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i339 gear in PvP


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The gear for PvP is 332 currently. However if players join Pvp In 339 gear it is not dropped down to 332 gear with full gold augs. I am not sure how to compete with players who are massively overpowered. Please Nerf over powered gear inside PvP. This affects the PvP seasons. 

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12 minutes ago, Enomars said:

The gear for PvP is 332 currently. However if players join Pvp In 339 gear it is not dropped down to 332 gear with full gold augs. I am not sure how to compete with players who are massively overpowered. Please Nerf over powered gear inside PvP. This affects the PvP seasons. 

Forum search is your friend--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/926874-only-bolster-down-not-up/?do=findComment&comment=9735746

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As I've said in another thread. I've personally tested the 336 gear and it leads to no advantage imo. The fact that ppl are bringing up players who are wearing "339" gear does make me suspicious. That's not a full 340 set. Sounds to me like the exploit that existed in 7.0 where u could wear certain gear pieces with a higher rating and average out your gear score with lower rated relics and it would give u a massive stat boost. We've all played swtor long enough to know that players are going to take advantage of any edge they can get, they aren't gonna wear higher rated gear for no reason. All conjecture on my part tho I've not noticed anyone doing out of the ordinary damage so I've not felt the need to inspect anyone's gear lately. 



Edited by Samcuu
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It doesn't matter where the gear comes from, how good the players are. What matters is that it gives a boost. What shouldn't be. Ideally, gear should not provide any benefits at all.

The maximum level of implants with bonuses is 334. Probably because of this 339. not 340.

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12 hours ago, slowdude said:

The maximum level of implants with bonuses is 334. Probably because of this 339. not 340.

^^ This. 339 is the highest you can get.


And my guess is people who come to pvp in 339 gear don't have two different sets for pve and pvp. They have golden augments in their pve set and they may not want to craft another set of augments for pvp. I wouldn't. 

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On 12/29/2022 at 5:42 PM, Enomars said:

The gear for PvP is 332 currently. However if players join Pvp In 339 gear it is not dropped down to 332 gear with full gold augs. I am not sure how to compete with players who are massively overpowered. Please Nerf over powered gear inside PvP. This affects the PvP seasons. 

It doesn't change the visual irating, but it does bolster down the stats, most importantly damage primary and bonus damage. They are not remotely overpowered. They squash under pvp gear if players know their spec for pvp. Gold augments offer a minimal boost and literally anyone can get them one way or another, though it's much harder for f2p players, it's still possible.

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To all of the people posting that i339  is not better. It is better.  I was in full 332 with gold augs.  They ALL had higher health than everyone on our team, every class every spec.  While it is true that i339 means that those players have skill enough to beat R4 Vet = More skill than 99% of the player base. BUT scaling IS wrong.   


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On 12/30/2022 at 8:58 AM, AwesomeTacoCat said:

Bolster down is working correctly. People in 339 gear are, on average, substantially better than your average player. You’re probably getting wrecked by these people because they’re just better. Classic correlation does not imply causation. 

If I am wearing full 332 gear with gold augs, the MOST obvious clue that i339 average is better than i332. is that all of the i339 players have LOTS more health.   We could see their health before the match even started. 

skill has nothing to do with the stats. 


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2 minutes ago, Enomars said:

If I am wearing full 332 gear with gold augs, the MOST obvious clue that i339 average is better than i332. is that all of the i339 players have LOTS more health.   We could see their health before the match even started. 

skill has nothing to do with the stats. 


Sigh. Endurance is the stat that gives you hp. I've tested this myself with 336 gear and your endurance stat does go up. However the stats that are important for damage or healing burst ect like power/crit do in fact get capped. In fact my important stats like power and crit went down when I swapped in 336 mods/enhancements to replace the 332 stuff. I swapped back to 332 and it went up. 

What you are seeing is pve players who don't want to go through the trouble of swapping their gold augs into 332 gear every time they want to pvp. You actually have the advantage over them stats wise if you are wearing 332 gear, only thing they are benefiting from is more endurance.


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Guys if you are sure about there being an exploit with 339 rated gear, please take a screen shot. I've been chatting with a very stat savy friend of mine and he confirmed that he hasn't seen anything out of the ordinary. As I was saying in a different thread the gear rating was decided by ur total gear score divided by 14 pieces. Now they've changed the gear rating to look at each individual piece you equip. So it should be working properly. 

If you have doubts inspect someone's 339 gear and take a screen shot and get it to me so my friend can take a look and confirm if there is or isn't exploting taking place, thanks! 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/4/2023 at 2:57 PM, Samcuu said:

take a screen shot and get it to me so my friend

There is no need to take a screen shot. Just inspect someone gear while in a PVP match.   You take a screen shot and give it to your friend.   It is more than obvious that it is an exploit. Can I kill a 339 player yes but not easily. It is an unfair advantage that needs to be nerfed. 



