30 extra slots. And as long as Broadsword do the right thing with free transfers & our stuff, I’ll probably end up paying to open another 43 more so I can bring as many characters with me before I hit the server character limit.

Ahh yeah I only have 65 all up 
Well before the ones I started on SV, and CS were complaining about that hahaha.

"Due to you currently have 65 Characters, I was not able to narrow down the search enough to verify previous ownership"

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On 12/22/2023 at 7:30 AM, KeithKanneg said:

Hello again, 

Gonna make this one follow up post for now as the team is getting ready to break for the upcoming holiday. 

I wanted to hop into this thread to generate conversation about what players (particularly those who are in the APAC region) want when it comes to character transfers for the Shae Vizla server. 

I want us to have a respectful conversation and/or friendly discourse about what's best for our players in the APAC region, and of course, for our game. Our ultimate goal is to have a healthy server that also provides the best home for our APAC players. 

We opened an APAC server to create a better overall experience for the regional players and grow the number of players in that region. We also had the unique opportunity to improve the economy by delaying and possibly restricting the amount of credits that flowed into the server. That is giving us very insightful details about what defines a healthy economy.

We also understand about Legacy (and character) transfers and wanting to leverage what you've already completed over the years.

As a reminder, we will be making a decision based on the data we see and the player feedback we receive. So far, here's what I'm reading in terms of player feedback specifically from this thread:

  • Players want character transfers allowed to/from Shae Vizla (which means your Legacy is also transferred)
  • You support credit restrictions, but want us to consider credit costs such as repair bills
  • Players want a reasonable time/cost to do transfers
  • Players want this server treated the same as all other servers

If I missed something, just reply with other key points and we'll make sure to review those with the team in the new year.

Thanks all

For me, what I believe is good number of server transfers is 8, that will give us the ability to transfer 1 of each of our crafters without the grind of having to get to 700 with each skill as well as not having to blow millions for each of our companions to reach 50 (It costs around 4million per companion to get them to 50 in gifts multiply this by 8 (max number of crafting companions) and you are looking at 32 million being spent just to get a full set of lvl 50 crafting companions) . If this can be achieved then maybe a maximum of 2.5 - 5 million per character (20- 40 mill across the legacy) would be fair to players who have grinded without blowing up the economy IMO.

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@KeithKanneg Thank you for at least some communication in this area... Since the day SWTOR decided to silence and ban multiple people for speaking out about this issue in the forums, as it was presented in the Holiday Sales notice that no character transfer sales were happening this year... I have lost total trust in anything that goes through these forums.. but, on the Protocol Droid Odds Calculations chance that this is something new the upper level Dev team Generals and Master Jedi are actually taking serious.. Here is my 2 Credits worth of thoughts...

Please Read through this all, and every other post in this thread...

There are 2 main areas you have repeatedly presented regarding the APAC... in this order...

1- Economic Initiative (including GTN Revamp);

2- The Local Region Player Base.


While your most recent post backtracks heavily to rephrase your support for the Local Region APAC players, this has not been the case in your live stream, interviews, and posts... you have repeatedly said that the economy was your focus within the server launch, and that has hurt a lot of peoples feelings...


Sadly, in my Opinion SWTOR team decisions have Done Broke the game in both areas listed above...

PRIORITY should have been, and should be for the rest of the games' future the Co-Operation and Communication directly with the player base at all times regarding what is going on before you force things upon the players...

Second... as far as the FUTURE of the APAC server is concerned, the SWTOR team needs to choose one of the areas above and focus entirely upon that until it is functional..

My Support and Preference will ALWAYS be that SWTOR disregard any economic initiative in favor of supporting, growing and rewarding the player base on the APAC servers... even if it costs you CC, or real $$ to do so .. The Local Region Player Base should be your ONLY Priority and making things right by them should be the absolute focus of any and all decisions moving forward.

Third ... the Economic Initiative (GTN 7.4x) is in my opinion Broken, and full of Bad decisions upon bad decisions that punish players, prevent helping others and hinders new players... ( 80% of the GTN 7.4x mechanics are functional) the taxes/fees for listing, sales, buyers, mail and trade are dysfunctional band aide to a problem created by SWTOR themselves... and any FOCUS of this being primary or otherwise on the APAC is useless unless a real fix for economic issues is addressed (see other forums for that purpose)...

So at this point trying to hodge podge a solution together after the fact is also useless...

