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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So why did so many quit the game over the years?


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it's about time for me.

when the game updates require us to re-learn the game, or make obsolete the things we have been working on over periods of time, it can be undesirable and/or difficult to continue playing.  

The way i see it, if you ask me to re-learn your game... i look at like "i'm learning a new game.  is SWTOR the game i want to learn to play right now? or should i go check out that other game now since i'm starting fresh anyway".  they sorta feed their own competition with major system changes. 


some context about me

  • i am a super star wars fan that grew up with the original trilogy and action figures. i wouldn't even consider playing this game if the brand was gone.
  • i played swg from beginning to end of life
  • i pre-ordered the swtor collectors edition and played from the beginning of this game
  • i was a hm/nim raider when gear was 198 and char levels were 60
  • i left soon after they increased the level cap to 65 and i had to start over on endgame gearing (bc of time)
  • i returned when i had time and interest for a new game, this was the end of 6.0 (and i have loved it since)
  • 7.0 didn't cause me to leave this time, but it did end my hm prog team (again) bc of gear changes (timing thing again)


i don't hate this game. i don't blame employees for things i dont like. i just decide what to do with my time based on whatever the current facts are atm.

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4 minutes ago, Tropik said:

it's about time for me.

when the game updates require us to re-learn the game, or make obsolete the things we have been working on over periods of time, it can be undesirable and/or difficult to continue playing.  

The way i see it, if you ask me to re-learn your game... i look at like "i'm learning a new game.  is SWTOR the game i want to learn to play right now? or should i go check out that other game now since i'm starting fresh anyway".  they sorta feed their own competition with major system changes. 


some context about me

  • i am a super star wars fan that grew up with the original trilogy and action figures. i wouldn't even consider playing this game if the brand was gone.
  • i played swg from beginning to end of life
  • i pre-ordered the swtor collectors edition and played from the beginning of this game
  • i was a hm/nim raider when gear was 198 and char levels were 60
  • i left soon after they increased the level cap to 65 and i had to start over on endgame gearing (bc of time)
  • i returned when i had time and interest for a new game, this was the end of 6.0 (and i have loved it since)
  • 7.0 didn't cause me to leave this time, but it did end my hm prog team (again) bc of gear changes (timing thing again)


i don't hate this game. i don't blame employees for things i dont like. i just decide what to do with my time based on whatever the current facts are atm.

You are a very reasonable person. Keep being like that!

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16 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

**  I really don't think JackieKo is behind this PvP silence!  I really don't!  (it's just not her style). Someone else is saying NO! (and insisting on silence)
**  There is someone responsible inside of B/W (and far enough up the food chain to change things)
**  And someone inside of BW is able to actually HELP...  IF they want to!

This continued silence and refusal to offer consolation or assurances to the players who are begging for help is just incomprehensible!  Just exactly what in the name of common sense does ANYONE think that is going to prove?  (Don't get me wound up any tighter than where I'm at right now!)



EDIT:  To OP... well you did ask the question:  Why??  And what you see unfolding right is a part of that answer! (BTW... not meant to be argumentative with you ... just saying!)

Mainly for a few reasons:

1. To gauge the community and how things are with the game

2. As a form of feedback if the devs want to read it

3. As a place for others to come up with ways to potentially improve the game somehow if applicable

4. Forum content

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4 hours ago, jedipattawan said:

Mainly for a few reasons:

1. To gauge the community and how things are with the game

2. As a form of feedback if the devs want to read it

3. As a place for others to come up with ways to potentially improve the game somehow if applicable

4. Forum content

Agreed!  Wanted to make sure I wasn't messin' it up for ya!

Now for the hard part:  fixing thing!  Talk about playing with a stick of dynamite ...shot fused and it hollow!  YIKES!  At this point I would normally offer some ideas!  But to be perfectly candid about it ... I'm not sure the right people give a holy grunt about anything I have to say!  (Yeah ...  I cleaned up that last sentence  A LOT!!)

BTW...  High marks on your end!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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7 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

The entire situation is discouraging at best!  And (whether it is intended or not) this also sends another message loud and clear to the rest of us who have extended a hand of friendship to players such as @TrixxieTriss.   BTW.. that message AINT a good one either!

Also @TrixxieTriss ...  I'm not giving up just yet.  This whole matter might be a contest to see who flinches first!  I do hope you don't leave again!  But if that is the path you feel necessary then ... please take care.  I we hope for your quick return!  (Yes .. I know that means some more changes that would still have to take place.

