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7.3 Credit Economy Initiative: Updates and the GTN

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24 minutes ago, DrakoOnasi said:

So when Guild members craft Items for other guild members and trade it or Mail it to them it is going to be taxed?

As far as I can tell, the tax would only be if there are credits involved. Even wording about a potential fee for very valuable items in no way then leads to, "sending crafted items will incur the tax/fee."

24 minutes ago, DrakoOnasi said:

What about smaller Guilds that pay out rewards via mail for top 10 contest rewards? because they are trying to compete with the larger guilds?

That's a really bad way for a guild to try to build community, to be frank. And the answer is pretty simple:

They can still pay out rewards, there will just be an 8% tax on their payout. (These reward exchanges ought to be taxed anyway.)


Edited by jedimasterjac
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On 5/1/2023 at 10:44 AM, JoeStramaglia said:


  • What do you dislike about how the GTN currently functions?
  • Is there anything you wish you could do on the GTN that you cannot do currently?
  • Are there any specific filters, searches, or ways of finding items you particularly like or that you wish existed?
  • What kinds of information do you use to decide when to make a purchase? If you could have more information what would you want?


Whatever is done with the GTN, I'd like to see something done to keep the prices in line to reasonable levels for newer players. I accept that there's going to be inflation in a game that's been around for over a decade, but the current situation where people can easily buy up cheaper stuff and just relist it immediately at a higher price causes problems for newer players getting pretty important bits off of it by raising inflation even worse than it already is going to be from the influx of credits.

For example, augments and augmentation kits. On my main characters server, augmentation kit MK-11's are going for 4.5-5M a piece, and blue 73 augments are going at roughly 5M a piece. At those prices if someone didn't engage in crafting their own augments, it would take 133 million credits to augment a set of level 80 gear.

That is far beyond the scope of the income that they would get from almost anything other than buying Cartel Market items and selling them. A heroic rewards around 28,000 credits for completion. That would require them to complete 4,750 heroics for them to get a set of gear augmented.

For me, that's not an issue. To be honest, any prices on the GTN aren't an issue for me, as I've been in the game since release day, I have a maxxed out crafter for every trade and anything I truly want I'll just buy. Or sell some of my stocked up older pieces and then buy what I want. But for a new player that is incredibly daunting and nigh-on forces them to get in on the Cartel Market gravy train.

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On 5/1/2023 at 5:44 PM, JoeStramaglia said:
  1. What do you like about how the GTN currently functions?
  2. What do you dislike about how the GTN currently functions?
  3. Is there anything you wish you could do on the GTN that you cannot do currently?
  4. Are there any specific filters, searches, or ways of finding items you particularly like or that you wish existed?
  5. What kinds of information do you use to decide when to make a purchase? If you could have more information what would you want?
  1.  That I can easily trade items.
  2. I dislike the credit cap of 1bn on it and that some of the filters don't work.
  3. I'd like to be able to buy/sell items for more than 1bn, so that those trades are secure and the credit taxes apply. Also, I'd love it if the GTN were directly connected to the cargo bay, so that character credit cap wouldn't apply for either buying or selling items. 
  4. I would like to be able to filter better. I'd like to be able to exclude items I can't use/equip or those that I have already in my collections.
  5. If possible I'd love to see more stats on how the price of an item changed over X amount of time and the median price for the last week perhaps? Something along those lines. 
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2 hours ago, Char_Ell said:


Which part of the this Joe Stramaglia statement you quoted "the Transaction Fees implemented in Secure Trade, Mail, and COD are a flat tax meant to mirror the highest bracket in the GTN to encourage using the network" made you think you could trade with players and get a lower tax rate?  Mr. Stramaglia specifically states Secure Trade, Mail, and COD will use the highest bracket on the GTN.  So it's not possible to get a lower tax rate than the GTN when trading between players.

