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PVP Map and Medals Feedback


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Hi everyone, 


We wanted to follow up on the discussion regarding PvP Medals, and we’re looking into feedback in relation to  their difficulty of being obtained. We would like your feedback on which maps do you feel are the toughest to reach 8 medals on and why. We would really like feedback on both Warzones and Arenas. Thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts.

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Any Huttball map is extremely difficult to gain medals on. I do not know the overall criteria for how medals are doled out overall, but I do know that in Huttball, I am usually limited to 3 to 4 medals, while in most other Warzones I am usually able to obtain at least 8 medals pretty easily. I also find it very hard to gain 8 medals while participating in Arenas, probably because of the 4 v 4 nature of them. Not sure anything can be done about this.

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Hi there!

So about the warzones, I do think that the worst one, to obtain 8 medals is the huttball. I really rarely got to get 8 medals there, or even more than 4-5. Even thought I was using every single mechanic on the map, with grabbing/throwing ball, scoring points or killing ballhandlers. Rest of the maps are more playerfriendly when it comes to gathering 8 medals - if you follow the map rules.

About arenas... My only concern is that the 24 games/points for weekly is a extremely high number. For a casual player, like me, experiencing people who forfeit games/ type /stuck at the beginning of them, or just playing matches 1/2v4, I find little to none enjoyment while doing that. And I do have to do it 3 times per week, to have a chance to get the achievement and tokens for the rewards. Would appreciate this number to be cut down, to 12 or something around that. 

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Here is the list of medals for reference for anyone posting. Sorry about the formatting, just copy pasting it over.



Some medals are specific to certain match types, while others are general medals.

  Type Medal Description
  PvP Demolisher Medal Damage - Deal 30,000 damage in a single hit
  PvP Annihilator Medal Damage - Deal 60,000 damage in a single hit
  PvP Paladin Medal Tank - Preventing 150,000 damage to your allies in 1 life
  PvP Protector Medal Tank - Preventing 350,000 damage to your allies
  PvP Medic Medal Heal 30,000 damage in a single heal
  PvP Trauma Surgeon Heal 60,000 damage in a single heal
  PvP Healer Medal Healer - Healing 1,500,000 damage
  PvP Reinforcer You joined the match after it started
  Huttball Running Back Score the Huttball
  Huttball Safety Intercept the Huttball
  Odessen Wargames Powered Up Apply Powerup to a Point
  Odessen Wargames Hold the Line Capture a Control Point
  Ancient Hypergates Energized Gather an Orb
  Ancient Hypergates Nexus Capture the Pylon
  Voidstar Primed Plant a bomb in Voidstar
  Voidstar Bomb Squad Defuse a bomb
  Warzones Offense Basic Gain 1 attacker point
  Warzones Offense Bronze Gain 2,500 attacker points
  Warzones Offense Silver Gain 5,000 attacker points
  Warzones Offense Gold Gain 7,500 attacker points
  Warzones Offense Platinum Gain 10,000 attacker points
  Warzones Offense Master Gain 12,500 attacker points
  Warzones Offense Diamond Gain 15,000 attacker points
  Warzones Defense Basic Gain 1 defender point
  Warzones Defense Bronze Gain 2,500 defender points
  Warzones Defense Silver Gain 5,000 defender points
  Warzones Defense Gold Gain 7,500 defender points
  Warzones Defense Platinum Gain 10,000 defender points
  Warzones Defense Master Gain 12,500 defender points
  Warzones Defense Diamond Gain 15,000 defender points
  Nodes Superiority Capture a node on Novare, Civil War or Yavin
  Warzones Dauntless 1 10 minute victory
  Warzones Dauntless 2 9 minute victory
  Warzones Dauntless 3 8 minute victory
  Warzones Dauntless 4 7 minute victory
  Warzones Dauntless 5 6 minute victory
  Warzones Dauntless 6 5 minute victory
  Voidstar Dauntless 1 5:30 minute download
  Voidstar Dauntless 2 5 minute download
  Voidstar Dauntless 3 4:30 minute download
  Voidstar Dauntless 4 4 minute download
  Voidstar Dauntless 5 3:30 minute download
  Voidstar Dauntless 6 3 minute download
  Arenas Swiftness Round 1 Winning round 1 in the first minute
  Arenas Swiftness Round 2 Winning round 2 in the first minute
  Arenas Solider Medal Get 4 kills in an arena match
  Arenas Commando Medal Get 8 kills in an arena match
  Arenas Champion Medal Win an arena match
  Arenas First Blood Round 1 Get first blood in round 1 (your team kills an enemy first)
  Arenas First Blood Round 2 Get first blood in round 2 (your team kills an enemy first)
  Arenas First Blood Round 3 Get first blood in round 3 (your team kills an enemy first)
  Arenas Winning Round 1 Win round 1
  Arenas Winning Round 2 Win round 2
  Arenas Survivor Medal Survive a round
  Arenas Quick Draw Get a killing blow in an arena match
  Arenas Destroyer Deal 1,000,000 damage