** Guild Wars 2 ?
** FF XIV ??
** ESO ??
** WoW??
Yes ... in that order!

Thanks for the kind words & support. I will miss you & this community when/if I leave. This is a great community, which is why I advocate so much for it & ask BioWare to keep supporting it. 

I’ve not really thought about what’s next 

GW2 is always there cause you don’t have to pay for it once you’ve purchased the game (no sub fees) & I already own a copy.

I guess FFXIV is near the top of list to try next. I’ve some old RL friends who’ve been pestering me for the last 12 months to play.

But I’ve also got SW Squadrons on my list to play too. I’ve nearly finished building/configuring my motorised sit/stand flight/space Sim desk & peripherals for my newly build PC. I just need to attach my throttle & joystick to the chair & hang my sub under the desk.

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13 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

That's not good.  Know that you'll be missed, and by more players than just me.

I have no optimism(1) that they'll do anything meaningful in that sort of time-frame, so I'll wish you all the best, and hope to see you again soon.

(1) For the rest of the audience, this is me being pessimistic rather than cynical.

Thanks Steve 😎

Lets hope it doesn’t come to that. Im assuming Jackie’s seen my post by now & it’s drawing more attention to the situation. So hopefully she’s communicated back to the devs that the community isn’t happy & is getting frustrated with BioWares lack of communication.

At the end of the day it’s not about me as one player leaving. I’m nothing in the scheme of things. I just want to draw attention to the problems so BioWare fix them for everyone playing & the game can prosper for everyone.

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My opinion (for what it's worth):

SWTOR is primarily a story-based game. Once you've played through all the stories multiple times it gets a bit old. Everything else is a bit grindy.

As for me, I've been playing on-and-off since launch, and once I've done all the stories a few times I get bored and go do other things.

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8 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

Having read this series of threads and the PvP forum ... why would ANYONE want to get in the middle of that mess?

Edit:  yes!  I wanted this to be separate for a reason!

I did try a few PvP recently, both on SS when my guildmates wanted a faster pop and on SF where my main is (also the server I want the decos).

On SS the few times my guildmates asked me to group, they needed the weekly completed. My performance wasn't an issue, they just wanted the q to pop faster. We also have VC so that part was fun. But I think they did ranked PvP before, so they are pretty good at it and some of them will say things like "why would someone do PvP with 290 gears?" in our VC. Of course they didn't say anything in the game chat, so it's not like they were being toxic in game, but it's still discouraging (they probably held most of what they actually thought for my sake). Some people just want to get the rewards. Some play it for fun. Not everyone is pro PvPers. On the other hand, it's frustrating that pro PvPers have to play with casual PvPers so I get their frustration. I get super pissed when I run pug operations with a bunch of idiots too so that's fair. I wish there's a way to separate the player base.

On SF it's even worse because I can only q solo. It's either trying to do the objectives when no one's communicating (and that's the best scenario because at least no one is cursing at everyone for losing), or if I performed semi-good as a heal (usually I go in as heal) in 4 vs 4, I always got chain CC-ed and killed at the 2nd round in the first 10 seconds. I don't know if my team is supposed to help/save me, and I suppose I am pretty bad at kiting/losing and all that PvP skills, but it's not fun when most small team matches went like this.

It's just not fun for me when the matches are mostly 1) people killing each other like rabid animal 2) people getting mauled by apparently pros. The depression is just too much for me to make the PvP season progress. I am not familiar enough with PvP to know what exactly made me feel that (is PvP supposed to like this? or is it my bias of disliking PvP?) but I hope that provide some perspective as why some people don't want to try PvP, even though I doubt BW will make any improvement.

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1 hour ago, eabevella said:

I did try a few PvP recently, both on SS when my guildmates wanted a faster pop and on SF where my main is (also the server I want the decos).

On SS the few times my guildmates asked me to group, they needed the weekly completed. My performance wasn't an issue, they just wanted the q to pop faster. We also have VC so that part was fun. But I think they did ranked PvP before, so they are pretty good at it and some of them will say things like "why would someone do PvP with 290 gears?" in our VC. Of course they didn't say anything in the game chat, so it's not like they were being toxic in game, but it's still discouraging (they probably held most of what they actually thought for my sake). Some people just want to get the rewards. Some play it for fun. Not everyone is pro PvPers. On the other hand, it's frustrating that pro PvPers have to play with casual PvPers so I get their frustration. I get super pissed when I run pug operations with a bunch of idiots too so that's fair. I wish there's a way to separate the player base.