You already have within the APAC server predatory players, bad actors, GTN manipulation and 3rd party Credit sellers entrenched within the new server and system... I see them every day, and I play every day on the APAC server... 

A - Just open up the server for transfers... if you really want to support the local region players (possibly give them a discount or free transfer due to the previous forced mergers way back when) and everyone else pays full price...

B- Temporarily Shut down the entire GTN just like you did with the 7.4x update (i.e. send everyone their items and credits back and start it fresh from the day the transfers open up [or a number of hours later]) so there will be no mass rush to strip the market by bad actors and predators to resell at a higher profit... you can't prevent the manipulation and predators from plying their tactics they are already imbedded within the server now...

C- let everyone have full access credits and full inventory of items ... they earned it one way or another..

D- let the economy run itself in it's current state .. BECAUSE if the new E.I. and GTN 7.4x systems are really working then you have nothing to worry about... but, IF the new E.I. and GTN 7.4x are broken and not working then it won't make any difference what you do it will remain so until a different system is put into place...

@KeithKanneg if you Fully Engage, Communicate, Co-Operate, and employ the player base in these decisions before they are implemented you will have a lot of allies willing to actually help create a new future for the game we all love. This goes for a lot of areas not just the APAC... much of the player base would love to be an interactive part of moving forward with the opportunities rather than feel left out and disregarded and just told "this is how it is"...

I know I for one would even be willing volunteer time in-game and out to help... 

We need that trust and communication because Time Equity Cost can only be spent once ...

Good Day, Merry Christmas, Happy Lifeday, Congrats on the 12 year anniversary,

Blessings to You, the SWTOR Dev team and your families...

May The Force Be With You Always...


Edited by ElariaSing
fixed typos
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I would be very happy if I saw BS put together a formal SURVEY to players in the new year.

  1. Collate the feedback provided by players
  2. get viable options approved by those in charge, no point in surveying for a solution that is unrealistic or not achievable
  3. Get feedback on those options from the players
  4. link survey responses to SWTOR accounts, so you can get metadata on player characters, server population
  5. PUBLISH (anonymised) results


This has the chance of gathering the voices of the many without the few dominating the discussion


Questions like

How many characters would you transfer From Star Forge

  • 1-3
  • 4-7
  • 8-15
  • 16+

(repeated for all other servers)

would you transfer everything to the new server

  • is the player going to play solely on one server vs keep playing some content on the old server(s)

How many credits would you transfer

  • 1M to 100M
  • 1B to 4B
  • Over 4B

What Items would you transfer

  • Crafted
  • Cartel
  • Materials
  • Bound (Player / Legacy)

Would you want your legacy items transferred

(y/n for each item)

  • Bank Currencies
    • GS tokens, Event Tokens, CQ currencies
  • Bank Items
  • Achievements
  • Strongholds & Decorations
  • Datacrons
  • etc

Would you prefer to see transfers cost

(choose 1)

  • 1000cc
  • 100cc for 90 days
  • 1 free transfer per month for subscribers
    • (and) 1 transfer per month for FTP for 500cc (e.g. 50% discounted)

Use the opportunity to get additional feedback or ask unrelated questions like

  • Should learned schematics be legacy wide
  • Do you want to be able to collapse complete Armor sets
  • Do you want to see more items become stackable
  • Should Dyes be transferable like Crystals
  • Who do you love more, Jaesa or Vette


I would love to see Subscribers get 1 free transfer per month as a standard subscriber perk

I have guilds on almost all servers, I would keep some characters behind personally, but would transfer my maxed out crafters from SF to SV

I would transfer all my good gear, all my materials and any crafted items I could use

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1 hour ago, FrontLineFodder said:

I would be very happy if I saw BS put together a formal SURVEY to players in the new year.

  1. Collate the feedback provided by players
  2. get viable options approved by those in charge, no point in surveying for a solution that is unrealistic or not achievable
  3. Get feedback on those options from the players
  4. link survey responses to SWTOR accounts, so you can get metadata on player characters, server population
  5. PUBLISH (anonymised) results

@KeithKanneg This is the exact type of Interactive, Co-Operative Communication the Player Community needs at this time. Don't just send out a questionnaire or survey to a few, send it to the entire active player base through their account emails (it is really not very expensive to run an email campaign), and announce it on the launcher and in the forums to maximize the participation.

1- Share what you can and a are willing to do for the APAC server and the Economic Initiative that is the driving explanation for keeping it limited and exclusive. 

2- Continue with this type of Interactive Feedback for other areas of SWTOR.


