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ban ranked players from casual warzones


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There's a mode for kill farming, arenas. But they prefer warzones because they WANT to spoil the match..


They prefer warzones because arenas are a less popular format among the populace at large. Its also why you'll never see the 4v4 and 8v8 queue split, because people will sit an extra hour in the 8v8 queue while doing other ****, to have a match and the 4v4 will be ragged and empty until the arena fans coordinate times to play together like preranked 8v8.


The scope of the changes over the years on this game to force people into arenas is insane,


Force em into the standard queue

When people start quitting them because they don't want to play arenas, implement a queue lockout

When people stop casually doing pvp because of the lockout, implement conquest requirements for pvp.


All to make what amounts to roughly a tenth of a percent of the playerbase happy.

Edited by Raazmir
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There's a mode for kill farming, arenas. But they prefer warzones because they WANT to spoil the match. It's funny for them. Picking a player and bursting them down to zero in a stun lock is funny for them. And it's even funnier if they do it to the same player again. And again. Throw in some adolescent trash talk and discord squeaky giggling and they've had a perfect night.


Sounds like Nike's last stream. I personally queue against prum and nike because if they decide to farm me I can have fun because both of them don't just roll over and die like all the rest.

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Sounds like Nike's last stream. I personally queue against prum and nike because if they decide to farm me I can have fun because both of them don't just roll over and die like all the rest.


Sounds like every toxic premade in the q


If you actually wanted to queue against premades for the challenge you'd q arena. You don't because you like fluff damage stats and to kill farm newbies or people more interested in objectives.


Your toxic little group of friends will kill the warzone q the way you killed the arena q

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They prefer warzones because arenas are a less popular format among the populace at large.


Arenas are dead because a toxic little clique of man child edge lords made it such an unpleasant experience noone new would queue for it


That same group are trying to do the same to warzones and they'll probably succeed

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Arenas are dead because a toxic little clique of man child edge lords made it such an unpleasant experience noone new would queue for it


That same group are trying to do the same to warzones and they'll probably succeed


Thats the fate of all arena formats without a high population or something to approximate it like cross server.


Kill arenas and you might see a return of organized pvp guilds and more casual players.

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Seems there are not enough groups.

which makes solo queuing in Unrank warzones more logical. Is it not unrank on the road towards rank ?

I did not PvP here till the latest character was 80, actually avoided PvP for off/on of 8 years of playing, because targeting. took me a couple weeks, to realize that that was not the way into PvP since my experience so far has been against groups, that don't help those outside of their group. I, myself have not seen ANYONE, offer to train, help others to have a better PvP experience, seems they just want it easy.

I guess that's what you get when you placed PvP in PvE game. Don't see that, in a PvP only game.


where was I going with that . oh yeah . .so recently started a new character, just to knock out the "intro" mission, I went in as level 19, knowing, not enough skill armor as high as I get still way below what an 80's would be . .. . I had a blast, wasn't against any group, item rating on those I could see, some were below mine, even though they were twice the level (but we're all 80)

The battle was really much better. There were great moments, specially when team up with others that know what to do as a group. Now there was a time, the other team didn't know, and the team I was knew objectives, and worked as a group, was like those matches I was 80 starting out, but I was on the team that was not grouped, it was not fun and really didn't want to play again in that mode. My W/L looks normal for me, surviving longer


So Yeah Unrank warzones, Solo queue seems more logical for those starting late and don't want to start anew character, Just to PvP. Gaining gear, experience and finding friends should be the way towards Rank, not being someones Kill count and Wins.

The way Unrank Warzones is set up, is just that, someone that qualifies as Rank can add to their W/L, they are useful as Bird poo on the roof of your vehicle, in other words, Annoying and not making things better.


your group can possibly still be grouped in a group in a solo Queue, if not . .call it training

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They really should rename the regs "Solo Q" to what it really is.

Even better, they should just delete it and focus solely on ranked.



Ranked requires a population. If anything ranked should die and their entire focus should be on getting more of the playerbase to enjoy pvp.

