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344 gear... why?


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26 minutes ago, xxSHOONYxx said:



You're not trying to help.  My team has beaten HM Revan, up until HM Apex, HM Ravagers.  Yet, can't beat STORY mode?  There is something wrong with that. 

I gave two perfectly good, small tweaks they could make.... still wouldn't be a faceroll.  Heck, even the ball droid at the start of the Op isn't all that faceroll.  Watchdog takes coordination.  I'm talking ONE fight ... and STORY mode.

I know I will never change your mind because you just wanna tell me we don't know how to play (your "help").


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16 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

You're not trying to help.  My team has beaten HM Revan, up until HM Apex, HM Ravagers.  Yet, can't beat STORY mode?  There is something wrong with that. 

I gave two perfectly good, small tweaks they could make.... still wouldn't be a faceroll.  Heck, even the ball droid at the start of the Op isn't all that faceroll.  Watchdog takes coordination.  I'm talking ONE fight ... and STORY mode.

I know I will never change your mind because you just wanna tell me we don't know how to play (your "help").


This is really hard to believe especially when revan core and master blaster requieres way more personal responsibilities than dom sm.
Dom is not a hard fight, especially in sm. If your team really did hm ops there is no reason for you not to kill dom. The only three reasons i could think is
A: you are lying
B: no one on your team took even the slightest time to look at a guide or watch a video of how it is to know the fight
C you tried it once and until a nerf not trying it again.

Oh i did several times to others, and was met with similar replies to yours. Because when you point out something to someone they are doing wrong they don't like it and take it as a personal attack.

So it's pretty easy, tell me what is killing your team, how is killing them and what team comp you are using

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So, now, I am a liar?

It is an attack.  You are telling me we don't know how to play.  Sure it takes some coordination.  But again... it's STORY mode.  Why does it require as much coordination as a HM op?

Ok... let's ignore the Knockback Blast.  Let's chat about the stunner adds?  You know... the ones that stun people on the bottom floor of the room if you are not 100% perfect on the knockback blast every time?  Or... Why are there even KBs during the burn phase? 

When has a STORY mode operation had the team have to deal with three mechanics at once?  The purple on the tank... the KBs and the dropping of the red circle onto the bottom floor.  Where you have to be practically 100% perfect doing it right?

What is killing us?

1.  We are never 100% perfect on the KBs... so it that it?  You have to be 100% perfect on a STORY mode op?
2.  The bug that puts you blow the floor kills us a lot too.
3.  We have tried many different comps.  Too many to list. 

How can you help?


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13 minutes ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

Oh i did several times to others, and was met with similar replies to yours. Because when you point out something to someone they are doing wrong they don't like it and take it as a personal attack.

Maybe you are the 1% of the 1% that CAN do this story mode op?  I can't wait to hear your suggestions.

How else are people supposed to take the whole... 'Oh it's not that hard.  You're not doing it right"?  Especially on a STORY mode op.

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Just now, LJ_Gibbs said:

Maybe you are the 1% of the 1% that CAN do this story mode op?  I can't wait to hear your suggestions.

How else are people supposed to take the whole... 'Oh it's not that hard.  You're not doing it right"?  Especially on a STORY mode op.

I got True Anomaly first week.

5 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

So, now, I am a liar?

It definitely seems like if you say your team killed revan and m&b hm but is taking you a year to kill sm dom.

7 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

the ones that stun people on the bottom floor of the room if you are not 100% perfect on the knockback blast every time?

So people get knocked down with recursive blast and then the stun adds go down and stun them below? Is that what happens?
Not that i ever see that happening, but there are several places people with jumps/teleports can go from below to the boss.
A PT tanks can also grapple someone that is knocked down to be up top in a second. 

15 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

1.  We are never 100% perfect on the KBs... so it that it?  You have to be 100% perfect on a STORY mode op?

Knockbacks are not hard, on that video of biggs it explains a way of doing it easily. You can even have your raid leader/tank call the order to help with it. Even if some people mess up with it there are several ways to cheese it with pts/juggernauts/marauders/snipers/mercs that make it way more forgiving. 
If stun adds give issues on knockbacks depending on your setup what you can do.
If you have a juggernaut just watch how he slam spams his heart out while laughing, other people can interrupt/stun/stun grenade them when they are casting the slow/stun. If you have no cleave dps which is a bad call, just burst them out.

