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PTS STORY MODE: Shrine of Silence Flashpoint Feedback


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Players can provide their feedback for their Shrine of Silence Flashpoint Story mode experience.

  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?
  • How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?
  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 
  • Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 
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  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?

For the bosses, in story mode with combat droid and shae vizla, FP the volantikus is too easy (no need too move or anything else). Others are fine but a little too easy.

  • How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?

I Lost time to understand the fire enigma but feels ok fot the lenght of the FP.

  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 

Combat droid seems to random disapears.

Shae Vizla takes a lots of damage in the last boss phase with adds (don't know if that's intended)


Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 

Mount usable in the fp ! Love it !

Music and atmosphere ! Love it !

Thx for the work ! Cant wait to play the story to know where does all this is comming from ! ;)

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So I just finished Story mode and so far I really enjoyed its atmosphere. 

  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike? For Story mode it felt just right, never felt like I was in danger which is good for what this mode should be, though with the second boss, I didn't really feel like the mechanics mattered at all.
  • How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience? felt just right to me.  I don't feel like it dragged at all and I had gotten to the final boss in no time.  I also like the open the door bit with the flames.  I think it was a nice change of pace and didn't take long at all to figure out what to do. 
  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. I think I ran into a couple.  The first one is the bonus boss.  I have no idea how to access him, and there was nothing that had popped up for a bonus mission to follow.  I did see a flame shrine near his area that I think I had to ignite, but I have no idea where that flame is.  Again not sure if that was a bug or if I just missed it, but I did go back all the way to where the flame shrine puzzle first began and I didn't see anything.  the second glitch I saw was during the final boss, where he would summon a tentacle, but I couldn't target the tentacle at all to attack it.  Third one I saw was that the second boss encounter seemed to have respawn after I defeated them.  I noticed this when I went back to the flame shrine puzzle to see if I missed anything for the bonus boss.
  • Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? nothing much at the moment for story mode.


Edit:  So I did the FP again and realized what I did wrong for the bonus mission.  Neat little logic puzzle there to gain access to it.

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How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?
Fairly adequate, did not have any issues.

How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?
I was on a stealth class and was able to skip most of the enemies between the bosses, overall I'd say it's a good length.

Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience.
I did not receive the achievement "Cleansing the Curse" upon clearing the FP (I did get the "Silence in the Shrine")
The glowing screen effect upon killing the endboss persisted after his death, not sure if that's intended. It cleared once I exited the instance.

Is there any other general feedback you would like to share?
Really enjoyed seeing some new mechanics and effects! The flames puzzle especially.

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  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?

    Mechanics are good, it wasn't difficult for story mode as it should be but still experienced the mechanics of Vorantikus pushing around and the curse one having the spiritual effects on you, they were nice.
  • How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?

    Just right! I was not stealth but I felt the pace and length was good, I could have also made it longer if I did bonus stuff but I played it more like if it was just the story version. It was fun to explore around and had really great long-distance views, seeing the final area early on from a distance was really cool kudos on visuals!
  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 
    Only two things but not game breaking:

    1. When pushing enemies off, they don't die, even though they fell down into nothingness, they still remained alive down there, my comps did finish them, but I figured that's not intended. Every attempt I tried to get one to die that way, didn't work but for reference on some specific ones I tried were: Cursed Commander Elite enemy and Corrupted Voss Mythic Elite.

    2. As mentioned above, the glowing screen effect remained after the fp ended, but I exited the area and disappeared. Not a major issue really but just in case.
  • Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 

    Overall, I quite like the design of it, and I think this one could become one of my more favorite flashpoints from the more recent ones, layout is great, visuals are good, boss encounters are nice, overall, a great improvement from spirit of vengeance issues and Elom one.
Edited by Sonicphoto
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Hi, Just wanted to say I enjoyed this flashpoint.  I did run into one small issue that I'll mention below.

How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?

The difficulty was fine I thought.  I never really felt in danger although I had to use the healing stations twice.  I did not use the helper droid and a couple of times my companion got behind on the healing.  I ran the FP as a Ruffian Scoundrel so I could skip a bit of the mobs between bosses.   