Literally the post I replied to, learn to read. "When this overhaul happens we’re going to be converting the GTN Commission Fee to a Progressive Tax starting lower than our current fees but reaching a higher threshold than our current fees."

In the future they want to add a progressive tax, which means the more you sell something for the higher the tax becomes. So for example the tax on the first 10M is 5%, the next 50M is 10% and anything about that is 20%. If I want to sell something fo 100M, that means anything over 60M is going to be taxed at 20%. So the answer is to simply trade for 10M ten times (or 50M 2 times if I dont mind the extra 5%). 

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16 minutes ago, sithBracer said:

Literally the post I replied to, learn to read. "When this overhaul happens we’re going to be converting the GTN Commission Fee to a Progressive Tax starting lower than our current fees but reaching a higher threshold than our current fees."

In the future they want to add a progressive tax, which means the more you sell something for the higher the tax becomes. So for example the tax on the first 10M is 5%, the next 50M is 10% and anything about that is 20%. If I want to sell something fo 100M, that means anything over 60M is going to be taxed at 20%. So the answer is to simply trade for 10M ten times (or 50M 2 times if I dont mind the extra 5%). 

Right but Secure Trade, Mail and COD will mirror the highest bracket in the GTN. So I think you'll be paying the highest tax rate even if you try to trade 10 times at 10M

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2 hours ago, jedimasterjac said:

As far as I can tell, the tax would only be if there are credits involved. Even wording about a potential fee for very valuable items in no way then leads to, "sending crafted items will incur the tax/fee."


On 5/1/2023 at 11:44 AM, JoeStramaglia said:

Some items will adjust the value of a transaction when transferred via Trade, Mail, and COD and will be subject to the same fee.

The quoted bullet is why people are talking about taxing non-credit transactions. It's a little cryptic but I don't see any other way to interpret it. Somebody feel free to correct me if you read it differently.

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The user interface editor desperately needs a GTN section. The GTN is ugly and hard to read, and has completely uncustomizable text - there's no way to even increase text size except by increasing global size, which makes all windows inconvenient and unwieldy. No options for changing colors either. I've pared back my crafting and selling a lot since the big UI changes have made it worse (something definitely changed about the font on the GTN that made it harder to read without getting a headache, and it wasn't good before).

GTN mail is frequently bugged and won't tell me what items sold. Personal sales history, auto-relist, and longer posting times would make crafting for sale less of a slog. I also love the idea others mentioned of being able to post an order for someone to fill - I have a lot of old schematics and used to re-list those items a lot to try to keep them available, before I gave up because it wasn't worth the effort. If I saw someone post an order for e.g. a particular archived armor piece, I could simply make it for them with much less trouble.

Saved searches would be helpful - I have notes on things I'm looking for and regularly do the same searches, to get a sense of availability and pricing (and hopefully catch an especially low price). And an exclude option, maybe? Sometimes you have to page through endless listings of an item that unfortunately matches your search but is not the item you're looking for - if we could use search operators like "exactly this text" or -excludethis it would help.

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On 5/1/2023 at 10:49 PM, Char_Ell said:

I strongly object to this idea of taxing player-to-player non-credit transactions based on whatever perceived credit value the item(s) have.  This is the credit economy initiative, not the barter economy initiative.  I would not want to see scenarios like a generous player in an ops group getting taxed because they traded a stim and/or medpack at no charge to another ops group member that did not have one.  If the ops group player sells the stim to the other ops group member then sure, tax the credits in the transaction.  But if it's a "no credits exchanged" trade then no tax should be levied.

I disagree I'm fine with paying a tax even if we're only gifting items. 

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20 hours ago, thoughtfix said:


From a returning player, it appears to me that we are suffering from high inflation because many long-term players have had time to amass a great deal of wealth over time. This devalues all credits, and makes it incredibly difficult for a new or returning player to participate in the economy. That's what I see from the outside. It may be flawed and, like you say, there may be additional forces at work. I am interested in knowing about them.

