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7.2 PvP Feedback


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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? More!
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? Yes
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? Yep, I like both
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? I hope so
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? Yes (at least for me)
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? I think it's great
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? Encouraging others to play PvP / no cap for F2P
Edited by suabensss
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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

 More, since there are rewards!

  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

Yes! Although the new armor sets looks fine, the tokens are what I'm stoked to get. Obtaining the old replica rewards in a much more casual atmosphere than ranked makes me hyped. Although I would even go so far to add replica rewards to a new section in Collections along with the new pvp season rewards to make all the awesome rewards more visible to the masses. Also, old bronze/silver/gold titles should be included here. I didn't see all replica rewards on the vendor and guess the vendor list is rotating or more will be added in future seasons? Anyway I hope for a detailed post on this.

  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

I will probably play both a lot more now, since there are weekly objectives (and season 1 achievements) for both. Can't quantify this so "equally" I don't know yet.

  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

There will always be number farmers, but since there are so many objectives and achievements for winning (that actually has rewards this time!), more objective play could actually be a thing.

  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

Yes, although the numbers needed for each level and what each weekly objective awards, were pretty hard to find in the UI.

  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

This is a much-needed overhaul that looks like it's going to draw a lot more players into warzones and arenas. At least I hope so. I really like that you make older ranked rewards available in a much better atmosphere, I think this will be healthy for SWTOR.

  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

Rewards. I haven't played ranked consistently for years because the atmosphere has become so toxic, there are many decent players here and there but really a lot of people threatening to report every small thing they disagree with. Getting all these rewards looks like the thing to aim for here, and making them obtainable in a somewhat more relaxing atmosphere seems really great.

  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

There are so many steps in the right directions here that I don't know what I dislike the most. Maybe it will be a huge grind, I didn't calculate how many matches/wins are needed to get all these rewards. Hopefully it's doable with playing a few hours every week, if it takes like 50 matches every week it's more of a grind than the current system to get rewards (even though it's easier) and would burn people out after one season.

  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Add old ranked items to collections!


EDIT: Some post after me says that the scoreboards at the end of a game are removed. I was not able to finish a match to see that, however if this is true, a lot of the fun is gone.. I wouldn't have any idea who helped to heal me/guard a node the whole match etc. so that I could vote them as mvp for example. The little mvp feature is a detail that I really like, doesn't seem like it adds much to the game but it is a little nod to players that others in the group agree made a difference. Without this little scoreboard, it would be like playing blind, not knowing if I am doing any good, and objective-based play could go either way. We need some stats on our matches considering the rest of the game are full of numbers everywhere, it would be weird to remove it here. It does also not contribute to any toxicity if that's what you're after. (To remove all traces of toxicity, pvp must be removed altogether). If I am mistaken on this and the scoreboard note was a typo (thought first they meant ranked leaderboard), ignore this.

Edited by kekrot
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21 hours ago, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? More **
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? Don't care about rewards, winning is the reward.
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? Probably just 8v8
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? Maybe, ty for trying though
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? Don't care
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?  Don't care
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? Don't care
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system ?Don't care
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? Don't care

** This is the best direction you can take.

The philosophy of winning with a team and fulfilling a ROLE (rpg), was being diluted more and more. Few games offer an objective team based PVP these days and this is what makes SWTOR special. You could go into a Huttball and see premades passing the ball to each other just to farm numbers, ruining the whole game. Contrary to what a selfish players will tell you, objective players are also competitive, but they want to WIN WITH A TEAM. They all left, discouraged by these players that just don't care about winning.  The removal of the scoreboard is a perfect idea.


Edited by Giberelina
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19 hours ago, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?  -- MORE....at least for the 1st couple fresh weeks. ;)
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? -- No, because the real reward (for me) is either the competition itself or something RARE & exclusive.  (common "rewards" that anyone can get don't interest me at all )
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? -- Definitely 8v8's !!!  ( i absolutely DREAD  4v4 Arenas.  UGH. )
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? -- i certainly hope so.
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? -- yep
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? -- Well, i've personally been calling for the *merge* of  Ranked & Regs for many years, so my umm "impression" is that you finally listened to me. :D(However, in all seriousness, it's possible u guys went a bit overboard and threw the PVP baby out with the "toxic" bathwater.  Time will tell. )
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? -- Not sure yet tbqh.
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system? -- The apparent removal of 'leaderboards' ....and the fact that BioWare still won't even consider  bringing back the 'expertise' stat again.
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? -- More in-game  monitoring & moderating , to help reduce (or remove)  all the cheaters, trolls, speed-hackers, bots, and chat-abusers.   Why?  Because this is a game based on the STAR WARS brand and therefore it should be held to a higher standard.