The players who Invest their lives and treasure (Time Equity Cost) are waiting to have an opportunity to help and shape the Game that has become their Community in a Galaxy they love...

Thank You for your time and consideration of this suggestion, it is a valuable opportunity for you to change the direction and future of SWTOR.

P.S. If you need a server to test out economic ideas and methods... it wouldn't be too difficult to create and run an ongoing test server for such things... instead of limiting a live server for an entire region...

P.S.S. If you need help collating and reviewing the data and results for an actual survey, let me know 🙂 

Edited by ElariaSing
Fix Typos
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1 hour ago, FrontLineFodder said:

I recently re-read details around previous server mergers, inventories would be combined into the new server.

That would be a great option for those players wanting to return home and keep all the event currency typically lost with a character transfer.

A server merge is not comparable to a transfer.

Inventories were combined because otherwise you would permanently LOSE all the currencies since the servers were deleted.  Nothing was gained or lost.

Legacy-bound currencies do not get duplicated during a transfer since it would end up doubling everything.  This is also why your legacy bank inventories do not come with your char when you transfer.

Char bound credits and items are different, since anything transferred to the new server is removed from the old server.

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1 hour ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

A server merge is not comparable to a transfer.

Inventories were combined because otherwise you would permanently LOSE all the currencies since the servers were deleted.  Nothing was gained or lost.

Legacy-bound currencies do not get duplicated during a transfer since it would end up doubling everything.  This is also why your legacy bank inventories do not come with your char when you transfer.

Char bound credits and items are different, since anything transferred to the new server is removed from the old server.

yeah I know that, I'm not that dense.

What I implied is for those players wanting to transfer EVERYTHING, allow them to migrate all their characters, legacies, currencies with the Shae Vizla instance.

this would allow them to truly return home, rather then leave behind traces.

if everything is migrated, there is nothing left behind to double up.

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Sorry but I'm going to have my say,

            Oceanic Players have had to move FAR more time than anyone else
• Game Launches - Create characters.
• Oceanic Launches - Create characters and move OG characters over when able.
• Oceanic Closes - Forced to move.

• More servers close - Forced to move again and again as more close.

APAC servers open and now I can play but if you limit me from bringing back ALL my stuff I will not, as I have been shoved around enough times and I WANT MY HOME BACK, if my oceanic home didn't close all my stuff would have been here, why should we have a limit.

I'm one of the MANY who played back on the OG Oceanic server, it's a make or break deal for many since it was never our choice to leave, you either let us have our hard earned stuff in-game, or you wont get our hard earnt cash out of game (form of subs/cartel ect.) but out of the ppl I know that want to come back (only when transfers are available), if you limit on who/what we can bring over you will loose many more of us.


YOU took us from our home and now you gave it back to us, but instead of a house and our furniture (our legacy/banks/materials/credits/reps all we have earnt), you want to give us an empty shack instead... and say well at least you have a roof. 

Sorry No...  This was NOT a fresh start server, if it was it should have been said as such, its a 12yr old game and this server should be treated like all others. We are NOT Guinea pigs for testing we are the group of ppl who have been mistreated by SWTOR more than anyone else.

EA - if you DO limit us, you let all APAC player know, we are tourists to our own servers, we don't have a home, you do not care for us. You will cater to those who have there own servers more than us, base your FACTS on those with APAC residences, not on those outside of those zone as its a tourist location for them, if/when they want to play seriously they wont stay APAC, so there say means naught.

And how will limiting us help.... it won't, it will just encourage more ppl to use real money to buy credits, not cartel coins that will support the development. It is a stupid line of reasoning....  economy, it will be the same as its always been, there is already ppl selling credits on APAC only those that would make a profit here would be supporting ppl NOT being able to have what they have already earnt.
Those that have played longer have more, suck it up.

I am not rich, I have enough to get by and enjoy the game, but let ppl have what they have earnt, we have paid our subs, unable to play competitively due to ping till now, so limited to keeping up with story and what not, we have suffered ENOUGH, let us have our server with our stuff back here.

Edited by Gabriaye
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On 12/25/2023 at 10:17 AM, FrontLineFodder said:

I would be very happy if I saw BS put together a formal SURVEY to players in the new year.

