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I wonder how much time the map designers spent intentionally making Ruhnuk convoluted


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I think the planet is beautiful, but yeah I agree.

I also dislike how there far to many mobs with high HP, making it a slog, to many elites, and strong enemies, overture mobs groups, it's just bad balancing. Which is why I do not do the dailies there.  


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I agree with Commanderwar that the amount of Elites / Mob Density on Ruhnuk is a bit much. I will only do dailies there on characters with stealth. 

But as far as the Rhunuk Map goes for being convoluted...

Belsavis and Corellia are both saying: "Hold my Beer." :rak_05:



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2 hours ago, commanderwar said:

I think the planet is beautiful, but yeah I agree.

I also dislike how there far to many mobs with high HP, making it a slog, to many elites, and strong enemies, overture mobs groups, it's just bad balancing. Which is why I do not do the dailies there.  


I like the aesthetic. But the map is intentionally convoluted. So, I didn't mean to criticize the artists. 


1 hour ago, GeneralGyro said:

they need to go back and see how to properly plan out world map and minimap layouts because the vanilla game designers did it better

Even  Makeb is better. Every time they add a new daily area, it's more convoluted than the last. 

Edited by StrikePrice
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Ruhnuk is a tad confusing to get around, and it's very easy to get turned around in all the tunnels.

One of my biggest gripes however, is the mob density in said tunnels. There. Are. So. Many.

Npc's are all over the place that getting somewhere is taking a lot longer than it should. And more silver and gold mobs than you can shake a lightsaber at. It should really be toned down a bit.

Same problem are also present on Manaan daily area, and there the npc's cross heal each other which makes it even more tedious.

Edited by Otowi
Corrected a minor typo.
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8 hours ago, Otowi said:

Ruhnuk is a tad confusing to get around, and it's very easy to get turned around in all the tunnels.

One of my biggest gripes however, is the mob density in said tunnels. There. Are. So. Many.

Npc's are all over the place that getting somewhere is taking a lot longer than it should. And more silver and gold mobs than you can shake a lightsaber at. It should really be toned down a bit.

Same problem are also present on Manaan daily area, and there the npc's cross heal each other which makes it even more tedious.

What's worse, they are all bullet sponges. I'll definitely wait until the level cap is 90 to get the Purple Wombat title or whatever that is you get for legendary status. 

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On 4/13/2023 at 1:22 PM, GeneralGyro said:

because the vanilla game designers did it better

If you're talking about maps of caves or hallways that look like intestines winding back on themselves stocked full of trash mobs and then labeled content, I'll disagree. Some of the original map designs are heinously and unnecessary tedious, Illum caves for one, apparently curated that way to do nothing other than add time to slog through the experience.

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25 minutes ago, cach-x said:

the mob density everywhere, specially post base game. There's a reason why I play my stealthers much more.

Not all off it is that bad. Rishi is but one example, and Mek-Sha another, thou in the latters case it's because the maps are not that big, so there is a limit as to how many enemy NPC's you can have there.

But generally I agree with you.

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23 hours ago, StrikePrice said:

What's worse, they are all bullet sponges. I'll definitely wait until the level cap is 90 to get the Purple Wombat title or whatever that is you get for legendary status. 

This is the real issue - even with max gear, the mobs just take an inordinate amount of time to kill.

If the entire game were balanced this way, I might put up with it assuming the combat was engaging and the content had a point, but when it is clear they have started using more and more 'just add more mobs with more HP' design to pad out pointless repeat content and hide the lack of new story content, yeah nope, not going to bother.

Edited by DawnAskham
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On 4/14/2023 at 9:07 PM, StrikePrice said:

What's worse, they are all bullet sponges. I'll definitely wait until the level cap is 90 to get the Purple Wombat title or whatever that is you get for legendary status. 

Wut?  "Legendary Player" status can be obtained by simply completing all eight Origin stories, whish requires interactions with only stuff that a level "up to 50" character can kill.

If you're not talking about that, be chillingly clear about what you *are* talking about.

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10 minutes ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Wut?  "Legendary Player" status can be obtained by simply completing all eight Origin stories, whish requires interactions with only stuff that a level "up to 50" character can kill.

If you're not talking about that, be chillingly clear about what you *are* talking about.

I'm guessing the OP is referring to Legend reputation level with the Mandos on Ruhnuk, which gives a title: Par'jila Gehat'ik(?) I admit, I'd probably prefer Purple Wombat myself!

