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An update on the development of SWTOR


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6 minutes ago, Pirana said:

If I were some of you still paying a sub, go month to month or preferred, don't purchase anything from the CM other than from the coins you already have, and just play the game, some of us already know how this is going to play out. 

If things are heading in the direction that most of us believe that it is ... I'd still like for the team to find a means for us to spend our CC on a really nice memento that we can have shipped to us.
** A light saber (hmmm  not one of those 3-D printer types .. the good stuff.  Made of metal.. You know the type)
** Artifacts from in game??  Probably WOULD be 3-D printer stuff.  Not sure if that could be done on short notice though.
** Other???

Something like this Figureprinted WoW character that I have on my bookshelf.  I'll always remember HOW I got it!

Any ways ...  I think most get the idea!

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1 hour ago, Nee-Elder said:

Well, at least we know  a bit about how SWTOR tomorrow will unfold--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/929791-timeline-update-on-73-old-wounds/#comment-9764103

( re:  'Patch Notes' are UP  ^  )

Thanks bud!!

[/two thumbs up]

EDIT:  I came to the same conclusion about some items that you posted in your thread (see reaction to thread). 

Edited by OlBuzzard
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Just a note to those that do not like surprises. You might want to read the information on the new patch, especially those in guild or guild leaders or those that like to make alts:


  • Upon joining a guild, players will not have access to the guild bank until they have been in the guild for 30 days.


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44 minutes ago, casirabit said:

Just a note to those that do not like surprises. You might want to read the information on the new patch, especially those in guild or guild leaders or those that like to make alts:


  • Upon joining a guild, players will not have access to the guild bank until they have been in the guild for 30 days.


This is brilliant. Why let the GM control who has access to the bank in their guild when BW can do it for him. This will definitely fix inflation ... somehow.

Edited by sithBracer
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I find it so amusing how suddenly EVERYONE is upset with Bioware. I was talking about the failure of this game since 7.0 dropped. I was even more militant after the compounding of the problem with 7.1...I took to these forums to voice my distaste with the direction Swtor was going. And all I got was fire and disrespect from the community. All I got was: "Oh look another Swtor is dead type of player" or "If you don't like it don't play it". You people....we're roughly a year and a half in and you're all too late. Now Swtor is being handed off to a third party and it's fate is sealed. The moment and I mean THE MOMENT a new Star Wars MMO hits the market. Swtor will likely be shut down the next day after it's successor is online. 

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22 minutes ago, ReveredDead said:

The moment and I mean THE MOMENT a new Star Wars MMO hits the market. Swtor will likely be shut down the next day after it's successor is online. 

Only if it's for some contractual prohibition. The gameplay presented by Ubisoft's new MMO will never replace SWTOR. They are completely different styles, it doesn't even look like a rpg (you cant even creat your own character), it's more like a single player action in the universe of star wars.

Sorry, but you look like a messenger of chaos to me.

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27 minutes ago, ReveredDead said:

I find it so amusing how suddenly EVERYONE is upset with Bioware. I was talking about the failure of this game since 7.0 dropped. I was even more militant after the compounding of the problem with 7.1...I took to these forums to voice my distaste with the direction Swtor was going. And all I got was fire and disrespect from the community. All I got was: "Oh look another Swtor is dead type of player" or "If you don't like it don't play it". You people....we're roughly a year and a half in and you're all too late. Now Swtor is being handed off to a third party and it's fate is sealed. The moment and I mean THE MOMENT a new Star Wars MMO hits the market. Swtor will likely be shut down the next day after it's successor is online. 

You're not wrong either. I've been saying it since year two... lol The game went FTP in under year, mass server consolidations occurred, twice that I can remember, might have been three. I've praised and been very critical of the decisions this company has made since beta. The fact they've managed to run a Star Wars MMO into the ground this badly, when during current times it should be thriving is nothing short of an embarrassment. Five servers, read that again, five servers, that's bad... and no, it's not due to 'mega servers' for those of you out there reading this, it's not hard to tally up the population using the 'who' function in game and get a rough idea.

This game is nearing the twelve year mark and made more than its share of money back, so if using that angle, it's been successful. Then you look at other successful MMO's out there, WoW, they won't close for another decade... lol GW2, ESO, BDO, FF14 the list goes on and on, those games aren't going anywhere for a very long time. ESO and 14 both have very good stories with ESO possibly having as much, if not more voice overs than this game.

