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i find it almost funny, they are going out of their way to treat us differently from them..... if you think of it as black and white, i wonder how it would go down. they think they know best for us, we just want to be treated the same as the rest.

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@KeithKanneg The longer this goes on without an actual date of transfer and without the removal of the credit embargo to SV the more abandoned SV is getting.  There is still no response on why SV needs a credit embargo but the other servers do not.  At some future point when transfers are back at full price will that embargo to SV be removed?


You gained a lot of good will by opening an APAC server and you have proceeded to flush that good will completely away.  We the APAC players want to play with the low ping that everyone else has access to with the stuff we have accumulated over the past 12 years playing the game which everyone else but APAC players seems to have ongoing access to.  As it is, we will loose our flagships and all those decorations.  There's 15 million gone just to setup a basic guild bank, flagship and decorations to make it functional.


I had a whole bunch of friends who were interested in coming back to the game once transfers were enabled.  They have watched this unfold and gone "why would we bother?"

Edited by DarthAdder
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On 2/24/2024 at 4:23 AM, TrixxieTriss said:

@KeithKanneg @EricMusco @JackieKo

Im noticing more & more APAC players unsubbing this weekend & posting the images on social media.

This is happening because of the extended delay to transfers & because you’ve decided to stop communicating again. Which is causing a lot of anxiety & anger in the APAC community. 

The consensus is you’ve stopped reading or listening to our feedback again. There are still a lot of concerns that more needs to be addressed to make the server work.

The fear & anxiety in the community is real. The fear is you will close the server down after we transfer if there aren’t enough people. And we’ll all be forced to merge again with the US. That anxiety could lead to a self fulfilling situation because players won’t transfer because of this worry. Making it come true by default.

Wether that’s true or not isn’t the issue right now. You guys need to manage the community’s fear & anxiety of this with more communication & some assurances or the server WILL fail because this fear has been festering since December/January.

APAC players want the Server to be successful. They want the low ping & better performance. But they also want to be treated with some respect & they feel that’s not happening at the moment. Basically, they feel you aren’t listening or managing the communities expectations. If you genuinely want this project to succeed, you need to do more to reassure the APAC player base.

This delayed transfer situation is becoming untenable. The server is a grave yard at the moment. Myself & many of the community who believed in limiting credit transfers at the start, can admit that was a mistake. Now you guys need to admit it too & walk back on that idea of fresh start server or the server will never recover enough to be financially viable or playable for group content. 

It’s apparent the majority of the “new start” players from other regions have already abandoned the server. That experiment is over now that the server is more than 3 months old. It’s time to admit that NA & EU players would prefer to play in their own regions because the ping is better.

If you want the APAC server to work & have a thriving APAC community, now is the time to act. Waiting till the next patch launch sometime in March to communicate or fix this will be too long. Each day we lose more APAC players from the entire game, not just the SV server. The longer this takes the more will leave.

1. Forget about limiting credits & open up transfers next week.

2. Any current APAC subscribers when transfers open, regardless of when they subscribed, should be eligible for the 16 free transfers.

3. Give extra free transfers to any APAC player, regardless of being a subscriber or not, that has PAID to open up extra server slots. Each paid slot should = 1 extra free transfer. So if you’ve paid to open 20, you get 20 extra free transfers. 

4. Give 1-4 free transfers to Preferred / Free to Play APAC located players that have had an account since before the APAC server opened last November. 

I really hope you guys are listening so we can fix this together. Please start communicating. 


@KeithKanneg you guys need to listen to what TrixxieTriss is saying here. 

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17 hours ago, Gabriaye said:

even ppl comment here less and less

I hardly post anything on the forums anymore. But I think it’s important that I post now to show support for the APAC community. Broadsword need to start listening to what the community is telling them. Get rid of the credit restrictions & open free transfers for all of APAC this week.

Edited by Totemdancer
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On 2/24/2024 at 1:23 AM, TrixxieTriss said:

@KeithKanneg @EricMusco @JackieKo

Im noticing more & more APAC players unsubbing this weekend & posting the images on social media.

