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7.3 Credit Economy Initiative: Updates and the GTN

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5 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

I still think the tech Frag currency should go away. It's ridiculous to have an 11000 CAP when the prices don't divide evenly into it. I haven't crafted Augs yet for that reason. The Tech Fragment currency makes me nuts.

The limit used to be 10,000 tech frags but thanks to the old and no longer existing OEMs and RPMs mission costing 10,000 tech frags, people were always going over their tech frag limit which was deleting hundreds of tech frags each time. The devs eventually gave players a tech frag limit of 11,000 so you weren't constantly deleting tech frags saving up 10,000 to unlock the OEM and RPM missions.

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Game isn't competitive enough for me to want to grind the same old stuff for ten years. If you want to go ahead ill just unsub o/. Feel like im wasting money anyways. Ive come to the conclusion im chasing something that will never be, 2.0 era was the peak and its over time to move on, Ive done almost everything in game but nim gods, nim dp and the new raid on anymode or the dark and light event.  I did the stories about 100 times in 1.0 why would i do it again in 4.0 for some xp armor. Oh wait now lvling is nerfed so you need that armor lol. Help me bby jebus \0/

https://forums.swtor.com/topic/831269-harbinger-51-pvp-records/ Hey look im the top guardian neat-o! Idk how to play my character, \0/ That was against premades which is almost impossible now,  But skill matters so much in 7.0 Not the p2w augments or the lag or the ghost gcds or bolster or white bar or the zero counter play or that guardian is a target dummy against more than 4 competent dps nah! uwu lol

You can't have my credits tho! Because i didn't abuse a comp gift bug like you guys so i dont have any \0/ kek dubbz! 👋

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F24ZXO9-MA  I like bellular's take, 13:20 says how the general mmo audience see's swtor.

@JoeStramaglia@Nee-Elder@TrixxieTriss Have you seen it? Should totally watch it! Start at 13:20 ❤️ okay  Bai teehee o/ xoxo! 🌈🍭🍬

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1 hour ago, sharpenedstick said:

The way it should work with these currency caps is that you're allowed to exceed the caps for a limited period of time (~5 minutes or so). This way exceeding the cap during game play allows you time to spend the tokens you earned, but you can't stockpile an absurd amount.

  1. You typically only hit the currency cap if you aren't actively spending that currency (not actively purchasing new gear).
  2. If you aren't actively spending that currency, does it really matter if you lose a few of them when you hit the cap?
  3. If it really is important to not lose any, you get plenty of annoying warnings once you hit 80%+ of the cap...
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4 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

And the mats aren’t from 1.0. They are from 6.x to 7.x content. Most people get them from normal game play.

Pretty sure he means u have to grind old content to max ur tech frags. U need 40k tech frags to make one aug (without getting lucky crits). So u gotta basically max ur tech frags out 4 times × 14 augs. That's a lot of grinding old content ngl. 

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3 hours ago, Skummy said:

Game isn't competitive enough for me to want to grind the same old stuff for ten years.

I’ll say this just one more time. 


If you are too lazy to farm the mats needed, then that’s on you. But the game & the augments ARE NOT PAY 2 WIN. 

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1 hour ago, Samcuu said:

Pretty sure he means u have to grind old content to max ur tech frags. U need 40k tech frags to make one aug (without getting lucky crits). So u gotta basically max ur tech frags out 4 times × 14 augs. That's a lot of grinding old content ngl. 

But that’s not actually true about the content. You can get tech frags from doing 6.x - 7.x content. If someone decides they want to grind old content, that’s up to them. But it’s not the only way to do it. 

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3 hours ago, Skummy said:

You can't have my credits tho! Because i didn't abuse a comp gift bug like you guys so i dont have

I didn’t abuse it to get rich in the game.  I actually used the comp gifts I got during that period to level up my companions to maximum lvl. 

The way I made lots of credits was from crafting dyes & selling them on the GTN for about 24 months. I actually had Billions of credits before the hyperinflation started. 