In Warzones, there is a specific set of medal called “Offense” and “Defense”, earned by gaining “attacker” and “defender” points. These points are earned very specific ways in each match type, and are unrelated to simply doing damage, healing, or tanking. Here is how these medals are earned for each match type.

  Type Description
  Huttball Catching a pass from a teamate +250 Attacker Points
  Huttball Passing the ball to a teammate +500 Attacker Points
  Huttball Defeating the ball carrier +500 Defender Points
  Huttball Throwing for a Score +2250 Attacker Points
  Huttball No points for picking up the ball from the center.
  Huttball No points for killing other players offensively or defensively (unless they are the ball carrier.)
  Huttball killing in your endzone??? someone told me this but I didn't get any messages in chat when I tried doing it
  Huttball intercepting a pass??? i havent done this myself yet
  Huttball Scoring with the Hutball [sic] +2500 Attacker Points
  Yavin 4 / Alderaan Civil War / Novare Coast Defending a Controlled Turret +500 Defender Points
  Yavin 4 / Alderaan Civil War / Novare Coast No points for stopping an enemy from attempting to capture your team's turret.
  Yavin 4 / Alderaan Civil War / Novare Coast Capturing a Node +1000 Attacker Points (Yavin for sure, Alderaan for sure, Novare?)
  Yavin 4 / Alderaan Civil War / Novare Coast No points for killing other players offensively or defensively.
  Ancient Hypergates Guarding a Defensive Objective: +500 Defender Points
  Ancient Hypergates Retrieving an Energy Orb +1000 Attacker Points
  Ancient Hypergates No points for capturing a pylon? (You do get the 'Nexus' medal.)
  Ancient Hypergates No points for delivering an orb after you pick it up from the center. (You do get the 'Energized' medal.)
  Ancient Hypergates No points for killing other players (though this will contribute to your team's Ancient Hypergates score.)
  Voidstar Guarding a Defensive Objective: +500 Defender Points
  Voidstar Planting a bomb in Voidstar +2500 Attacker Points
  Voidstar Downloading the Datacore +1000 Attacker Points
  Voidstar No points for trying to arm or defuse the bomb, but not succeeding.
  Voidstar No points for stopping an enemy from arming or defusing the bomb.
  Voidstar No points for getting the blue terminals to open the forcefields or bridges.
  Voidstar No points for strategically killing players from the center between the fences.
  Voidstar No points for killing other players offensively or defensively.
  Odessen Wargames *** I think the Offensive and Defensive points are maybe not tracked in chat on Odessan warzones. I could be wrong,
Edited by LadyAdmiral
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5 minutes ago, Shabir_Dhillon said:

Hi everyone, 


We wanted to follow up on the discussion regarding PvP Medals, and we’re looking into feedback in relation to  their difficulty of being obtained. We would like your feedback on which maps do you feel are the toughest to reach 8 medals on and why. We would really like feedback on both Warzones and Arenas. Thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts.

I've only gotten back into PvP the last couple of weeks, and the only maps I have gotten are Void star, Hutt Ball, mostly Quesh, and Arenas.  Void Star 8 Medals seems doable, the others it feels like you would have to have a phenomenal match to get to 8. 

I wish other Warzones would pop more, really tired of Hutt Ball.