However, after I picked up the 3 stack de-buff that you get in this FP it never went away.  Seemed like I was stuck with it.  I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but it would bring me out of stealth at times I think.  I could not tell if was a mob stealth detection ability or damage from this de-buff that was causing the problem.   

This de-buff also caused my companion to constantly heal, not a bad thing by the green kolto clouds ruined some good screen shots.

Another problem this de-buff caused was that it stayed active after the final boss dies.  This prevented me from using exit area to leave the FP.  I was not permitted to quick travel to fleet from the FP.   Fortunately, I bought a NS stronghold when I created this test server character so I could use the stronghold travel to leave.

I also had the glowing screen border after the final boss fight ended.

The puzzle to open the door probably took me the longest to complete regarding anything in the flashpoint.  But it was perfect.  Please don't change it.

Edit: I went back and started going through the flashpoint in veteran mode.  This time I opened the hidden door after solving the puzzle.  When I did this in story more, I did not notice the bonus right away.  So I entered the area and got the dark corruption de-buff, then went back and go the light.  After that the dark corruption de-buff never went away.  I think doing this out of sequence caused my problems noted above.


How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?

It was fine.  It did not take long as a stealth character and the mobs between bosses were no problem.  They go down quickly, especially if you have a class with strong AOE damage.


Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience.

The only real bug I think was the 3 stack de-buff not termination after the final boss was dead since it prevented the exit area button from being used due to being interrupted.

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  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 
  1. Kirba's combat barks never play during his fight, and he seems to be missing some animations.
  2. Defeating The Curse grants the Silence in the Shrine achievement and progresses the Advanced/Elite versions of that achievement, but does not grant the Cleansing the Curse achievement or progress the Advanced/Elite achievements versions of that achievement.
  3. The "spirit world" effect on around the edge of the screen doesn't disappear when The Curse is defeated.
  4. Enemies don't die when knocking them off the map.
  5. Accepting the flashpoint mission from the solo tab of the activities window doesn't transport you to the flashpoint as it does with other flashpoints.
  6. I'm not sure how to replicate this one, but to give as much information as I can: I completed the flashpoint three times on story mode. During my first run: I did not do the bonus quest, I gained the Dark Corruption debuff while "exploring the cavern below the shrine", and the debuff went away when I "found the source of the corruption". During my second run: I did the bonus quest, I never got the Dark Corruption debuff while holding the light from the bonus quest, I gained the debuff as soon as I lost my light by interacting with the Ancient Shrine, and the debuff never went away, preventing me from using Exit Area after defeating the final boss. During my third run, I did the bonus quest and never gained the Dark Corruption debuff even after I lost the light from the bonus quest by interacting with the Ancient Shrine.
  7. I had some issues with the visual effects for AOEs not representing the actual AOE hit. For example, the Corrupted Vorantikus's Cleaving Strike red conal would appear, I would roll completely through the boss, now positioned directly opposite the direction of the conal, and I would still get hit.
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(I was playing as a Vigilance Jedi Guardian with a level 50 Kira Carsen companion set to DPS.)


How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?

I felt that the Corrupted Vorantikus, Tem-Su & Rada-Ki, Kirba, The Forgotten and The Curse all had interesting mechanics! I was particularly happy that I was allowed to use my interrupt ability on the majority of them as in previous boss encounters in flashpoints it has sometimes felt like, "Why do I have this skill?" The mechanics were present in the sense that I felt I'd be in danger if I didn't move, but at the same time I felt I had a comfortable amount of time to react if I had been a player not looking for too much of a challenge but wanted to feel like I was in an exciting conflict. I felt that their mechanics were clearly conveyed and easy to interpret. 

All four of them felt as though they had the appropriate amount of health! They took enough time that they felt like "Boss" enemies, but not so quick that you thought, "That's it?" None of the bosses had a "stop-start" mechanic, which I really appreciated because these can often kill the sense of momentum and make an engagement feel drawn out. (I.e. A boss who becomes immune, or vanishes for an extended period of time while the players engage a group of additional enemies such as with Liam Dentiri in Assault on Tython.)