There is another issue at play, though. The supply there is technically unlimited, as I am sure Bioware would gladly sell any given user 2,000 platinum color crystals or 10,000 hypercrates if the user was willing to buy them.

I still do not appreciate your condescending tone without examples or corrections, but I will assume you were busy and didn't have the time to write them out.

High inflation from a basic level is a combination of a high supply of currency, devaluing the currency, and more demand than supply.  If the richest people hoard currency, this effect of the currency supply is not as pronounced.  Items in the game have to be generated either by player time (crating, gathering, farming mobs, etc) or real world purchases, so there isn't actually an infinite supply.

The real difference with an in game economy comes from the way currency is obtainable.  Unlike the real world, games tend to make it much easier to access created currency.  SWTOR had many mistakes along the way with not properly balancing the ease of obtaining new credits from the game without appropriate ways to remove them from "circulation." So yes, in part you're correct about players having too much money to spend, but the credits are only devalued when players spend money buying things vs just hoarding those credits.

I believe swtorista put out a video in the last year that covered a lot of interesting things that have all contributed to inflation.  It isn't a full economic assessment, but it showcases how many mistakes were made.  A few of the major points that many players have felt contributed:

  • Credit exploits that allowed generating huge amounts of credits
  • Reduction in free CC from the old referral program & galactic seasons changes = less supply of cartel market items
  • Bots that farm and sell gold to other players (this is very common in this game, many people privately admit to buying)
  • Market manipulators who artificially create scarcity (some people claim to have enough resources to completely keep control of certain cartel market items)
  • Lack of meaningful credit sinks to remove credits from the game.

One thing a lot of players don't acknowledge, when complaining about inflation in this game, is that the player's ability to make credits has generally kept up with inflation.  So, even though the price went from 100m to 1,000m (x10 increase) for a cartel market item, the items you can "farm" in game tended to also go up by x10.  For anyone who's keeping up with the game, the ratio of player time required to afford items didn't change significant, just the value assigned to the credits players earned over that period of time.  As long as you're subscribed this isn't an issue, but for free to play and preferred accounts, this is a major headache due to the 1m credit limit.  When I was f2p for a few months, I would trade crafted items and other valuable items I had from my time as a subscriber.  Like trade dark projects, cartel packs, augments, crafting materials, etc.  But it was much harder to find players willing to trade for items instead of credits.

Yeah, the internet can lead you jaded answering the same questions over and over and people telling you to explain very complex topics to them to prove your point.  As you probably know from typing out your own reply, it takes a long time to answer questions at a very basic level that is simply sharing your opinion.  For me to actually try to give you a detailed answer and educate you on the topic would take many hours of my time.

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3 hours ago, sithBracer said:

Literally the post I replied to, learn to read.

Classic pot calling the kettle black.  SMH

4 hours ago, sithBracer said:

In the future they want to add a progressive tax, which means the more you sell something for the higher the tax becomes. So for example the tax on the first 10M is 5%, the next 50M is 10% and anything about that is 20%. If I want to sell something fo 100M, that means anything over 60M is going to be taxed at 20%. So the answer is to simply trade for 10M ten times (or 50M 2 times if I dont mind the extra 5%). 

@CrazyScruffy already explained it to you.  Basically your idea how this progressive tax will function does not match ours.  I think your idea of how the progressive tax will function is too complicated but I guess we have to wait for BioWare to explain how the progressive tax will work in detail.  Using your made up numbers (sort of) this is how I think it will work.

10M at 5% - any GTN items posted for 10 million credits or less will be taxed at 5%, e.g. 5 million credits sale will only send 4.75 million credits to the seller (not accounting for the deposit).

50M at 10% - any GTN items posted >10 million credits but less than or equal to 50 million credits will have the entire sale price taxed at 10%, e.g. 25 million credits sale will only send 22.5 million credits to the seller (not accounting for the deposit).