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5 minutes ago, Headstylez said:

Arena is easy to get 8 or more as long as you win so arenas are fine.  For a lot of warzone modes, you can help your team and win and still not get 8 for whatever reason.

I've been in winning arenas as a healer and still not gotten 8 medals. Healer medals need to be increased significantly.

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There needs to be a way to earn medals when keeping enemy team from their objective too imo.

Had several Hypergate matches where I spent majority of match keeping enemy from capturing their hypergate, and even with my team winning the match I get like 4 or so medals only.

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Attack and defender points seem to not work as they're suppose to. I had a game where I spent the whole game attacking a node only to get one attacker medal. 
Also, the lack of damage, healing and protection medals really hurt, I know some classes can do all three but some classes are really only good at doing damage. 
It's quite unfair for them to suffer.

There's also a considerable amount of specs that probably won't hit that 60k hit thresh hold unless they attempt to, not that it should be changed but it's not always a factor for some dps. Looking at lethality here for an example. Though there are many other specs that don't quite hit that or above often, if people are even lesser geared they likely won't be able to do this medal. Just having more damage medals like 1.5m damage, 5m, and 10m would go a long way. Same for healing as most matches people do break those 10m marks. 

Arenas heavily favor the side that wins for medals, as probably intended but I don't imagine anyone getting very many medals if at all any for good performance on a losing side. 

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1 minute ago, Saeten said:

All maps. Tanks and healers can't get 8 medals in a match.... Healers especially are not getting many at all.

You are wrong and i have proof of your being wrong --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/927036-72-era-highest-medals-and-stats-in-a-wz-arenas-thread/

hey @Shabir_Dhillon , please don't listen too much to players complaining and spouting disinformation & exagerrations.   Instead, use your internal metrics and listen more to players who provide actual EVIDENCE to support their case ( like i did in my thread ^ ) .

As you can see by my posts & screenshot within, it  IS indeed very possible for a "solo casual" to gain 8+ medals  (consistantly) IF one plays the right way by learning their Class and using smart tactics, etc.,   And certainly if one forms a group/premade, 8+ medals is no problem.  -- ARENAs are much harder of course, but that's intended, is it not?

Obviously u guys are gonna make some tweaks/adjustments, but don't swing the code pendullum too far to cater toward the lowest-common-denominator.

And no, i don't use any special 12-button gamer tools either.  I'm just a simple keyboard & mouseclicker + keybindings hybrid  type average player who tries hard and doesn't quit when things look bleak.

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10 million heals and zero damage gives only 3 medals. 

Usually, the healer is vaporized once detected. It is unlikely that that the healer will "survive a round"  even if doing enough healing to save the round. or kiting enemies long enough to ensure victory for our team. 

helping someone else get the objective does nothing for self medals. Example Transcendence at JUST the right time.  A force push / stun at just the right time for a team mate to make a play or capture a objective helps the match but provides zero medals. 

Zero medals are earned for distracting an enemy.  Healer/tank combo can distract 4-5 enemy players in a feint while other objectives are gathered.  This tactic offers no incentive as holding out at enemy objective point for a lengthy period of time in an effort to prevent point for the other team is almost wasted effort. We may win, but I need my 8 medals.  

Killing blow is unfair. Sagacious players (pun intended) can spread damage over time and clean up DOT for easy finishing blow. While overall damage is really weak. (yes, I have done this sorry, not sorry I need my medals. )   

I think Ancient Hypergate seams to pop more than anything else.  It needs a mercy rule. One double cap at round 2 or after= automatic win most of the time.  We just have to play out the level as if we are going to win even though after round one double cap is almost 100% a win.   The match needs to end if one team is up by x number of points (say 300?) Like in Huttball where 6 = mercy rule.    I need medals for PvP , I cannot get them if I am sitting here losing for the next 10-15 mins.    Most will not get 8 medals if we don't win. It will not happen no matter how hard we try under these circumstances.  

Thank you for all of your hard work.  

Thank you for adding the paths shaded to maps.   
Thank you for adding loadouts to the game. This the best thing you have added to the game in a long time. Thank you! Thank you! Thank YOU! 