Answers in green bold ^ beside....and please @JackieKo convey to the Devs (Coders) how crucial  it is  to not only maintain consistant  communication (and behind the scenes info) but also to give the Community hope that feedback is actually implemented:ph_thank_you:

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23 hours ago, JackieKo said:

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

A pvp seasons system is a fantastic idea and I think you are on the right track with this. One of the biggest issues is not a big enough population, this should get more players into the queue. 


23 hours ago, JackieKo said:

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

It's nice to get rewards for pvp and nice to get more ppl into the queues. 


23 hours ago, JackieKo said:

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

Here's the tipping point for me. You cannot remove a scoreboard at the end of the game. Pvp is competitive it's not a casual thing u queue for and then just float through it. How can u gauge ur progress? You need to be able to compare what you've done to other players and make sure you are up to par. This is the equivalent of playing a sport and not keeping score, we arent 5 year old kids. The other issue is the lack of a leaderboard. I wasn't a ranked player but I understand the outrage of of being removed because you want to see the fruits of your labors. No reason to queue 4s without some type of leaderboard system.


23 hours ago, JackieKo said:

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Don't remove the scoreboard number 1 if you don't do anything else that's the main thing. Second, as I've mentioned before, you need to come up with a guild leaderboard for 8v8, and a 4v4 or solo leaderboard. Ppl want to see their hard work reflected with results. A top guild 8v8 leaderboard would also encourage pvp guilds which will make the pvp community so much more healthy than it is. Pvp guilds are how new ppl learn to play, the top pvp guilds would attract ppl who want to win and learn to play. 

Without a leaderboard or scorecard I could probably play a few matches with any friends who remain here (which won't be many because pretty much all my swtor discord servers are already talking about finding a different game to move to for pvp)  a week and I'd probably just unsub and be an f2p player. 

I've been a swtor guy for 10 years and haven't touched another mmo, been subbed for most of that time too, but to do this to pvp and upset a fiercely loyal player like myself is an impressive display of how to upset ur fan base. 

23 hours ago, JackieKo said:


Edited by Samcuu
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23 hours ago, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? probably more
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? Not really- especially since the catch up seems to be possible without setting foot in a single match…
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? Definitely 8v8s - I always dreaded 4v4s
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? That remains to be seen
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? yes 
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? Overall good things with one big caveat
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? Separation of 8s and 4s & anyone can PvP as much as they like not matter the status
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system? Getting rid of ranked- though I never did ranked I can very well imagine and understand if the dedicated ranked-players view that as a giant f*** you from BW
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? Keep ranked, or at least some kind of ranking/leaderboard… maybe even 2 ranked for 8s and 4s… but to just sack ranked altogether is a huge slap in the face


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On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 AM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? I think this a bad change and it would make the game a lot less fun because you're removing Ranked PvP and all it's rewards that were hard earned by players through out the years and I think this is a slap the ranked PvP the players who worked hard and earned those rewards! If you're trying to reduce bad behaviors instead of removing it you should be banning players who are breaking the rules, be more harsh on punishment so then that way players who are acting out of bad behaviors they will be punished severely and this would promote more stable behaviors. Removing Ranked destroys the fundamental idea of competitive nature for PvP. Why do that?
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? The goes against the idea of earning your rewards because in PvP you're suppose to earn rewards through skill and effort. 
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? The idea of the game is to have fun of course but in order to maximize the options, making a ranked 4v4 and 8v8 would give more variety and options to players who are interested into competitive game play. Removing competitive game play (Ranked) and it's rewards is just not going to make the game more populated it's going to depopulate more.
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? I don't think it will have that much of impact in PvP honestly. I think adding new maps would have much more of a impact then adding new medals.
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? I don't follow the idea of adding a Season Reward track because it's not earning rewards it's hand outs.
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? I think it's a very counter productive change and it's not going to encourage more people to play it's going to make all those veteran ranked PvP players and anyone else who has a desire to play ranked not have a reason to play competitively in the game anymore. Some people only play to play competitively and they enjoy the seriousness environment so there will be more loss than gain. You can maximize your chances by adding more maps, keeping Ranked PvP and it's reward system and adding separate ques and also adding ranked 8v8 and ranked 4v4's, you want to give more options to your players so then they will have a reason to play. If you're trying to encourage more positivity within the community, I would recommend cracking down on players who are ruining the fun and thrill of ranked rather then removing it. In other words, have a harsher punishment towards people who are toxic and I feel like that would fix the problems with bad behavior.
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? The only thing I like is the separate ques nothing else only if there is a ranked 4v4 and ranked 8v8. Everything else seems to be going backwards on trying to move the game in a positive direction as far as competitive game play.
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system? Removing hard earned Ranked rewards is a mistake and will cause more negative impact than positive.
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? There doesn't need to be many changes. Just add a separate que for 4v4's and 8v8's for regular and ranked, keep the ranked rewards, keep the same system but just be more harsh on players who have bad behaviors.