>50M at 20% - any GTN items posted > 50 million credits will have the entire sale price taxied at 20%, e.g. 100 million credits sale will only send 80 million credits to the seller (not accounting for the deposit).

Secure Trade (I think this means player-to-player ), COD, and Mail would have the entire transaction taxed at the highest rate on the GTN which for your numbers would be 20%.  So if you initiate player-to-player trade for 1M 10 times or 10M 1 time the seller will be taxed at 20% of the entire amount each time, netting the seller 8M credits either way.  However if you listed the item for 10M on the GTN you would only be taxed at the 10% rate and net 9M credits (not accounting for the deposit), 1M credits more than you would have received via player-to-player trade, thus achieving BioWare's goal to make the GTN the best place to conduct transactions.

If the future progressive tax for the GTN works how I think it will (TBD) then hopefully you can see that using player-to-player and COD mails to try and lower taxation rate would be an exercise in futility.

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25 minutes ago, Char_Ell said:

Classic pot calling the kettle black.  SMH

@CrazyScruffy already explained it to you.  Basically your idea how this progressive tax will function does not match ours.  I think your idea of how the progressive tax will function is too complicated but I guess we have to wait for BioWare to explain how the progressive tax will work in detail.  Using your made up numbers (sort of) this is how I think it will work.

10M at 5% - any GTN items posted for 10 million credits or less will be taxed at 5%, e.g. 5 million credits sale will only send 4.75 million credits to the seller (not accounting for the deposit).

50M at 10% - any GTN items posted >10 million credits but less than or equal to 50 million credits will have the entire sale price taxed at 10%, e.g. 25 million credits sale will only send 22.5 million credits to the seller (not accounting for the deposit).

>50M at 20% - any GTN items posted > 50 million credits will have the entire sale price taxied at 20%, e.g. 100 million credits sale will only send 80 million credits to the seller (not accounting for the deposit).

Secure Trade (I think this means player-to-player ), COD, and Mail would have the entire transaction taxed at the highest rate on the GTN which for your numbers would be 20%.  So if you initiate player-to-player trade for 1M 10 times or 10M 1 time the seller will be taxed at 20% of the entire amount each time, netting the seller 8M credits either way.  However if you listed the item for 10M on the GTN you would only be taxed at the 10% rate and net 9M credits (not accounting for the deposit), 1M credits more than you would have received via player-to-player trade, thus achieving BioWare's goal to make the GTN the best place to conduct transactions.

If the future progressive tax for the GTN works how I think it will (TBD) then hopefully you can see that using player-to-player and COD mails to try and lower taxation rate would be an exercise in futility.

not sure why you called me out on it lol. Only posted once and gave no ideas on how the progressive tax will function. And it seems that we have the same thought process that player-to-player and COD mails will be an exercise in futility

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Well I'll be damned, after years of posting requests and suggestions on how to revamp the GTN to combat inflation, we're actually getting some of them. 

Some additional suggestions though:
* Historical sale data is a must, and would be especially nice if it was available outside the GTN, so we can tell when we pick up something especially juicy. 
* Please stop mailing us credits on sale. It's a painful, clunky system that makes no real sense. 
* Item listing notifications please. Set an item and price range, and get notified (NOT by mail, some kind of unobtrusive popup/message) when a listing matches. 


Also, please get rid of the QT tax introduced last time. Terrible idea. Makes me roll my eyes every time I QT. 

Edited by MadDutchman
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On 5/1/2023 at 11:18 AM, DewyMossEmpire said:

If there is a stack of 100 items, allow me to purchase any amount of them. The seller should be able to specify whether this is an option or not prior to listing. 

There are a lot  of hidden benefits to doing this.  I played the now defunct City of Heroes MMO for a number of years, and their trade house had both this feature, and what were called buy orders.  Joe Stramaglia has hinted that buy orders might be in the pipeline at some point, and after my experience playing CoH, they really do serve a very useful purpose.