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21 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

You are wrong and i have proof of your being wrong --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/927036-72-era-highest-medals-and-stats-in-a-wz-arenas-thread/

hey @Shabir_Dhillon , please don't listen too much to players complaining and spouting disinformation & exagerrations.   Instead, use your internal metrics and listen more to players who provide actual EVIDENCE to support their case ( like i did in my thread ^ ) .

As you can see by my posts & screenshot within, it  IS indeed very possible for a "solo casual" to gain 8+ medals  (consistantly) IF one plays the right way by learning their Class and using smart tactics, etc.,   And certainly if one forms a group/premade, 8+ medals is no problem.  -- ARENAs are much harder of course, but that's intended, is it not?

Obviously u guys are gonna make some tweaks/adjustments, but don't swing the code pendullum too far to cater toward the lowest-common-denominator.

And no, i don't use any special 12-button gamer tools either.  I'm just a simple keyboard & mouseclicker + keybindings hybrid  type average player who tries hard and doesn't quit when things look bleak.

Sorry Voidstar doesn't count. You can get lots of defender medals AND the objective very quickly lots of medals.  This is not fair assessment.  If you pvp a lot screenshot ALL of the healers in ALL of the matches you play. You will find that medals are very much lacking.   

Thank you for your screen shot but that is skewed evidence; not a picture of what is really happening.  Yes, I PvP.  Yes, I heal. yes I get 8 medals every time. but i have to tweak the system in ways that may not allow for us to win.   And I DEFINITLY do not go in with premades. Most players in the game do not go in with premades. 


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48 minutes ago, NeoBlakkrstal said:

Any Huttball map is extremely difficult to gain medals on. I do not know the overall criteria for how medals are doled out overall, but I do know that in Huttball, I am usually limited to 3 to 4 medals, while in most other Warzones I am usually able to obtain at least 8 medals pretty easily. I also find it very hard to gain 8 medals while participating in Arenas, probably because of the 4 v 4 nature of them. Not sure anything can be done about this.

100% agree with NeoBlakkrstal that Huttball (all Huttball maps) it's nearly impossible to get to 8 medal since the change. This was rarely the case before. 

I'll add that healers are doomed, tanks are doomed and in maps that need people to defend objectives, defenders are doomed.  I've been saying for years: PLEASE increase the rewards/medals/valor gained for defending.  This is more needed now since 8-medals-system has made all maps with defendable objectives medal-generating-crappy-mid-fights instead (even more than before). There's no point in even trying to defend (defence=no medals).  You may as well delete all the maps with defendable objectives and replace them with an all-in 8v8 fight pit (don't be stealing my idea.  Actually do steal it; that could be fun 😆)

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22 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

You are wrong and i have proof of your being wrong --> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/927036-72-era-highest-medals-and-stats-in-a-wz-arenas-thread/

hey @Shabir_Dhillon , please don't listen too much to players complaining and spouting disinformation & exagerrations.   Instead, use your internal metrics and listen more to players who provide actual EVIDENCE to support their case ( like i did in my thread ^ ) .

As you can see by my posts & screenshot within, it  IS indeed very possible for a "solo casual" to gain 8+ medals  (consistantly) IF one plays the right way by learning their Class and using smart tactics, etc.,   And certainly if one forms a group/premade, 8+ medals is no problem.  -- ARENAs are much harder of course, but that's intended, is it not?

Obviously u guys are gonna make some tweaks/adjustments, but don't swing the code pendullum too far to cater toward the lowest-common-denominator.

And no, i don't use any special 12-button gamer tools either.  I'm just a simple keyboard & mouseclicker + keybindings hybrid  type average player who tries hard and doesn't quit when things look bleak.

The only reason, or at least one of, that medal count was so high, is presumably because of a lot of medals for winning within x minutes.

It's been posted by numerous people that getting medals as a healer is, let's say, not the easiest. Seemingly gloating with that thread is not very constructive; especially as I only see that happening with VS. Unless someone can show screenshots from WZs different than VS where people consistently get such a high medal count, getting 19 medals in only VS is irrelevant for the bigger discussion at hand. If someone does come up with such screenshots,  I will gladly admit that I'm wrong. Until that time, we should not claim there's no issue, just because of a single VS game.