25 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

2.  The bug that puts you blow the floor kills us a lot too.

This bug happens when you are already falling (outside of platforms) and something pushes you. Hard to see this bug happening on recursive blast unless done on purpose, since that bug took months to figure out could be used to exploit to kill dom until it was fixed.

29 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

3.  We have tried many different comps.  Too many to list. 

You need to tell me a comp or what your dps/heals/tanks use if you want class specific tips.
As a rule of thumb the only thing for anyone having issues with dom is to always bring a vengeance with cut to pieces

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1 hour ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

That was a different time.  They made the game faceroll.... you can't just walk that back.

They kind of did walk that back. Gods was not faceroll when it came out, either was Dxun or R-4. When the next Operation comes out (if they ever make one) they'll probably nerf R-4 at that point. 


It's only the older Operations that have become faceroll in story mode.

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5 minutes ago, Toraak said:

They kind of did walk that back. Gods was not faceroll when it came out, either was Dxun or R-4. When the next Operation comes out (if they ever make one) they'll probably nerf R-4 at that point. 


It's only the older Operations that have become faceroll in story mode.

Not asking for a faceroll.  Casual HM teams shouldn't have to progress on a story mode op after 460 days


Also... we are never getting another new op.

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43 minutes ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

They are NEVER going to make another new operation.

Nobody has proof of this. Just like nobody has proof they will make a new Operation.


This is just your own opinion and speculation. The truth is. We simply don't know.

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8 hours ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

Thanks for mansplaining everyone.

Thanks, I was glad I could help.

8 hours ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

It shouldn't REQUIRE voice chat and that much coordination.  Not asking for a faceroll... but two tweaks would make it less Hard Mode... because it is right now... Lady Dom is anyway.  Take out two of the knockbacks... and the stunners in burn phase and it would be just fine.  Asking 4 STORY MODE raid people to be able to coordinate those is just stupid.  STORY.

It doesn't require anything, games can't be tuned for the worst of the worst. I'm sorry but if a team has more pulls on domi sm than echo or liquid will on Fyrakk mythic next week then something is wrong. The boss IS easy, I'm sorry but there is just no other way to say it. If you could provide me or Shoony with a stream or a video of some of the progress pulls I could provide feedback and explain how to kill the boss. If you don't want to learn, you're asking for a faceroll boss. 

8 hours ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

They've taken out the 3rd phase of Calphayus (?) in the Dread Op... yes, I know it's an old op.

In SM there never was a 3rd phase on Calphayus. I highly doubt its possible to skin in HM since its % triggered, maybe there is also a minimum duration he has to be in combat before but I don't think so.

7 hours ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

That was a different time.  They made the game faceroll.... you can't just walk that back.

If the game is faceroll then what's the problem with domi specifically? If people can't walk out with knockback circles then the boss won't die, just walk out. Tell the teammates who cannot do it to get keybinds so they can see what is happening on the screen and the boss dies.


And please stay on topic, its not like 344 gear would suddenly enable the group to kill it if current gear isn't enough. Gear is not the problem there, as I said: no keybinds are probably the problem. 

What they could change is that if a group wipes in SM the boss gets a stack that reduces HP damage done etc by 5% stacking up to 10 times (1 stack / wipe). Kinda like when a group wipes in a WoW LFR raid.

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6 hours ago, xxSHOONYxx said:

As a rule of thumb the only thing for anyone having issues with dom is to always bring a vengeance with cut to pieces

Well, that's part of the problem.  This is SM boss, not a NiM.  It should be doable by all classes and specs.  Even HM should be doable with pretty much any composition with the right roles.  Easier with certain comps of course, but you shouldn't have to bring a handful of class/specs only.


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44 minutes ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

Well, that's part of the problem.  This is SM boss, not a NiM.  It should be doable by all classes and specs.  Even HM should be doable with pretty much any composition with the right roles.  Easier with certain comps of course, but you shouldn't have to bring a handful of class/specs only.