Edited by A-Hero-Falls
Wanted to my post more transparent and easy to read
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On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

Less. No, sorry - not at all.

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

No. Not even remotely.

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

No, I don't think I'll queue PvP (after I have all the achievements) at all, because... why would I? 

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

No, I still won't play objective, it's not fun.

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

No, but who cares there is nothing of value on them anyway.

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

Its good! Its actually good! But why remove RANKED?! What has that to do with ANYTHING. Why not just leave the season in, and bring back solo ranked and it's rewards. 

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

It saves people a lot of time, they will just quit the game and that is probably good for them - the game isn't. 

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

removal of ranked for NO REASON. Balancing? Moderating? FAIR REWARDS? We had none of that to begin with. But hey, now I can at least delete F2P players with my 8man premade and completely bully them out of the gamemode. Thank you for creating systems that work well! 

On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

the not removing of ranked and it's rewards. Do not, do not give pvp season rewards out (that bw claimed would be removed in S15 btw) to people who never played ranked, it's simply disrespectful to our time. 

No ranking.
No leaderboards
The REMOVAL OF ALREADY EARNED rewards -> (Flags)

PvP doesn't sound like PvP anymore, no way to compare skill, no way to have fun. Do not remove ranked. Might be a bit harsh, but you asked for feedback and I most certainly won't lie in the feedback you asked for

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Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

About the same, which is to say semi-regularly.

Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

No. That's not to say it's entirely a bad idea, I just don't much like what's available.

It's nice to give the casual regs PvPer something to play for, but the credit catch-up system for the PvP track HAS to go away for this to work as any kind of incentive. If you're going to make a participation reward, it should reward PARTICIPATION, not the over-inflated economy.

Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

Probably a mix. Will depend on what I'm playing. I do like the idea of being able to queue into 4v4 specifically. Some days I just don't want to play huttball.w

Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

NOTE: I have been unable to get a pop on PTS. Some of the feedback below this point is based on screenshots from other users
Warzone medal descriptions are nice for transparency, but I don't intentionally play for medals. I pvp to pvp. Killing is part of that. Being killed is part of that. Winning is part of that. Losing is part of that. Pretty simple. Medals are a side effect, not an incentive.

Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

Follows the same logic as Galactic Seasons, so sure.

What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

The Good:
-Splitting 4v4 and 8v8.
-Attempting to incentivize pvp (credit for trying, at least)

The Bad:
-The entire handling of the ranked situation.
-Lack of apparent competitive skill-based rewards, opt-in or not
-Including a pay-to-complete/catch-up option on the PvP season. It completely defeats the purpose.

What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

Separate 4v4 and 8v8 queues.

What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

1.) The ability to pay your way through the PvP seasons. Even more reprehensible than afking, in my opinion. DO NOT keep this.
2.) Lack of objective competitive rewards. There are some great 'olive branch' suggestions in this thread.

At the end of the day, PvE is about power fantasy, and PvP is about power reality (and straight-up human competition). There has to be a way for players to measure themselves against each other. There has to be something for players to work for, as opposed to only things that are handed out to everyone as "kudos for showing up... or at least for being moderately wealthy in-game"

What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Make some kind of skill-based reward. Maybe it's an opt-in leaderboard, maybe it's an extra cosmetic reward or "rated" title for a certain solo win %... idk. Just.... something.

