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Fixing PVP 8x8


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2 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

I nearly redied in a respawn in ARENA yesterday because of the amount of debuffs still on me. And I would have if I didn’t notice & started healing up 🤦‍♀️

huh. I never experienced that in arenas. but sometimes you don't get your hp back after the reset.

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35 minutes ago, MotherCrusher said:

Huh. So thats what happened to one of our opponents earlier. i was wondering how they died before it even started 🤣

They may have also /stuck it too 🤷🏻‍♀️

But I did watch 2 of my opponents die in the respawn from that same match as mine. So I guess it happened to all of us who had dots on when we died the 1st round. 

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Okay, this is the reason pvp is bad and won't ever get better:

It's not fixable because all the good true pvpers are gone except for very few.

PREMADES were NEVER an issue. You could log on solo and destroy a premade but you can't do that anymore bc the player quality is so poor that it's impossible.

The only fix would to bring back the players and that is not going to happen because the DEVS thought they knew better and didn't listen to the players for 10 YEARS yes 10 YEARS... END OF STORY 

Please just shut this forum and stop wasting ppls time

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40 minutes ago, VaeVictis said:

Yep. At the end of the day population is the core issue.

Absolutely true, but it does go hand in hand. The core issue of population being low for PvP is because PvP sucks due to the bad systems/structure and other reasons we've all discussed ad nauseam. This low population then significantly compounds all the problems with PvP. Basically, PvP bad = pop low, pop low = PvP bad.


1 hour ago, VaeVictis said:

doing the minimum they have to to unlock the latest slave outfit for Vette.

When is that out again? Asking for a friend

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Another Idea for 8x8, that could be applied to GSF and 4x4, Highlight who is in a premade at the end.  Let us see the truth about premades. 

In fact you could highlight those is a premade in the battle too. At least we would know who to focus our attacks on when we are getting destroyed.

As above I agree instant heal should apply and remove debuffs when dead.



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When the issues caused by bad design decisions piled up until so many PvP'ers left the game, it reduced PvP to a very small community, with more issues than players.

The current state of PvP:
1.  In game it's SM and Solo players there for daily/weekly rewards choosing the in and out, AFK way of offsetting the  design focus on Pre-made groups.
2.  Out of game "Forum PvP" is the most popular. An endless debate over player concerns,  only between players, that the developers totally ignore and care nothing about.

With so much to do in this game, it's obvious why moving on so long ago was so easy for so many.

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Another idea. It is unclear to players what the pvp groupings are besides level 80.

The low and middle groupings change over time as maximum character level increases. I suggest on the screen for joining it notes the players grouping level.  

Worst recent kill ratios seen  386-21, 469-10, 92-0, and 89-0.  The later one was an upset.  Hurrah for the underdogs that stick to objectives.

Large premades can be a problem for queuing if the premades have heals and tanks and only solo DPS are queuing.  I least I suspect there is an attempt to somewhat balance non-DPS.  Here again limiting the size of premades might help game to pop faster by limiting non DPSs in smaller premades


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3 hours ago, kjarnage said:

Another idea. It is unclear to players what the pvp groupings are besides level 80.

The low and middle groupings change over time as maximum character level increases. I suggest on the screen for joining it notes the players grouping level.  

Worst recent kill ratios seen  386-21, 469-10, 92-0, and 89-0.  The later one was an upset.  Hurrah for the underdogs that stick to objectives.

Large premades can be a problem for queuing if the premades have heals and tanks and only solo DPS are queuing.  I least I suspect there is an attempt to somewhat balance non-DPS.  Here again limiting the size of premades might help game to pop faster by limiting non DPSs in smaller premades


Lowbie bracket = lvl 10 to lvl 44

Mid bracket = lvl 45 to lvl 79

End game bracket = lvl 80

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I think, they should only take into consideration stats earned from playing as a solo player. yes, you will still have premades, im a long time pvper myself and of course you make friends. but, it would deter you from wanting to group up ALL THE TIME. "no man, im soloing right now, i'm working on my elo". 

and in doing so, matchmaking would have a better grasp or concept of each individual players skill.

you could argue that some people never queue solo and would go under the radar of the matchmaking queues, but then simple solution, they dont get pops without a ranking


Edited by SeanothanDedman
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