Back to buying partial stacks.  Once this is implemented, consider taking steps to encourage players to list large quantities as stacks rather than one item at a time.  The back end benefit for doing so is that it reduces the number of stacks in the GTN database, with all the associated benefits: less database storage needed, potentially faster searches, etc.


To encourage players to sell by stacks, a very simple way would be to start increasing the GTN tax above the 8% level the moment you have more than one copy of an item on the market.  This would mean introducing the ability to add items to a stack already on sale after the fact.  Of course, this would not apply to items that can't be stacked, for example augments come to mind as a non-stackable item, so they should not be penalized in this way.


There are also a few edge cases that would need to be considered, specifically maximum stack sizes.  Probably the easiest solution to that particular issue would be to exempt stacks from the additional tax if the stack size is at the maximum possible.  Having seen stacks of 9,999 crafting materials on the market from time to time, this is a very real issue to consider.


Finally one last request that is a permanent minor pain point with the GTN.  Please provide an option to allow me to specify item price rather than stack price when selling something.  Just consider I'm trying to sell a stack of 137 items, and I want to list them at 19,500 credits each.  Can you work out in your head what the stack price should be for them?  No, I can't either.

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The video from @JoeStramaglia in today's livestream start at 34:19 here:



  1. Thanks for everyone for providing constructive feedback. It's an ongoing issue and a lot of care is being taken on ajustments over time.
  2. Done already:
    1. Credit inflow and sinks. More to come
    2. Travel costs
    3. Durability loss and repair costs based on item level
  3. New in 7.3
    1. Taxes for
      1. Secure Trade
      2. Mail
      3. Collect on Deposit
      4. Based on credit value and some item values listed in transaction
    2. Expect to see these changes in PTS
    3. GTN overhaul
      1. Increased usability
      2. Easier to find what you want
      3. Market data (!!!!)
      4. Buyout Price Limit (he does not say if it's up or down)
      5. Taxes on a progressive scale based on price
  4. Changes over more than one release
  5. GTN should be the primary driver of trade
  6. This will be over several phases, and not just for credit but for the game ecosystem


Thanks Joe!

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7 hours ago, klizilii said:

One thing a lot of players don't acknowledge, when complaining about inflation in this game, is that the player's ability to make credits has generally kept up with inflation.  So, even though the price went from 100m to 1,000m (x10 increase) for a cartel market item, the items you can "farm" in game tended to also go up by x10.  For anyone who's keeping up with the game, the ratio of player time required to afford items didn't change significant, just the value assigned to the credits players earned over that period of time.  As long as you're subscribed this isn't an issue, but for free to play and preferred accounts, this is a major headache due to the 1m credit limit.  When I was f2p for a few months, I would trade crafted items and other valuable items I had from my time as a subscriber.  Like trade dark projects, cartel packs, augments, crafting materials, etc.  But it was much harder to find players willing to trade for items instead of credits.


When the cap was 65 we got something like 18.5k from doing a heroic, for example. Now we get just under 28k. Other missions can reward up to just under 40k, things like weeklies and story missions, but they're hardly a good source of income/time.

That's a 150% increase in quick, repeatable missions. Whereas there's been almost a 30 fold increase in items from even the end of 5.0 /start of 6.0. And that's just working from my memory of things I used to sell regularly, god only knows for CM items. So I'm really not sure how you get the idea that the ability for players to earn money has kept up with inflation.

Crafting is possible, I guess, but you're still sinking millions of credits into making it efficient. It takes 473 rank 5 purple gifts (at maxxed legacy perks) to get from influence 1 to 50. It takes over 200 too get from 40 influence to 50, and that's a massive stretch to even approach that from conversations alone, so you'd be looking at tens of millions just to get started crafting. We're talking something like 75 heroics just to top a companion off.