On SF it's even worse because I can only q solo. It's either trying to do the objectives when no one's communicating (and that's the best scenario because at least no one is cursing at everyone for losing), or if I performed semi-good as a heal (usually I go in as heal) in 4 vs 4, I always got chain CC-ed and killed at the 2nd round in the first 10 seconds. I don't know if my team is supposed to help/save me, and I suppose I am pretty bad at kiting/losing and all that PvP skills, but it's not fun when most small team matches went like this.

It's just not fun for me when the matches are mostly 1) people killing each other like rabid animal 2) people getting mauled by apparently pros. The depression is just too much for me to make the PvP season progress. I am not familiar enough with PvP to know what exactly made me feel that (is PvP supposed to like this? or is it my bias of disliking PvP?) but I hope that provide some perspective as why some people don't want to try PvP, even though I doubt BW will make any improvement.

Aside from the obvious (dealing with age) ...  I look back to the time when I had the MOST fun doing PvP!  That goes back a few years to WoW.  Before writing this off because of the game where I found PvP to be fun ..  please hear me out!

**  I tried 1v1 ...  (got my butt kicked!)
** Then it was 2v2 ...  we BOTH lost [/facepalm]
** Sooo ..  I tried 4v4... and was (very politely) asked to practice a bit more.  Even though I had improved I still wasn't THAT good!
** Then I discovered Battle Grounds!  Now THAT was fun!  I really can't remember the size of the groups but it was a few (could have been as many as 20).  Large maps.  Horde vs Alliance.  I played Horde at the time: Tauren.  Come to think of it I have a figure-print of my toon!  I swung epic axes (Gorehowl and Bloodmoon!)  Yes, these are both two handed axes! But that was a part of my arsenal!  And YES we began to pull our weight! (total shock ..  RIGHT??)
Hmmm!  Come to think of it... they don't have anything like that in SWTOR do they??  You could place three really NASTY NPC's at the end!! A fully grown Krayt at the end??  Oh boy!!  Hope you brought a sack lunch and a whole lot of help.  (Especially with the opposing team respawning and breathing down your neck!

At any rate ...  all of this (information about my past) is useless!  Which is the point I'm making!  All of the talk in the world is totally USELESS unless something positive gets done!  The PvP community has been begging for help for a LONG time now.  IMO this entire matter has simply brought it into focus!

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12 hours ago, Tropik said:

when the game updates require us to re-learn the game, or make obsolete the things we have been working on over periods of time, it can be undesirable and/or difficult to continue playing.  

The way i see it, if you ask me to re-learn your game... i look at like "i'm learning a new game.  is SWTOR the game i want to learn to play right now? or should i go check out that other game now since i'm starting fresh anyway".  they sorta feed their own competition with major system changes. 



In the past, when I got bored of something, I usually started to practise a new spec. That's been made pointless. Whenever I learn a new spec now, there will be "changes to class balance", and there goes the spec I just learned. I wasted my time. It's not just "balancing" when the rotations change. That forces people to learn the same spec over and over again. Same goes with the million tacticals. When we got those, I sometimes had to open my character sheet in the middle of the fight to remind myself of which tactical I was using, to know what rotation to play. Can't do that anymore: the character sheet is apparently now the Most Important Thing in the game. It's so huge, that if you open it in the middle of combat, you can't see the combat anymore. But hey, at least you can see your cool outfits and "survivability" numbers that don't mean anything. Yay, woohoo! 


I haven't quit playing myself, just reduced it significantly. Everything is a boring grind now. I'm being shoehorned into content I don't want to play, and if I play the content I like, my guilds aren't getting the same conquest points they would get from someone else playing what they prefer. So I gave up on that: I'm not gonna work harder to get paid less, so to speak. I'm also tired of relearning the game with every patch, so I'm just gonna stick to the few classes I know best and not gonna waste my time with the rest of them anymore.  It's enough to keep track of the changes done to my mains. 


I'm playing other games more than swtor now. I'm still learning them of course, but when I play something else, 3 hours goes really fast, I don't really even notice it. When I play swtor, I do my usual daily stuff in about an hour or so, wonder what to do next and realize I still have 2 hours left of the time I had reserved for gaming. How sad is that? Without my raiding teams I wouldn't be playing at all anymore. That's how I feel about the current state of the game, unfortunately.



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13 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Thanks for the kind words & support. I will miss you & this community when/if I leave. This is a great community, which is why I advocate so much for it & ask BioWare to keep supporting it. 