What's happening here is a basic downsizing of assets to eventually make way for something new or a complete closure, probably the latter. This is TERA all over again, just to name one game. No matter how many times we asked them not to do this, not to do that, even though they wanted our feedback, it went in one ear and out the other with EAWare eventually moving forward with their questionable decisions. We're only losing a game, what's really bad is that people will be losing their jobs and it never had to come to this. 

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30 minutes ago, kinhoandrei said:

Only if it's for some contractual prohibition. The gameplay presented by Ubisoft's new MMO will never replace SWTOR. They are completely different styles, it doesn't even look like a rpg (you cant even creat your own character), it's more like a single player action in the universe of star wars.

Sorry, but you look like a messenger of chaos to me.

Is he the guy who keeps talking about how the Ubisoft game, which in no way competes with swtor, will be the reason it dies?


is he still saying this after the reveal it’s a generic Ubisoft open world single player game?

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45 minutes ago, Pirana said:

You're not wrong either. I've been saying it since year two... lol The game went FTP in under year, mass server consolidations occurred, twice that I can remember, might have been three. I've praised and been very critical of the decisions this company has made since beta. The fact they've managed to run a Star Wars MMO into the ground this badly, when during current times it should be thriving is nothing short of an embarrassment. Five servers, read that again, five servers, that's bad... and no, it's not due to 'mega servers' for those of you out there reading this, it's not hard to tally up the population using the 'who' function in game and get a rough idea.

This game is nearing the twelve year mark and made more than its share of money back, so if using that angle, it's been successful. Then you look at other successful MMO's out there, WoW, they won't close for another decade... lol GW2, ESO, BDO, FF14 the list goes on and on, those games aren't going anywhere for a very long time. ESO and 14 both have very good stories with ESO possibly having as much, if not more voice overs than this game.

What's happening here is a basic downsizing of assets to eventually make way for something new or a complete closure, probably the latter. This is TERA all over again, just to name one game. No matter how many times we asked them not to do this, not to do that, even though they wanted our feedback, it went in one ear and out the other with EAWare eventually moving forward with their questionable decisions. We're only losing a game, what's really bad is that people will be losing their jobs and it never had to come to this. 

Bottom line (from all indications based on the historical actions of EA) :
** A lot of people feel deeply let down over the last few years (especially from a standpoint of the lack of quantity and QUALITY of content).  The last couple releases with Manaan and the Mandos being a possible exception (please note that this does not include ANY of the decisions surrounding OR the new gearing system).
** While we have been experiencing turmoil from an entertainment standpoint ... IMO that is nothing compared to what the individuals at EA are and (in all likelihood) have been experiencing for some time now!

Good grief ... even Charlie Brown can see through this ... and it aint pretty either!! 

Edited by OlBuzzard
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5 minutes ago, Khoxion said:

"All players will freely move on to consume new exiting product" doesn't really work with MMO's.

This. This is also the reason why all the people (including me sometimes) who have been complaining on this forum about the game for years now are still here, still subscribed. An MMO's player base is usually very loyal, for reasons that are seldom rational.

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21 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

Bottom line (from all indications based on the historical actions of EA) :
** A lot of people feel deeply let down over the last few years (especially from a standpoint of the lack of quantity and QUALITY of content).  The last couple releases with Manaan and the Mandos being a possible exception (please note that this does not include ANY of the decisions surrounding OR the new gearing system).
** While we have been experiencing turmoil from an entertainment standpoint ... IMO that is nothing compared to what the individuals at EA are and (in all likelihood) have been experiencing for some time now!

Good grief ... even Charlie Brown can see through this ... and it aint pretty either!! 

If I remember right, Charlie Brown did finally make contact with the football, but only because Lucy let him. But yeah, good Charlie Brown analogy. lol 

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9 hours ago, jedimasterjac said:

The Inquisition DLC The Descent is pretty interesting. Shame the rest of the game isn’t. 

I don’t think any BioWare story has pulled me in since ME3, and even then…


Personally I think the focus on character companions and romances is prioritized way above the narrative itself and interesting decision making. Which gives you some interesting moments like the Citadel DLC but mostly just makes the games not very interesting. 

I dunno. I used to be a big BioWare fan; I’ve soured a lot on their approach to storytelling as I’ve played other RPGs by other developers. 