Selling off mats really isn't that viable unless all you're doing is farming them. At the current prices it's something in the order of 250 purple scavenging mats and 200 of the mission only mats to be able to afford a single augment. Gold mats will fetch a good price, but that leaves the issue of the time lag in getting to that point; You have to sink a fair bit into gear before they're really going to be in excess for you, but once you get to that point.. granted, that's viable. But you still run into the issue that at even at 50M a pop, you're still only getting 1 purple augment a piece at that price.

If all we were talking about was buying cosmetic items then I'd really have very little issue with the prices on the GTN. But augments, stims and medpacks are pretty darn needed if you want to do any sort of serious content in the game, and those are currently priced well outside the viable range for newer players unless they're going to sink even more real cash into the game than the subscriber fee.

Edited by Sanchpanza
Forgot to add something in about gold mats.
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3 hours ago, thoughtfix said:

The video from @JoeStramaglia in today's livestream start at 34:19 here:



  1. Thanks for everyone for providing constructive feedback. It's an ongoing issue and a lot of care is being taken on ajustments over time.
  2. Done already:
    1. Credit inflow and sinks. More to come
    2. Travel costs
    3. Durability loss and repair costs based on item level
  3. New in 7.3
    1. Taxes for
      1. Secure Trade
      2. Mail
      3. Collect on Deposit
      4. Based on credit value and some item values listed in transaction
    2. Expect to see these changes in PTS
    3. GTN overhaul
      1. Increased usability
      2. Easier to find what you want
      3. Market data (!!!!)
      4. Buyout Price Limit (he does not say if it's up or down)
      5. Taxes on a progressive scale based on price
  4. Changes over more than one release
  5. GTN should be the primary driver of trade
  6. This will be over several phases, and not just for credit but for the game ecosystem


Thanks Joe!

What does "Tax for Collect on Deposit" means?

I have to pay to take out credits from my own legacy bank?

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5 minutes ago, eabevella said:

What does "Tax for Collect on Deposit" means?

I have to pay to take out credits from my own legacy bank?

I don't think so. I think it meant to be "COD mail" which I always understood as Collect On Delivery but possibly misspoke or had an error in the slide?

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13 minutes ago, thoughtfix said:

I don't think so. I think it meant to be "COD mail" which I always understood as Collect On Delivery but possibly misspoke or had an error in the slide?

Oh, I see. Got me confused for a sec. Thanks.

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5 hours ago, dgnuff said:

Just consider I'm trying to sell a stack of 137 items, and I want to list them at 19,500 credits each.  Can you work out in your head what the stack price should be for them?  No, I can't either.

Although I am not against your request, this is not really an issue. You don't have to use your head to count the price. There are calculators everywhere - windows, smartphones etc. In case you don't want to use one you can split the stack, place 1 item for 19,500 and then the GTN will calculate the price for the stack of 136 items automatically. Plus you will give a chance to the poor f2p to buy something, too. 😇

Edited by black_pyros
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1 hour ago, thoughtfix said:

I don't think so. I think it meant to be "COD mail" which I always understood as Collect On Delivery but possibly misspoke or had an error in the slide?

It's a "Cash on Delivery" but, yes I think the dev was speaking about CoD mail, too.

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On 5/1/2023 at 11:44 AM, JoeStramaglia said:

Hello everyone! I’m Joe Stramaglia and I’m a Systems Designer on Star Wars: the Old Republic. Today I am bringing you some of our planned changes for the Credit Economy coming in 7.3 and giving you a hint at some of the changes in the pipeline. 

First off, I want to say thanks to everyone who provided constructive feedback to our initial changes we introduced in 7.2.1. We’re reading your feedback and looking at data for each phase of these releases as we want to be careful and considerate of each change’s effect. The changes we introduced in 7.2.1 were smaller scale than the ones we’ll be introducing in 7.3 and the upcoming patches, but no one change is looking to solve every problem. They each have a specific intention related to our goals that were shared in that previous post.