How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?

I actually thought it was a really good one! It did not feel too long (or too short) and I was glad that I was able to use my mount for a reasonable portion of the flashpoint too. Even before I realised that, I felt it was moving at a comfortable pace. I was thinking to myself by the end that I'd have no qualms coming back to do this flashpoint multiple times in pursuit of an achievement.


Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 

Like a silly person, I did not "Acquire the Fourth Flame" I realised as I was approaching The Curse. Once again, I was infinitely glad that I was able to use my mount to go back for it and then complete the bonus objective properly, but here is where I noticed that Tem-Su and Rada-Ki had respawned after their defeat. I gave them a wide berth in case it restarted their encounter, and they actually flickered in and out of existence as I did so.

When crossing the narrow bridge in the wide chasm, I used Force Push to knock one of the two enemies into the abyss, however they did not die. My companions mopped them up, but this felt like a bug.

After defeating The Curse, the golden overlay on my screen remained until I left the area. 


Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 

One of my biggest grievances with more recent flashpoints (notably Secrets of the Enclave in this example) were that the minor groups of enemies between boss encounters felt like they took more time than they really ought to have to defeat. What made those particularly frustrating was that after defeating a group of enemies, another group of near-identical enemies would spawn out of thin air in the same space. I am extremely glad that no groups of enemies I defeated in Shrine of Silence were replaced by another group of enemies immediately.

I am also extremely glad that the majority of enemies in the flashpoint are visible before you engage them! As a player, I've personally found it to be a frustrating experience when you can see where you're going, you've mentally told yourself that's what you're doing, and then suddenly you're pulled out of that. It's a very stop-and-start feel that kills the momentum of your gameplay. In Shine of Silence, I didn't feel any of this and it was a very good thing! Being able to see what you're going to encounter ahead of time prepares the player mentally for what they're facing, sets their expectations and they can see the progress they're making to get to their goal. The few enemies that did spawn "from nowhere" in the Nightmare Cavern were minor and quick to dispatch, so did not feel like they were tedious or slowing down my sense of momentum. The flashpoint felt well-paced and the enemies felt appropriately scaled for story mode, both in boss fights and out of them.

The environment is spectacular! I like the cheeky holes in the floor on one of the corners. Walking into the Nightmare Cavern the first time was a real treat. 😍

I really liked the puzzle with the torch! Going back on yourself in a flashpoint can feel like a negative experience sometimes but this did not have that effect in the slightest. It was a quick, logic-fuelled encounter that made me think, "Oh, neat!" and the enemies were reasonable encounters on my route around. This is a huge step up in comparison to the keystones door you have to go back on yourself for in Ruins of Nul.

I finished Shrine of Silence on story mode (and completed Veteran with a friend last night I shall have to do again for feedback!) and I left thinking, "I'm curious to see this on Master mode, this is a fun flashpoint!" 😃

Edited by MagSul
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PTS Shrine of Silence Story Mode Feedback