This is happening because of the extended delay to transfers & because you’ve decided to stop communicating again. Which is causing a lot of anxiety & anger in the APAC community. 

The consensus is you’ve stopped reading or listening to our feedback again. There are still a lot of concerns that more needs to be addressed to make the server work.

The fear & anxiety in the community is real. The fear is you will close the server down after we transfer if there aren’t enough people. And we’ll all be forced to merge again with the US. That anxiety could lead to a self fulfilling situation because players won’t transfer because of this worry. Making it come true by default.

Wether that’s true or not isn’t the issue right now. You guys need to manage the community’s fear & anxiety of this with more communication & some assurances or the server WILL fail because this fear has been festering since December/January.

APAC players want the Server to be successful. They want the low ping & better performance. But they also want to be treated with some respect & they feel that’s not happening at the moment. Basically, they feel you aren’t listening or managing the communities expectations. If you genuinely want this project to succeed, you need to do more to reassure the APAC player base.

This delayed transfer situation is becoming untenable. The server is a grave yard at the moment. Myself & many of the community who believed in limiting credit transfers at the start, can admit that was a mistake. Now you guys need to admit it too & walk back on that idea of fresh start server or the server will never recover enough to be financially viable or playable for group content. 

It’s apparent the majority of the “new start” players from other regions have already abandoned the server. That experiment is over now that the server is more than 3 months old. It’s time to admit that NA & EU players would prefer to play in their own regions because the ping is better.

If you want the APAC server to work & have a thriving APAC community, now is the time to act. Waiting till the next patch launch sometime in March to communicate or fix this will be too long. Each day we lose more APAC players from the entire game, not just the SV server. The longer this takes the more will leave.

1. Forget about limiting credits & open up transfers next week.

2. Any current APAC subscribers when transfers open, regardless of when they subscribed, should be eligible for the 16 free transfers.

3. Give extra free transfers to any APAC player, regardless of being a subscriber or not, that has PAID to open up extra server slots. Each paid slot should = 1 extra free transfer. So if you’ve paid to open 20, you get 20 extra free transfers. 

4. Give 1-4 free transfers to Preferred / Free to Play APAC located players that have had an account since before the APAC server opened last November. 

I really hope you guys are listening so we can fix this together. Please start communicating. 


I have nothing else to say regarding this topic (because I'm just tired with this situation), but Trixxie said it the best here, and am just bumping this.

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On 2/24/2024 at 1:23 AM, TrixxieTriss said:

@KeithKanneg @EricMusco @JackieKo

Im noticing more & more APAC players unsubbing this weekend & posting the images on social media.

This is happening because of the extended delay to transfers & because you’ve decided to stop communicating again. Which is causing a lot of anxiety & anger in the APAC community. 

The consensus is you’ve stopped reading or listening to our feedback again. There are still a lot of concerns that more needs to be addressed to make the server work.

The fear & anxiety in the community is real. The fear is you will close the server down after we transfer if there aren’t enough people. And we’ll all be forced to merge again with the US. That anxiety could lead to a self fulfilling situation because players won’t transfer because of this worry. Making it come true by default.

Wether that’s true or not isn’t the issue right now. You guys need to manage the community’s fear & anxiety of this with more communication & some assurances or the server WILL fail because this fear has been festering since December/January.

APAC players want the Server to be successful. They want the low ping & better performance. But they also want to be treated with some respect & they feel that’s not happening at the moment. Basically, they feel you aren’t listening or managing the communities expectations. If you genuinely want this project to succeed, you need to do more to reassure the APAC player base.

This delayed transfer situation is becoming untenable. The server is a grave yard at the moment. Myself & many of the community who believed in limiting credit transfers at the start, can admit that was a mistake. Now you guys need to admit it too & walk back on that idea of fresh start server or the server will never recover enough to be financially viable or playable for group content. 

It’s apparent the majority of the “new start” players from other regions have already abandoned the server. That experiment is over now that the server is more than 3 months old. It’s time to admit that NA & EU players would prefer to play in their own regions because the ping is better.

