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7.2 PvP Feedback


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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

Probably more

  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

I don't care about pvp rewards, I just play to enjoy the game

  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

Just 8v8s. I hate 4v4s

  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

Possibly, maybe from pve players new to pvp

  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?


  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

SWTOR devs cutting out the dead weight and disincentivizing some of the worst people who play this game and appealing to casual players. Cheating, toxicity, gatekeeping...where are these things almost exclusively localized? The answer: to the smallest player base in the game. Therefore just get rid of them.

  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

The removal of ranked pvp. I really hope the hardcore ranked pvpers uninstall now. They have spent years delighting in cheating, toxicity and gatekeeping and as a result their numbers haven't grown. And now ranked is being removed all together. They brought about their own downfall and it couldn't be more hilarious watching them cry about it.

Removal of battle flags - they should never have been introduced in the first place. What other purpose do they serve except to rub it in someones face after they've died? Battle flags are not used as a sign of respect. Not sure why they were ever introduced. Stupid idea. Ranked pvper's love using battle flags to troll people they've beaten. Battle flags often 'earned' by wintrading and or using fotms. For instance when a stealth class puts their battle flag on me when I'm using my sniper. Wow, you beat a class that can't stealth or heal, slow claps for you. Do you think they're putting their battle flag on me because they respect me? Or is it a way of saying 'haha, you lost?'

The easy access to pvp rewards - this should further disincentivize hardcore pvpers because now their precious rewards are available to everyone and much easier to get so it means a lot less having them.

  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

The removal of scoreboards - but not sure if this is really happening.

  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Make premades only get a match if there's another premade in queue. Fair's fair. Same with healers & tanks. They ruin matches. The best matches are 2 pug dps groups. This should also help keep ranked pvper's away who like to queue with a pocket healer while they endlessly battle flag everyone on their fotm. No one enjoys this, even when they're on the same team it makes it boring.

Note really a pvp season thing but class balance needs another look. The difference in survivability is ridiculous. Fury has the highest parse with insane survivability compared to marksmanship which has the worst parse with rubbish survivabliity.

Edited by Illedros
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On 11/10/2022 at 4:38 PM, septru said:

You want feedback? Go read the PvP Forums for once to see the hundreds of posts begging you not to make this change. 


These changes are awful. 


PvP rewards should be earned with skill, not grinded through playtime.  


What this guy said.  Don't remove ranked, don't remove flags, don't remove score boards.  After pruning abilities and you guys lost 3/4 of your sub base you would think you learned removing stuff from the game doesn't make players happy.

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Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

Probably less. I like the idea of being able to pick 4v4 and 8v8, but ranked should not be removed. There should be a space for everyone to play as they wish. I really hope they rethink this revamp, as there are many changes much better than these that could be made.

Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

Not if I am able to catch up with credits as you can on the PTS. The rewards are somewhat interesting, but when everyone is able to obtain them, the value is lost. I think the season pass is a great incentive to get players to queue for PvP, but the rewards need to be unique and slightly challenging to get. They don’t necessarily have any value if you can simply catch up with credits and skip PvP activities entirely.

Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

I much prefer 8v8’s, but this is simply a personal preference. I think this is a great change to allow players to select queue for 8v8’s or 4v4’s. I do foresee some issues in 4v4’s with premade groups going against solo players though, but overall I like this change a lot.

Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

I have not seen what the new medals are like because I have been unable to get any form of warzone or arena on the PTS. I think it is a good idea to readjust these medals, as the damage and healing medals are super easy to obtain. I do not think these medals will affect objective gameplay because they do not necessarily grant any additional rewards. It is not like the past PvP when you needed full medals to get the max commendation rewards for gearing and such.

Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

The missions of the season reward track are clear, but they seem to be easily obtainable. Again, there aren’t many reasons to complete these objectives if you can simply utilize the catch-up feature to purchase the rewards with credits.

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

The removal of ranked is not a smart decision. The game is lacking a significant amount of endgame group content and quality incentives to form groups and queue for that content. Unique rewards need to be offered if you want players to compete in PvP. Getting rewards that can be purchased with credits completely defeats the purpose, in my opinion. Additionally, I feel that being able to purchase ranked weapons with tokens, as seen on the PTS, is a bad idea and definitely seems distasteful towards those who queued ranked and earned those rewards.