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1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

But that’s not actually true about the content. You can get tech frags from doing 6.x - 7.x content. If someone decides they want to grind old content, that’s up to them. But it’s not the only way to do it. 

The fastest way to grind tech frags is by grinding story mode ops. Obviously ppl are going to take the quickest/easiest path which naturally means old content. So yes u can do Dxun or R4 but its not an optimal use of ur time. Again as mentioned earlier u need 500,000 tf's to craft a set of gold augs, that's not something that u just do casually in the game....

Edited by Samcuu
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20 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

The fastest way to grind tech frags is by grinding story mode ops. Obviously ppl are going to take the quickest/easiest path which naturally means old content. So yes u can do Dxun or R4 but its not an optimal use of ur time. Again as mentioned earlier u need to max our ur tech frags over 100 times, more than a million tf's to craft a set of gold augs, that's not something that u just do casually in the game....

or if you know how to play the GTN you can buy an item for cheap and flip it earning 500 million credits profit in a few hours. Then you turn around use that 500 million and buy 2 or 3 Aug 77s (depends on your server).

Or if you want to be fiscally smart, buy Aug 74s which is less than a 2% reduction in your total stats compared to Aug 77s.

You don't need Aug 77s for any of the content in this game. Aug 74s will do just fine. The only people who use Aug 77s are those who have enough time or money to craft or purchase them. They are not a requirement.

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57 minutes ago, Samcuu said:

The fastest way to grind tech frags is by grinding story mode ops. Obviously ppl are going to take the quickest/easiest path which naturally means old content. So yes u can do Dxun or R4 but its not an optimal use of ur time. Again as mentioned earlier u need 500,000 tf's to craft a set of gold augs, that's not something that u just do casually in the game....

How many people actually play operations these days? Im seriously asking because I don’t & I get more than enough tech frags doing other things from 6.x - 7.x content to deck out 31+ alts with gold Augments since the mid 6.x time. And that’s with me taking 12 months away from the game since 7.0 & also hardly playing now. I crafted every single Augment myself & didn’t do one operation. 

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6 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

How many people actually play operations these days? Im seriously asking because I don’t & I get more than enough tech frags doing other things from 6.x - 7.x content to deck out 31+ alts with gold Augments since the mid 6.x time. And that’s with me taking 12 months away from the game since 7.0 & also hardly playing now. I crafted every single Augment myself & didn’t do one operation. 

I wouldn't call it "operations". It's mostly DF SM spam, sometimes DP too. It's the new TC.

I've joined a few of those every now and then when I don't have anything else to do. One might think that when those have been spammed for over a year now that people would learn to stand out of stupid, but no. It's amazing how clueless people still are on the very few mechanics left. The bosses usually die because you only need 1-2 people who know what they are doing, but the slaughter is real what comes to 90% of the pugs. Who knew it's actually possible die in sm ops... 😐


I get a lot of frags from my scheduled guild and other raids though. And Rakata pieces I can't use because they are only 336, which give me more tech frags, which I convert to credits with augments. I would much rather gear up and augment my alts, but since we aren't getting 340 mods, might as well convert them to credits. :(

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5 hours ago, DeannaVoyager said:

I wouldn't call it "operations". It's mostly DF SM spam, sometimes DP too. It's the new TC.

I've joined a few of those every now and then when I don't have anything else to do. One might think that when those have been spammed for over a year now that people would learn to stand out of stupid, but no. It's amazing how clueless people still are on the very few mechanics left. The bosses usually die because you only need 1-2 people who know what they are doing, but the slaughter is real what comes to 90% of the pugs. Who knew it's actually possible die in sm ops... 😐


I get a lot of frags from my scheduled guild and other raids though. And Rakata pieces I can't use because they are only 336, which give me more tech frags, which I convert to credits with augments. I would much rather gear up and augment my alts, but since we aren't getting 340 mods, might as well convert them to credits. :(

The operations are old but new players are always joining SWTOR. Not everyone has run DF/DM a hundred times and not everyone is a veteran to MMOs.