If you want the APAC server to work & have a thriving APAC community, now is the time to act. Waiting till the next patch launch sometime in March to communicate or fix this will be too long. Each day we lose more APAC players from the entire game, not just the SV server. The longer this takes the more will leave.

1. Forget about limiting credits & open up transfers next week.

2. Any current APAC subscribers when transfers open, regardless of when they subscribed, should be eligible for the 16 free transfers.

3. Give extra free transfers to any APAC player, regardless of being a subscriber or not, that has PAID to open up extra server slots. Each paid slot should = 1 extra free transfer. So if you’ve paid to open 20, you get 20 extra free transfers. 

4. Give 1-4 free transfers to Preferred / Free to Play APAC located players that have had an account since before the APAC server opened last November. 

I really hope you guys are listening so we can fix this together. Please start communicating. 


This 100% assuming it's not too late.
The speed this thread is slowing too is not an indication people are happy! it's an indication they are giving up and leaving. 

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On 2/24/2024 at 9:18 AM, JohnnyGatt said:

Even limiting actual players from communicating on their official forms is ludicrous..

Agreed. Of course, in this specific case, if APAC prefs and f2ps could post here, while I'm sure they'd love to transfer characters + legacies, and they'd appreciate some free transfers, I suspect quite a few of them would like SV to stay low-inflation, so things on the GTN stayed more affordable for them. If we count them as part of the APAC community (we should), their views on proposals like 'unrestricted credit transfers from all regions' should be taken into account.


On 2/24/2024 at 4:23 AM, TrixxieTriss said:

This delayed transfer situation is becoming untenable. The server is a grave yard at the moment. Myself & many of the community who believed in limiting credit transfers at the start, can admit that was a mistake.

SV's population wasn't caused by transfers with credit restrictions, since they never happened. What we have on SV is the result of over 100 days of no transfers of any sort, plus a month of no galactic or PvP season.

(I wonder if there'll be any uptick in SV PvP with the PvP season starting tomorrow. Is the PvP season, in and of itself, sufficient to promote more PvP matches? How many people will only do it if there's also a galactic season PvP objective that week?)

On 2/25/2024 at 2:33 PM, TrixxieTriss said:

The best thing BS can do right now is open up the transfers next week. Which means zero credit limits because the patch isn’t ready yet. 

At the same time, they need to get rid of the prerequisite time requirement to be a subscriber. And allow Free Transfers for any APAC players who are subscribed at the time the transfers open. 

Some sort of patch-free enabling of standard, unrestricted transfers to SV would also mean no free transfers, and no discount transfers - I assume the patch includes qualification rules for those, along with a "transfers only valid to SV" restriction. Any bonuses specifically for APAC-located players, which we both agree should appear in some form, would also be out.


The main concern that really unites the APAC community (subs, prefs, and f2ps) is the delay in transfers. I assume DWho was talking on similar lines when they said:

On 2/25/2024 at 1:43 PM, DWho said:

The transfers just need to happen. The credits issue is secondary. With active transfers people would be playing instead of worrying about their credits.

I don't believe they were arguing "BS need to forget about the credit limits", as you implied. (Happy to be proven wrong.)

As stated, it's been over 100 days. Based on the old "no transfers for 90 days" rule, we could have expected something by now - either live transfers, or a firm date when transfers would be available. I absolutely agree we could use more communication on that point, and the sooner the transfer package is rolled out, the better. But "date of transfers" and "credit limit of transfers" are two distinct issues.

(Just to be clear, I'm in favour of bringing the transfer package forward as much as possible, plus adding some other ways for APAC-located players to get transfers, but against increasing the amount of credits transferred per character.)

Edited by Duck_Cider
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1 hour ago, Duck_Cider said:

The main concern that really unites the APAC community (subs, prefs, and f2ps) is the delay in transfers. I assume DWho was talking on similar lines when they said:

Correct. Opening transfers will result in a flood on old players back onto the server since they are more interested in having their legacies than their credits. Most old APAC players are not going to have more than a few hundred million credits anyway since they quit playing back when 100 million was a lot of credits.