Also, there are a lot of tank achievements. Those could be turned down a bit, I think. There are enough stealth tanks running around in regs. Lower the match requirement there or something, please. >.>;

Edited by Crystal_Mind
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On 11/10/2022 at 10:26 AM, JackieKo said:

Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

still downloading, but I can answer this without having to play

no it won't. those that play objective will still, those that don't still won't

those that are not so much into player against Player, but more into Player against environment might

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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
    Hard to tell, atm with all this changes im eager tu unsub instead of queing at all.
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
    No, now that you turned exclusive pvp skilled based rewards unto generic attendand/credit purchase earned items, they lost any value besides some sort of bad taste cosmetic stuff. Also, turning past earned ranked rewards like flags on decos its so far the most stupid and discouraging move yall ever did about the matter.
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
    It doesn't matter, we solo shenningans paired with a bunch of f2p players will become some sort of alive parse dummies for well stacked ex ranked 8m or 4m groups in voice com queing and destroying everyone around. Yall think premades and toxicity was a problem before 7.2? The best is yet to come. You just stripped them from a game mode that wasn't perfect for sure but had still its charm and took away for the rest the chance and motivation to improve and try that mode too. Now they don't even need to sub in order to number/kill farm (lack of score boards wont stop anyone believe me, regardless of the current wooes around), and you can't blame them. You just put piranhas and golden fishes in the same tank. What could posibly go wrong?
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
    No. Unless medals and rewards are related (idk atm). Even so, you poor management about pvp rewards makes this point irrelevant.
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
    About pvp season system: good change overall, yet again you fail to understand that pvp its about COMPETITION and EXCLUSIVE REWARDS for the winners of that competition. Not some sort of conquest where everyone is a winner just for showing up. If you think removing ranked and flairs will end toxicity on game youre either naive as hell or haven't even logged and interacted with real players for years. Toxicity will stay as long as 2+ players log on and disagree on something. Thats it. If you think this is a magic solution that will bring rainbows and happiness across the servers and swtor will become a safe space for everyone, try to log on once for a change, get on a flashpoint through group finder and refuse to hit space bar on cutscenes with a group in a hurry.
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
    Map selection, only positive point, so far.
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
    Everything else besides what mentioned above, stinks.
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
    If i have to chose, would be between keep ranked as it is still. Reason? I repeat myself: "pvp its about COMPETITION and EXCLUSIVE REWARDS for the winners of that competition. Not some sort of conquest where everyone is a winner just for showing up." If not posible, at least allow ranked rewards earned over a decade stay as they are  instead of  turning them on some silly stupid decorations. Because its the least you can do for people who subbed for almost a decade to play and enjoy a game mode and their rewards that will be taken off them just for some naive sense of "fair play".
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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
    • More!


  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
    • IMO no really desirable rewards are available. I suggest re-adding old school PvP armor as "replica" shells (I'm talking 1.0 stuff; Recruit, Champion, Centurion, Battlemaster, etc), unobtainable NPC armor set pieces (Sundars armor set valor 90/100, anyone?), new valor locked companion customizations, decorations (i.e. Dread Host banners, R4 Nihilus banners, etc. But OMG please no more wall posters!)


  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? Depending on the mood, but I myself like warzones better unless I have a premade group of 4


  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
    • I haven't been able to get a pop yet so IDK what they are, but If they're something similar to what you get in Halo and ultimately contribute to your PvP record with a total earned showcase, then yeah.
    • Audible callouts (Baron Deathmark VA) of the TOP medals would be amazing too i.e. like in Halo:
      • "First Blood"
      • "Survivor"
      • "Savior"
      • "Protector"
      • "Paladin"
      • "Destroyer"
      • "Soldier" (IMO there needs to be medals above 8 tiny kills: 20 "Executioner", 30 "Butcher", 40 "Slayer", 50 "Death Incarnate")
      • "Champion"
      • "Double Kill" (Kill 2 within 5 seconds of each other)
      • "Triple Kill" (Kill 3 within 5 seconds of each other)
      • "Quadruple Kill" (See above)
      • "Round Won"
      • "Round Lost"


  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
    • Yes


  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
    • I haven't been able to get a match yet so IDK.


  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
    • The ability to distinctly choose between warzones and arenas


  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
    • The lack of desirable rewards.


  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
    • Include more rewards from the PvP rewards vendor, like old school PvP armor or schematics (1.0 stuff) complete with valor level locks!
Edited by euroDSMtuner
More info, cleaned up
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I have a specific question i'm looking to have answered...

I've been playing for 3 months and want but haven't been able to obtain the Black and Silver Color Crystal from the ranked pvp vendor. Will this be obtainable in the new reward system either in the season track or the pvp vendor or will this reward be retired and unobtainable? 