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playing objective isn't pvp


And yet the worse they've made the objective 8v8 queue the fewer people bother with the format at all. Its almost like the rise of "real pvp" has killed what pvp community this game had and contributed to the decline of its population. Were I running an MMO that was intended to make a little money that'd be an issue I addressed. Whether the pvp purists liked it or not. Y'all are a fragment of the dregs of what happened to be left after they killed the kind of pvp this games playerbase liked and it had like eight mass exoduses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are three types of warzone PvPers:


Small "a" alphas

Damage farmers will be like "lewlbromanski I just wanna damage" but in truth they can't dmg and obj and still come out on top and are afraid to look like a chump. Their entire goal is to make sure their dot spread goes off on a clump and otherwise they prefer to just attack moving target dummy NPCs. They'll often just leave the warzone and take the deserter debuff if they're being focused by a group of small a's from the other team. The shame of 2nd place damage is just unbearable.


Beta Sheeps

Obj shi ters will run around "trying to win" but in reality they are trying to avoid fighting under the ruse of running to some interactable point of interest on the map. These types are usually frustrated with their ineptitude and somehow blame the other types while waiting to respawn.


Trew Elite Warzone Chads:

Now the ackchually cool guys can get top healing, top damage, top protection, most metals (will be the Jugg, F you Janglor) and the win. These types will also bless their opponents with words of encouragement and ideas on ways to improve in the closing seconds of the warzone before the exit button is available.


But hey, its 2022, you be you - you're all important, loved, free hot chocolate and puppies.

Edited by Wimbleton
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. These types will also bless their opponents with words of encouragement and ideas on ways to improve in the closing seconds of the warzone before the exit button is available.

That does not happen in Swtor, Haven't seen that in any warzone's.

would like to see it, it is needed

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That does not happen in Swtor, Haven't seen that in any warzone's.

would like to see it, it is needed


Well, it's usually in the form of "lewl nub werkt" or "ezpz zzzzzz" or maybe even a "better luck next time nerd". It's up to you as the non-Chad to unpack those words of wisdom into full length guides on how to git gud.

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Simply just get good.


That is absurd. "Get good" does not account for poor matchmaking and other things outside players' control.


There's no reason to ban PVPers from PVP. That's essentially like Banning high level Pver's from doing low level ops.




There is no need to ban ranked players from casual warzones or to keep them teaming with one another.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Couldnt agree more. Now on that note I'd say it's high time we ban NIM raiders from doing flashpoints and dailies. I don't want those good players in my hammer station runs only 5k dps from here on out because the better players making me look bad.


See how rediculous that line of thinking is?

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Also arenas are in my opinion some of the most boring content in the game. Ranked 8's will always be what I consider to be true end game pvp. Solo 8s are a shell of how it used to be, but every now and then you get one of those ranked 8's games. They are rare but when they happen the game absolutely shows what it can do.


I don't understand why they have been so against even trying to bring it back. Like half a season of 8s and half a season of 4's. Secretly I think they know it would work and are anti fun. Honest reason is that they don't have the code for it anymore. If i was betting, That would most likely be the real reason.

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Most of the ranked community on SF/SS are wintraders. Good ranked players have a way better understanding of a class than your average NiM raider would. Where as nim raiding involves mindlessly parsing into a boss and doing mechanics every 2-3 minutes or less. PVP is really the only true end game content because it requires you to actually know your class. Wait wait did i just say know your class? *gasps* Yes i said that. Like i said earlier, pve is scripted content where as pvp isn't. PVP isn't difficult either. Unfortunately the developers lack interest or intelligence to help pvp in this game which it still has potential to sell.


this is true. To be a top ranked player. You have to know every single class's major DCD and big burst attack rotation, preferably keeping track of their cool downs in your mind and recognizing them while its happening. SO you can anticipate and counteract their moves with your own dcd&cc and attack rotation for maximum impact. You can tell a noob by them panicking instantly using all their dcd's at once then becoming a sitting duck. Once you can feel confident going into a 1vs1 with any class (or knowing how to stall out as long as possible vs fotm) - thats when you are ready to be a asset in ranked and not a liability.


