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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback on Galactic Season 4 Rewards


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I like the design for the new companion. Especially since these companions end up on our class ships currently, players appreciate the team putting the effort in to make them look appealing within a likely tight schedule. The only change I plan to make is its weapon, as the holographic tuning makes it look a bit silly (though I understand others may like that sort of thing). 

Regarding season companions ending up on our ships, won't it start to become a problem, in terms of space? Perhaps the older season companions can be moved to the fleet or Odessen, as ships are already starting to get a bit cramped. 

The 'lower tier' weapons look good too this season, especially the lightsaber and blaster pistol. I can't say blue or now pink versions of 'upper tier' weapons are preferred, and maybe this will change back to something like what was seen in Season 2 in the future. 

The season 4 armor sets will work really well for Jedi characters, especially the chests and legs, and are a lot better than season 3's, which many felt were a noticeable downgrade from season 2 (it had one of the best bounty hunter chests in the game, in the lower tier set), alongside most of the reward track generally. 

Dyes also continue to be an improvement, as in season 3, and a nice reward. These will likely end up useful.

As for the CM packs, I personally don't find them very functional as rewards, especially since the pool of items they draw from seems to be limited. Many players already have much of or, in some cases, even all of what they have to offer, especially the armor and weapon packs. Cartel coins were much better to earn for a reward, giving players the agency to purchase an item from the CM and then unlock it.

If the player base is completing galactic seasons on too many servers, and too many 'free' cartel coins are being earned, perhaps limit how many servers a given season can be finished on, but increase the overall cartel coin reward back up to season 2 levels. This is very likely preferred to the packs being offered in their place. 

Overall, this season is better for rewards than season 3 was, save for the colored 'upper tier' weapons again (this time pink), but season 2 really is where I think most players would like the team to aim for. 

Preview of the Season 4 rewards: Star Wars: The Old Republic | News, Updates, Developer Blogs (swtor.com)

Edited by arunav
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On 3/28/2023 at 7:01 PM, arunav said:

I like the design for the new companion. Especially since these companions end up on our class ships currently, players appreciate the team putting the effort in to make them look appealing within a likely tight schedule.

I agree, Amity looks really cool and has an interesting backstory. But I despise his voice, it's atrocious and I can't stand having him around. I don't even let him craft anything because he's so irritating. The rest of GS4 I like very much, I think the armor sets look great, thed dyes are actually usable and the weapons look great. I like the pink weapons, the pink saber perfectly fits my inquisitor. Also, the decorations are really versatile and nice to look at. Definitely an improvement over the last season.

For GS5 I hope they finally cast a voice actor for the companion, I thought the gambling bot speaking Huttese was bad, but Amity really takes the cake. And they definitely should adress the companion problem on the ship. Give us an option to boot them off our ship, or finally add hooks so we can decide who stays where. We've been asking for that for 10 years. 

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I don't mind Amity--or any of the GS comp voices--all that much, because i just spacebar through the convos on the ship, and in combat i don't find his selonian quips too bad. There's a selonian star fortress comp that uses the same language, no real difference. 

It would be nice if they brought in real VAs. Or if they just stopped lying about VAs not costing much money given that everything they've done since 2015 would suggest the opposite. 

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1 hour ago, Ardrossan said:

There's a selonian star fortress comp that uses the same language, no real difference. 

The difference is, that Leyta is actually a Selonian and not a human with a helmet. It's just not believable that a human sounds exactly like a Selonian does. Same with the GS3 droid, why does a super advanced droid not speak Basic. I don't mind Fen and Altuur because they actually are aliens, so their voices make sense. 

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1 hour ago, Whykara said:

The difference is, that Leyta is actually a Selonian and not a human with a helmet. It's just not believable that a human sounds exactly like a Selonian does. Same with the GS3 droid, why does a super advanced droid not speak Basic. I don't mind Fen and Altuur because they actually are aliens, so their voices make sense. 

True. I think it would have been awesome if they made him without the helmet, and they had an initial scene of a regular looking guy making these insane noises and shapes with his mouth. I bet the devs are kicking themselves for missing such a brilliant opportunity. :rak_01:

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I think the most annoying part of the rewards is the weapon in the Cartel pack.

I am only getting the same type of weapon for a character I don't even play - the Commando gun.  I also don't understand the headpiece for this season's armor, but yeah okay.

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Indeed the GS4 is overall really good. Rewards are nice, decos are cool, armors are cool (though very force themed/oriented, but helmet are adaptive to all classes, I liek them), mounts, even titles are really nice. Weapons are cool, though I'm not fan of pink weapons, but a lot of people like that, so that's fine.
Even Amity is cool. I love his design, I'd want such armor for myself too, but with different colors/dyeable. Story is really nice, second mission choices were interesting, even though on third mission it seemed there is only one outcome?

True, his voice is quite annyoing, but I see BW heared me and made for him unique abilities so it's BIG plus from me. Also, the skin for ultimate achievement is really good. The best one so far.

So, hopefully GS5 will be similar in quality or even better.


In that case, I wonder what GS5 will be about.


Kel Dor, Selkath, Krex, Skytrooper when?

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Not a fan of Amity. Pacifist who promises him quest "will be worth it" yet it ends up only benefiting him. Leyta - an actual Selonian companion - is a cool cat. Amity, by unavoidable comparison, feels lame. Guess they gave him special abilities to make him more appealing, but we already have comps with far superior ones.

