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Playing with toys at the cantina with the RP players.


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Is it against the rules to play with toys at the cantina with the RP players?


I got squelched for throwing snowballs and party bomb at the fleet's cantina while waiting in queue for pvp.


I opened tickets asking if it was against the rules but they do not answer my question.


I dont want to break the rules. I am just not sure about them.


I didnt see anything in the terms of service against playing with toys at the cantina.

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It would depend on if you were asked not to do it. Some Role players do not appreciate things like that, especially if it is more than once and you were requested to please stop.


I am a role-player and I would not have reported at first. I would move to another location in the fleet and if you followed and continued doing it, then I may have reported you as it would seem you were just wanting to create problems. If you didn't follow, then I would have left it alone.


Against the rules: It would depend on if they believed you were being a harassment to other players. Normally it would not be against the rules but if they reported you and BW acted, then you went too far.

Edited by casirabit
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But is it against the rules to throw snowballs at players while waiting in queue?


From your repeating the same question rather than answering casirabit's --did they tell you to stop and you kept doing it anyway?--I'm gonna guess you got what you deserved.

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No i didnt. I did not talk to them or anything just threw party bombs and snowballs when coming out of wz.

And the reason im asking the same question is because no one answers if its against the rules or not.

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No i didnt. I did not talk to them or anything just threw party bombs and snowballs when coming out of wz.

And the reason im asking the same question is because no one answers if its against the rules or not.


No one can answer, rules against harrassment have to be taken on a case by case basis.


In general though, if bioware gives players tools like snowballs and those annoying party bombs, then you can use them.


I personally dislike any toys that lets your toon force mine to do something, but ... they're in the game. Bioware made them. You're allowed to use them.


*regarding RP'ers on main fleet: they can't expect to be left alone and to have other players go out of their way to avoid them when they're playing in a major crossroads area. There are plenty of quieter areas to RP (even a bar area in the Cartel Bazaar if you really want 'fleet rp') where your RP won't get in the way of people just playing the regular game.

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where your RP won't get in the way of people just playing the regular game.

I love parking my toons at any of the cargo storage boxes near the inner ring. convivence logging in, moving inventory, being on the look out for LFG in fleet chat. quick speeder trip to terminals, anything forming, what's happening in the server. logging out


it's the central faction HUB


log in to /emote





log in to /say





not that big of a problem for me since I can untick 'emote' and 'say' in custom tabs' chat settings


I don't ignore anybody. I refuse to use ignore

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No i didnt. I did not talk to them or anything just threw party bombs and snowballs when coming out of wz.

And the reason im asking the same question is because no one answers if its against the rules or not.


Casirabit actually DID answer your question. While playing with toys, in general, are not against the rules, harassment IS. The scenario they gave is pretty much the definition of harassment since the act of leaving the immediate area is a clear sign they are not interested in interacting with you.


Not saying that is what happened, it's just an example of what the moderators would consider harassment. If you were targeting people at random or the players sitting at storage or GTN then they would likely consider what you are doing as in the spirit of toy/game. or at least not harassment since those are locations where EVERYONE gathers making them terrible places for RP. Kind of like the real world's reasonable expectation of privacy.

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No one can answer, rules against harrassment have to be taken on a case by case basis.


In general though, if bioware gives players tools like snowballs and those annoying party bombs, then you can use them.


I personally dislike any toys that lets your toon force mine to do something, but ... they're in the game. Bioware made them. You're allowed to use them.


*regarding RP'ers on main fleet: they can't expect to be left alone and to have other players go out of their way to avoid them when they're playing in a major crossroads area. There are plenty of quieter areas to RP (even a bar area in the Cartel Bazaar if you really want 'fleet rp') where your RP won't get in the way of people just playing the regular game.


Although I am against harassment, bioware needs to just disable the ability to use annoying items in certain areas if it's against "rules"

I blame Bioware for this.

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Snowballs are annoying as hell, and I hate them. But, they are part of the game and I tolerate them during what I consider "snowball season" which is during the lifeday celebration.


Apart from that I consider them harassment as they have no purpose other than the amusement of the thrower. If asking the offender to stop does not work, and it never hasn't, then I think that reporting for harrassment is justified.


If there was a snowball shield I would gladly buy it and equip it. As it is, I have a couple of nice hiding spots on the fleet for snowball season.

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So, let's see if I understand this correctly from your posts.


1. There are RP players in the cantina on Fleet.

2. These RP players are there before you enter the area (you state you're coming out of wz).

3. You know that this group of players is RPing (presumably because there are emotes and convos in /say, i.e., local chat).

4. You are not a part of this RP activity.

5. You decide to 'play with' toys and direct that 'play' specifically toward participants in an activity of which you are not a part.


Were you doing this just to mess with them?


The honest answer seems obvious from your other posts in this thread, and therein lies the answer to your own 'question.' You knew what you were doing, and are trying to split hairs to justify it. You are not some innocent victim here.

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Lol, throwing snowballs is certainly not against the rules. There is even a yearly event dedicated to it and encouraging it.

