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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The New Forums are here!


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3 hours ago, RuneJS said:

Hi @JesseReid & @LadyAdmiral

I can confirm that deleting topics works similar. I spent some time yesterday evening deleting some embarrassing topics from when I was slightly less experienced on the forums and in life. Many of these topics had multiple pages of replies from people I did not know. 

Here is a an example, be it with no replies, of how you can delete topics. 



Ah thank you very much for the screenshot! I'd found the "three little dots" button but not the moderator button.

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On 10/1/2022 at 10:40 PM, Estelindis said:

I think the new forum looks good.  I am a bit confused as to why the signature limit is 4 lines, but it seems like this actually only works out as 2.  Like it's automatically double-spaced or something? 

Anyway, enjoying the new features.  I love messaging apps that allow adding reactions.  If I enjoyed something someone said, I don't always want to post a text response, 'cos I don't always have something of my own to contribute.  But I still want them to know that I liked their comment!  So it's cool that we're able to use a form of that here now.

Nope, it's 4, but if it seems the forum is set to display 3 1/2 lines without expanding the signature.


22 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

Yes,  click on your own already created thread  and then check  just above  the title  for  'Moderator Actions'  widget  drop-down menu  and it should have a DELETE option  if you're the thread creator.

What a great idea! I see no way people will bully OPs into deleting an entire thread they don't like, especially the forum regulars, OPs won't delete their threads asking basic questions out of shame and embarrassment, or abuse moderation powers within their own threads. /s

Maybe a large portion of threads should be locked to keep this from happening. Someone may bring up something that hasn't been asked before or asked in ages (even though they should've searched for a preexisting thread first), or someone could give a great answer and it would be lost to the ether. Forums are a way of preserving information. There is no guarantee of preservation if any member can delete whatever they contribute to it on a whim.

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16 minutes ago, StPat said:

Do you not allow images in to posts?

10 minutes ago, ronin_chi_lao said:

I have only been able to do the links back to imgur like I did before the forum update.

Maybe I need to wrap the bbcode with something? I'm not super savvy with those things.

nope  ,  we just gotta  wait until  the next  'phase'  of these  new forums are implemented  ( Jackie  mentioned  this  somewhere already i think,  on  her  OP on page 1  maybe )

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That will be great for bug reports!


On 10/4/2022 at 10:14 PM, Estelindis said:

That's weird, because I have a three-line sig and it only displays the first two lines without expansion.  

It must have to do with that you use icons, and they're definitely bigger than the default font size, which changes the line spacing.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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  • Dev Post

Hi everyone, 

Curious to know if anyone has made a custom Stream yet. In my initial New Forums Are Coming post, I talk a little bit about Streams, which is a new feature on the forums. This is a feeds feature that allows you to customize content you see. Toward the top of the forums, you should see My Activity Streams, and from there you can create a custom Stream that will only show specific content which can range from posts you create, topics that are unread, specific community members' posts, etc... Try it out and let me know what you think! 


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1 hour ago, JackieKo said:

Curious to know if anyone has made a custom Stream yet.

Honestly  Jackie,  there's not enough  'water' nowadays on these SWTOR forums to warrant a Stream , imo.

Personally i just simply follow  *Dev Tracker* and manually surf  the rest.

Others may differ of course. :sy_galaxy:

p.s. Sometimes when i use the  Link/hyperlink  function, after  paste'ing the forums will  auto-insert this  " &rlps "  or whatever  jargon into the linked portion  and i have to click/delete it out myself.   Anyone else notice this?  ( it seems random )

Edited by Nee-Elder
Reason: possible QA intel in p.s.
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4 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

Honestly  Jackie,  there's not enough  'water' nowadays on these SWTOR forums to warrant a Stream , imo.




You guys did good work on the forums. But the forums are dead caus the game has no new content. 

Edited by septru
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4 hours ago, JackieKo said:

Curious to know if anyone has made a custom Stream yet.

I'm gonna have to join the others above and say "not gonna happen" for me.


Dev tracker is what's important to me at the moment. Without any content worth playing (or discussing), there's very little reason to wander off into multiple threads for me and "hit that subscribe button". Content that is worth playing and discussing, beyond what new bugs got introduced to make this thing unplayable or that thing annoying to do, needs to happen or all of these new launcher and forum upgrades will be pretty much a waste of time.

Eric posted, nearly 2 weeks ago, a desire to communicate better with us players. That has happened, in regards to the new forums and the new launcher. But still nothing regarding...... the game. Nothing regarding the "vision" for the future, the "vision" that none of us still have any clue what is, since nobody from the team has bothered to explain the "vision", since it was first mentioned last year during the much hyped livestreams introducing us to the much hyped 10th anniversary and 7.0, both of which has so far been a real letdown. Not a word on what's going on, who is or is not doing what and why or why not. As Eric wrote it



I think we can help here by being better about communicating our intent for things we do and changes we make. Along with being better about communicating what we are doing (or not doing) based on feedback.

Still waiting on that. And that's why the only thing I follow is the Dev Tracker.

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33 minutes ago, Ambrodel said:

Without any content worth playing (or discussing), there's very little reason to wander off into multiple threads for me and "hit that subscribe button".

Not trying to harp on devs. But without content there is very little reason for the "New Forums" on the whole. 