I’ve not really thought about what’s next 

GW2 is always there cause you don’t have to pay for it once you’ve purchased the game (no sub fees) & I already own a copy.

I guess FFXIV is near the top of list to try next. I’ve some old RL friends who’ve been pestering me for the last 12 months to play.

But I’ve also got SW Squadrons on my list to play too. I’ve nearly finished building/configuring my motorised sit/stand flight/space Sim desk & peripherals for my newly build PC. I just need to attach my throttle & joystick to the chair & hang my sub under the desk.

I am testing out FFXIV. It seems fun (I love elves lol) I liked the fact that you can do the dungeons with NPC you choose if you wish.


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39 minutes ago, casirabit said:

I am testing out FFXIV. It seems fun (I love elves lol) I liked the fact that you can do the dungeons with NPC you choose if you wish.


The one thing I love about this game in comparison to FFXIV, unless things have changed, is that you can just level and then skip parts of the story you don't want to have to do again and get to what you want.  And you can do this without spending $$$$.  In FFXIV you have to do every single patch in order to get to the next expansion and the only way to skip is with a paid skip.

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The scarce communication or lack there of between devs and community is really the biggest problem of this game, in my subjective opinion. 

For me it would be fine, to wait another month, two or five for content, if it was spoken about openly and clearly.

Bring the monthly video updates! 

Something along the lines of:

"Listen guys, we have this coming up for pve, this for pvp (RIP) and this for cartel market. Stay tuned, next month we will bring you more news."

Communication and feedback.

And I am not talking about private YouTuber programme forum when they all cheer and clap the devs, fearing being booted at any point they begin to disagree. 

Constructive criticism is being ignored or just being misjudged as hate. But if you consider yourself a good developer, or creator in general, do you really ban or mute players making good points in an angry fashion?

They are sick and tired about not being heard and spoken to, and they have a right to be. But they love this title and are passionate about it in their own way. 

Be the better man, reflect on stuff being said and do something about it.

I still hope someone with the right attitude will see these messages and YouTube videos, which there are a few and act on it.

May The force be with us all. 

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1 hour ago, Gibonski said:

The scarce communication or lack there of between devs and community is really the biggest problem of this game, in my subjective opinion. 

For me it would be fine, to wait another month, two or five for content, if it was spoken about openly and clearly.

Bring the monthly video updates! 

Something along the lines of:

"Listen guys, we have this coming up for pve, this for pvp (RIP) and this for cartel market. Stay tuned, next month we will bring you more news."

Communication and feedback.

And I am not talking about private YouTuber programme forum when they all cheer and clap the devs, fearing being booted at any point they begin to disagree. 

Constructive criticism is being ignored or just being misjudged as hate. But if you consider yourself a good developer, or creator in general, do you really ban or mute players making good points in an angry fashion?

They are sick and tired about not being heard and spoken to, and they have a right to be. But they love this title and are passionate about it in their own way. 

Be the better man, reflect on stuff being said and do something about it.

I still hope someone with the right attitude will see these messages and YouTube videos, which there are a few and act on it.

May The force be with us all. 

Nailed it!!!

EDIT:  The more I re-read over this the BETTER I like it!  Well said!!!!!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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1 hour ago, jedipattawan said:

The one thing I love about this game in comparison to FFXIV, unless things have changed, is that you can just level and then skip parts of the story you don't want to have to do again and get to what you want.  And you can do this without spending $$$$.  In FFXIV you have to do every single patch in order to get to the next expansion and the only way to skip is with a paid skip.

There is a free trial you can test it out to see if you like it before you purchase the game. 

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8 hours ago, Gibonski said:

The scarce communication or lack there of between devs and community is really the biggest problem of this game, in my subjective opinion. 

For me it would be fine, to wait another month, two or five for content, if it was spoken about openly and clearly.

Bring the monthly video updates! 

Something along the lines of:

"Listen guys, we have this coming up for pve, this for pvp (RIP) and this for cartel market. Stay tuned, next month we will bring you more news."

Communication and feedback.

And I am not talking about private YouTuber programme forum when they all cheer and clap the devs, fearing being booted at any point they begin to disagree. 

Constructive criticism is being ignored or just being misjudged as hate. But if you consider yourself a good developer, or creator in general, do you really ban or mute players making good points in an angry fashion?

They are sick and tired about not being heard and spoken to, and they have a right to be. But they love this title and are passionate about it in their own way. 

