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Solos Ruin PVP


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1 hour ago, ZUHFB said:

give up, /stuck and unsub until they fix this gamemode.

@JackieKo& BioWare could at least engage the players about premades. It’s been going on since 7.2 was released & getting louder the last 6 weeks. I’ve even tried engaging Jackie on Twitter to no avail. 

Jackie, Players are leaving the game over this. Look at your own stats if you don’t believe me. Look at the feedback people give when they unsub. And look at your own data of what happens when premades are in the queue. Look at how quickly people stop queuing when larger premades are present. Look at the win loss ratio, especially in Arena matches of premades vs solo games and WZ matches of 4-6-8 man vs pugs. 

LASTLY, @JackieKo please engage the player base properly on this subject. Currently there are multiple Premade forum topics & it’s dividing the community more than normal and it’s getting worse. Your continued disengagement here is poor community management. Which is also contributing to even more people leaving in disgust. I’m sure that’s not what you want. Please engage with the community 🙏

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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On 3/3/2023 at 5:48 PM, TrixxieTriss said:


LASTLY, @JackieKo please engage the player base properly on this subject. Currently there are multiple Premade forum topics & it’s dividing the community more than normal and it’s getting worse. Your continued disengagement here is poor community management. Which is also contributing to even more people leaving in disgust. I’m sure that’s not what you want. Please engage with the community 🙏


All you will hear is crickets. 


I had a few forum posts that were removed because they felt I was trolling or they felt I crossed some line in forum etiquette.  But in actuality, I was trying to counter the opinion you and a few others support.  My opinion was that due to SWTOR dragging their feet on this issue, they have allowed it to fester into a larger issue.  It has become a negative way to address other gamers and was creating an air of "us vs them"  

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It was 2005, the wife and kids are in bed.  I have a few minutes to play Battlefield2.  I am pwning noobs, and having a blast on Strike on Karkand.  All of a sudden this dude kills me. "OMG WHAT A HACKER!"


He really wasn't a hacker, but he did kill me and my fragile ego could not process that he was better or knew the battlefield better than me.  The only acceptable thought i could have, was that he was a hacker.  He had hacked and that was the reason I was dead.  What a not cool dude.... 


It almost seems to me like you have swapped hacker with Premade.... 



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44 minutes ago, Tasaas said:

It was 2005, the wife and kids are in bed.  I have a few minutes to play Battlefield2.  I am pwning noobs, and having a blast on Strike on Karkand.  All of a sudden this dude kills me. "OMG WHAT A HACKER!"


He really wasn't a hacker, but he did kill me and my fragile ego could not process that he was better or knew the battlefield better than me.  The only acceptable thought i could have, was that he was a hacker.  He had hacked and that was the reason I was dead.  What a not cool dude.... 


It almost seems to me like you have swapped hacker with Premade.... 



I think the issue isn't pre-made, it's IS this pre-made playing in the spirit of the game?

Take a Voidstar. If your facing an 8 stack, who on attack don't care about the doors (or objectives), but want to just wait until you spawn, chain stun and murder - is that what the DEVS envisioned as the "spirit of the game" - is that what they anticipated the game would be when they created PVP? who knows - but it's sure not fun, and drives people away.

I get the way to counter this, is to create an 8 stack, and do it back - but that ends up toxic. In fact, both ways do. Also, some people are solo players. They lack the capacity to 8 stack. But yeah, that's my two cents :)

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9 hours ago, Tasaas said:

It was 2005, the wife and kids are in bed.  I have a few minutes to play Battlefield2.  I am pwning noobs, and having a blast on Strike on Karkand.  All of a sudden this dude kills me. "OMG WHAT A HACKER!"


He really wasn't a hacker, but he did kill me and my fragile ego could not process that he was better or knew the battlefield better than me.  The only acceptable thought i could have, was that he was a hacker.  He had hacked and that was the reason I was dead.  What a not cool dude.... 


It almost seems to me like you have swapped hacker with Premade.... 




i never read more bs than this one

not only one player call a good player a hacker

but in games like your bf2 you can see many of there


in swtor you will play group pvp ok play it but



you q with your group in a solo q because you will fight , farm and kill solo players thats all


ive bioware put you only in group against group content then the most of you will scream and dont play anymore


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Grouping up in a premade with p2w augments isnt a skill lol you just pve in the middle pretending your pvping kekw. Literally gear vs gear pvp korean mmo style. 🤡 Who ever is geared better wins.

Edited by Skummy
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3 hours ago, AlainaFlute said:

This is a premade lovers post. Premade haters already have their own post. All haters please go back to your own posts.


Besides, I don't loathe premades in principle.  I loathe the admitted griefing and putative "punishment" that some believe they're meting out due to cancelling of ranked (read bullying), the present matchmaking system, the deserter debuff, the 8man premades as opposed to 4man, and that those who left the game can play as many pvp matches as desired without a subscription. 