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

The separation of queues between 4v4 and 8v8 and the ability to queue for both at the same time. I am assuming that 4v4 and 8v8 weeklies will also be separate, which can help in collecting rewards such as tech frags and other type of currencies for various types of gear. This seems like it would be very helpful with the gearing process. The season pass is not bad idea to utilize because it provides more incentive as well. Lifting F2P restrictions is also nice, and I think it can definitely help with queue times and encourage more players to join in on the action as well.

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

The removal of ranked and the rewards associated with the season. PvP embodies the spirit of competition and that is why it’s a lot of fun to most people. I think the inclusion of both helps create more of a space for everyone as it creates a space for both casual and more competitive PvP’ers. Additionally, the conversion of flags into decorations is also not a great idea and also makes the removal of ranked sting a little bit more as well. While I understand there are many issues with ranked and the toxicity of some players, it is still a game mode beloved by a decent number of players and also offers a little more variety in terms of content.  I do not think removing it will help increase the amount of people in PvP in total.

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Don’t remove ranked, and if you are going to allow ranked rewards to be purchasable with PvP tokens make them a little more difficult to obtain. Additionally, remove the catch-up feature from the season, since the ability to buy rewards does not promote queueing for PvP activities if they can simply be bought. One thing that may be interesting is having unranked leaderboards in which you can earn PvP tokens. There could be separate leaderboards for objectives, DPS, healing, mitigation, etc... Where you place on these leaderboards will determine how many tokens you get. I feel it could add a competitive aspect to unranked, but it can be super simple and add an extra layer of fun.

Closing Thoughts:

In the end, I’ll take any endgame content in form of PvE or PvP, but I do not think removing already existing game modes is a smart move. At the end of the day, I think there should be a space for everyone within the game so that can play what they enjoy most. I believe it would be best to put these changes on hold and work with players to find a middle ground that both parties can be satisfied with. I am not against the idea of a season pass, but not at the expense of an entire game mode and its rewards. Also for those talking about the removal of the scoreboard, check out Xam Xam’s guide on the 7.2 rework as the scoreboard is still there just in a different spot at least in PvP challenges. 🙂

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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
  • a lot less
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • no the season rewards same very bad
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • no prefer 8v8s over 4v4 because the queues are not balance and wait to see changing happen to it
  • ie like having = teams and not 1v4 or 2v4
  • you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • maybe need to wait and see on the live server
  • It will encourage the average player yes,  map control is really how you win in 8s
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • yes
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • very bad
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • nothing
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • the reward items its lacking 
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
  • the rewards items are lacking
  • make some of the cartel items that you can't get any more as items and other rewards
  • changing these to them would get move people trying to get old items

other issues the weekly missions of pvp only gives 60 wz-1 accelerants down form 100 

  • adding the wz-1 accelerant as an addition to seasons
  • if the pvp weekly don't get more same as live or 120 weekly cap change to 2800 overall cap set 5600
  • or make the new tiers of gear cheaper ie 1/2 the cost of the wz-1 accelerant needed



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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

-Probably little bit more at start and then more or less the same.

  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

-I hate that there are old ranked rewards available for buying via pvp seasons. Make those old ranked rewards unique for those who played ranked and create new rewards for pvp seasons.

  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

-4v4 (8v8 only for achievements).

  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

-Little bit, yes.

  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?


  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

-Its good, only think I hate very much is old ranked rewars avaible for pvp season tokens.

  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

-Option to choose to que for 4v4 or 8v8.

  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

-Old Ranked rewards avaible for pvp seasons tokens (which you can acually buy for credits to "catch up"). Those rewards should be unique to ranked players. You cancell game mode for ranked players, you should at least let them have something unique from it.

  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

-Make new rewards and dont ever use any old ranked rewards for pvp seasons.

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Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

nothing has changed my mind

Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

don't know, Having bad timing getting a match, but I'm sure it would

Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

less for 4v4

Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

not really ,  but  for me, it  may encourage to play more, and maybe others. A need to complete weeklies by medals,  I find more appealing

Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

not yet, still haven't seen it

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

I have no idea, can't get a match to see, so N/A. Answer may change if I do get a match

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

N/A. Answer may change

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

N/A . Answer may change

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

N/A . Answer may change

Edited by Achnaattwo
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18 hours ago, merovejec said:

Dear Devs, please dont get distracted by the few people who are angry because of ranked removal and changes to PVP.