  • In general I think I like the... new flow of the flashpoints? Felt less rail roaded especially at the beginning. Felt like it encouraged me to take my time and poke around more.
  • I was interested when I saw there was the light puzzle near the beginning, then got very excited when I found the second area to light and that there was a puzzle-within-a-puzzle.. and it unlocked a secret bonus quest!
  • Corrupted Vorantikas - I understood "get out of the red" but I couldn't figure out what the smaller light blue circle meant. So I kinda had to just ignore it.
  • As soon as I entered the nightmare cavern I jumped down into the pit with the smoke, as one should. It revived me slightly up the path immediately into a pack of enemies without my GSi droid. It was a Corrupted Voss Mystic and two Cursed Commando Grunt bowing down to him. Where I died cus I wasn't paying attention - it respawned me in the same spot with the enemies LOL.
  • Somehow Tem-Su and Rada-Ki respawned after I killed them. I'm not sure what caused it, I killed them then explored around the area, then ran towards the next door.
  • I was under the impression that the secret Ancient Shrine was "hidden" and that I had to "find" it so I spent a bunch of time trying to look in cracks in the wall until I saw the quest marker. Oops.
  • Nil-Uu has a lot of health, I was surprised. Kinda like it. Gunna tell people to practice their rotation on him haha.
  • Wow the Soul Coil set of three in the Collapsing Depths area has actual fast mechanics! Definitely good for practice.
  • Kirba the Forgotten - same thing, I didn't fully understand what the yellow/orange circle was inside the red circle. I wasn't sure if that was also a danger zone. The small circle often after Furious Below was clear. Seems like it will be fun in a more difficult mode for me.
  • Achievements - OH. My story mode boss kills counted for the Veteran achievements...
  • I thought Nil-Uu in the side room would give me an... achievement or reward or unlock a ecret or something. I see there is some achievements in veteran mode but nada in story.
  • I didn't figure out how to get into the large room that was blocked by brambles.
  • I had trouble targetting the tentacle in the final fight.


  • The new distortion effect in the caves!!!!?!?!?!?!!! very neat!!
  • holy **** the visual reveal into the Nightmare Cavern area
  • Liked seeing the ghost enemies appear in a blue swirl
  • The visual/feeling of the skinny little bridge! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! 
  • The broken bridge animation :D 
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  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?
    I thought the difficulty level was nice for SM, not too hard or too easy. Bosses were pretty cool, but I wonder if it's normal that I couldn't target the Nightmare Root in the Curse fight. I also love the fact that the Gravity boss is going to be there for more than one little place, I love seeing people run head first into a hole and die.
  • How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?
    Absolutely perfect, neither too slow nor too long, since it's not a flashpoint with lots of decoration it's not one that I will do and redo ad nauseam so I don't want it to be done in 15min a la wam-bam thank you ma'am.
  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 
    Some of the dead bosses respawned after I killed the Curse, I wanted to see if I could find how to go to the room with the big hole in front of it, I didn't after I saw that boss had reappeared.
  • Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 
    The whole flashpoint is gorgeous and the distortion effects are super cool. I loved the torch part too.

    Edit; Ok so I tried the FP again, and I can confirm that the boss respawn, both after you've died and if you come back to their zone after unlocking the next one, I killed the two mystics twice in the same FP just to try and it counted in my achievements. However I have been unable to do the bonus quest since it doesn't appear in my journal and I couldn't find any flame to light up the brasero, I don't know if it's a bug or me that did something wrond though. The NIghtmare effect stays even after the end of the fight, until you exit the area.
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  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?

Seemed pretty reasonable.  I was able to complete on a dps character with a healer companion and not summoning the comapanion bot for story mode.  No challenges on the bosses themselves, some of the other little surprise enemies were the only ones I think a less experienced player might struggle with.

  • How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?

A little long, it feels like a lot of walking and some of the fights take quite a while.

  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 

The first boss the conal attack with the knockback does not draw in the correct location where the ability is being used.  On the last boss, I died while in the "golden zone" and a weird visual bug left a golden graphical effect around the edge of my screen until I exited the flashpoint.  Knocking enemies off map leaves them alive and usually out of range.

  • Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 

Love the art style and the map.

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On 5/4/2023 at 1:02 AM, JackieKo said:
  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?
  • How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?
  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 
  • Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 

-Difficulty - Simple Mechanics: did not realize there were Mechanics but its SM

- Time: It was a bit stretched out IMHO

- First Boss, was unable to target the tentacles that spawn in final burn phase, tried multiple tentacles, from different camera angles

- Feedback- Every boss was from somewhere else, Torque, Terror, almost copy and pasted into this, very LAZY I do not mind same mechanics but they are the same, same movements, same attacks, same pre fight moves feel, I am forced to ask why bother putting out a FP if its a mashup of the others, that are mashups of the ones before that, once every 5 years we get a new thing, mechanic, of somethin, and everyone freaks out, R4 is perfect its not a hard op if you simply do that strat, but too many complaint about it being hard and we get this puzzled together walk thru of a fp 