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4 minutes ago, SipauFade said:

I have a specific question i'm looking to have answered...

I've been playing for 3 months and want but haven't been able to obtain the Black and Silver Color Crystal from the ranked pvp vendor. Will this be obtainable in the new reward system either in the season track or the pvp vendor or will this reward be retired and unobtainable? 

Thats a cheap one to buy now it's like 2500 ranked tokens from Tullek (the dude standing next to the holo hutt on fleet). Would probably jump on that before 7.2 to be safe.

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On 11/11/2022 at 1:26 AM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? MORE 
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? YES DEFINITELY 
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? EQUALLY 
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? MAYBE 
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? YES 
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? I LOVE THEM 
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? MORE GRIND
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system? NOTHING 
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? BRING THE OLD RANKED REWARD AS REWARD 


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4 hours ago, SipauFade said:

I have a specific question i'm looking to have answered...

I've been playing for 3 months and want but haven't been able to obtain the Black and Silver Color Crystal from the ranked pvp vendor. Will this be obtainable in the new reward system either in the season track or the pvp vendor or will this reward be retired and unobtainable? 

Iirc the box with a black-silver crystal was among the rewards you can buy with the new PvP season tokens (the Hutt sells it on the PTS) …

though I don’t know if the stuff the hutt sells is fixed or if there will be a rotation maybe like with the galactic season vendor… (which would be nice tbh… I still want that armor set post KotET Kira and the brothers on Mek-Sha are wearing ^^)

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5 hours ago, euroDSMtuner said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? YES!
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? IMO no really desirable rewards are available. I suggest re-adding old school PvP armor as "replica" shells (I'm talking 1.0 stuff; Recruit, Champion, Centurion, Battlemaster, etc), unobtainable NPC armor set pieces (Sundar valor 80, anyone?), new valor locked companion customizations, decorations (i.e. Dread Host banners, R4 Nihilus banners, etc. But OMG please no more wall posters!)
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? Yes!
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? If they're something similar to what you get in Halo and ultimately contribute to your PvP record, then yeah.
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? Yes
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? I really dig it
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? The ability to distinctly choose between warzones and arenas
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system? The lack of desirable rewards.
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? Include more rewards, like old school PvP armor or schematics (1.0 stuff) with valor level locks!

A little off topic, but just so you know -- you can still get Battlemaster and War Hero gear from crafters.

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Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?

I think less, just because of population and my interest in this. PVP is always was about you against other. Youe performance against other players. Now it's like you wa№king on yourself..
My other point: i'm average player in bronze tier. But i always liked playing ranked because of matchmaking! No 2 healer in 1 team in 4v4, no premades. All about skill.
Right now....no scorboards, no ranked. What's the point for me?  How can i compete with others?


Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?

If you will let buy old pvp gear for tokens yes. If it's about your new sh1t gear...no


Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?

Only 4v4, why bother? Right now you can be in the 8v8 game and having 5 players (3v2), no fun in it



Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?

Nothing will encourage objective play. You tried different things to encourage it. You either play it or not. It is that simple


Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?

Dumb clear


What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?

It is good for new players. And overall we can hope it will bring more people to the pvp. Main problem is....it's more like solo game now. I'm in pvp to crack some skulls, i want progression. Why remove ranked, scoreboards..omg


What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?

i dont see something particular i like in it


What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?

You remove all competitions aspects from the game. i see why, game is dying, you want to squeeze all the money you can just turning this game in solo mode. I get it, but man it's pathetic


What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why

  1. Matchmaking. You need to be sure it's even. So no premades, no "not even" game. Basically it's..yes RANKED
  2. Competition. I want to see how good i am compared to other players in a even match. So..yes RANKED
  3. Balance. Work on it a little bit better
  4. Feedback. Listen to it and react
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Hi @JackieKo

I've noticed on the PvP Achievements have been totally reworked. The way they have been handled on the PTS implies that these achievements are being replaced or discontinued. 

As it stands there are now two PvP categories. 'Player vs Player' and 'Classic Player vs Player.'  Could you confirm whether the achievements that are in the 'Classic Player vs Player' section are discontinued or if they will remain as they are on the PTS, still being achievable once the 7.2 update comes round? 

I'll take this opportunity to also point out that since the 7.2 PTS has been released, the rewards track has kept resetting allowing me to purchase the rewards multiple times. This has led to an unnatural number of PvP tokens gained in a few days time. 