The changes are all great and welcome, please keep at it!

While I fully support those who have opposing opinions regarding the changes, maybe don't assume opinions that don't match yours are less important or that it's a "few people." Just a thought.

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13 hours ago, euroDSMtuner said:

Oh, I know, but once they go offline, then what? Those schematics are no longer available to obtain. Also, the iconic (Dread Master) belts were never craftable (Force-Master/Mystic belt in particular, they were BoP); which we haven't seen since pre-2.0.

Just trying to be helpful. 🙃

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Apart from "please don't remove pvp" or "I like the idea of PvP Seasons" I don't think the PTS or forums have enough info to give solid feedback yet, or answer most of the feedback questions asked in the first post.


Questions / Stuff I don't understand at first glance - I have not played any matches yet as it is PTS.

1) Will the old Ranked PvP Rewards be available with the new PvP Season Tokens? I ask because I see the Ranked Vendor now has prices listed as "PvP Seasons Tokens", though I can't tell if that's a final or not, as the vendor doesn't have the new armors on it. I feel uncomfortable having those Ranked exclusive rewards now be available just by playing regular PvP, as those who do play Ranked seem to be really proud of having earned them (ex the glowing Rancor.) As much as I'd love to get my hands on those rewards as non-ranked player, I think it really devalues them for the players who have earned them.

2) What rewards are on the Vendor? For Galactic Seasons, people are motivated by both what's on the track as well as what's on the vendor (for example, people get excited about Master Ranos, even though she is not on the track). I could not find the vendor for the new PvP Seasons stuff. For example, could I earn the two new glowing armors with the 12 tokens from the track? I'd rather the old Ranked Rewards not be available through casual play on the vendor. However, if they are, I will probably grind out seasons a lot harder and with more focus than if its only the rewards previewed during the livestream. I'll feel really awkward though when I'm with a friend who earned them the real way though.

3) How do I earn tokens? I see there's 12 I can get on the track, and 4 in achievements. Is there other ways?  

4) How long does a Season last? I can find that info easily for Galactic Seasons, but not PvP Seasons.

5) I see some objectives are to win matches, some are to get medals, and some are just to play. Do I get any points just for participating in matches? For example, if I get really unlucky and my team loses a lot, will I still be able to earn points after I've finished the "just play" objectives?

6) For Galactic Seasons, I like to look at all the objectives, and see which ones are easy for me personally to complete, and in a morning I can often get about 4 done in about 2 hours by playing casually. If that's all I have time for in a week, I still feel satisfied, as I made good progress on my track with those. Looking at the PvP Objectives, some of them seem like they will take quite a while, and you are expected to do up to four of them. I noticed a lot of the objectives are way more than I would do in that normal timeframe... for example I'm not sure I could complete even one of these in two hours. I also don't know how long it might take to do the ones that depend on winning or success like "Earn 8 medals in 6 Arenas". I feel really unclear about how much I have to grind to get all the rewards and am a bit worried about it, as a player who does a little of everything in-game rather than exclusively pvp, especially not knowing how long the seasons are, and knowing there might be up to 3 a year. I've really been enjoying Galactic Seasons each week, so between that, PvP Seasons and weekly Conquest, I'll have a lot to juggle if I want "all" the rewards.

7) Do the Objectives... grow? I see in datamining "Warzones: Domination – Win a Warzone match. – 100 points /// Warzones: Infinite Domination – Continue your dominance of the opposition. Win 10 more Warzone matches." 

8 ) Point Values - The Weekly says 0/1000. The Weekly Complete says 0/4. Each Weekly seems to be worth 100 points. Where do the other 600 points come from, if I can complete 4 weeklies at 100 points each for 400 points? Do I get them from matches?

9) Medals - You asked for feedback on medals. I'm not sure how to find how to get medals on PTS. On the live server I had to just play a bunch of matches to make a list, scour the internet and ask friends. Could you provide a list so people could give feedback? Here's the old list and values as far as I know.