  1. Collate the feedback provided by players
  2. get viable options approved by those in charge, no point in surveying for a solution that is unrealistic or not achievable
  3. Get feedback on those options from the players
  4. link survey responses to SWTOR accounts, so you can get metadata on player characters, server population
  5. PUBLISH (anonymised) results


This has the chance of gathering the voices of the many without the few dominating the discussion


Questions like

How many characters would you transfer From Star Forge

  • 1-3
  • 4-7
  • 8-15
  • 16+

(repeated for all other servers)

would you transfer everything to the new server

  • is the player going to play solely on one server vs keep playing some content on the old server(s)

How many credits would you transfer

  • 1M to 100M
  • 1B to 4B
  • Over 4B

What Items would you transfer

  • Crafted
  • Cartel
  • Materials
  • Bound (Player / Legacy)

Would you want your legacy items transferred

(y/n for each item)

  • Bank Currencies
    • GS tokens, Event Tokens, CQ currencies
  • Bank Items
  • Achievements
  • Strongholds & Decorations
  • Datacrons
  • etc

Would you prefer to see transfers cost

(choose 1)

  • 1000cc
  • 100cc for 90 days
  • 1 free transfer per month for subscribers
    • (and) 1 transfer per month for FTP for 500cc (e.g. 50% discounted)

Use the opportunity to get additional feedback or ask unrelated questions like

  • Should learned schematics be legacy wide
  • Do you want to be able to collapse complete Armor sets
  • Do you want to see more items become stackable
  • Should Dyes be transferable like Crystals
  • Who do you love more, Jaesa or Vette


I would love to see Subscribers get 1 free transfer per month as a standard subscriber perk

I have guilds on almost all servers, I would keep some characters behind personally, but would transfer my maxed out crafters from SF to SV

I would transfer all my good gear, all my materials and any crafted items I could use

A formal survey to the player base would be the fairest way to handle this. 

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21 minutes ago, Gabriaye said:



Sorry but I'm going to have my say,

            Oceanic Players have had to move FAR more time than anyone else
• Game Launches - Create characters.
• Oceanic Launches - Create characters and move OG characters over when able.
• Oceanic Closes - Forced to move.

• More servers close - Forced to move.

APAC servers open and now I can play but if you limit me from bringing back ALL my stuff I will not, as I have been shoved around enough times and I WANT MY HOME BACK, if my oceanic home didn't close all my stuff would have been here, why should we have a limit.

I'm one of the MANY who played back on the OG Oceanic server, it's a make or break deal for many since it was never our choice to leave, you either let us have our hard earned stuff ingame, or you wont get our hard earnt cash out of game (form of subs ect.) but out of the ppl I know that want to come back (only when transfers are available), if you limit on who/what we can bring over you will loose many more of us.



So the fact that transferring billions of credits would severely disadvantage everyone on the server who dont have characters on other servers doesn't bother you? That would make it the most economically unbalanced server out of any of them.  I could sell a hyper crate on SF, transfer that character to SV, and boom, buy out the whole GTN and resist at prices only those who have transferred with credits can afford.


My original position was no transfers.  But after listening to the logic of posters like @TrixxieTriss amd others, i agree that transfers should be an option.  Items, legacies, armor transfers, etc. All good. 


but. There ABSOLUTELY must be a credit cap. And it should be account wide, not per toon. To preserve the economy. 

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1 hour ago, taxidermis said:

So the fact that transferring billions of credits would severely disadvantage everyone on the server who dont have characters on other servers doesn't bother you? That would make it the most economically unbalanced server out of any of them.  I could sell a hyper crate on SF, transfer that character to SV, and boom, buy out the whole GTN and resist at prices only those who have transferred with credits can afford.


My original position was no transfers.  But after listening to the logic of posters like @TrixxieTriss amd others, i agree that transfers should be an option.  Items, legacies, armor transfers, etc. All good. 


but. There ABSOLUTELY must be a credit cap. And it should be account wide, not per toon. To preserve the economy. 

How will a credit cap prevent the preservation of the economy of the server? Its not, people have earned there credits legitamly so they should allow to have all the credits, legacy and everything that people have earned on US servers over to this server. You put a credit limit cap on the server 2 things will happen: 1. People will stop playing, which means Broadsword and EA have wasted money on making the Oceanic server. 2. This will lead people on using real money on buying credtis and cartel credits, which will also means that EA and Broadsword will loose money again.

I guess you've not played a lot of MMORPGs because people have done the whole buy a whole buy stuff on one server and moved to another server and sell it there. That's been going on since the days of Ultima Online and Everquest, so that's nothing new. Oceanic SWTOR players have been worsed off because we've been playing on the US server with pings over 300+ and have worked very hard earning all of the in game items. So Oceanic SWTOR should be rewarded by being able to transfer everything they've earned from the US servers over to this server.