On 3/28/2023 at 10:01 AM, arunav said:

The 'lower tier' weapons look good too this season, especially the lightsaber and blaster pistol. I can't say blue or now pink versions of 'upper tier' weapons are preferred, and maybe this will change back to something like what was seen in Season 2 in the future. 

^ This 100%. Whoever thought making weapons look like nerf guns was a good idea should have their crayons privileges revoked. Barbie and Space Barbie are not the same.

On 3/28/2023 at 10:01 AM, arunav said:

The season 4 armor sets will work really well for Jedi characters, especially the chests and legs, and are a lot better than season 3's, which many felt were a noticeable downgrade from season 2 (it had one of the best bounty hunter chests in the game, in the lower tier set), alongside most of the reward track generally. 

Armor is nice and dyes well - will definitely be using pieces from it. Season 3 armor was good too - used pieces across different toons, and wrist watch was quite unique.

On 3/28/2023 at 10:01 AM, arunav said:

Regarding season companions ending up on our ships, won't it start to become a problem, in terms of space? Perhaps the older season companions can be moved to the fleet or Odessen, as ships are already starting to get a bit cramped. 

Please start moving them away from the ship (to Odessen) - my ship-droid is complaining about all the extra cleanup he now has to do.

Edited by VegaMist
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2 hours ago, VegaMist said:

Please start moving them away from the ship (to Odessen) - my ship-droid is complaining about all the extra cleanup he now has to do.

Odessen is a great idea, though I suppose the problem is that low levels can't access it. Also I don't think F2P have access. But this would be a useful sub perk--the same machine on Odessen that lets you pick up comps before you encounter them in the story (and is now redundant for most comps moving forward) could be used to transfer comps on your ship (including original comps, Lana / Theron) over to Odessen. And hey, maybe vice versa, if your SI really wants Bowdaar hanging out on your ship or something. 

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13 minutes ago, Ardrossan said:

Odessen is a great idea, though I suppose the problem is that low levels can't access it. Also I don't think F2P have access.

They can.  I have two F2P accounts, one that is pure F2P and one that is preferred via a CC purchase.  Both are capped at level 60 with no access to expansions beyond SoR.  I am able to travel to Odessen and Ruhnuk on both of them.  Obviously, can not enter any of the phased areas, but the companions could certainly be placed in the cantina or one of the other public areas.

When it comes to level, Quesh is the only planet that has a hard level limit since you have to be 30 something (34'ish, IIRC) in order to accept the mission to receive the inoculation.  Zakuul, Iokath, and Darvanis are the only planets that require story progress.  Until you have progressed the story to that point they do not appear on the galaxy map.  And Section X on Belsavis is the only planetary area that requires a current subscription or an unlock in order to access.  Trying to travel there as a F2P or preferred without access authorization generates a pop-up that says: Requires Access Authorization: Section X.

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27 minutes ago, ceryxp said:

They can.  I have two F2P accounts, one that is pure F2P and one that is preferred via a CC purchase.  Both are capped at level 60 with no access to expansions beyond SoR.  I am able to travel to Odessen and Ruhnuk on both of them.  Obviously, can not enter any of the phased areas, but the companions could certainly be placed in the cantina or one of the other public areas.

Great idea placing them in cantina - close to the landing point, accessible by everyone, and makes sense as a hang-out place.

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I have a problem with the companion character for this one. It's minor, but it's due to the one in question not being able to speak Galactic Basic; this is a little critique, but I felt it necessary to let you know. I felt that he could have picked up Galactic Basic somewhere.

Edited by kyledll
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I like Amity, but the Seloinan Language not-so-much. The reasoning behind the armor is heartbreaking and just makes me want him out of it more. The armors are fabulous, the weapons meh. And finally, one gorgeous deco. We could use more dyes though.

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15 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

Odessen is a great idea, though I suppose the problem is that low levels can't access it. Also I don't think F2P have access. But this would be a useful sub perk--the same machine on Odessen that lets you pick up comps before you encounter them in the story (and is now redundant for most comps moving forward) could be used to transfer comps on your ship (including original comps, Lana / Theron) over to Odessen. And hey, maybe vice versa, if your SI really wants Bowdaar hanging out on your ship or something. 

I don’t like having them on Odessen just because I don’t want to have to pay to go visit the companion every time I need to turn in items for rep or do their influence based quests.  I know some of my toons can do a free port to the alliance specialists but not everyone is at that point.  

Edited by Darcmoon
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As far as the season companions being on the ship, I would like if you could talk to them if you place them in your stronghold, just as some of the vanilla companion conversations can be held there.  This would achieve 2 desirable results:

1. Characters that don't have a ship yet would still be able to turn in earned tokens.

2. You wouldn't have to go searching on your ship for each one. (Each ship has Amity in a different place), and now with the cost of quicktravel, going to a space port to go to the ship isn't convenient particularly for characters that are still lower level.


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For the companions abilities - I tried him with some of my characters on healing mode in some harder content. 

He failed. I did same content with Z0-OM successfully.

I'll keep Zo-om as my preferred Star Fortress (Heroic) companion, she does a better job healing. 

I'll use Amity for lower level content, but he just can't hack it in harder situations.

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