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7 hours ago, Duck_Cider said:

Agreed. Of course, in this specific case, if APAC prefs and f2ps could post here, while I'm sure they'd love to transfer characters + legacies, and they'd appreciate some free transfers, I suspect quite a few of them would like SV to stay low-inflation, so things on the GTN stayed more affordable for them. If we count them as part of the APAC community (we should), their views on proposals like 'unrestricted credit transfers from all regions' should be taken into account.

I agree that's why I have not spoken against credit restrictions. It's simply the lack of communication, the lack of the entire community to be able to communicate back with us here not just to the devs but the other players, The lack of consideration of what the actual APAC community wants. Listening to them in interviews, it sounds like they're only interested in protecting their own personal fresh start experience. There has been zero policy recommended to help the APAC to come back to SWTOR. No Free transfers to returning players, No promotions, and weeks of Silence after mentioning there are going to be transfers. If I hadn't stumbled across the email and read the entire thing mentioned briefly an APAC server I would have not known about it I not only played I did the original launch promotion in Australia at Star Wars Convention in Melbourne and gave away copies of SWTOR on behalf Bioware and I ran a fan site for 5 years.  My subscription stopped in 2018 after not playing for years due to lag and started again in January. I'm a subscriber and all three of my adult children are currently playing free-to-play.  

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5 hours ago, DWho said:

Correct. Opening transfers will result in a flood on old players back onto the server since they are more interested in having their legacies than their credits. Most old APAC players are not going to have more than a few hundred million credits anyway since they quit playing back when 100 million was a lot of credits.

I only just got the hundred million achievements in game this month. When I resubscribed in January I had 8 million. When I stopped playing in 2018 I used most of my 70-odd million to pay for unlocks on my daughter's account And also used most of my cartel coins that I had accumulated to allow her to play free with the characters and toolbars she needed for a fun experience. I've accumulated over 200mil in the last month waiting for transfers. After the initial announcement, I ensured I had two million for each of my characters. Then when they changed it to 15m I found it ridiculously easy to make the extra credits so I put 15 million on each of my characters.      

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9 hours ago, Nommaz said:

Got to love being ignored, right? 

I Personally feel they were expecting the anchoring to work ( The 2 million credit restriction was the anchor 15 million was the actual intention that they wanted us to be happy about ) they realised that we didn't appreciate all the restrictions and delays and lack of communication they don't know how to reply to the native feedback because they don't want to change what they've already put forth because they know what's best for Australian gamers who love this game... they're going to stay silent and hope it all goes away...

When the server fails they will blame "the lack of interest in the game", "the lack of community of players in Australia" and various other things That are far from the truth anything apart from their actions during the launch of this server...

When reporting back to Activision and Lucasfilm Broadsword definitely will not blame the community of APAC players for being upset at Jackie | Community Manager and Keith Kanneg | Project / Game Director for the disrespect shown to us and the general handling of the launch of this server.  

Again this is just how I personally feel as a gamer in Australia who has spent thousands of hours and dollars playing this game over the last 13 years And just wants to have a lag-free experience end game.

I hope I'm wrong about this entire post. 



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On 2/29/2024 at 12:47 PM, JohnnyGatt said:

I Personally feel they were expecting the anchoring to work ( The 2 million credit restriction was the anchor 15 million was the actual intention that they wanted us to be happy about ) they realized that we didn't appreciate all the restrictions, delays, and lack of communication.  They don't know how to reply to the native feedback because they don't want to change what they've already put forth, because they know what's best for Australian gamers who love this game... they're going to stay silent and hope it all goes away...


Again this is just how I personally feel as a gamer in Australia who has spent thousands of hours and dollars playing this game over the last 13 years And just wants to have a lag-free experience end game.

I hope I'm wrong about this entire post. 

Yes, if they wanted to encourage Paid Transfer's, should have been 20 Million to 25 Million per Character!

I'm also surprised they didn't give F2P at least 1 Complimentary Transfer or Preferred 2 Complimentary Transfers; as that's the least they could do for everyone!  Especially given you need to Transfer at least 8 to fully transfer an entire Legacy over... 