Please, I urge BW to do listen to these other people.

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8 minutes ago, Enomars said:

Sorry Voidstar doesn't count.

Statements like that ^ undermine the rest of your legit post.

9 minutes ago, Enomars said:

 If you pvp a lot screenshot ALL of the healers in ALL of the matches you play. You will find that medals are very much lacking.  

Healer is meant to be a SUPPORT  Class, no?   Therefore, if you don't support your TEAM  properly (with objectives & heals & such ) then you won't get 8+ medals.

Nor should you.

If i can sometimes get 13-16 medals, even peak at 19 medals, and average 6-12 medals, each WZ, then anyone can.  ( Arenas are obviously a whole 'nother beast )

12 minutes ago, Enomars said:

Thank you for your screen shot but that is skewed evidence; not a picture of what is really happening.

It is indeed what really been happening for ME.

However, i take your point and, full disclosure:  i've been collating screenshots from nearly every WZ ( and Arena )  in an effort to someday soon create a thread experiment ( sort of a fun project to help motivate me for these 7.2 seaons ) whereby i solo-queue  the Weeklys on all 8 Classes and report back my data, proof, experience, etc.  ( with screenshots )

In the meantime, in my OPINION,  there's no need for BioWare to goto the extreme with making medals easier to earn for players who refuse to adapt & learn.

Instead, i believe they should focus more on *matchmaking* .

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57 minutes ago, Saeten said:

I've been in winning arenas as a healer and still not gotten 8 medals. Healer medals need to be increased significantly.

Yeah sorry forgot about healers.  Agree it’s tougher for healers in arena  even in wins because a lot of the time a win turns on whichever side straight out DPSed the other which means the winning healer doesn’t get as much opportunity to earn.

Edited by Headstylez
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2 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Statements like that ^ undermine the rest of your legit post.

Healer is meant to be a SUPPORT  Class, no?   Therefore, if you don't support your TEAM  properly (with objectives & heals & such ) then you won't get 8+ medals.

Nor should you.

If i can sometimes get 13-16 medals, even peak at 19 medals, and average 6-12 medals, each WZ, then anyone can.  ( Arenas are obviously a whole 'nother beast )

It is indeed what really been happening for ME.

However, i take your point and, full disclosure:  i've been collating screenshots from nearly every WZ ( and Arena )  in an effort to someday soon create a thread experiment ( sort of a fun project to help motivate me for these 7.2 seaons ) whereby i solo-queue  the Weeklys on all 8 Classes and report back my data, proof, experience, etc.  ( with screenshots )

In the meantime, in my OPINION,  there's no need for BioWare to goto the extreme with making medals easier to earn for players who refuse to adapt & learn.

Instead, i believe they should focus more on *matchmaking* .

It is great that you got 19 medals, it happens, so what. Most players, even GOOD players find it hard to get 8 medals every single match if not in a premade. 

Do you get 19 medals every match? You don't need to answer because you don't.  A single piece of data is not evidence. 
Do you get 8 medals every match if you are not in a premade? You don't need to answer because you don't nobody does.  
Do you get 8 medals without defending your objective? If you a healer then going where the most action is helps the team the most = no medals stealing objective and failing or distracting.  
While it is possible to get a high number of medal it is not the norm.  Meaning the average would have to play a LOT of matches to get the season objective completed to get the sweet spot of getting those 8 medals with a random team.  Your opinions are valid just make sure it is complete information not partials. 

HOWEVER, I am interested in seeing your collage of your pvp medals, that would be very cool.  I am doing the same, but sadly I only took screen shots of my 8+ medal matches meaning I have an incomplete picture.  


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26 minutes ago, Enomars said:

It is great that you got 19 medals, it happens, so what. Most players, even GOOD players find it hard to get 8 medals every single match if not in a premade.

HOWEVER, I am interested in seeing your collage of your pvp medals, that would be very cool.  I am doing the same, but sadly I only took screen shots of my 8+ medal matches meaning I have an incomplete picture. 