  • Combatant: 600k Damage Dealt
  • Destroyer: 1.2M Damage dealt
  • Demolisher: 6k Damage Dealt
  • Annihilator: 12k Damage Single Hit
  • Commando: 4 Kills
  • Soldier: 8 Kills
  • Quick Draw: 1 Killing Blow
  • Assassin: 1 Solo Kill
  • Medic: 12k Single Heal
  • Trauma Surgeon: 21k Single Heal
  • Healer: 1 M Healed
  • Savior: 1.75M Healed
  • Shield: 260k Defense
  • Protector: 518k Defense
  • Guardian:21k Defense in 1 Life
  • Paladin: 83k Defense in 1 Life
  • Offense Basic: 1 Attacker Point
  • Offense Bronze: 3,000 Attacker Points
  • Offense Silver: 5k Attacker Points
  • Offense Gold: 7.5k Attacker Points
  • Offense Platinum: 10k Attacker Points
  • Offense Diamond: 15k Attacker Points
  • Defense Basic: 1 Defender Points
  • Defense Bronze: 3k Defender Points
  • Defense Silver:5k Defender Points
  • Defense Gold: 7.5k Defender Points
  • Defense Platinum: 10k Defender Points
  • Defense Diamond: 15k Defender Points
  • Dauntless VI: 5 Minute Victory / 3 Minute Download in Voidstar
  • Dauntless V: 6 Minute Victory / 3:30 Minute Download in Voidstar
  • Dauntless IV: 7 Minute Victory / 4:00 Minute Download in Voidstar
  • Dauntless III: 8 Minute Victory / 4:30 Minute Download in Voidstar
  • Dauntless II: 9 Minute Victory / 5:00 Minute Download in Voidstar
  • Dauntless I: 10 Minute Victory / 5:30 Minute Download in Voidstar
  • Reinforcer: You joined the match after it started
  • First Blood in Round 1 / 2 / 3: First kill in an arena round.
  • Winning Round 1 / 2 / 3: Won the arena  round.
  • Swiftness Round 1 / 2 / 3:  Winning an arena round in under 1 minute
  • Survived a Round: Did not die during an arena round.
  • Champion: Won arena match.

10) 4vs4 or 8vs8 - I really love the objectives matches, way more than Arenas, as I'm not very good at the faster pace and tight 4vs4 deathmatches (I feel I can contribute more, and make more mistakes without failing my team, in 8v8). So by choice, I would mostly queue 8v8. But if I also want to progress on the track, I'm not sure how much that will affect my points, as half the objectives are Warzones and half Arenas. So I'd have to decide based on how many points I would need to get to 25 and how many I think I could reasonably earn. I also worry that 4vs4 will get prioritized in the matchmaker, as it is easier to fill a smaller group - for example in our older dead server before the merges, only 4v4 would pop as it was easier to fill. So if I q for 8s... will I never get them if more 4v4 matches are filled by people queuing for either? Wil I have to q for Arenas just so I can progress up the track more reasonably?

11) Like/Dislike Rewards - I like the old valor system rewards like the crystals and weapons, but they are frustrating to collect because they are bind to character, they don't feel very "collectible". The two new track armors are ok, though nothing I'm super excited about, but I'd like to collect them. The two glowing armors I'm a fan of, I'd like to learn more about how to earn those for good mix & match fashion. I don't care much about the decorations either, other than to add to my large collection. The battler statue is pretty unique though. Could you put the new armors in collections for 1 CC or 10 CC so they can be account-wide after we earn them, like the original Galactic Seasons? (I hate the new prices in Season 3, big disincentive.)

12) Credits - It's strange that you can buy the Season with Credits. It seems to grow, with level 1 costing 175,00, and with level 9 costing 19 million to go from 0-9. How much will 0-25 cost? I have a lot of credits, so I like the idea of being able to skip having to do work and just buying the track if I don't feel like PvPing during one of the seasons, especially with 3 a year. But it seems to go against the whole point of the track being introduced to encourage people to PvP who might not otherwise. I know it's probably part of the Credit Sink / Inflation issue though. For the Catch-Up, goes it cost more the more levels you buy, like Galactic Seasons? How often are new levels unlocks for Catch-Up credits? For Galactic Seasons, it seems to be daily, but starting late in the Season. On PTS, PvP Seasons catch up I think maybe started on day 1 and is on day 9 now, and will be at 25 within a month of PTS launching.

13) I know you didn't ask about ranked. But I'm sad to see there is no alternative at all for competitive players, even though I don't play competitively. 