Be the better man, reflect on stuff being said and do something about it.

I still hope someone with the right attitude will see these messages and YouTube videos, which there are a few and act on it.

May The force be with us all. 

Yep, player frustration levels increase the less BioWare communicates about legitimate issues. Eventually that frustration festers & turns to hate. So instead of players trying to give constructive feedback for legitimate issues, they turn it into personal attacks towards the devs & BioWare. 

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On 2/2/2023 at 5:15 PM, KathiosLorano said:

For me couldn’t find a guild that interest me. Lack of content and PvP. Though over the years came back to play new expansions. 

I have to ask what type of guild are you looking for?  I've seen it all, casual guilds, nim / hm progress guilds, rp guilds, pvp / gsf guilds, conquest guilds, guilds that do a bit of everything.  I mean I find it hard to believe there's not a guild that's good for you, unless you're on a dead server (which okay very possible) but idk so many guilds out there just surprised that this was the first thing took priority for you to mention.

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2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Yep, player frustration levels increase the less BioWare communicates about legitimate issues. Eventually that frustration festers & turns to hate. So instead of players trying to give constructive feedback for legitimate issues, they turn it into personal attacks towards the devs & BioWare. 

Frustration is the key word right now!  If the PvP community were sharply divided and unable to agree on most of the important parts of what is happening right now that would be one thing!  BUT that is not the case.  So, what do players do?
** They do without and un-subscribe!
** They vent and hope that something works!  And in the meantime, you can almost hear the pressure cooker in the background about to blow a valve (or worse).  And yes ... I remember my parents using one to can veggies with when I was younger (MUCH younger mind you).
** Watch and wait ...  and wait ...  and wait .... AND wait some more!! ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

For there to be so many unanswered questions coupled with the complete silence of someone in an appropriate position from BW in this sort of situation will not end well!  And I'm not talking about just one group of players either.  IMO this throws up yet another red flag for the future of SWTOR in general.  It's not impossible to salvage the situation.  BUT I can't help but to wonder why no one from the team will communicate with the PvP community!  If the team really is that concerned ... someone really has a strange way of showing it!  (And once again that frustration thing sticks up its ugly head!)

So ... I guess it's really true!  Things do seem to be at it's darkest before some knot-head turns out the lights and things go totally black!!

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1 hour ago, Setta said:

I have to ask what type of guild are you looking for?  I've seen it all, casual guilds, nim / hm progress guilds, rp guilds, pvp / gsf guilds, conquest guilds, guilds that do a bit of everything.  I mean I find it hard to believe there's not a guild that's good for you, unless you're on a dead server (which okay very possible) but idk so many guilds out there just surprised that this was the first thing took priority for you to mention.

Oh I found one on SF Imperial. Mostly heavy RP. 

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#1 I think started from day 1.  No user mods meant no live indication about what users wanted to make the game more playable.  Healing sucks, its double the mouse clicks or more over other classes.  Thats not only more tedious but injurious.  Lack of healers early on led to difficulty finding groups which meant inability to complete some content, people quit in frustration.  Of roughly 100 people in my guild that played the game at release I was the last one I knew of playing when I quit at 6 months.  I have come back to check it out 3 times over the intervening years, and while they solved some early issues, they have never addressed this and it shows.

The thing that is needed is a click-cast system, the raid frame becomes a clickable button, you tie your healing abilities to a given mouse click so that Right, Left or Center button in combination with CTRL, ALT & SHIFT modifiers activate the ability on the frame you have clicked on.  WoW had several player mods that did this, for all I know its part of the game now (I left there for other reasons around 2010), but a big part of their success was the ability of groups to function, and that meant in their 5 man groups 20% of players doing healers and liking it.  Player mods that enabled click cast made that possible.

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14 hours ago, OlBuzzard said:

Nailed it!!!

EDIT:  The more I re-read over this the BETTER I like it!  Well said!!!!!

Appreciate the comment my friend. 


Maybe if we tag them, they will hop in on this? I do not mean it as taunting them, but a small nudge on the shoulder, a poke if you like. 

To the devs that I know and hope they are still with the right mind: @JackieCao, @EricMusco, @CommunityTeam, @CommunitySupportwe need a post, video, roadmap, anything really. You may remember me as being a communications advocate, or nuisance over the years, but I really would just love for this game to get back on track. And as I stated before, I  am a casual now. I have a son and a happy family, visiting the game every other day for 1-2 hours in the evening. 