To your 1st sentence: That's  one of my main points though.  As in, if i can do it, ANYONE can.   And yes, i am actually averaging 6-12 medals PER MATCH.  (as healer) --in ALL warzones.  ( Arenas are harder obviously )

But u guys can't have it both ways.  If i'm such a bad player, how come i got 19 medals solo queue'ing?  Or, if  19 medals is such a "fluke" and  means "nothing" , then how come no one else has posted a screenshot of  them getting 19 ( or more ) medals?

As to your 2nd sentence: My plan is to post EVERY screenshot from all 12-24 matches (per that Class character's WEEKLY ) .  This way, it'll be a bit more comprehensive.  Of course, let's be honest: No matter what data i post, no matter how many proofs,  it won't ever be enough for certain people. :rolleyes:

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To keep it to the point and short:
Mainly playing a healer (German: Gelehrter) and focusing on healing the group members. It's almost impossible to get the 8 medals, if you are on the loosing side (it's the same for Arenas as well as for Warzones).

If you are on the winning side, it's still significantly hard on any Arena map to get the 8 medals when you focus on CC/healing while on warzone maps, it's at least achievable (where it's noticeable harder to get them on any of the Huttball maps).

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13 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

That's  one of my main points though.  As in, if i can do it, ANYONE can

You are missing the point of the discussion.  
Voidstar is unique. 

Nobody said you were a bad player. You might be amazing.  In fact you probably are amazing! 

With Voidstar there are medals called Dauntless.  You can get a 6 medals from a 3 minute download. Voidstar doesn't count for this reason.  A player who literally pops a medpack ONE time and stands next to the door for 30 seconds will get 8 medals even if they lose while a group of stealthers cc'd perfectly to get one of the doors on offense.  

8 medals is the threshold: 
8 medals equals Conquest points
8 medals equals PvP Seasons completion. 
8 medals equals 4k valor 

"We would like your feedback on which maps do you feel are the toughest to reach 8 medals on and why."

 Perhaps you could look at the maps you get 6 medals and post "why did this happen?"  

I can post how I get 8 medals most matches but that wouldn't help the discussion. Most players fail at getting 8 medals meaning why play PvP meaning matchmaking will be hurt if people are too disheartened to play PvP because there is literally no reason to play. 

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I mean almost everyone on here, everyone I know who plays PVP, and my own experience in PVP screams medals are messed up but let's just all believe the self-proclaimed casual who admitted he plays Ranked (something casuals rarely or don't do), and actually has been posting in another thread (just click on the link he provided and read) about PVP mechanics and dynamics (also something casuals don't do) and literally took the time to screenshot his medals (another thing I'm pretty sure casuals would never do)....but sure, he's a "casual" that knows we're all lieing or idiots...I'm glad he's so good at the game while being a casual hahaha

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Just now, Enomars said:

You are missing the point of the discussion.  
Voidstar is unique.
With Voidstar there are medals called Dauntless.  You can get a 6 medals from a 3 minute download. Voidstar doesn't count for this reason.

No i get your point , and it's a valid one , but what i'm saying is:  The phrase "doesn't count" is ridiculous.

You said it's "unique" .  Great, no problem.

But when i see people saying  "doesnt count" , that is obvious diminishing shade/shame  attempt. ( patented internets 101 type stuff that works better on lolReddit )

No need for it here, imo.

Just say it's "unique" and lay out the specific reasons why ( which you did nicely )  and move on.

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I'm in no way an expert, but it appears to be far easier to get 8+ on voidstar since you're probably in a pretty consistent state of defending and due to the dauntless medals. Those add up quick. The rest of them is a roll of the dice for me. if my role in a particular warzone is defending an objective, chances are i'll reach 8 medals. if i'm attacking, likely won't. 

for arenas, i just go in expecting that i'm not going to reach 8+ unless we win, and even then there's no guarantee. 

my goal for this pvp season is to get to level 25 AND do all the associated achievements. the 25 wz weeklies and 25 arena weeklies is a lot and i'm focused on getting through those within the time allotted. i'm finding the 2,000 medals achievement is largely taking care of itself given the sheer number of matches i am playing. if THAT achievement changes in future seasons (i.e. increases), i'm going to be a lot more vocal about the equity of medal distribution. 

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