Don't get me wrong, they look cool and you guys put a lot of work into it. But without content, there is no discussion. And without discussion there is nothing to do on the forums in the first place. 

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I agree, BioWare needs to focus on producing content and fixing the litany of bugs that have been inflicting a thousand cuts on what was at one time a pretty damn good game that was only hampered by its shortsightedness of using a beta version of a game engine and modding it so much, they couldn't update it, as well as prematurely releasing, but I know the latter was because EA wanted an impressive annual report for their shareholders. It still can be if they have the will to make it so (and the financial support of EA, which they don't. I know it's not all your fault, BioWare. Not much you can do without the money to hire people and obtain the equipment to make it happen). There's plenty of money this game generates, but not nearly enough of it gets reinvested. Does EA understand this basic concept of business? You have to reinvest a portion of profits back into your products to keep up and improve their quality and competitiveness on the open market. Your customers will notice if you don't, and at some point, there is a breaking point where they won't tolerate the decline in quality and stop giving you business.

But the only effort I see is put into distractions: CM items; Strongholds/decos; the godawful Galactic Seasons; completely unnecessary changes, such as the Ability Purge; UI changes; character creator "update" and misguided additions like combat "styles." Projects that took away time and effort that could've been put into what keep players coming back for more: story/content and other signs that BioWare still cares about the fans: bugfixes and QoL improvements. These other things are just a thin veneer. Underneath it is still the rotting wood of lack of content and more bugs than Klendathu.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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13 hours ago, Nick_J_Herrmann said:

Thank you to the BioWare team for taking the time to improve the forums.  They look and feel fantastic, and I look forward to the additional changes coming.  Well done.

For those of us not acquainted with the WYSIWYG system, I wonder if the dev team can provide us with some outside resources to help us maximize our forum post formatting potential.

For example, I was able to successfully create tables in this post, but to do so, I had to create them in Microsoft Word and copy them to my forum posts.  There is no toolbar option on the site for creating or editing tables.

Also, I see forum member @HollowHunterr was able to successfully insert an image into his post here.  Can we get some instructions on how to do that?

Thanks again for the great work.

Unless they allow the source editor, I don't think you can format a table manually, and I doubt they will enable it because it's a security risk. I've seen this forum software elsewhere, and the WYSIWYG editor can be really frustrating at times with formatting. The source editor allows you to get around this, but it's definitely not happening here.


9 hours ago, Exly said:

I'm reading the forums less now.  The new format is difficult for my old eyes to read.  The lack of contrast caused by white writing on a grey background strains my eyes.

That's another thing I liked. I liked the gold text on the black background of the old forum. Nothing to do with biology, which is unfortunate that is the reason for you, but it just looked better. Consider changing the text back to its original golden color and the background to black. The logo with the orrey(?) is OK, but black is friendlier to phones with OLED screens, less power consumption.

Not sure why such a short quote is expandable. That's strange and also annoying. People will click to expand and find nothing was hidden.

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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Picture test.




<a href="https://imgur.com/4VVh7KZ"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/4VVh7KZ.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>



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Further feedback on the new forums:

  • Like most, I don't think there's enough content to be worth setting up streams beyond the default. I'm primarily interested in Devtracker, otherwise I just skim.
  • Image posting is rather opaque. Direct links don't work, links with IMG tags don't work, attempting to paste an image into the post from elsewhere on the web displays the image in the post editor, but not in the final post, and trying to post an image from desktop gives an error message indicating the image needs to be uploaded or linked from elsewhere. I couple folks have managed it, so the functionality must be there, but I'm not sure how.
  • The ability of users to delete their own threads should be restricted to topics with no replies, or disabled entirely. Deleting threads is a powerful moderation feature, and as it currently stands a user can simply delete any thread they've made where someone disagreed with them.
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I also only really look at dev tracker and occasionally look at the post "the weird people you meet in group finder," or whatever.  lol.  i'm also old n broken down so the site colors / fonts could be better on my eyes like others' have mentioned.. 

I'm not the biggest fan of how the updates aren't, for lack of a better word, stacked.  this makes it look like there's a lot more activity than there is.  i would like to see there only 1 line item for when a post is updated like i believe it was back in the old forums.   not sure if i'm just missing some settings or what.  in addition to being old and blind i'm super lazy and don't want to scour the site trying to figure it out.  high five.

not sure this imgur link will work but:



a bazillion different lines for outfitter or whatever, seems like it would be moar gooder if it was just 1 line that displayed the latest update.

but anywho, i do appreciate the hard work that peeps are putting into updating all the things.  i realize it can't be easier. 

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Not really sure what to make of the new look. It's kinda hard on the eyes but works OK.

Not sure the time invested on it, was worth it. Still was your decision BW as it should be. You can look at it in a putative light in that you would not bother unless you thought there was longevity still in the game. That is the positive I take from it in any case.

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On 10/6/2022 at 5:56 AM, ronin_chi_lao said:

Picture test.




<a href="https://imgur.com/4VVh7KZ"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/4VVh7KZ.png" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>



Yeah none of these worked. I just tried embedding an image myself and have no clue how to get it to work... anyone know??

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testing embedding pics...


<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/SmYqlOh9GtnuAe4SwB" width="480" height="480" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/starwars-darth-vader-obi-wan-kenobi-SmYqlOh9GtnuAe4SwB">via GIPHY</a></p>

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