Also, I don't need your permission to post here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/9/2023 at 1:58 AM, Peiper-kgr-gd said:

i never read more bs than this one

not only one player call a good player a hacker

but in games like your bf2 you can see many of there

someone accuses me of hacking at least once per week. and I get whispers about being terrible and only winning b/c I'm in a stacked premade (I haven't grouped with anyone since returning to the game a month ago).

ppl think they know swtor pvp b/c they've "been here since launch." I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there's a metric poop ton of ppl who think they know how to play or how the game works and in reality, they know nothing. they're just operating on ingrained bad habits and assumptions that they've been working with for 10+ years. so when someone who knows more thumps him, he cries "hacks!"

it's comical that this happens to me, b/c I'm nowhere near the top tier of players in this game. it just goes to show how little the larger population of this game actually understands about the various classes, abilities, counters, and just general game play.

On 3/8/2023 at 5:31 PM, Lord_Ranon said:

I think the issue isn't pre-made, it's IS this pre-made playing in the spirit of the game?

Take a Voidstar. If your facing an 8 stack, who on attack don't care about the doors (or objectives), but want to just wait until you spawn, chain stun and murder - is that what the DEVS envisioned as the "spirit of the game" - is that what they anticipated the game would be when they created PVP? who knows - but it's sure not fun, and drives people away.

this is fair. there's nothing you or BW can do about it. they aren't going to suspend accounts and call this griefing. honestly, the one thing BW did do about this seems to have harmed the victims rather than the dmg farmers: restricting medals. I don't think large grps of players running around WZs give a crap about an 8 medals quota to maximize pvp seasonal tokens. but the players who care about winning (thus furthering their quests) probably do. just an educated guess. 😉 <- that winks for you BW. you might want to rethink your strat on this. but you won't. so whatever.


the deserter debuff also forces players who are being kill/dmg farmed to feed the ppl ignoring objectives to kill farm. so BW has done two things about this issue that actually encourage or support the dmg farmers...or just hurt players trying to win.

on the plus side, allow full 8m premades makes it possible for you to create an entire team dedicated to winning.


I left in 6.x when it seemed that more ppl cared about killing than winning. I'll probably leave again when I feel the same. atm, I'm happy to spam both queues. I enjoy both kinds of pvp. I wish more ppl would join arenas though. even the lowliest, horrible solo player would find arenas much more palatable with more ppl in the queue as they'd run into far fewer premades and would see more competition of their own skill level. but then I thought that for rated pvp (WZs and arenas) too, and it never happened. at the end of the day, gamer ego is too fragile, regardless of skill level. so whatever. game's a joke. don't take it seriously. stop playing when it stops being fun. so on and so forth. 

Edited by krackcommando
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7 hours ago, krackcommando said:

someone accuses me of hacking at least once per week. and I get whispers about being terrible and only winning b/c I'm in a stacked premade (I haven't grouped with anyone since returning to the game a month ago).

ppl think they know swtor pvp b/c they've "been here since launch." I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there's a metric poop ton of ppl who think they know how to play or how the game works and in reality, they know nothing. they're just operating on ingrained bad habits and assumptions that they've been working with for 10+ years. so when someone who knows more thumps him, he cries "hacks!"

it's comical that this happens to me, b/c I'm nowhere near the top tier of players in this game. it just goes to show how little the larger population of this game actually understands about the various classes, abilities, counters, and just general game play.


This is happening daily to me and I'm usually solo queueing. I knew it was gonna happen and everyone warned the devs but they didn't listen to anyone because what to the pvpers who've played it since launch know😏

7.2 gave the promise of ranked rewards to people who wanted to queue but couldn't emotionally handle losing. Now here they are spewing the most toxic vile abuse at anyone who dares to call them out on their nonsense. Is that part of the plan on eliminating toxicity?

Pvp saw a huge growth at the starth of 7.2 but now if you queue for 3-4 hours in prime time you'll see the same faces every single match. This new system is bland and mundane. Give us batter ways to earn the reward tokens without making it a mindless grind.

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3 hours ago, Prapcaster said:

7.2 gave the promise of ranked rewards to people who wanted to queue but couldn't emotionally handle losing.

it didn't help that they made the token grind particularly difficult/long and then instituted rules that make the normally cup cake nature of swtor difficult. Instead of 1:2 it's 1:3.


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17 hours ago, Visue said:

Yeah you already said that. Doesn't mean I want to play with a stacked deck.

And I want a pvp experience that rewards skill instead of a long boring grind but it looks like we're both getting shafted. PVP is in a terrible spot and honestly it probably isn't gonna be getting better. Best thing you can do is either embrace how trash it is or play a new game. Probably not what you wanna hear but it's the unfortunate truth.

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I do not understand why people complain about premades. This is a MMO. You should be encouraged to play with friends or other people. Just form your own group and thats it.

Interacting with other people is what brings an MMo to live - otherwise you can play a Single Player game or whatever. 

Or make Operations for solo players, too so everyone can obtain 340 🤷‍♂️

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