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12 hours ago, Gabriaye said:

 unable to play competitively due to ping till now,

Oh come off it that's a lie 

It might've made it harder for some things like APM for dps outputs, but in general APAC players have consistently performed at the top level of raiding and pvp since being moved to harbinger and even since the United Forces update. 

There are many reasons to be frustrated with the ping and being moved so much, my main has been around since Gav Daragon, but saying you were UNABLE to be competitive because of ping is incorrect.



Reiterating my stance that I'd prefer transfers be held off until they experiment more with the economic settings of SV, but am fine with them with constraints, namely item stacks and credit caps

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On 12/25/2023 at 9:37 PM, FrontLineFodder said:

yeah I know that, I'm not that dense.

What I implied is for those players wanting to transfer EVERYTHING, allow them to migrate all their characters, legacies, currencies with the Shae Vizla instance.

this would allow them to truly return home, rather then leave behind traces.

if everything is migrated, there is nothing left behind to double up.

The home they had no longer exists.  It’s a completely new place/server. Allowing APAC players to take everything over without giving non regional player the same option would be bias and unfair, especially since non regional activity, dare I say, played a significant part in generating the numbers that justify an open server.

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11 hours ago, Cerezaredrose said:

How will a credit cap prevent the preservation of the economy of the server? Its not, people have earned there credits legitamly

On a different servers, Not on SV. If BS made it so only the items/credit that were merge over went back that would be less damaging/unfair. Though I would still argue it’s better to limit credit.

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1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

Allowing APAC players to take everything over without giving non regional player the same option would be bias and unfair,

You mean like forcing us to move to a different region unfair? 
Or maybe giving us back our regional server and changing the rules for just us and transfers unfair? 
Or forcing different rules to suit population that not even in our region unfair?

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1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

You mean like forcing us to move to a different region unfair? 

This is subjective. Was it painful for APAC players sure. was it unjustified/justified hard to say, and I don't have enough information to state your wrong or bioware was wrong. 

1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

Or maybe giving us back our regional server and changing the rules for just us and transfers unfair? 

BS did not give you back your regional server they created a new one. if it was the original server it would have been identical to the server that was merged upon opening. Same toons, economy, items etc. Creating new rules for a new server isn't unfair. 

1 hour ago, Nommaz said:

Or forcing different rules to suit population that not even in our region unfair?

This is also subjective. If BS prohibited anyone but APAC players from playing on SV would the APAC players hit the metrics required to justify keeping the server open? if the answer is yes then sure it's unfair to have the non APAC players determining the complete identity of the server in that region. if the answer is no APAC once again has no server.  again i don't have the data to say either way


I don't think BS ever intended for APAC players to move everything they had over to SV. I'm not opposed to them allowing y'all  that option, but only if it's also an option for other players. APAC player probably weren't the only ones using the old servers when they got merged, and the economic advantage those who continued to play even after the merger would be too extreme. 

Edited by AFadedMemory
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1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

This is subjective. Was it painful for APAC players sure. was it unjustified/justified hard to say, and I don't have enough information to state your wrong or bioware was wrong. 

BS did not give you back your regional server they created a new one. if it was the original server it would have been identical to the server that was merged upon opening. Same toons, economy, items etc. Creating new rules for a new server isn't unfair. 

This is also subjective. If BS prohibited anyone but APAC players from playing on SV would the APAC players hit the metrics required to justify keeping the server open? if the answer is yes then sure it's unfair to have the non APAC players determining the complete identity of the server in that region. if the answer is no APAC once again has no server.  again i don't have the data to say either way


I don't think BS ever intended for APAC players to move everything they had over to SV. I'm not opposed to them allowing y'all  that option, but only if it's also an option for other players. APAC player probably weren't the only ones using the old servers when they got merged, and the economic advantage those who continued to play even after the merger would be too extreme. 

Oh so only unfair to everyone else, gottcha.


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59 minutes ago, Nommaz said:

Oh so only unfair to everyone else, gottcha.


It would be yeah.

I'm not saying APAC players do not have a reason to be upset, but I am saying the suggested compensation for the displacement (let only APAC players have all their stuff on the new server) is unrealistic and potentially game population damaging, especially with the way BS launched the new server. 

BS definitely miscalculated when they opened the new server. They should have chosen to prioritized a single objective. study the economy of a fresh start server or please the APAC zone. Instead they thought they could do both. 