I know, it's shocking that SWTOR could be a person's first MMO and running DF/DM maybe their first operation because it is constantly being run for quick and easy tech frags.

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My biggest complaint is it is a pain to just randomly search in the gtn. I want to see everything I can buy for a certain price. This was something I especially wanted as a returning player. I want to see what's actually available. Currently you kinda have to know what you are searching for. Filters would be great too, just like irl things markets(fb marketplace, craigslist) that allow you to search universal parameters. ex, search everything and have the ability to then filter out certain categories. Get rid of anything longer than a day market wise. I sell a lot of items. If you list an item 90% of the time someone will undercut you, then someone undercuts them, rinse and repeat. You then have an item just sitting their for 3 days. Thanks for your hard work!

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28 minutes ago, DrDrinking said:

My biggest complaint is it is a pain to just randomly search in the gtn. I want to see everything I can buy for a certain price. This was something I especially wanted as a returning player. I want to see what's actually available. Currently you kinda have to know what you are searching for. Filters would be great too, just like irl things markets(fb marketplace, craigslist) that allow you to search universal parameters. ex, search everything and have the ability to then filter out certain categories. Get rid of anything longer than a day market wise. I sell a lot of items. If you list an item 90% of the time someone will undercut you, then someone undercuts them, rinse and repeat. You then have an item just sitting their for 3 days. Thanks for your hard work!

at the bottom part of the GTN search settings you can place credit limits.

You can also use drop down menu's to limit searches based on categories.

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On 8/30/2023 at 10:38 PM, Darkestmonty said:

The operations are old but new players are always joining SWTOR. Not everyone has run DF/DM a hundred times and not everyone is a veteran to MMOs.

I know, it's shocking that SWTOR could be a person's first MMO and running DF/DM maybe their first operation because it is constantly being run for quick and easy tech frags.

We have several other operations than DF/DP. They are so easy a blind monkey can finish them, and there is zero reason to a) learn to play your class b) learn the mechanics of the fights. 

This game has turned from an MMO into tech frag farming simulator, all other content has been abandoned and you are fine with that because "someone may be new". Okay. And when the new people have done that mindless farming for a few weeks, they soon realize game is boring and leave the game before getting a chance to see the rest of the content, some of it actually really good.

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1 hour ago, DeannaVoyager said:

We have several other operations than DF/DP. They are so easy a blind monkey can finish them, and there is zero reason to a) learn to play your class b) learn the mechanics of the fights. 

This game has turned from an MMO into tech frag farming simulator, all other content has been abandoned and you are fine with that because "someone may be new". Okay. And when the new people have done that mindless farming for a few weeks, they soon realize game is boring and leave the game before getting a chance to see the rest of the content, some of it actually really good.

Yes, of course, there are no new players unfamiliar with with any of the SWTOR ops and all players to SWTOR are veteran MMOers who understand basic mechanics. The constant Disney Star Wars shows are certainly not bringing in a steady stream of new and inexperienced people to the only official Star Wars MMORPG that exists... only veteran players of MMOs that already know all operation mechanics somehow find this game... /s

Not everyone is going to be great at every aspect of this game let alone ops. Getting mad at people, who very well maybe new to MMOs, disabled, or just bad at controls for not reacting as fast as you want is a you problem, not a them problem.

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13 hours ago, Darkestmonty said:

The constant Disney Star Wars shows are certainly not bringing in a steady stream of new and inexperienced people to the only official Star Wars MMORPG that exists

That’s why Steam shows the lowest player numbers at the moment in the history of the game 🤷🏻‍♀️

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40 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

That’s why Steam shows the lowest player numbers at the moment in the history of the game 🤷🏻‍♀️

this is generally the slowest time of the year, it will pick up closer to December and last a few months then the population will drop again. If you sit on fleet or visit reddit after a new series premiers you will see a lot questions from people who just watched the series and want to play and look like X character.

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