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Yes, Ruhnuk is probably the worst daily area. I honestly never thought they would top Iokath for last place but they did it. The respawn time for enemies is so fast that if you take more than a few seconds to get your loot and get going, they'll respawn and you have to fight them all over again. They also added this thing where the wildlife will automatically attack if you're on the collect meat quest and it doesn't go off until you complete or quit it which is very annoying and breaks with all similar quests. There's only a few taxi / quick travel areas and not where a lot of the quest stuff is so you're constantly driving trying to find the markers, again different from most other daily areas. At least quick travel is less than 1000 lol.

Today I did the Lane Vizla story quest for the second time. In case anyone's wondering, it doesn't make a difference which option you pick, they both end jarringly abruptly. It was really difficult, a few of the areas require you to go into basically crowds of silver and gold elites and it became easier and faster to just run through, die and respawn; only Oricon is similar in that respect. LOTS of backtracking, it basically makes Ruhnuk unbearable for non-stealthers. I'm glad stealthing still works at least, but I really dislike the 7.0 change that disappearing act/cloaking screen no longer exit combat (even though it still says on the tooltip that it does!) and enemies will continue to attack you anyway; this is one area of the game where being able to exit combat would be extremely helpful.

It was just a brutal, slow slog, and really strange because Manaan's daily area was so much different. I'm getting my characters through the main story and then just waiting for the next chapter, IDC about maxing the rep, it's just not worth it.     

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I actually like Ruhnuk, it's one of my favourite Daily Areas, way better than Manaan or Onderon. The planet itself is beautiful, the reputation armor set is fantastic and the Ruhnuk datacron is actually fun to get. I also don't agree that the map design is convoluted, you find out pretty quick what's the fastest route to get the weekly done. You can skip dailies you don't like or that take too long, for example the scanning mission. What I don't like are the heroics because they actually take way too long and are a slog to do on you own, so I just never did those.

Granted, I'm a stealther, and I have seen with other chars how annoying those mobs can be, but other than in the waterworks the trash mobs are avoidable even without stealth. Not every daily area has to be CZ-198.

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On 4/16/2023 at 3:20 AM, Ardrossan said:

Today I did the Lane Vizla story quest for the second time. (...)

It was just a brutal, slow slog, and really strange because Manaan's daily area was so much different. I'm getting my characters through the main story and then just waiting for the next chapter, IDC about maxing the rep, it's just not worth it.     


Do I need this to later progress to the next Story addition? Or is it  just for reputation grind unlock? I'm thinking about my non-stealth alts. 

I reccently returned to SWTOR after almost a year away, and as a part of "welcome back" content, it almost made me quit again...  😶

Edited by MrufkaZ
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No map can be as bad as Correlia. It's been a long time since I killed mobs on Ruhnuk, but I don't recall them having a ton of HP. In fact, the mobs on Ossus are the ones that take ages to kill. If the mobs are dying too slowly, it could be sign that you either don't know your class, or you're playing a bad class (i.e Lightning Sorc, or Arsenal Merc). I see level 80s do 5k DPS in FPs when I am doing 20k-25k DPS. I am worth 5 of these players in damage. So they will kill a single enemy 5 times slower than me in solo.

Edited by Traceguy
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1 hour ago, Traceguy said:

No map can be as bad as Correlia. It's been a long time since I killed mobs on Ruhnuk, but I don't recall them having a ton of HP. In fact, the mobs on Ossus are the ones that take ages to kill. If the mobs are dying too slowly, it could be sign that you either don't know your class, or you're playing a bad class (i.e Lightning Sorc, or Arsenal Merc). I see level 80s do 5k DPS in FPs when I am doing 20k-25k DPS. I am worth 5 of these players in damage. So they will kill a single enemy 5 times slower than me in solo.

Many things were put in the original game to slow players down. Correlia was one of them. Ruhnuk continues that proud tradition. 

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2 hours ago, MrufkaZ said:


Do I need this to later progress to the next Story addition? Or is it  just for reputation grind unlock? I'm thinking about my non-stealth alts. 

I reccently returned to SWTOR after almost a year away, and as a part of "welcome back" content, it almost made me quit again...  😶

Neither really, it's like Manaan's afterstory, just something they put in to connect the dailies together, but you can do the dailies without doing the story, and you don't have to do either one if you don't want to.

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1 hour ago, Ardrossan said:

Neither really, it's like Manaan's afterstory, just something they put in to connect the dailies together, but you can do the dailies without doing the story, and you don't have to do either one if you don't want to.


Oh, thank the stars :)

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