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On 11/10/2022 at 7:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update? More
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them? Yes
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally? Both
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play? Hopefully
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track? Yes
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system? Its great!
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system? Quing for 4v4 or 8v8
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system? The removal of old PVP achievements
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why? Keep the old PVP achievements


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On 11/10/2022 at 8:26 PM, JackieKo said:
  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?

Removing ranked will result into ranked players just leaving the game. Providing pvp seasons similar to galactic seasons for unranked is a GOOD IDEA. But removing ranked means less variety of competetive content and thus less interest in the game. Ranked is a separate part of pvp which has its own community despite all problems it has. Removing it will lead to players who are engaged into ranked just leaving the game and swtor having less pvp modes. A very bad decision

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  • Do you think you'll PvP more or less than you did before the update?
    less or not at all
  • Do the rewards on the reward track make you want to PvP specifically to earn them?
  • lol no
  • Do you think you'll queue for 8v8 Warzones or 4v4 Arenas equally?
  • 8v8 is already poisoned by dps farmers, zerg premades. It is going to be much worse\unplayable by ranked players getting there with premades.... If im in the team of the zerg premade i lose the match cuz they dont care about the objective at all and they lose all the matches so they can go fight 7vs3.... if im against them its not fun since with 4 or more of them they can hunt down\zerg even the best player alone in like 3 gcd. I think 8v8 is going to be unplayable. Im a ranked player too, but i like regs, so i dont do the zerg\dps farm thing.
  • Do you feel the new Warzone medals will encourage objective play?
  • are you kidding right? no
  • Is it clear how to earn PvP points and progress the Season reward track?
  • yep
  • What is your overall impression of the changes to the PvP season system?
  • its horrible! removing the last competitive part of the game.... ranked was fun cuz you could play with and against similar skill level players, we need ranked. This change gonna hurt regular pvp too... and the rewards have no weight, since with time a random monkey can finish it. its not skill based. PvP rewards should be skill based.
  • What do you like the most about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • There would be only one good thing in it, the 4v4 reg q but its useless becasue there wont be ranked 4v4 anymore, reg 4v4 q is pointless this way, so nothing.
  • What do you like the least about the changes to the PvP season system?
  • The same thing as in the whole game for a long time now, you are removing the competitive part of it, the hard part of it. No challange in the game. The combat system is easier by every patch, removing abilities.... the game is dumb in 7.0. No more min\maxing, no proper modding, one viable build for pvp for every spec. 7.0 and 3.0 was horrible and now you remove ranked... and changing pvp rewards to a grindfest instead of a skill based system.
  • in 7.2 the leas: removing ranked
  • What is one change or adjustment you would like to make on the new PvP Season system, what would it be, and why?
  • Keep the ranked 4v4 going with the elo\rank system and with the 4v4 reg q so players can learn the 4v4 and later can join to ranked 4v4. Also i think many ranked players like me, dont care that much about the rewards, just like to play with and against simiar skill level players and for the prestige of the leaderboard.
Edited by Faltun
  • Haha 1
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12 hours ago, -Garmonbozia said:

A little off topic, but just so you know -- you can still get Battlemaster and War Hero gear from crafters.

Oh, I know, but once they go offline, then what? Those schematics are no longer available to obtain. Also, the iconic (Dread Master) belts were never craftable (Force-Master/Mystic belt in particular, they were BoP); which we haven't seen since pre-2.0.

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Probably still play the same or slightly more to get rewards then back to regular. 

Not really, but getting rewards seems like the only reason I play since I can't do group pve content. More deocs is fine, getting higher prestige score. Outfits are meh. Most often my characters are made from day one and rarely change.

Probably still 8v8. I don't normally like 4v4s BUT I did like the verity of getting a different one each match. Also 4v4s are VERY much faster for the dailys and weeklys, so if i'm short on time, i'll do 4v4s.

No idea, no pvp queue pop when I was testing the new planet.

Yep, just complete weeklys. Easy just time consuming.

Meh, more rewards are more rewards.

Agreed with the dislike about the catch up mechanic being with credits. Either remove it or replace with WZ comms or WZ medals. Then if people want to take a break but bank up, if they want the rewards for a new season, they can catch up right before the season ends, BUT they had to earn it in pvp.

No idea really. I havn't played ranked since season 3 because of no queue pops and nasty people. If more pops happened and I could farm to get the ranked rewards, I would have. So maybe going forward I can get the new ones.

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