I still think the server is a golden opportunity BS just needs to appease as many people as possible. I think 1 free transfer, limiting the credits allowed over, and prohibiting stacked items from transferring would tie things up nicely.

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18 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

I still think the server is a golden opportunity BS just needs to appease as many people as possible. I think 1 free transfer, limiting the credits allowed over, and prohibiting stacked items from transferring would tie things up nicely.

Why is that non APAC players are trying to dictate what the developers should do for the APAC server & APAC players when they don’t even live in the region. 
You guys have 5 other servers in the Northern hemisphere that are close to your region. Why can’t you play there and let the developers setup the APAC server for APAC located players. Why do you have to always have everything your way & we have to kowtow to your wishes?

This server was setup for APAC players & they should be the priority, not people playing from the EU or NA. The devs are going to lose the rest of the APAC community if this continues.

But maybe that’s what a handful of you all want. Then you can petition them for a fresh server in the EU or NA & APAC players can just leave the game for good. Because that’s honestly how you come across. That we should be lucky to get your crumbs. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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1 hour ago, AFadedMemory said:

It would be yeah.

I'm not saying APAC players do not have a reason to be upset, but I am saying the suggested compensation for the displacement (let only APAC players have all their stuff on the new server) is unrealistic and potentially game population damaging, especially with the way BS launched the new server. 

BS definitely miscalculated when they opened the new server. They should have chosen to prioritized a single objective. study the economy of a fresh start server or please the APAC zone. Instead they thought they could do both. 

I still think the server is a golden opportunity BS just needs to appease as many people as possible. I think 1 free transfer, limiting the credits allowed over, and prohibiting stacked items from transferring would tie things up nicely.

Going to be honest here. Why? The APAC players have been moved away from the regional server they were on years ago. Coming from a non APAC player they should be able to move whatever they want within the normal character transfer rules. They've earned all of the stacks of items, Cartel market item's, gear, credits etc fairly just like any other player. 

They were forced to move, meaning not by choice. The economy should not make any factor in the decisions broadsword has to make. The only question that should matter is does Broadsword give Free character transfers to those that want to move to SV (whether APAC players only, or anyone), or do they reduce the cost of server Transfers for a limited time.


The non APAC players on SV should not be the main concern for that server, so those there for the fresh economy shouldn't be the main focus. The server's focus should ONLY be for getting the APAC players over to that server, and hopefully to get new players from that region playing the game.


A fresh start economy server should never have been what Shae Vizla server was about. It should have only been about growing the playerbase in that region.

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2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

You guys have 5 other servers in the Northern hemisphere that are close to your region. Why can’t you play there and let the developers setup the APAC server for APAC located players. Why do you have to always have everything your way & we have to kowtow to your wishes?

And when the economy on SV goes belly up, which it will if BS follows what a lot of players are suggesting (unlimited transfers), who is to blame. I guarantee, that the APAC players will find some way to blame Broadsword for the broken economy that develops. What about the new APAC players that don't have billions to transfer, should they be at a disadvantage?

The solution is simple. Allow transfers with credit caps and stacked item limits. That more or less keeps the economy in tact and lets the APAC players transfer over what they need.

The last thing anyone wants is another broken server like the other 5.

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10 hours ago, AFadedMemory said:

On a different servers, Not on SV. If BS made it so only the items/credit that were merge over went back that would be less damaging/unfair. Though I would still argue it’s better to limit credit.

Its still not going to make any frigging difference. It will still lead to people using real money to buy credits and cartel coins and EA and BS will not get any of the money.

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1 hour ago, DWho said:

And when the economy on SV goes belly up, which it will if BS follows what a lot of players are suggesting (unlimited transfers), who is to blame. I guarantee, that the APAC players will find some way to blame Broadsword for the broken economy that develops. What about the new APAC players that don't have billions to transfer, should they be at a disadvantage?

The solution is simple. Allow transfers with credit caps and stacked item limits. That more or less keeps the economy in tact and lets the APAC players transfer over what they need.

The last thing anyone wants is another broken server like the other 5.

You sir need to stop and smell the roses. The economy SV is going to go belly up regardless, as soon as transfers are offcially unlocked you're going to have RMT people are going spam there advertisments on the fleet and people will start using real money to buy credits. The reason why people are going to buy credits because of the transfer credit cap if there is going to be one. I've seen this happen multiple times in a lot of MMORPGs, so the economy is going to be crap regardless and there is nothing no one can do about it not EA or BS.

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