PS, yes I know I am made at MOST people here not just the Devs

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  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?
    Very easy. Could be interesting on harder difficulties, but I've been busy and haven't checked those yet.
  • How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?
    A little long on the first pass, but likely to be a good pace on future runs once the player knows the pathing. I took my time poking around.
  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 
    1.) Killing the last boss did not grant its achievement; only the achievement for completing the flashpoint.
    2.) I was unable to target the tentacle on the last boss, so I ignored it. This didn't seem to have any consequences of note.
    3.) Gold Haze graphical effect persisted after the death of the last boss.
    4.) The GSI droid fell under the map on the way to the last boss room and did not reappear until after the boss had been killed. I probably could have fixed this by right-clicking off the buff and resummoning, but didn't bother.
  • Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 
    At least for story mode, the large red/yellow circle combo on Kirba was unclear. Red = obviously bad, but the effect covered basically the whole room, and stacking into the yellow circle under his feet seemed to come with the same amount of damage. With no measurable difference in consequences for standing anywhere, it was difficult to immediately discern what the mechanic was intended to be (at least in SM difficulty).
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How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?

The difficulty was perfect, in my opinion!  The fight with the Vorantikus was very interesting and I loved seeing the new mechanics that were added.  I can't wait to try the hardmode and master mode versions with my friend!  I loved it all - no complaints here!


How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?

The runtime was ideal.  We spent quite some time admiring the scenery and aesthetics of the flashpoint so we definitely made it run a bit longer.  It was a perfect length!


Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 

The only bug that I encountered was that we couldn't target the tentacle at the end.  We weren't sure if we were supposed to have done anything with it, but we got through simply by ignoring it. 


Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 

Even in an incomplete/work in progress "state", this flashpoint quickly shot up to being one of my favorites in the game.  The aesthetic was, to me, a perfect mash-up of the best parts of Oricon, Voss, and even Nathema.  The designer knocked it out of the park with this one as there were quite a few moments when my friend and I stopped in our tracks and said "wow!".  I don't know much of the story yet, but I'm thinking it is going to be pretty great when we get all of 7.3 and experience it all together in context.

I also wanted to say that the new gold force/portal things are absolutely gorgeous.  Looks like an infusion of oil + water  was merged with sunspots or solar flares on the sun's surface = absolutely breathtaking.

I never thought it would be possible to be even MORE hyped for 7.3... but then I did this flashpoint with a good friend.  We're beyond stoked for not only 7.3, but for the future of SWTOR as a whole.  Amazing work! 👏

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  • I was curious what the minimum level was to play. My level 1 character could get the quest from the icon of "three little people near the minimap" (Solo tab, story mode) but it didn't have a ship so couldn't get there, and no instant travel. I'm not sure if its meant for higher level, or requires ship, or was suppose to teleport me. My level 17 on coruscant had the same problem lol.
  • My level 33 with a ship could pick up the flashpoint and flew to Interpreter's Retreat but kept dying to Mewvorrs when running to the entrance. Once inside, I got boosted up to 80, which was fun. 
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I'm in the PTS today looking to try out the Shrine for the first time. I'm not able to enter. I tried picking up the missions for both solo and veteran at the terminal and solo via the activity finder as well. The door for the entrance changes color but I just bounce off. Has it been blocked off for now?


Edit 1: Came back with another player. They can go in, even if it's my instance. I still just bounce off the door. I can't get in their instance either if they go in first. No message. Just a solid wall. Further, resetting local phases clearing other missions, logging out and back in all had no effect. I'll copy a different character and try that.

Edit 2: Copied another character, my Vanguard. That character can't go in either.

Edit 3: Still no. Created a new Mercenary on the PTS. Boosted to 80 and geared it up. Accepted the Shrine solo mission from the activity finder. Headed down to the entrance. The door is blue but I still can't get in and just bounce off it like it's a solid wall. While I was here I saw another person go in, however. It's just my characters for whatever reason. Interesting. Let me know if you need any other information or anyone else is having this issue on the PTS.

