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List what strongholds you'd like for them to make!


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So, I've started multiple threads about the next upcoming stronghold I'd like for them to create. Even spammed it on Twitter, kept posting for days, ext. I believe Oricon would be such a beautiful and sinister stronghold for the Sith community. Matter of fact, in the Oricon story, they even ask you in dialog what you'd like done to the Dread Palace. Keep it as a stronghold of power would be the best idea. Just use the same template as the Dread Palace, have each room unlockable for certain number of credits, and still keep the main Dread Council chamber. I even asked Charles if he thought Oricon would become a stronghold in the future during an old livestream, and he said yes. So, here's to hoping for my ultimate dream stronghold on Oricon!

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12 hours ago, emilydeylan said:

List the stronghold you'd like them to make

Only rule: it has to be a place we've visited.

This is an interesting question. There's quite a few places I'd like to see strongholds in-theory.

Here's a list in no particular order: 

  • Palace of the Dragon of Zakuul 
  • Kaliyo's apartment 
  • Ilum Imperial/Republic bunkers 
  • Korriban cliff fortress with landing pad
  • Tython village & ruins 
  • Dread Palace 
  • Oasis City 
  • Corellia apartment 
  • Ord Mantel fortress 
  • Nar Shaddaa apartment 
  • Makeb Mansion 
  • Mek-sha apartment

When it comes to making a wish list, I could go on for hours. :jawa_angel:

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vor 13 Stunden schrieb DarkLordSnake:

So, I've started multiple threads about the next upcoming stronghold I'd like for them to create. Even spammed it on Twitter, kept posting for days, ext. I believe Oricon would be such a beautiful and sinister stronghold for the Sith community. Matter of fact, in the Oricon story, they even ask you in dialog what you'd like done to the Dread Palace. Keep it as a stronghold of power would be the best idea. Just use the same template as the Dread Palace, have each room unlockable for certain number of credits, and still keep the main Dread Council chamber. I even asked Charles if he thought Oricon would become a stronghold in the future during an old livestream, and he said yes. So, here's to hoping for my ultimate dream stronghold on Oricon!

But doesn't make Oricon's atmosphere make you go insane ?

Even for sith standarts ?

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can't recall what level you can go there, but it's low, can't do anything, but still would like to have a SH there.

if they just unlock the kiosk for PvP and other missions, so I didn't have to go back to homeworld,  Odessen would be my homeworld

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What I would like them to do is fix Manann.  

(1) There is interactive decoration, but the hook is on top of a building you cannot get to (not smart)

(2) New Manaan decorations so, therefore, they could add an underwater passage so we can place the decorations (sea coral etc) better in the ocean

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My own particular preferences: 

** Expand Manann: Perhaps underwater tunnels (with clear views outside of the tunnel).  Also, the area on top of the structure outside needs better access.  I do have mine decorated but not everyone is able to see/work with it.  Also, a large dome under water would be really cool if that could be done!

** Space station (NOT an apartment IN a station).  I believe that we've posted details on this more than once in other threads.

** Ski Chalet.  Yes.  This should be something exciting and refreshing.  A really nice resort area to enjoy away from the normal stab-stab, pew-pew, deserted ruins or other similar surroundings.  While those other SH building have a definite place in the overall scheme of things ...  so does a time of refreshing and renew.  There are now a couple of "winter" armor sets that will work well with this setting.

** Odessen (unless that area is about to be closed out.)  Pretty much self-explanatory.  After all this is the HQ for the alliance.  



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Hoth - Large Stronghold. Echo Base style layout with 1/2 of the Stronghold map inside the base while the other half is outside. Time of day: Midnight.

Zakuul Swamp - Large Stronghold. A town/village that covers a 1/3 of the Stronghold map with various sized buildings, all of which can be entered. The rest of the map is a spooky swamp. Time of day: Midnight with a full moons (Zakuul has three moons).

Mek-sha Apartment - Small Stronghold. An apartment with an entrance similar to the Dromund Kaas Stronghold. Single floor with a main room and a few various sized rooms. Thereis a large balcony with a perfect view of the ship entrance/exit through Mek-sha's shield with ships passing in and out of Mek-sha.

Whatever Stronghold we get next, (if we get a new one) I just don't want another ruins/destroyed Stronghold like Yavin or Rishi or a partial Stronghold like Manaan or the space stations.

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On 10/16/2022 at 9:43 PM, fondles_you said:

Hoth - Large Stronghold. Echo Base style layout with 1/2 of the Stronghold map inside the base while the other half is outside. Time of day: Midnight.

Zakuul Swamp - Large Stronghold. A town/village that covers a 1/3 of the Stronghold map with various sized buildings, all of which can be entered. The rest of the map is a spooky swamp. Time of day: Midnight with a full moons (Zakuul has three moons).

Mek-sha Apartment - Small Stronghold. An apartment with an entrance similar to the Dromund Kaas Stronghold. Single floor with a main room and a few various sized rooms. Thereis a large balcony with a perfect view of the ship entrance/exit through Mek-sha's shield with ships passing in and out of Mek-sha.

Whatever Stronghold we get next, (if we get a new one) I just don't want another ruins/destroyed Stronghold like Yavin or Rishi or a partial Stronghold like Manaan or the space stations.

Agreed. So tired of broken down ruins that look unsightly. Yavin is bad enough, Rishi is just a pile of trash mainly, but I hate that there is a ruin in my Alderaan stronghold. 

As far as a Zakuul swamp goes, that might be an interesting idea, but I've seen enough swamps and undergrowth in this game. I want a much nicer stronghold for Zakuul. This city is absolutely stunning and it deserves a palace or something high up to do it justice. I just hope Bioware would finish the one that was supposed to be released s long time ago when they shut down Eternal Empire content. A lot if wasted potential.

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I'd like to see a Terminus/Thranta ships as Strongholds or the ships from e.g Alderaan PvP with turrets let's say Imperial Carrier and Republic. They are quite small, yet very nice. I mean, they would look different from the ones we got in PvP. I assume at least one hangar with starship hook.
Besides that, Zakuul Spire, Space Station like Abandomed Imperial Listening Post (from Traitor arc), something on Iokath, something on Ziost like part of Imperial Citadel.

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