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Give the seasonal companions who either cannot or refuse to speak basic a rest.


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Seriously: if you can't scrape together the few hundred bucks to pay a C-list voice actor for 10 minutes of dialogue, just don't bother with the companion at all. Because there is no way in hell I am ever going to use PH4-LNX for anything when she is constantly babbling incoherent gibberish. I mean, it's one thing when you've got a race that outright can't communicate because of their lack of lips, or a tongue... and something else entirely when it's a freaking droid. She should be begging me not to have her shredded, not carrying on like a runaway diesel. 

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12 minutes ago, AJediKnight said:

Seriously: if you can't scrape together the few hundred bucks to pay a C-list voice actor for 10 minutes of dialogue, just don't bother with the companion at all. Because there is no way in hell I am ever going to use PH4-LNX for anything when she is constantly babbling incoherent gibberish. I mean, it's one thing when you've got a race that outright can't communicate because of their lack of lips, or a tongue... and something else entirely when it's a freaking droid. She should be begging me not to have her shredded, not carrying on like a runaway diesel. 


+10  (even if I can only give +1)

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28 minutes ago, Cleev said:

No. The vast majority of the non-CM companions already speak basic. We need more cool aliens and alien languages. I want a Kel'dor bro.

Then give me an actual cool alien like a Jawa. The Fembot XT-9000 is not a cool alien - she's an ugly, sexualized droid. 

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1 hour ago, AJediKnight said:

 she's an.... sexualized droid. 

I'm sorry what? If you said Scorpio was a sexualized droid.  I'd completely give you that one, but PH4?  Really?  By who? I dislike PH4 a lot, for many reasons.  But to suggest that she's sexualized, nah that's just crazy talk.  Otherwise you might as well say C2-N2 is sexualized for his large bulge, and lol if you do.

Edit : In before someone says Scorpio is not a droid, or don't call her that....

Edited by Setta
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I don't care if they speak basic or binary as long as they can F-OFF OF MY SHIP *shake fists like an old man*

The ship is mine and my friends only, not for random mercenary or stray droids.

I especially hate to see that recycled droid standing next to SCORPIO, she'll turn that outdated piece of junk into scrap metal in less than 3 seconds.

Seriously, did BW even *think* about how ridiculous our ship will look like at season 10?

Make the companions go somewhere else!

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38 minutes ago, OlBuzzard said:

@eabevella ... OR (from where I'm sitting) .. let this cranky old man pick and choose which ones are in the cockpit ... and place the rest somewhere else (like in the engine room or next to the airlock) !


Next to the airlock you said? Soooooo tempting...

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16 minutes ago, GeneralGyro said:

you should be grateful you get anything at all.


i swear, you can't win with swtor players

lol yeah, we should be grateful we even have the option to give our money to a company who doesn't give us anything back, thanks for taking my money bioware! /s

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Partially I can agree. I mean, for example I have no problem with Altuur or Fen talking alienish. It is not that everyone should or speak basic, even in movies or in other games.
However, Phalanx not speaking basic was meh in my opinion. It is a droid. Simply upload a program and that's all. Especially that she is former Gemini droid and we know they were able to speak basic. But if no basic, then I'd prefer her to beeping booping than alienish. Similary I'd want to see if we would get e.g other droid comp like Skytrooper...
But there are races I'd love to get as comp and would prefer them to speak their language than basic. Kel Dor and Selkath! Their language is so awesome I'd be sad if they actually speak basic.
So in general, I don't have problem with not speaking basic if aliens, there are races I'd even prefer them to speak their language, but if droid comp, please do a beeping booping or other droid-like sounds. But no alienish pls. Or basic.

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11 hours ago, AJediKnight said:

Seriously: if you can't scrape together the few hundred bucks to pay a C-list voice actor for 10 minutes of dialogue, just don't bother with the companion at all. Because there is no way in hell I am ever going to use PH4-LNX for anything when she is constantly babbling incoherent gibberish. I mean, it's one thing when you've got a race that outright can't communicate because of their lack of lips, or a tongue... and something else entirely when it's a freaking droid. She should be begging me not to have her shredded, not carrying on like a runaway diesel. 

R2-D2 entered the chat....

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12 hours ago, AJediKnight said:

Then give me an actual cool alien like a Jawa. The Fembot XT-9000 is not a cool alien - she's an ugly, sexualized droid. 

Blizz exists already, and is recruitable by all classes.. You're literally just asking for a different skin with this though. What they SHOULD do is make them actually worth using. If each came with their own fun gimmick and stood out, I'd have no complaints about them because their integration works well whether you're a newer character or further down into the story. Being voiced or not really does nothing, though they probably could use new alien voice lines I guess? I just don't see what them speaking basic would do if people don't care for them outside of their seasons use anyway. What I'm saying is give the damn Jawa his bazooka back and undo the blanket uniformity of companions. 

All it comes down to with all of the 70-ish or however many of them there are now is:

1. Speaks basic or not

2. Dress up or not

3. Combat style

This is so trash. Why have all of these options and step on your own feet like this? 

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Damn hard to believe there are so many folks who can't read playing the game. Of course if they did know how to read and actually read the translations they'd be here on the forums whining about how she keeps dissing them during a fight.

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All I'm going to say is that I really don't care for (and will not use) this latest companion.  Making it (her) a major part of the story in the future would be a bigger mistake! AND ... as for where she stays ...  don't get hacked off at me for what happens if she is caught standing too close to the trash compactor!

This is not a rant!  I'm happy!  I'm perfectly satisfied (as long as I can choose to keep my ship looking the way I want it).  Others can do the same!  If that is what they like... COOL!  Go for it!!  You have your opinion and I have mine!  Neither one is above the other!

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On 2/6/2023 at 1:47 AM, AJediKnight said:

Then give me an actual cool alien like a Jawa. The Fembot XT-9000 is not a cool alien - she's an ugly, sexualized droid. 

My problem with Phalanx : she wasn't necessary! Everyone can recruit SCORPIO and retrieve her from terminal, even if she was killed. Besides, SCORPIO has a more pleasant voice and speaks basic 🙂

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