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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

More, theres nothing motivating me to bother with warzones currently.

  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

Yes they do, cosmetics can be hit or miss depending on personal tastes, but tokens for a vendor are nice too.

  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

Probably more 8v8 Warzones, not a fan of 4v4 Arenas.

  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

I hope so, time will tell however.

  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

Seems similar enough to Galactic Seasons with completing 4 out of 6 available weeklies.

  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

Competitive based reward system is what led to a lot of toxicity and elitism, rewarding players base don time spent on pvp makes pvp more rewarding for everyone.

  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

Being rewarded for my time spent doing pvp.

  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Make it very clear how long people have to complete a season (and its associated achievements).

Talking about achievements, what will happen to the Trophy Art decorations? I noticed theres new ones for the Arenas on fleet now too on pts, so will they be added to new achievement sor a different source?

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On 11/10/2022 at 8:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

1, Removing ranked will cost you numerous subscribers leaving the game because they like ranked

2.making possibility to queue 4v4 as premade will result into more skilled players teaming up and destroying solo queue players which is intolerable. 4vs4 must be only solo queue possible 

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3 hours ago, Darthjantom said:

Competitive based reward system is what led to a lot of toxicity and elitism, rewarding players base don time spent on pvp makes pvp more rewarding for everyone.

I'm not here to belittle anyone's opinions. But I wanted to emphasize this point because it seems like the crux of BioWare's reasoning for a lot of their changes. 


This is a really bad take. PvP is naturally a competition against players. Some people might not like that (which is completely fine), but this is what made PvP appealing to anyone that calls themselves a PvPer. A participation based reward system (which is literally what you're asking for) removes all incentives to ever improve at PvP. 

Edited by septru
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  1. I really hope there will be a yellow post about the PvP revamp that explains the reasoning behind it in detail (I know, but one can hope right?)
  2. getting rid of ranked and not replacing it with some kind of new ranking/leaderboard system is a mistake imho because quite plainly - as others have rightfully stated - PvP is competitive by nature, so to eliminate competition is kinda weird to say the least. Mind you, I never played ranked, not my cup of tea but I totally get the appeal and hence can understand the frustration... (and btw I witnissed toxicitiy in unranked as well, so getting rid of ranked because it is toxic can not be the reason)
  3. so if 7.2 goes live we have 2 queues: 8s and 4s - so far so good... BUT it is horrible matchmaking and quite unfair if there is only one queue per mode and both, groups and solo players, are basically still in the same Q. That way more often than not we will have one team consisting of a premade group who knows what they are doing and the other "team" consists - worst case - of 4-8 people running around like headless chickens... and being one of the chickens will be quite frustrating really quickly and not leading to more people solo-Q'ing.... or we have two groups and that way worst case: wintrading
    I think the best way would be to make ONLY a solo queue possible and do not allow group-Q'ing at all (unless you specifically make dedicatied options like solo/group 8s and solo/group 4s...)
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Really excited for the PvP changes, should get more people playing. The pvp season objectives all seem fair too, forcing lots of matches to be played but still requiring wins (but not an excessive amount) 

Very much looking forward to sinking my teeth into it. 


  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? 
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
    Yes, though I would add them to collections too
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
    Probably 8 vs 8 most of the time, but 4v4 for the rewards
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
    Very good
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
    Really excited to be able to get the old ranked rewards
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
    Catch up mechanic is too cheap for 25 levels. Needs to cost more credits
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
    Have the reward track armour sets, titles etc be added to collections so entire legacy gets them
Edited by EHKodiak
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- Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?  

Way less or nothing. There is no incentive at all to PVP anymore. I started PVPing because I wanted to learn and get into ranked. Now with that incentive gone, there is no reason for me to PVP - or suscribe- at all

- Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? 

Absolutely no. Lets be honest, new rewards are horrible. Old rewards, which you had to earn with effort doing ranked, now will be available for people straight up AFKing regs and doing your reward track?! Imagine you put NiM mounts in a normal vendor, and tell me thats not insult for them.

-Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? 

No. Ranked beauty was in that the unbalance in regular warzones was somehow fixed by matchmaking: Solo ranked was normally the same roles in opposite teams. Team ranked, two premades versus each other. With these changes, that balance -and content-  is gone.

- Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? 