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7 hours ago, Enomars said:

There is no need to take a screen shot.

Lol yes there is. Sorry your feelings were hurt but yeah there's an actual reason that I asked for a screen shot. It's to look at the stat pool, and as the previous poster said the advantage is in the endurance and the other stats is negligible. 332 gear with gold augs is all you need to close the gap. 

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You are all missing the point. There is such a gap in gear that random players cannot win do to gearing.  Say a premade shows up. Perfect love it. Play with your friends wonderful.  

There is a 400ish point gap between the HIGHEST 332 players with gold augs and the i339 Players. Now COMPOUND that issue with Players showing up in 324 gear.

400 points in crit is nothing to sniff at but is even greater when player show up in even lower gear. 

IF you cannot win you cannot get medals.  

I don't know if i can post it  here but here are a couple of screen shots. 

All I am saying is even out the gear rating to a neutral number.   


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9 hours ago, AwesomeTacoCat said:

Difference in stats between 339 and 332 is so minuscule as to not matter. Skill gap is orders of magnitude more important. 

That why i didn't bother posting Images of the stats. Because posting images of the stats doesn't help the conversation it just becomes a trolling point.   

Simple math lets look at 4 players or better yet 8 players with i339 and gold augs 400 more overall stats... 400 x 8 = 3,200 more overall stats than a team with full 332 gear and golds augs. 

 If you actually think that number or even 400 is minuscule per person then you do not play PvP in this game.   

If somebody wants to try out pvp at level 80 there are plenty of rewards to work for. Tech frags, carrot to PvP gear, Legendary embers etcetera.  But the best PvP gear being worse than the best pve gear is not something that should be in the game.   

This post is not for you players anyway. It is for the developers. 

For you players who run 340 gear:
We all know that getting 340 gear from R4 takes many runs for all 8 members of a raid team to get all individual pieces of gear... it must be fun to beat up on weaker players to take out their frustration from the stupidity that they went through to get that gear.  The collective cohesiveness of teams who wear 340 gear must be like superglue to go through that Operation together that many times. 

"What do y'all wanna do now?" "Well we finally beat the game... lets go beat up on trash players in PvP with our better gear!" 


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9 hours ago, Enomars said:

That why i didn't bother posting Images of the stats. Because posting images of the stats doesn't help the conversation it just becomes a trolling point.   

If you would post images people might actually take you serious so yes it definitely would help

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16 hours ago, Beyrahl said:

the stats are in mastery and endurance, mostly endurance. 
Critical gain would be cool but as far as I have seen there's not really any secondary gain, only loss. 

I feel like I am living in the twilight zone.   Additionally, EVERY stat is better on certain players not just the endurance. Don't just look at my screen shots go look at these players in a match. 

% healing is a thing!  If you you have a higher stat pool you are healed for larger number if getting a percent heal. I cannot believe everyone is shrugging this off as if it isn't an exploit.  400 more stats across the board is better unless they were in Presence.  Just one example I can think of is 15% on a Battle readiness it heals for over 70k in one second more health more healing.  The warzone medpacks will heal for 35% of a players health. Larger health pool larger healing received.   Do not pretend more health is not a advantage in PvP because they lose a little bit of power sometimes.  How many classes have percent based healing?  I have no idea but it is an extreme advantage.   Commando trauma stabilizers ? Sentinels Zen?  Even mending force armor does percent healing.  

400 stats x 4 players over the course of any amount of time gives a higher chance of winning. The longer the match rages on the advantage continues to multiply exponentially even if the match last long enough  (though the sudden death would kick in first but they have more health so they could win a sudden death too, by default)     


On 1/22/2023 at 5:23 PM, imthespamman said:

If you would post images people might actually take you serious so yes it definitely would help

I did, here they are again.  Stats from two players does not tell the whole story but it is proof enough.  Don't just look at my screen shots go look at these players in a match. Everyone's stats are different.  


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55 minutes ago, Enomars said:

% healing is a thing!

is it? only thing is overchared saber and the bubble/deathmarks from sorc? But a healer doesn't have % healing, and saying this changes a fight is also pure copium

technically there is the tanks heal for 1% when attacking (not hitting) taunted targets, but again, not a healer

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33 minutes ago, ZUHFB said:

only thing is overchared saber and the bubble/deathmarks from sorc?

There is a LOT of percent healing abilities. I never said healers are a percent healers. Of the classes I play, only Plasmatech and sniper don't have percent healing of some sort. EVERY single guardian class has focused defense. 3% healing of MAX health per hit? Even if everyone stops attacking the guardian so they don't heal up... the attacks that went through will heal for more than others without 339 gear. 

That is besides the point, the stat allocation is not the issue. The best PvP gear should not be worse, in any way, than any other gear received from other sources.  

Look I think I have made my point. I don't feel like arguing with everyone about something that is so obvious. Water is wet. There is crime in Gotham. 339 gear in PvP is better than 332 gear. 

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