Edit 4: Copied my Sorc and that character can get in. Merc, Vanguard, and PTS created Merc still can't this morning. Happy to just test with the Sorc then but figured you all might want the data update.

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On 5/4/2023 at 7:02 AM, JackieKo said:
  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?

The first door took a a moment before I realized that I am carrying the flame (did not see the visual all that well over my big-ol' Sage Columi hat, and the buff got a bit lost in amongs the others (Republic characters have a lot of yellow buffs)

Otherwise, hard to say, most Story Mode FPs can be "tank-and-spank"-ed, so hard to comment on difficulty of the mechanics



How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?

Fine, I spent a lot of time doubling back to check for stuff or look at the scenery



Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 

Second boss {Corrupted mystics Tem-su and Rada-ki), respawn when ones returns to their zone

When fighting The Curse, the "Root of Nightmare" add cannot be targeted

GSI Support droid disappears before the final boss

If defeated by The Curse (or defeating it) while in the spirit world, the "spirit world" effect (yellow haze around screen) persists until leaving the FP

After beating the curse, and dying by jumping into a hole, I respawn at the start, and cannot enter the shrine ares in Halls of Luminescence (the one with the flame "puzzle")


Is there any other general feedback you would like to share? 

I have absolutely no idea where to find the extra flame needed to light the shrine in Collapsing Depths...

I tried looking in every nook and cranny I could find, but nothing...

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  • How did you feel about the difficulty and mechanics of the flashpoint bosses, either in general or in specific? What did you enjoy? What did you dislike?

I thought the bosses were easy, even for story mode. Maybe a little too easy.  As for the flame puzzle to open the door, they don't interest me personally but I can see it as offering a bit of variety for those that do like to solve puzzles.

  • How did you feel about the runtime of the story mode experience?

I felt the length was good.  Not too long, not too short.  The bonus objectives gave the flashpoint a decent length time-wise as well.

  • Have you run into any bugs? If so, please offer step by step details so we may be able to reproduce your experience. 

I'm not sure if it was a bug or by design, but during the final boss fight, I could not target the tentacle adds.

  • Is there any other general feedback you would like to share?

I loved the music and ambient sound of the flashpoint.  The boss seemed to have a Lovecraftian influence and that was very cool.  I'd like more bosses and flashpoints with those kind of influences.  Overall, I really liked the new flashpoint.

Edited by Jatiger
punctuation typo
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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,

One thing we have seen a little bit of confusion around is what difficulty modes exist on PTS and will be available for Shrine of Silence when 7.3 goes live. Since our naming conventions can be a little confusing sometimes let me reiterate what they are, and what they mean.

  • Solo-Story: A solo-only mode where the player is often accompanied by characters relevant to the story and sees cutscenes throughout the Flashpoint. These are usually required parts of the main story in the game.
  • Story - Easiest difficulty, meant to be completed solo.
  • Veteran - Middle difficulty, meant to be completed with a group of any composition.
  • Master - Hardest difficulty, meant to be completed with a coordinated group, built around the trinity (healer, tank, and DPS).

With that in mind, a reminder. Shrine of Silence marks a shift in our philosophy around how and where we will deliver crit path storylines and our intent for Flashpoints (to be a place for engaging, repeatable content). Shrine of Silence has narrative relevance to Voss and the events happening around 7.3. However, it is not directly a part of the crit path like you have seen in our Flashpoints in the last few years.

For that reason, there is no Solo-Story version of Shrine of Silence. The only cutscenes for the Flashpoint is a single wrapper mission (which is a KOTOR-style scene) that you can get before you go into the Flashpoint (this was not available on PTS).

TLDR - Shrine of Silence will launch with Story, Veteran, and Master, as you have seen on PTS.


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56 minutes ago, EricMusco said:

Shrine of Silence marks a shift in our philosophy around how and where we will deliver crit path storylines

Rather ironic the word "silence" is , since we barely ever hear from YOU  Mr. Musco, the leader of our beloved SWTOR game.