When we open up 7.3 content on the PTS, players will be able to see the following adjustments:

  • We’re retiring the Tax Evasion Guild Perk, it will no longer be available in future rotations.
  • Secure Trade, Mail, and Collect on Deposit will now have an associated transaction fee based on the value of the transaction. The fee is aligned to the Galactic Trade Network Commission Fee at 8%.
  • Some items will adjust the value of a transaction when transferred via Trade, Mail, and COD and will be subject to the same fee.
  • Many items will have adjusted Vendor sale values.

These changes are largely motivated around reducing GTN tax avoidance and adjusting credit inflow from item sales. However we’ve got a suite of changes that rely on these coming in our next phase, which I am going to reveal a little bit earlier as there will be further adjustments to these numbers as a result.

We’re actively exploring a complete overhaul of our Galactic Trade Network system! This will include a lot of things I cannot talk about yet as they will come after 7.3 but am very excited to reveal soon. Make sure you check out our livestream on May 3rd at 1pm CT / 6pm UTC and follow here on the forums for more information as we get closer.

When this overhaul happens we’re going to be converting the GTN Commission Fee to a Progressive Tax starting lower than our current fees but reaching a higher threshold than our current fees. The exact numbers will be released at a later time, but the Transaction Fees implemented in Secure Trade, Mail, and COD are a flat tax meant to mirror the highest bracket in the GTN to encourage using the network. Whenever Taxes are updated in the GTN those changes will be applied accordingly here as well.

We want the Galactic Trade Network to be the premier place for trade. Given we’re exploring the GTN as a place to improve the experience and make participating in our player market more enjoyable for everyone, we'd like to get your feedback on the current state of the GTN in terms of usability.

  • What do you like about how the GTN currently functions?
  • What do you dislike about how the GTN currently functions?
  • Is there anything you wish you could do on the GTN that you cannot do currently?
  • Are there any specific filters, searches, or ways of finding items you particularly like or that you wish existed?
  • What kinds of information do you use to decide when to make a purchase? If you could have more information what would you want?

It’s important to note that the changes we’re currently planning are going to take place over multiple phases and releases so not all changes will come online at once. We look forward to sharing the current plans and taking your feedback into account!

I have read this three times, NONE of these changes will work at anything other than PISSING OFF a bunch of people. Making sure people LOSE MONEY ON ANY AND EVERYTHING they sell, where did you study economics, Mao Tze-Tung U. TAXES are not an answer to everything, IT IS ALSO NOT A START TO EVERYTHING. 

Reason the people you are trying to target HAVE BILLIONS! 19-20k on a sale don't bother them IT DOES hurt NEW PLAYERS! You know the ones you are spending all your advertising money on. Those players can't qt, can't send MAIL, can't list anything on the GTN, you are actually forcing people to go to credit sellers. MAYBE that is your plan, are you running a credit farm? Only reason these changes are making sense.

If you want to get money out SELL SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR BIG $! Legacy Ops mounts for a BILLION! Personal star ships, STOP MAKING CRAFTING MATS REWARDS FOR OPS!! 

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4 minutes ago, Lost-Savage-XIII said:

Making sure people LOSE MONEY ON ANY AND EVERYTHING they sell, where did you study economics

Taxes on sales are standard thing in real economies as well. While in real life they are used by governments as a fund for services for citizens like health care or education, in game they are used as a credit sink to maintain a balance between credits generated and destroyed to prevent inflation.

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24 minutes ago, Lost-Savage-XIII said:

IT DOES hurt NEW PLAYERS! You know the ones you are spending all your advertising money on. Those players can't qt, can't send MAIL, can't list anything on the GTN, you are actually forcing people to go to credit sellers. MAYBE that is your plan, are you running a credit farm?

Sorry, you got me confused here. What new players do you mean? Subs? They have access to mails. Or f2p? They can use QT once every 6 minutes and can list 2 items per character on the GTN. And f2p players don't buy credits from sellers because they have 1 mil credit cap and because, since they don't have money to subscribe, they likely don't have money for credits either. Your post makes zero sense.

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