Sounds like old school WoW were you needed a set number of certain class types to get pass certain bosses. Which should never be the case for anything, especially if it's just SM mode.

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5 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

Well, that's part of the problem.  This is SM boss, not a NiM.  It should be doable by all classes and specs.  Even HM should be doable with pretty much any composition with the right roles.  Easier with certain comps of course, but you shouldn't have to bring a handful of class/specs only.


Not really the case, juggernaut is not required in sm or hm. But if it takes someone 400 and something days to kill something might as well use whatever it can give them an edge. 

And even in hm there are so many ways to do it, 2 tanks 1 healer 4 dps (people selling dom kills), 2 tanks 5 dps 1 heals, 1 tank 1 heal 6 dps, one team even for the hell of it did it with 1 tank and 7 dps with no healers, and don't know if anyone did/try with no tanks. There is literally no composition/roles needed since it's not as hard as some make it out to be. 

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5 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

In SM there never was a 3rd phase on Calphayus. I highly doubt its possible to skin in HM since its % triggered, maybe there is also a minimum duration he has to be in combat before but I don't think so.


Lies.  They removed it.

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And again.... I refuse to compare appendages with you as well. 

You are the greatest players ever.  I bow down to your greatness.  I don't want, nor need your help.  As your suggestions will just be a way for you belittle me and my team as you have so many times in this thread.

I wish I could get data from the devs just this once.  I guarantee this SM Op has the lowest clear rate in the game... ever.

This will be the last reply to you any anyone else who slyly tell people to git gud without actually saying it.

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3 hours ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

You are the greatest players ever.  I bow down to your greatness.  I don't want, nor need your help.  As your suggestions will just be a way for you belittle me and my team as you have so many times in this thread.

Then why start typing in this thread? Other teams don't have issues with that boss, neither do fleet pugs. Either you're bagging the devs for nerfs or its just rambling, both have nothing to do with the topic this thread is about. Improvements could be made to SM operations with the previously explaoned system they could copy from LFR. That would be an idea t least, instead of "pls nerf devs".

3 hours ago, LJ_Gibbs said:

I wish I could get data from the devs just this once.  I guarantee this SM Op has the lowest clear rate in the game... ever

They probably don't have this data, and even of thats true its the latest operarion so naturally it has the lowest clear %.

7 hours ago, Bigfallenstar said:

Sounds like old school WoW were you needed a set number of certain class types to get pass certain bosses. Which should never be the case for anything, especially if it's just SM mode.

Do you have an example? Classic pretty much proved that the people back in the day were just bad. No boss ever required that, WoW raids in general have like 12/20 slots fixed because there is such a thing as class identity. Its only "required" for RWF and they only do it because they take every edge they can get.

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9 hours ago, ZUHFB said:

Then why start typing in this thread? Other teams don't have issues with that boss, neither do fleet pugs.


Please, fleet pugs have problems with clearing the first boss, let alone Lady Dom.  Are you running with 4 to 6 NiM players, picking up a couple of pugs from #allies and calling that a 'fleet pug group'? 

It's not.

And yes, other teams have problems with Lady Dom, no matter what you think when you wear your elitist blinders.

I'm not talking about long-running NiM level teams, which seems to be all you are aware of or care about.

Once again: this is a SM operation, it should be the hardest SM operation since it's the latest, but should still be doable and puggable by the average HM capable player (I'm talking TFB, SnV, EC level players, not Revan/Gods level players).

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Question (of sorts) ... Is there really enough people available to for a PUG (on demand) regularly ... without time restrictions.  By that I mean:  24 / 7 can a group be put together to run this OP (any OP).  How difficult is it do get a group together?

Somehow the difficulty seems to be:  How many are really required?  Which (or how many) class(s) are really, actually needed (required) to consistently run successfully.  Please note that this does not mean face roll style of play.

I would also suggest that in the coming months it will become increasingly more difficult to find enough of the "right stuff" (class requirements) to run these styles of OPs.

Please note: The preceding is strictly my own opinion based on running equally difficult "dungeons" in WoW on those rare occasions when I have ran one or two in recent months with my son and granddaughter.  (since they are willing to put up with my slower pace/style of game play).