They should have also given till Jan 25th, 2024 given the first announcement of 90 Days concurrent Subscription was only announced on Jan 19th, 2024; that for the free 16 Transfer's for Subscribers. 


They should have announced at Launch any cut off for Free Transfer's, you must subscribe by a date several weeks in advance!  They never did, and when they later revised the Jan 2nd, 2024 date for Subscriptions on Feb 14th, 2024 that was also retroactive; as they only announced the 90 day subscription requirement Jan 19, 2024.  It's why I said what I did above!

*two thumbs down* 

People should politely write their concerns (one time) to:

  -- Don't SPAM them every day, otherwise your not helping your case!


As shown here: Broadsword Online Games

*sigh*  :( 

Edited by Strathkin
Had to delete, cause on edit can't change color.
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They really messed this server up... all they had to do was release transfers for APAC players, not mess us around for months.. If they wanted a clean slate server they should have just made a new NA server or EU.. not screwed over all the APAC players again..

Talk about not knowing how to run a business.

Edited by DanteYoda
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On 3/1/2024 at 4:35 PM, DanteYoda said:

They really messed this server up... all they had to do was release transfers for APAC players, not mess us around for months.. If they wanted a clean slate server they should have just made a new NA server or EU.. not screwed over all the APAC players again..

Yea, despite the claims that Fresh Start / Clean Slate Server's by (some) are a Great idea, I'd likely pass on them.  I'd bet it be a small % of players who'd want to start Guilds all over again, or start from scratch earning all progress completely over...   ...I'd likely go try something else. 


All they need to do is FIX a few minor issues with an apology as described above, and a commitment to better communication in advance; and reasonable time frame of 1-2 weeks after an announcement so people realize.  😘

If # of Subscriber's are the problem, they should slightly "incentivize" those benefit's: 

  • 1 Month Subscriptions just add 75 Cartel Coins from 500 to 575 + 100 CC Security Key benefit.
  • 3 Month Subscriptions just add 75 Cartel Coins from 550 to 625 + 100 CC Security Key benefit.
  • 6 Month Subscriptions just add 75 Cartel Coins from 600 to 675 + 100 CC Security Key benefit.
  • Then note, the added Cartel Coins Subscriber's gain during Galactic Seasons!
  • Elder Scrolls Online offers 1650 Crowns each month for 14.99 USD, not 500.


Edited by Strathkin
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Fast seeing what makes sense and what they SHOULD do is not what they are doing, or even giving the appearance of doing. 
I wouldn't be surprised if they sat back scratching their heads saying what happened?
Despite being told MONTHS in advance by trixie among others exactly this would happen if they continued this way.

With the excellent ideas and compromises in this thread they could have resurrected it, now it's more a cut your nose off to spite your face situation. 

Gaming companies are one of the most stubborn when it comes to customer service and communication with players and show a "we know better than you what you want" attitude, but worse is sticking to it despite it being unpopular. It wouldn't fly in most any other industry. 

Sadly, I believe inaction and poor decisions may have done irreparable damage to SV, the number of people coming to chat here is not an indication they are happy, but that they have given up, lets ALL remember that.
I haven't logged in since cancelling my last sub, I subbed for 90 days with the server announcements, but cancelled again due to the shocking customer service and the handling of our region, and its players.


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Because transfers still haven’t been activated yet, it’s literally impossible for any players below lvl 80 to participate in the new PvP season that started this week. That means any new players or people who don’t play 40 hours of swtor a week are missing out.

I’ve literally been in the lowbie PvP queue now for 3 hours & not had one pop. This was not an issue in December when I believe transfers should have happened. 

So even if an APAC pvper wants to participate in the latest PvP season, they can’t on SV & are forced to go play on a NA or EU server with 200-500ms ping. I’d rather not play the game than PvP with massive ping because the spikes are much worse since they went to AWS servers. 

BS, you are literally turning away customers ready to give you their money. How is this a smart business decision?