1) if it was against the rules, such item would not exist in the game for many years already

2) if it was against the rules to throw at players, it would only allow you to throw at NPCs

3) if it was only allowed to throw during dedicated event, it would be disabled outside of said event

4) if BW cared about RP, they would introduce item that prevents user from being hit by it

Edited by black_pyros
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I am someone who likes to find analogies to provide a broader perspective on things - let me try here.


I liken the OP's situation/question to a person in a bar and noticing a couple of people sitting at a table, and that they are obviously in a conversation among themselves. Just as it would likely be perceived as being intrusive to 'but into' that conversation, you could consider launching snowballs at them to have a similar effect.


They are enjoying a 'private' interaction in a public space and it is reasonable to expect they would find 'butting in' as detracting from that experience. The public space is within a game, and like a bar, it will mean being around people with a different sense of boundaries person to person so RPers know to expect shenanigans from time to time.


I think the net-net here is that we should be hesitant to 'but in' with something like snowballs or jawa grams. However, most important, we should 'but out' if asked without hesitation, just like we would in that bar setting.


During the Life Day event all bets are off, as whether we like it or not, BW has set us up to snowball each other incessantly.

Edited by HypSpec
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People in public chat are constantly talking about religion, politics, conspiracy theories, nasty sexual practices, you name it.

If they don't get booted (and they don't), then annoying use of toys shouldn't be punished at all.

It's not even on the same level of harassment.


There are achievements for behaviors that annoy some players, like exploding in a crowd when you have the Rakghoul virus. Clearly the game designers aren't worried about such things, since they actively reward it.


That being said, everyone ought to have a setting they can turn on which would prevent their toon from reacting to any toys, cosmetic effects, or social abilities.


Fortunately, the roleplayers have strongholds, guild strongholds, and flagships where they can avoid RP trolls.

Edited by Xina_LA
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No i didnt. I did not talk to them or anything just threw party bombs and snowballs when coming out of wz.

And the reason im asking the same question is because no one answers if its against the rules or not.

Throwing snowballs is not specifically against the rules, (no matter how irritating many people find it outside of Life Day and yes I'm one of many who find it really, really annoying), HOWEVER your actions at random players minding their own business COULD be interpreted as harassment AND HARASSMENT IS AGAINST THE RULES. Unlike people chatting absolute **** in general, mail or whisper, actions can't be turned off/ignored as easily, which makes it even more annoying (I really wish there was an option called "make yourself immune to snowball throwing / party bombs" :D).


Pretty sure this was clear from the other replies, but thought I'd add my 2 pence any way.

Edited by Sarova
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Throwing snowballs is not specifically against the rules, (no matter how irritating many people find it outside of Life Day and yes I'm one of many who find it really, really annoying), HOWEVER your actions at random players minding their own business COULD be interpreted as harassment AND HARASSMENT IS AGAINST THE RULES. Unlike people chatting absolute **** in general, mail or whisper, actions can't be turned off/ignored as easily, which makes it even more annoying (I really wish there was an option called "make yourself immune to snowball throwing / party bombs" :D).


Pretty sure this was clear from the other replies, but thought I'd add my 2 pence any way.

Dunno, but if it doesn't look like a duck, doesn't swim like a duck, and doesn't quack like a duck, then it probably isn't a duck. What I try to say, is despite a harassment certainly being against the rules, after years of the snowball working as it does without any change despite countless threads and posts complaining about it, I would dare say BW obviously doesn't consider using it for a harassment.

Edited by black_pyros
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If RPers choose to RP in a public space, they should be comfortable adapting their RP to that space, not think that they can define the space for others. But if they're just not that quick enough on their feet, then they should relegate their activities to a private stronghold. Suggesting otherwise is karen-ish nonsense and, I assure you, a total non-issue with the devs. Edited by Aghasett
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What are you lot on about.


You get automatically squelched if enough people report you.


Rules don't come into it :rolleyes:

We're answering the question he/she asked: is throwing snowballs against the rules. It's not. But someone placing their character near and constantly throwing snowballs despite being asked to stop may end up being reported as harassment. Personally I'd just leave. Strangers do not concern me in this game.

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Dear OP, this is a silly debate.


You absolutely have the privilege to throw snowballs at others. Bioware has given you that toolset.


Others absolutely have the privilege to squelch you for being an annoying jerk.


It really is that simple.



Edited by Jdast
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I'm just curious how you can get squelched if the only thing you did was throw snowballs. Wouldn't they have needed some input from chat to report you (with a mouse click)? Because I seriously doubt they all opened the report window to do that in the middle of their RP session.


Then again, I don't know exactly how squelching works. I assumed it was that "report spam" you do from chat window, but I could be wrong.

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Although I am against harassment, bioware needs to just disable the ability to use annoying items in certain areas if it's against "rules"

I blame Bioware for this.

OK, but how do you define those areas, since the driving definition of them would be "where people are RPing", which is impossible for the automation to judge.


And before you say it, no, "in cantinas" is not suitable, as many cantinas, especially the big ones, are also *questing* areas.

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I'm just curious how you can get squelched if the only thing you did was throw snowballs. Wouldn't they have needed some input from chat to report you (with a mouse click)? Because I seriously doubt they all opened the report window to do that in the middle of their RP session.


Then again, I don't know exactly how squelching works. I assumed it was that "report spam" you do from chat window, but I could be wrong.


Seems likely there's more to OP's story.

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