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44 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

Question (of sorts) ... Is there really enough people available to for a PUG (on demand) regularly ... without time restrictions.  By that I mean:  24 / 7 can a group be put together to run this OP (any OP).  How difficult is it do get a group together?

Somehow the difficulty seems to be:  How many are really required?  Which (or how many) class(s) are really, actually needed (required) to consistently run successfully.  Please note that this does not mean face roll style of play.

I would also suggest that in the coming months it will become increasingly more difficult to find enough of the "right stuff" (class requirements) to run these styles of OPs.

Please note: The preceding is strictly my own opinion based on running equally difficult "dungeons" in WoW on those rare occasions when I have ran one or two in recent months with my son and granddaughter.  (since they are willing to put up with my slower pace/style of game play).

I would say no. Not unless you are in a guild where they have events for different kind of operations and people have raiding experience.


I've been there once with a progression group that wasn't able to kill Lady Dominique on SM. It was horrible, and they were in voice comms and had played together before, but yeah, horrible. I don't know if they ever managed to kill her. After seeing that I wouldn't even think of joining a normal fleet pug group, because I wouln't count on them clearing it. I might join with people who I know can play, but only for SM, but then again, that wouldn't really be a pug group. People who claim it's puggable aren't talking about normal fleet pug groups. They are grouping with other raiders and call that a pug group, which is techincally not a lie, but it's not the whole truth either. 


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3 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

Please, fleet pugs have problems with clearing the first boss, let alone Lady Dom.  Are you running with 4 to 6 NiM players, picking up a couple of pugs from #allies and calling that a 'fleet pug group'? 

Last time I joined a fleet pug we cleared it, however, truly I was amazed. Maybe it shows better in numbers, this are two 4% wipes before we killed the boss after an honestly unbelievable 9:15. image.thumb.png.b50a630efc63bf04279aa61822616c9f.pngimage.thumb.png.a465590688fb31e0bcfb6d3dc713c3c5.png

It took us 6 pulls to beat the boss. I knew nobody in this group. I can see how this boss is unkillable if nobody breaks 20k, but 20k is really not difficult. To put all this into perspective the the lightning sorc doing 18k dps had 36 APM. Sorc should be played at around 50 APM, obviously defensives, unnatural pres. etc will just increase that number in a raid setting. This sorc lost 28% DPS by not having keybinds. The rotation was.... not great but okay, first lightning flash 20secs into the fight - stuff like that. 

The lower lightning sorc however was a different story, 28 APM. Lost 44% DPS not having keybinds, used the mana regen 6 times in a row at about 30s into the fight. image.png.88f74c456486b092955488ad69af4c29.png

like at some point people just shouldn't beat SM, this point is reached with rotations like this.

Should a group players around the firsts sorc skill level kill dominique? Probably, so let's do that math: the combined DPS from all DPS is more or less 111k, split that to all 6 DPS and the average DPS needed to beat the boss is 18.5k. Fill a group with people who do 20k dps and the boss will die.


But okay, granted the example is IPCPT, so let's find that fight with another fleet pug I was in: image.thumb.png.3b826fc2bfd266e829b7f999ba405574.png

would analyze this too buts completely pointless with a fight as unrepresentative as IPCTP. Avg needed DPS is: 12.2k

I am the person not blurred out in these screenshots, I do not blame any of my teammates. First pug cleared, 2nd disbanded at Watchdog for reasons I cannot remember but it had to do something with the tank, just don't remember exactly what it was. 

48 minutes ago, DeannaVoyager said:

People who claim it's puggable aren't talking about normal fleet pug groups. They are grouping with other raiders and call that a pug group, which is techincally not a lie, but it's not the whole truth either. 

I really can't stand it when people blame their teammates. I was able to clear it with people who weren't that good, when there is nothing more to improve then look to the left and the right, best way to improve. Also, I knew nobody from both logs, except one person from the forums and they weren't performing the great either - but they did complain in a different thread right after the raid.

TLDR: Want to kill domi? keybind at least all rotational abilities (I would double bold this if I could, it was the best thing I ever did and it tripled my enjoyment of the game) or just keep dying to it, it's not my problem really. 

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