Im utterly disappointed that you haven’t even come back to this thread to update the community with a definite time frame & to say you are still reading the community feedback. It’s nearly like you don’t want us to play the game anymore 😞

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15 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Because transfers still haven’t been activated yet, it’s literally impossible for any players below lvl 80 to participate in the new PvP season that started this week. That means any new players or people who don’t play 40 hours of swtor a week are missing out.

I’ve literally been in the lowbie PvP queue now for 3 hours & not had one pop. This was not an issue in December when I believe transfers should have happened. 

So even if an APAC pvper wants to participate in the latest PvP season, they can’t on SV & are forced to go play on a NA or EU server with 200-500ms ping. I’d rather not play the game than PvP with massive ping because the spikes are much worse since they went to AWS servers. 

BS, you are literally turning away customers ready to give you their money. How is this a smart business decision?

Im utterly disappointed that you haven’t even come back to this thread to update the community with a definite time frame & to say you are still reading the community feedback. It’s nearly like you don’t want us to play the game anymore 😞

this is why I never bothered doing more on that server than reaching Fleet to check the GTN and make population counts.

I was pretty sure this would be a dead server without free transfers. Every one of the aussie people i knew said they would play around but never abandon their 10 years of progress on other servers.

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On 2/25/2024 at 10:33 AM, TrixxieTriss said:

Exactly this 👆

But BS also needs to recognise the subscribing APAC players right to free transfers who came back to the game after January 2nd 2024.

This is something the whole of the APAC community is talking about in the game & on other social media & is very pissed off about. There are even some subscribers who are posting pictures of them unsubbing, not because of the credit situation, but in solidarity of APAC players who are being denied free transfers. I’ve tried to suggest that’s detrimental to them & the community, but its gone further than I can possibly influence. Only BS can fix this with the community.

And yes, youre right, at this point, BS need to forget about the credit limits & the economy & concentrate on getting as many APAC players back onto SV as quickly as possible. 

The best thing BS can do right now is open up the transfers next week. Which means zero credit limits because the patch isn’t ready yet. 

At the same time, they need to get rid of the prerequisite time requirement to be a subscriber. And allow Free Transfers for any APAC players who are subscribed at the time the transfers open. 

This sounds spot on!  JUST GET IT DONE! The crap that was introduced tom try and manage the economy (like the ridiculous 28 day GuildBank Lockout) made absolutely no sense to us long term FOUNDING players.  If there was abetter game for me to go to I would have unsubbed weeks ago.  We had to put up with so many stupid changes already - just get the job done and then fix some of the real long-standing issues like the badly mismatched mission rewards (Most mission rewards are so out of sync with the lvl progression its almost a waste of time to claim them)

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On 2/21/2024 at 7:13 AM, TrixxieTriss said:

I’d rather have high GTN prices than having to go back to 200+ms ping in PvP because the server fails. 

If we are forced back to the US server we get both - high pings and crazy prices ( prices which could be fixed to some degree if they synced the rest of the game [rewards etcetera] to the GTN)

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54 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Because transfers still haven’t been activated yet, it’s literally impossible for any players below lvl 80 to participate in the new PvP season that started this week. That means any new players or people who don’t play 40 hours of swtor a week are missing out.

I’ve literally been in the lowbie PvP queue now for 3 hours & not had one pop. This was not an issue in December when I believe transfers should have happened. 

So even if an APAC pvper wants to participate in the latest PvP season, they can’t on SV & are forced to go play on a NA or EU server with 200-500ms ping. I’d rather not play the game than PvP with massive ping because the spikes are much worse since they went to AWS servers. 

BS, you are literally turning away customers ready to give you their money. How is this a smart business decision?

Im utterly disappointed that you haven’t even come back to this thread to update the community with a definite time frame & to say you are still reading the community feedback. It’s nearly like you don’t want us to play the game anymore 😞

They want us to play on the US and EU servers so, THEY help their favorite players with getting queue pops in the non prime times on those servers, they don't give a donkey about us.

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1 hour ago, Gabriaye said:

They want us to play on the US and EU servers so, THEY help their favorite players with getting queue pops in the non prime times on those servers, they don't give a donkey about us.

if that's the case than why did they open a apac server in the first place   

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