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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Don't add credit sinks that hurt new players


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9 hours ago, eabevella said:

Both shock economy and India's forced new currency don't just money from people's bank account (or vault). One  forced an open market while the other forced the circulation of currency to put it simple. Yes some people will lose everything in the process, but not everyone. Your examples only solidify my point: the idea of wiping everyone's account clean (aka: a "reset") isn't the way. Anyone who believes so is delusional.

You sure love making grand declarations without anything to back up your arguments. It's not "delusional", you just disagree. It's okay to disagree. It's not okay to claim other people are mentally ill because you disagree.

It's like another poster saying that the idea is "radical" and therefore inherently bad. Y'all say a lot more about your beliefs than you maybe intend talking about fixing a videogame economy. 

I like Blakinik's ideas, and also the item unlock ideas. I also still like Balemb's neo currency idea which is very similar. We need fresh ideas that haven't been done before, although I think it's very likely cerxyp is correct and BW has no intention of changing the system.

Y'all posting about fixing credit exploits or reducing the amount of credits vendors give you might wanna notice that when your ideas are exactly the same as BW's "glacial progress", ideas that have never worked before in this game, ideas that they do just to claim that they're doing something, well in that case, maybe something a little radical is called for? 

Edited by Ardrossan
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4 hours ago, Ardrossan said:

You sure love making grand declarations without anything to back up your arguments. It's not "delusional", you just disagree. It's okay to disagree. It's not okay to claim other people are mentally ill because you disagree.

It's like another poster saying that the idea is "radical" and therefore inherently bad. Y'all say a lot more about your beliefs than you maybe intend talking about fixing a videogame economy. 

I like Blakinik's ideas, and also the item unlock ideas. I also still like Balemb's neo currency idea which is very similar. We need fresh ideas that haven't been done before, although I think it's very likely cerxyp is correct and BW has no intention of changing the system.

Y'all posting about fixing credit exploits or reducing the amount of credits vendors give you might wanna notice that when your ideas are exactly the same as BW's "glacial progress", ideas that have never worked before in this game, ideas that they do just to claim that they're doing something, well in that case, maybe something a little radical is called for? 

Er... don't quote me if "I am not interested in engaging with you on this topic" please?

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On 3/18/2023 at 7:16 AM, RikuvonDrake said:

while the same, or more, would be removed through regular credit sinks

the main problem is that bioware has removed so many credit sinks over the course of years that even crippling generation down to a trickle wouldn't do anything

once again, disproportionately affecting the poor/new players while doing virtually nothing against the rich, completely the opposite of what should be done

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On 3/21/2023 at 4:08 AM, recalcitrantIre said:

the main problem is that bioware has removed so many credit sinks over the course of years that even crippling generation down to a trickle wouldn't do anything

once again, disproportionately affecting the poor/new players while doing virtually nothing against the rich, completely the opposite of what should be done

Has there been any word why the auction house is limited to 1 billion credits? There is a tax on the auction house which should be an amazing credit sink but every item sold over 1 billion credits bypasses this tax via trade.

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48 minutes ago, remylion said:

Has there been any word why the auction house is limited to 1 billion credits? There is a tax on the auction house which should be an amazing credit sink but every item sold over 1 billion credits bypasses this tax via trade.

That is the amount they set when they made the game.  Is it possible to make that limit higher?  No clue.  I don't think they have ever said if that was a technical limit or just the limit they felt like initially.

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5 hours ago, remylion said:

Has there been any word why the auction house is limited to 1 billion credits? There is a tax on the auction house which should be an amazing credit sink but every item sold over 1 billion credits bypasses this tax via trade.

I think that's the last thing they want. It seems Bioware never intended for people to make sales of more than 1 billion at a time, and part of their plan is to reduce the credits so people go back to selling under 1 billion.

Edited by Traceguy
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I think their whole strategy revolves around preventing new billionares, not around reducing the amount of rich people right now. In the end the first will very slowly achieve the second.

Besides there will be riots if they try to take money away from people in any way.

Edited by Gokkus
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On 3/25/2023 at 1:12 PM, Traceguy said:

part of their plan is to reduce the credits

well their proposed changes for 7.2.1 arent going to influence that, they're far too small scale, and these changes are solely directed at planet-based content, not the far more rewarding queued/instance-based content, or even trade-based wealth acquisition


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I just read about the credit changes coming tomorrow and this has got to be one of the single dumbest things they have ever done in this game.  This will change absolutely nothing for the players who already have most of the credits in the game.  The rich will stay rich, and the poor will likely go elsewhere.

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On 2/25/2023 at 1:14 PM, StrikePrice said:

Adding small money sinks to things like quick travel are not going to have any effect on the economy. Players have 10s of billions of credits. If you make each port 5,000 credits, I can still do 10,000 ports for pocket change. 

If you want to create money sinks, create them where they will count. Give players will billions of credits something to do with them. Some suggestions ... 

1. Mats for legendary augments 10,000,000 each (making each aug cost 400,000,000)
2. Raise the price at Hyde & Zeek to 1,000,000 per mod
3. Some unique cosmetics that cost 1,000,000,000 credits each

You need to pull billions of credits out of the economy from the top, not thousands of credits from the bottom.

This guy nailed it.

How about another speeder piloting rank for 1 billion credits per account? 

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Only been in game for ~40 minutes w/ the new repair & QT sinks & am already pretty certain they're going to be a drag on my desire to keep grinding on my 11 year old legacy.  Can easily see needing to spend a good bit more time worrying about making creds to maintain a neutral balance in the legacy bank just for upkeep/operational costs. 

Making everything that the majority of players, old or new, do over the course of playing the game cost more seems like the exact opposite of the most player experience friendly approach to the problem that could be taken FWIW.   Adding some high cost luxury/cosmetics bits to vendors for credits is fine (albeit seems like an unlikely approach since BW would almost certainly want to sell them for CC instead), but raising prices on essentials that everyone needs to play the game is a big turnoff for me. 

What struck me as the best ideas I read to address the current economy issues were:

Reduce credit influx:

Stop introducing new infinite credit exploits & eliminate remaining ones

Kill the credit sellers & bot farmers  (doing so literally might be a bridge too far, but definitely need it figuratively)

Remove credits from the market:

Raise max credit cap for listings on the GTM

Charge tax on all credit transfers that cross legacies (including email & "in person" trades)

BioWare to implement "schill" sales where they list high cost items on the GTM at competitive prices to actual user listings

Edited by SidNitzerglobin
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