Absolutely no. If you felt that before there were damage farmers, now is going to be even worse.

-Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? 

Yes it is clear.

-What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? 

Horrible to remove ranked, horrible to include ranked rewards in a normal vendor. Only good change I see is letting Free to Play people to PVP.

-What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?ç

Like I said, letting free to play people to pvp without limit. 


Sad that you never listened to the ranked community.

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I wanted to try getting more info about PvP Seasons by actually q'ing up on the test server. I got 9 players to que up independently for Arenas, no pop. I got them all the q as DPS, no pop. I got them in two groups of four, one on each faction, no pop.


The chat was successfully confirming that we were all q'd, though the "Arena Queue:" list on the Arenas tab was not successfully listing everyone as q'd and was behaving really strange - it would only show 1 person at a time, sometimes being replaced (it originally showed my character Scya, then when I flew to the fleet it switch to Nytin on its own, and never listed the full group. On the other team, it showed one player and their name was cut off halfway.)

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On 11/10/2022 at 12:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? I will PVP more with the 7.2 update.
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? Yes, the rewards seem adequate for Season 1. 
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? I will queue for both variations to start with. 
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? Not sure on the answer to this one yet.
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? Yes, it is clear to me.
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? The impression I get is that the PVP season system will encourage more people to participate in PVP.
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? There are rewards and new achievements for PVP.
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system? That you are taking away some of the current PVP achievements.
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? I would keep the older PVP achievements. 


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Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

- More I think, it seems like it will be easier to get into it. 

Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

- even with the armor not being anything I like, I think with the token, decoration etc. I really like what I see. There is one replica armor that I really hope to get.

Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

- I didn't like the 4v4 before but I am a thinking of giving it a new try, I just hope people will be nicer about it. 

Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

- still have to see how it will actually play out, how much it will effect your reward track... So maybe?
EDIT: So I did some warzone where I played the objectives and got quite a few medals while other just fought each others and got a lot less. Which I liked.

Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

- do the objectives, queue for PvP. You can get more points if you do both 4v4 and 8v8. 

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

- never did ranked so I can't say anything about it personally, but friends that played it seemed happy. Said now I can join them more easily. Also I like that f2p can join. I like it, seems more open, but I am curiouse to see how it turns out.

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

- probably that it is more open for everyone.

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

- I never did ranked, so can't say anything about it

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

- same as above, don't feel like I can say anything yet. Only think I can think of is there still being something as a ranking for the top 10 PvP players. Maybe they get a special reward, a title?

Edited by streunekatze
added a bit of feedback^^
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I'd love to PVP more, but I still, as a long time player, feel that BW puts very little (if no) effort on balancing PVP classes.  We still have MADLY overpowered operatives, Sorcs, Juggs, Vanguard/PT -- after 10+ years, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING has been done to make PVP more enjoyable.

It's fine if you go in knowing "Well, they have an operative (or 3), so its an automatic loss" but that's not how the game should be played.  Each class should have a winning shot at 1v1. Not one class who can sit there and 1v5 and prevent an entire team from capping, or over healing themselves or way too many "get out jail free" cards.

And the damage done to Slingers/Snipers in PVP, terrible.  Why give operatives many ways to heal but then turn around and take it away from slingers, who do less damage than operatives overall.  Same category, give Slingers the same heals you give operatives since you refuse to take "roll immunity" away from Operatives (which is the stupidest idea ever! ROLL IMMUNITY?!)

Fix pvp. 
Make it fair.
Then it will be fun.
Then more players will play this game.

Learn from Warcraft.  When they kept screwing PVP players over, they lost a huge swath of subscribers.  And the only thing keeping people in this game now is the correlation to Star Wars.  Otherwise this game should have died years ago once we learned PVP was always going to be the "red headed stepchild SWTOR didn't care about".....

10+ years we have complained about PVP balance and for 10 years, we've been ignored.  Don't ask about PVP if you still are unwilling to listen and make the changes.

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On 11/13/2022 at 3:03 PM, omaan said:

1, Removing ranked will cost you numerous subscribers leaving the game because they like ranked

2.making possibility to queue 4v4 as premade will result into more skilled players teaming up and destroying solo queue players which is intolerable. 4vs4 must be only solo queue possible 

Ranked is a minority of the minority player base which is PVP. Losing the 40 subs is minimal. 

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