But still I visit the forum and the page during work time, to seek news and excitement which was ever present in the past. 

With the mandalorian season 3 just under a month away, i believe this is the time to enter the hype train and bring some people back for a while. They will flock eventually, because nothing brings people back better than new star wars releases.

I hope I am here to stay now, because in the past it was 1 month of solo play, and 3 month when I used to raid at best. Give us a reason to stay, talk about this game, inspire and improve communication both with us and amongst ourselves. Bring back the good, stop being silent watchers. 

Edited by Gibonski
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9 hours ago, Gibonski said:

Appreciate the comment my friend. 


Maybe if we tag them, they will hop in on this? I do not mean it as taunting them, but a small nudge on the shoulder, a poke if you like. 

To the devs that I know and hope they are still with the right mind: @JackieCao, @EricMusco, @CommunityTeam, @CommunitySupportwe need a post, video, roadmap, anything really. You may remember me as being a communications advocate, or nuisance over the years, but I really would just love for this game to get back on track. And as I stated before, I  am a casual now. I have a son and a happy family, visiting the game every other day for 1-2 hours in the evening. 

But still I visit the forum and the page during work time, to seek news and excitement which was ever present in the past. 

With the mandalorian season 3 just under a month away, i believe this is the time to enter the hype train and bring some people back for a while. They will flock eventually, because nothing brings people back better than new star wars releases.

I hope I am here to stay now, because in the past it was 1 month of solo play, and 3 month when I used to raid at best. Give us a reason to stay, talk about this game, inspire and improve communication both with us and amongst ourselves. Bring back the good, stop being silent watchers. 

Agreed!  (For the most part)

With the way 7.2 dropped it was one of the best overall chapters we've seen in a long time (not to be confused with an expansion).  I was beginning to think things were looking up!  And to the credit of those who worked hard on 7.2 a lot of it was.  Still room for improvement??  Of course, there was! 
What we have with this unfolding drama with PvP has been brewing for several years now!  And to be perfectly candid about it ... I DON'T remember most of the posts that were from the old archives in the PvP forums.  I do remember some time back reading over them and wondering:  "what in the name of common sense is going on?" 

Now this mess!!  Oh good grief!

Unless someone in a position of responsibility from the team steps in and defuses this situation, it will continue to spiral out of control and end up affecting all of us whether we choose to admit it or not!  I'm not trying to be unkind.  I really have THAT sort of responsibility in my past experiences!  NO!  It's not always fun!  Please believe me when I tell you that I REALLY do get it!  BUT considering the inescapable consequences that lay ahead (if something isn't done soon) ... Well, frankly as Trixx has already pointed out the frustration has already set in.  Where things go from here WON'T be good without appropriate action and SOON (not late next Friday PM just before going home).

Just my opinion as always!

EDIT:  There is one thing that this entire matter has done for certain.  It has facilitated the introduction of other games/products produced by other companies to some of us that otherwise might not have been looking.   (My apologies for the late entry).

Edited by OlBuzzard
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11 hours ago, Gibonski said:

Appreciate the comment my friend. 


Maybe if we tag them, they will hop in on this? I do not mean it as taunting them, but a small nudge on the shoulder, a poke if you like. 

To the devs that I know and hope they are still with the right mind: @JackieCao, @EricMusco, @CommunityTeam, @CommunitySupportwe need a post, video, roadmap, anything really. You may remember me as being a communications advocate, or nuisance over the years, but I really would just love for this game to get back on track. And as I stated before, I  am a casual now. I have a son and a happy family, visiting the game every other day for 1-2 hours in the evening. 

But still I visit the forum and the page during work time, to seek news and excitement which was ever present in the past. 

With the mandalorian season 3 just under a month away, i believe this is the time to enter the hype train and bring some people back for a while. They will flock eventually, because nothing brings people back better than new star wars releases.

I hope I am here to stay now, because in the past it was 1 month of solo play, and 3 month when I used to raid at best. Give us a reason to stay, talk about this game, inspire and improve communication both with us and amongst ourselves. Bring back the good, stop being silent watchers. 

Sometime when we all stick together it the best thing we can do!  I realize that is not always the case.  If nothing else it has helped me and others who are not directly involved in the PvP part of SWTOR have a better understanding.  Sure MMO's have changed a LOT over the years.  Most companies that are still releasing them (at least the ones that most of US would consider) recognize that!

Everyone makes mistakes.  What anyone does with that afterwards pretty much defines who they really are!  And (like it or not) it really is just that simple!

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