That said, there are still definitely competent and talented writers in BioWare. I really love a lot of the short stories posted here for example, and I think they do have a very strong sense of character, even if I wish the game’s narrative went in a different direction. Honestly, most of the issues are less about the quality of writers and much more about the constraints imposed by their own “identity.” Fully voiced player characters more than anything. It’s a novelty but it severely limits player expression and storytelling. The Witcher 3 does it so well because it’s using a defined character, in my opinion; the gimmick works a lot better when we’re merely influencing what sort of character Geralt is, rather than being asked to turn a blank slate into something of our own. 

I still sense some attempts at returning to tradition, and like the critics of this thread are pointing out, there is likely fair reason for this. Whether or not the corporations actually succeed, it's fair to have differing opinions.


All I'll say is, yeah, I liked what they were going for with the whole of the Original Mass Effect Trilogy. Specifically, there was this idea of a looming threat inbound, and you spend all of the first 2 games specifically preparing for it, and the last one fighting it. And in both 2 and 3, there's a lot of focus on building up your forces and alliances to prepare for the climactic showdown (which is why "Suicide Mission" is so memorable: to see all your dominoes fall into a perfectly aligned chain - contrast with the end of Mass Effect 3, where there was a deliberate, uh, "subversion" to all the hard-won prep-work).


I was *HOPING* that the Alliance stuff here would take a similar queue, but the guides I read indicate it is superficial at most, which is anywhere from a disappointment to a missed opportunity, depending on the intentions behind-the-scenes.


P.S. Guilds suck, because I hate rules (admittedly that's a more universal and inescapable problem with "IRL" taking more queues from the Empire than the Republic - except on the surface) and I want to enjoy the feeling of just doing my own thing. Also, guild ads are some of the most jarring messages when I want to be 110% "in-character" at all times so long as I am logged on, second only to the nonsense of General Chat. You can say I take the "roleplay" in "roleplaying game" comparatively seriously. No matter how you slice it, I want to enjoy being a free spirit, and I don't care if anyone else is along for the ride or not. Just to make a point, I made my own, single-player guild based around the family tree of my characters and the in-game "Legacy" system.

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2 hours ago, VegaMist said:

This is a typical example of throwing baby out with the bathwater. By chasing one problem without thinking, they are creating multiple more serious ones.

Not necessarily.

If it’s only to remove items or add items to the bank & doesn’t include summons or repairs, then I don’t think it will be a major issue. As a GM, I wouldn’t let any new players access items in the bank either for at least a few weeks.

I’ve asked Jackie if she can confirm that this is the case & it was just an oversight when writing up the patch notes. 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I am hoping that this could breathe new life into the game. It would be interesting to know just where the impetus for this transfer of studios came from. I looked over Schmidt's Twitter thread, and, while I think his changes with 7.0 were awful, his brief points strike me as valid: especially the lack of marketing (on either the part of BW or LFL/Disney) over the years and BW using the TOR bucks generated to invest into their other games; not our game. It stands to reason that Anthem's spectacular failure has likely soured BW's desire for games as a service and this may have led to this decision of letting SWTOR go (assuming BW initiated the scouting for a new home for TOR.) If it was EA, perhaps the decision was made in a strata or two above BW that BW should just focus on the IP it owns 100% from now on.

Were all these back-end investments--64-bit, cloud servers, etc.--done as a way to make SWTOR more attractive for a new studio? Keith and the Team may not have even been told that this was another reason for making funds available for such developments. 

EA may be the good guy here given that it was BW that decided what portion of the funds EA gave to the studio would be put towards TOR's development. EA could have been involved somewhat, but I doubt to a great extent considering they own 20 studios. The EA C-suite isn't going to have much time to micromanage each studio, unless problems arise that need to be rectified. They would be more focused on matters of strategy for the entire company, not the operational decisions of an individual studio, unless decisions made start to detrimentally impact on the overall business strategy.

Hopefully Broadsword Entertainment is looking at an SWTOR acquisition as a major get that they are willing to invest in.


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4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Not necessarily.

If it’s only to remove items or add items to the bank & doesn’t include summons or repairs, then I don’t think it will be a major issue. As a GM, I wouldn’t let any new players access items in the bank either for at least a few weeks.

I’ve asked Jackie if she can confirm that this is the case & it was just an oversight when writing up the patch notes. 

The difference is you making a decision as a GM vs the decision is enforced by design.

Looking for a thread where Jackie said it's an oversight.

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13 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

The difference is you making a decision as a GM vs the decision is enforced by design.

Looking for a thread where Jackie said it's an oversight.

I’ve asked her if it is oversight. Awaiting to see if she responds or not. Nothing so far. 

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