Then today, your 1st post since  Feb. 10th ( other than that redundant  May 9th  LiveStream recap post )  you somehow feel it necessary to explain the obvious already established definitions of difficulty levels?!

How about instead, or in addition, you please address a perplexing thread only the leader of SWTOR could possibly elaborate-->  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/929314-pts-gsf-added-to-pvp-season-3-track/   ...with truth & clarity.   As in: Why?  Why doesn't your Dev Team ever develop GSF anymore?  Why ignore the 'STAR' half of  *Star Wars* ?   Is it really because no one is left from that original team and the GSF codebase is too messy or complex or ????

Or is it really because of conspiracy theory  _____  ?  ( aka  EA won't let GSF develop nor thrive, for fear it could/would take away from  SW:Squadrons and/or Battlefront )

Please, Mr. @EricMusco.  Your insight is important to loyal $ubscribers like myself, who have remained here since 2011 beta, as sad as that may sound, and still with hope. :hope_07:

p.s. My "criticism" of You  & your team's continuous neglect of GSF  has no bearing upon my earnest excitement & appreciation for upcoming 7.3 update story content.

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: i apologize to JackieKo for my being somewhat off-topic here
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Does no solo-story mode mean that players can advance the story by doing vet or having another player join them in the story version? 

If so that's a good change.  The pre Iokath story flashpoints would let you group up with a player to help them get through it, but the story-solo path prevented that.

I also don't mind seeing the flashpoints being sidemissions, rather then integral parts of the storyline.


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4 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

Rather ironic the word "silence" is , since we barely ever hear from YOU  Mr. Musco, the leader of our beloved SWTOR game.

Then today, your 1st post since  Feb. 10th ( other than that redundant  May 9th  LiveStream recap post )  you somehow feel it necessary to explain the obvious already established definitions of difficulty levels?!

How about instead, or in addition, you please address a perplexing thread only the leader of SWTOR could possibly elaborate-->  https://forums.swtor.com/topic/929314-pts-gsf-added-to-pvp-season-3-track/   ...with truth & clarity.   As in: Why?  Why doesn't your Dev Team ever develop GSF anymore?  Why ignore the 'STAR' half of  *Star Wars* ?   Is it really because no one is left from that original team and the GSF codebase is too messy or complex or ????

Or is it really because of conspiracy theory  _____  ?  ( aka  EA won't let GSF develop nor thrive, for fear it could/would take away from  SW:Squadrons and/or Battlefront )

Please, Mr. @EricMusco.  Your insight is important to loyal $ubscribers like myself, who have remained here since 2011 beta, as sad as that may sound, and still with hope. :hope_07:

p.s. My "criticism" of You  & your team's continuous neglect of GSF  has no bearing upon my earnest excitement & appreciation for upcoming 7.3 update story content.

I'll chip in on this in saying that it took me a long time to get into GSF but largely through better conquest point rewards and galactic conquest seasons objectives I have taken to liking this aspect of the game a lot more than I thought I would at the outset.  Thanks to those who have posted schooling videos which make up for the game's poor tutorial this has helped also.  Given that it seems to be a central part of conquest objectives which has undoubtedly encouraged many to try it out, it really could do with some new maps and also some further adjustments to prevent certain classes of players from getting kicked while playing their roles earnestly.

Have to say I'm not a huge fan of PTS - I pay my sub to play the game not test it and even when I do pitch in in that regard the population is so low its often hard to achieve anything.

I do agree also that Eric seems to have taken a real back seat with regard to his presence on the forum (yes I am aware his role has changed) and its a shame having built up a good rapport that this is the case.

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3 hours ago, LD_Little_Dragon said:

Does no solo-story mode mean that players can advance the story by doing vet or having another player join them in the story version? 

If so that's a good change.  The pre Iokath story flashpoints would let you group up with a player to help them get through it, but the story-solo path prevented that.

I also don't mind seeing the flashpoints being sidemissions, rather then integral parts of the storyline.


i think they are saying we dont need to do the flashpoint at all to advance the story, but its related to the story if we choose to do it. 

so unlike rishi where you had to do it to advance story, this seems fully optional 

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