You do that by continuously countless duels with every class - that's why most regs/unranked players even the elite "90+ valor tryhards" gets stomped in arenas because they have zero dueling experience. Once you know and mastered all that yeah.. unranked feels like a childrens playground and you just skip all the nonsense and just pick one or two weak pray and relentlessly hunt and farm them over and over again for your own amusement "occasionally". Much to the dismay of the Op's fear. That is unfortunately true. Why? because some of the regstar hardos needs humbling. lol.

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Those are known as people who hate arena format.


It's a mixture. I wouldn't say they hate the mode. When u get an arena in regs its fun. I think its more a mix of a few things. Not a big enough population in ranked, the 4 v 4 game mode really exposes the lack of balance in this game (at the highest level ur forced to run meta comps) and the toxicity. I'm a former ranked player who has seen the game mode devolve into a husk of itself over the last few years. The first few seasons were good because u had a healthy population. I can't lie tho class balance has always been an issue in 4s, but the population playing 4s is the biggest issue for me. So many ppl have quit the game over the years that now there are several really stacked teams that just farm the queue, that's not fun for anyone.

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this is true. To be a top ranked player. You have to know every single class's major DCD and big burst attack rotation, preferably keeping track of their cool downs in your mind and recognizing them while its happening. SO you can anticipate and counteract their moves with your own dcd&cc and attack rotation for maximum impact. You can tell a noob by them panicking instantly using all their dcd's at once then becoming a sitting duck. Once you can feel confident going into a 1vs1 with any class (or knowing how to stall out as long as possible vs fotm) - thats when you are ready to be a asset in ranked and not a liability.


You do that by continuously countless duels with every class - that's why most regs/unranked players even the elite "90+ valor tryhards" gets stomped in arenas because they have zero dueling experience. Once you know and mastered all that yeah.. unranked feels like a childrens playground and you just skip all the nonsense and just pick one or two weak pray and relentlessly hunt and farm them over and over again for your own amusement "occasionally". Much to the dismay of the Op's fear. That is unfortunately true. Why? because some of the regstar hardos needs humbling. lol.


You just forgot to add that meta is important in solo ranked,and not so important in regs. If u arent playing the right class in ranked,the chances of success decreases a lot. As soon as the so called "skilled ranked players" try to play a class that is off meta in ranked,usually they dont do very well either in my experience,n o matter how much knowledge they have about all the classes.


Dont get me wrong,I completely disagree with the thread,and I think everyone should be able to do all the content in game.But I can see the point of newbies and casual players complaining about ranked players in premades bullying and killing all the fun in regs for em,cos I was one of em not so long ago. The easiest and simplest solution would be to separate q in solo unranked and group unranked,like it is with ranked. I play unranked,solo and group ranked...and when I go unranked with a group of friends I just dont want to fight pug,I want a challenge cos otherwise theres no fun at all in easy fights.A coordinated group will ALWAYS have the advantage in a fight against a pug. The ones that q for regs with a full comp group with discord coordination,just to bully newbies and less experienced players arent "playing with friends" as they usually claim to be ,in fact they just want to feed their egos and look good,while having easy farming fights,and thats why they defend theres no way to separate unranked in 2 diff modes like ranked ,and always blame the population(bs!).When I play with my friends in regs,which I do a lot,I dont coordinate targets and usually dont go with a group with tanks and heals,bcos,like I said b4,that would make it too easy and not fun at all for me,but thats just me,ofc.My friends and I usually try to sync 2 or more premades against each other,and having a separated solo unranked and group unranked q would make it a lot easier for ppl like us,and for the newcomers and unexperienced players to learn how to play and have fun while doing it,without being discouraged by older players. I really hope devs make it happen in 7.2,for the sake of the game,and so threads like this would no longer exist!

Edited by DougTheNoob
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